E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 59 (2017)
Heading Page
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Article: Einführung XIII
Download as PDF Article: Bokn 1
Download as PDF Article: Theoderic rides on 5
Download as PDF Article: A note on the rhythms of Rök (with special reference to l. 20) 11
Download as PDF Article: Glavendrupstenen : forbandelse og forvandling 16
Download as PDF Article: Gulli von Högby und seine Söhne : Runensteindichtung der Wikingerzeit 22
Download as PDF Article: Varpsund : Schrift und Ornament 28
Download as PDF Article: Vikings in Maeshowe 37
Download as PDF Article: The analogous ape of physiologus 42
Download as PDF Article: Der Elefant als doppelter Repräsentant des Fremden in der altisländischen Literatur 47
Download as PDF Article: Legenda om Cosdroe og Eraclius i tekst og bilete 53
Download as PDF Article: Marginalien des Ágrip (AM 325 II 4to) 59
Download as PDF Article: Calling attention to the past : the decorated initial of Gamle kongelige Samling 2365 4to, 20r 64
Download as PDF Article: Body description as a genre marker : Jómsvíkinga saga 68
Download as PDF Article: Der Zweite Grammatische Traktat : Spielfeld für Schrift und Klang 73
Download as PDF Article: Der sogenannte Zweite Grammatische Traktat : Sprache und Musik 78
Download as PDF Article: A textscape : on Sámsey 84
Download as PDF Article: "[...]f Sueins .k." : Glælognskviða and its contexts 90
Download as PDF Article: The sun's companions : the heliocentric orbits of mercury and venus : Reykjavík, Stofnun Árna Magnússonar, GkS 1812 4to, fol. 10v (1315-c. 1400) 97
Download as PDF Article: Herr Peter Bingel i Vallstena 102
Download as PDF Article: Identiteten af Rígr 108
Download as PDF Article: Lamech, Cain and the death of Baldr 113
Download as PDF Article: Der Bischofssitz Hólar : ein Netzwerk administrativer Schriftkultur in Raum und Zeit 118
Download as PDF Article: Stafkarlaletr, die Schrift im Bettlerkleid 124
Download as PDF Article: Skaði kennir mér minni minn : on the relationship between trauma, memory, revenge and the medium of poetry 129
Download as PDF Article: Schriftbewusstsein im isländischen Spätmittelalter 136
Download as PDF Article: Die lange Liminalität der Áslaug 141
Download as PDF Article: Ormur ber heyið eða ... 146
Download as PDF Article: The autographical turn in late medieval icelandic poetry 150
Download as PDF Article: Reading between texts : Codex Askabyensis and its use 155
Download as PDF Article: Die Kálorms saga : ein Fragment? 160
Download as PDF Article: Am Fusse des Hornelen : die kulturelle Aufladung eines Berges 165
Download as PDF Article: It Euentyr vil ieg sige fra : die Historie von Persenober oc Constantianobis (1572) als Beispiel für Texttransmission im frühneuzeitlichen Dänemark 174
Download as PDF Article: Die Originalhandschrift AM 758 4to der Laufás Edda 179
Download as PDF Article: Mother remembers best : remembering and forgetting in Ála Flekks saga 184
Download as PDF Article: A small prayer book travels from Iceland to Germany 189
Download as PDF Article: SchriftRaumOrdnungen : zur Sozialsemiotik barocker Schreibpraktiken 194
Download as PDF Article: Loki, Locus, Eurylocus 203
Download as PDF Article: En Galant Giönge-Wisa (1741) : a ballad textscape 208
Download as PDF Article: Prentuð í Kaupenh : das Mimikry des Druckvermerks in der Handschrift ÍB 299 4to 212
Download as PDF Article: Eigendasaga Melsteðs Eddu 217
Download as PDF Article: Om øuktliki og hærliki : to kapittel om vanskapte born i Eldre Eidsivatingslov 223
Download as PDF Article: From Sagen to translated Sagnir : a previously uncharted chapter in the evolution of the Icelandic Fjallkona 228
Download as PDF Article: Puttes Glückwunschkarte oder von der Epiphanie des Lesens und Schreibens 233
Download as PDF Article: Johannes V. Jensens Tordenkalven som himmerlandsk skriftlandskab 238
Download as PDF Article: Eine alte Insel in neuem Gewand 243
Download as PDF Article: Last man standing 248
Download as PDF Article: Grönköping eller Lilla Paris? : Birger Sjöbergs Vänersborg 253
Download as PDF Article: Sunkne lande 258
Download as PDF Article: So nah und doch so fern : M.A. Goldschmidt auf Jiddisch 263
Download as PDF Article: Zwischen Literaturverfilmungen und der "Verbuchung" von Filmen 268
Download as PDF Article: Die perfekte Form : Karen Blixens Skæbne-Anekdoter und Steen Eiler Rasmussens Titelbild 274
Download as PDF Article: Ævintýrasaga 279
Download as PDF Article: Ad marginem : Halldór Laxness und Asger Jorn im Dialog 283
Download as PDF Article: Forfatteren som tekstbillede : bagsiden af Vita Andersens Tryghedsnarkomaner (1977) 289
Download as PDF Article: Die Inseln und die Welt 295
Download as PDF Article: Gamlar kvöldvökur : eine Übersetzung 300
Download as PDF Article: Conan and the north : the reception history of a short story and the definition of the canon 305
Download as PDF Article: Typographische Inszenierung : ein Blick auf Helle Helles Roman Dette burde skrives i nutid 311
Download as PDF Article: Exploring memory spaces of the sagas' formulaic patterns : the case of Grettir's temper management 315
Download as PDF Bibliography: Schriftenverzeichnis von Jürg Glauser 319
Download as PDF Rubric: Promovenden von Jürg GLauser 328
Download as PDF Back matter 330