E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 81 (2001)
Intitulé Page
Heft 1 I
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Permian metabasalt and Triassic alkaline dykes in the northern Ivrea zone : clues to the post-Variscan geodynamic evolution of the Southern Alps 1
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: The Karavanke Granitic Belt (Slovania) : a bimodal Triassic alkaline plutonic complex 23
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Internal Liguride Units from Central Liguria, Italy : new constraints to the tectonic setting from withe mica and chlorite studies 39
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Structural effects of OH => F subsituition in trioctahedral micas of the system : K2O-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-HF 55
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: The crystal chemistry of the sartorite group minerals from Lengenbach, Binntal, Switzerland : a HRTEM study 69
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Garnet-quartz intergrowths in granitic pegmatites from Bergell and Adamello, Itlaly 89
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Simano-Adula nappe boundary, Central Alps, Switzerland 115
Téléchargement PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Paul Niggli-Stiftung 131
Téléchargement PDF Nachruf: In Memoriam Bernard Kübler : 1930-2000 139
Téléchargement PDF Buchbesprechung 146
Heft 2 147
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Evidence for Lower Paleazoic magmatism in the Eastern Southalpine basement : zircon geochronology from Comelico porphyroids 147
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Nd, Sr, Pb isotope study of the Western Carpathians : implications for Palaeozoic evolution 159
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Cadomian magmatism in the Alps recorded in Late Ordovician sandstones of the Carnic Alps : preliminary results from zircon Pb/Pb evaporation dating 175
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Thermal history of the Drau Range (Eastern Alps) 181
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: The kinematics of the Southern Passeier fault : radiometric and petrographic constraints 197
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Complex Paleozoic magmatic and metamorphic evolution in the Argentera Massif (Western Alps) resolved with U-Pb dating 213
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Low-grade metamorphism of the Gets nappe (Western Alps) 229
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: U-Pb zircon geochronology of a tholeiitic intrusion and associated migmatits at a continental crust-mantle transition, Val Malenco, Italy 239
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Zirconolite in metarodingites of Penninic Mesozoic ophiolites, Central Alps 257
Heft 3: Monte Rosa nappe 269
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Contributions to the geology of the Monte Rosa nappe 269
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Geology of the Monte Rosa massif : historical review and personal comments 275
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Metamorphic evolution of pelitic rocks of the Monte Rosa nappe : constraints from petrology and single grain monazite age data 305
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Geochemistry of a talc-kyanite-chloritoid shear zone within the Monte Rosa granite, Val d'Ayas, Italy 329
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: On the kinematics of shearing near the top of the Monte Rosa nappe and the nature of the Furgg zone on Val Loranco (Antrona valley, N. Italy) : tectonometamorphic and paleogeographical consequences 347
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: A retrograde monazite-forming reaction in bearthite-bearing high-pressure rocks 369
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: U-Pb SHRIMP geochronology of an amphibolitized eclogite and an orthogneiss from the Furg zone (Western Alps) and implications for its geodynamic evolution 379
Téléchargement PDF Register: Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis 397
Téléchargement PDF Vereinsnachrichten 1