E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 39 (2012)
Heading Page
Issue 151 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
Download as PDF Table of Contents 2
Download as PDF Preface: L'Éditorial 3
Download as PDF Rubric: Photos bretz dans ce numéro 151 4
Download as PDF Article: Informations : concours littéraire 5
Download as PDF Article: Pré-inscriptions Fête des patois 2013 10
Download as PDF Article: Fête Internationale des Patois, Bulle, 24 et 25 août 2013 : aux Fédérations et Amicales membres de la Fédération interrégionale et internationale des patoisants (FRIP) et amis du patois 11
Download as PDF Rubric: L'agenda romand 12
Download as PDF Rubric: Le mot que j'aime! 14
Download as PDF Rubric: Revue de presse des patoisants 17
Download as PDF Article: Les dialectes suisses s'exposent 19
Download as PDF Article: Chantons la Francophonie 21
Download as PDF Rubric: PV assemblée générale 4 déc. 2011 22
Download as PDF Obituary: Hommage à Albert Lathion (1936-2011) 28
Download as PDF Article: La Bruyère 30
Download as PDF Rubric: Quelques nouvelles de l'AVAP 31
Download as PDF Article: Patoisan de Savegny, Forî, Einveron 33
Download as PDF Obituary: Hommâdzo à François Lambelet 34
Download as PDF Article: Dzensanna : gentiane 36
Download as PDF Obituary: Hommage à Marguerite Rime 38
Download as PDF Obituary: Omâdzo a Marie-Thérèse Morand 39
Download as PDF Article: Kan on ch'âmé bin = Lorsqu'on s'aime... 41
Download as PDF Article: La tchivra a Katyô = La chèvre à Catherine 42
Download as PDF Rubric: La citation 43
Download as PDF Advertising 43
Download as PDF Article: Di bounè kamerâdè = De bonnes camarades 45
Download as PDF Article: La sagesse du patois gruérien 47
Download as PDF Article: Le fermier et l'âne 48
Download as PDF Rubric: Du Cantique de saint François au patois 50
Download as PDF Article: Du Cantique de saint François aux version patoises 50
Download as PDF Article: Le cantique des créatures 54
Download as PDF Article: Le cantique des créatures 56
Download as PDF Article: Le cantique des créatures 58
Download as PDF Article: Le cantique des créatures 60
Download as PDF Article: Le cantique des créatures 62
Download as PDF Article: Le cantique des créatures 64
Download as PDF Article: Le cantique des créatures 66
Download as PDF Article: Le cantique des créatures 68
Download as PDF Rubric: L'expression du mois 71
Download as PDF Rubric: Vos remarques 105
Download as PDF Rubric: L'expression de septembre 2012 105
Download as PDF Index: Tableau comparatif 106
Download as PDF Rubric: Dossier thématique 2012 107
Download as PDF Article: L'ami du patois 108
Download as PDF Rubric: Informations aux abonnés 109
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] 110
Issue 152 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
Download as PDF Table of Contents 2
Download as PDF Preface: L'Éditorial 3
Download as PDF Rubric: Illustrations de ce numéro 152 4
Download as PDF Rubric: L'agenda romand 5
Download as PDF Article: L'ami du patois de 1973 à 2006 6
Download as PDF Rubric: Le mot que j'aime! 7
Download as PDF Rubric: P.V. - assemblée générale 19 mai 2012 9
Download as PDF Rubric: Nouveautés en patois 18
Download as PDF Rubric: La citation 20
Download as PDF Obituary: Hommage à Martial Ançay 21
Download as PDF Article: Nöhré mayeing = Notre mayen 25
Download as PDF Article: Oun dzò di fin ën 1942 = Un jour au foin 27
Download as PDF Article: Li fin = Les foins 32
Download as PDF Article: O pelê é o raenâ = Le coq et le renard 37
Download as PDF Article: Les taignons ch'les lavons 38
Download as PDF Article: Djasaie di temps = Parler du temps 40
Download as PDF Article: Tenâblya dâo 24 de mâ 2012 42
Download as PDF Article: La mi-tsaztein de Taveyannaz 44
Download as PDF Article: La saitauza = La faucheuse 47
Download as PDF Obituary: Omâdzo a jo (1940-2012) 49
Download as PDF Article: Ouna fêrmanthe = Un pari 51
Download as PDF Article: Pouro tsèpi = Pauvre chapeau 53
Download as PDF Article: La venodze = La venoge 55
Download as PDF Advertising 57
Download as PDF Rubric: L'expression du mois : les foins 59
Download as PDF Index: Tableau comparatif 127
Download as PDF Rubric: Vos remarques 128
Download as PDF Rubric: L'expression du mois de décembre 2012 128
Download as PDF Article: Pré-inscriptions fête des patois 2013 128
Download as PDF Article: Le chêne et le roseau 129
Download as PDF Rubric: Dossier thématique 2012 130
Download as PDF Rubric: Informations aux abonnés 131
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] 132
Issue 153 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
Download as PDF Table of Contents 2
Download as PDF Preface: L'Éditorial 3
Download as PDF Rubric: L'invité de la rédaction : patois et foi - foi et patois 4
Download as PDF Rubric: Illustrations de ce numéro 153 6
Download as PDF Rubric: Concours littéraire 2013 6
Download as PDF Rubric: L'agenda romand 7
Download as PDF Rubric: Le mot que j'aime! 10
Download as PDF Article: O dzaleü = Le jaloux 12
Download as PDF Article: Recette de la "cressin" aux achârles 13
Download as PDF Article: Prèyère di Brindèyeü 17
Download as PDF Rubric: La citation 17
Download as PDF Advertising 18
Download as PDF Article: Aiv'ni fotu... = Carrière brisée... 19
Download as PDF Article: La souris et le gros chat gris 21
Download as PDF Article: Tenâblya dâo 29 setteimbro 2012 23
Download as PDF Rubric: Association vaudoise des amis du patois 25
Download as PDF Article: Solet su lo seindâ = Sur le chemin... 27
Download as PDF Article: Armaillî = Armailli 28
Download as PDF Article: La saitauza = La faucheuse 29
Download as PDF Article: Bouneu chu têra = Bonheur sur terre 30
Download as PDF Article: Ouna bala promenârda 31
Download as PDF Article: Historique de la société des takounè 34
Download as PDF Advertising 38
Download as PDF Article: Tour d'Europe des langues 39
Download as PDF Rubric: L'expression du mois : les céréales 40
Download as PDF Rubric: Vos remarques 79
Download as PDF Rubric: L'expression du mois d'avril 2013 79
Download as PDF Rubric: L'expression de sept. et déc. 2013 79
Download as PDF Rubric: Dossier thématique : prier en patois 80
Download as PDF Preface: Introduction 80
Download as PDF Article: Préyër'è in patoué = Prière en patois 81
Download as PDF Article: La préïre dau petiou z'ormounein 84
Download as PDF Article: Messe en patois d'hérémence 85
Download as PDF Article: Bondzo Marié = Bonjour Marie 91
Download as PDF Article: La citation 91
Download as PDF Article: Prière pour un baptême 92
Download as PDF Article: Extrait de la messe télévisée 2012 93
Download as PDF Article: Prières en patois de Savièse 94
Download as PDF Article: I preëre dû bon djyû 95
Download as PDF Article: La "petite messe anniviarde" 96
Download as PDF Article: Li rogachon = les rogations 100
Download as PDF Article: M'è rèkoumande = Je me recommande 102
Download as PDF Article: Noutre Pâpa = Nothri Pare = Notre Père 103
Download as PDF Article: Di l'Anonchiachon tankè a la Pentecôte 104
Download as PDF Article: Vieille prière en patois de Salvan 111
Download as PDF Article: Prèyëre dèvàn la choûye = Prière avant le repas 111
Download as PDF Article: Prière avant la communion 112
Download as PDF Article: Prier en patois de Bagnes 112
Download as PDF Article: Sermon prononcé le 16.10.2011 à Bure 114
Download as PDF Article: Messe en patois jurassien 119
Download as PDF Article: I vôs didye Mairie = Je vous salue Marie 124
Download as PDF Article: Extrait de la messe du 15.09.2007 125
Download as PDF Article: Le Chante-à-Dieu des armaillis 126
Download as PDF Article: A Nouthra-Dona dè l'outon 128
Download as PDF Article: Prier en patois fribourgeois 129
Download as PDF Article: Prèyire po la Chuiche = Prier pour la Suisse 130
Download as PDF Article: Chin-Franthê è lè j'oji 131
Download as PDF Article: Prèyire a chin Metchi Arkandze 132
Download as PDF Article: Prèyire a chin Dzâtchè 133
Download as PDF Article: Prèyire a Nouthra-Dona po lè donè 134
Download as PDF Article: Le pater en patois à Jérusalem 136
Download as PDF Article: Nouthra-Dona dè l'Èvi 137
Download as PDF Article: Texte d'une messe en patois en 2012 138
Download as PDF Article: La préïre de la Malatzénau 142
Download as PDF Article: Lè chômo de la Santa Biblya 143
Download as PDF Rubric: P.V. FRIP - Ass. du conseil 24. nov. 2012 144
Download as PDF Advertising 150
Download as PDF Article: Le chêne et le roseau 151
Download as PDF Rubric: Dossier thématique 2013 152
Download as PDF Rubric: Information aux abonnés 153
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] 154