E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 62 (2008)
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Heft 1 1
Download as PDF Titelseiten 1
Download as PDF Sonstiges 2
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 3
Download as PDF Artikel: Japanese perspectives on a Free Trade Agreement / Economic Partnership Agreement (FTA/EPA) with Switzerland 5
Download as PDF Artikel: “Western civilization” against “hordes of yellow savages” : British perceptions of the Boxer Rebellion 43
Download as PDF Artikel: Les manuscrits illustrés orientaux dans les institutions publiques en Suisse III : les manuscrits du Musée Historique de Berne 2 : collection de la calligraphie orientale 85
Download as PDF Artikel: Woher kommt der Mensch? : zur Rezeption der Evolutionslehre im Bildungswesen Japans und der Schweiz 229
Download as PDF Artikel: Daoist symbols of immortality and longevity : on late Ming Dynasty porcelain 279
Download as PDF Artikel: Quelques réflexions méthodologiques sur le nationalisme et l’exil 307
Download as PDF Artikel: Tendenzen der Westwahrnehmung bei iranischen Intellektuellen 323
Download as PDF Article: Gan’ga als ästhetischer und theoretischer Schlüsselbegriff in Xi Chuans Werk seit den 1990er Jahren 355
Download as PDF Article: Montagnes volantes et mandalas : vers une géographie sacrée dans le Japon médiéval, à partir d’un document fondateur du shugendô, le Shozan engi 373
Download as PDF Article: Avicennas Traktat Hayy ibn Yaqzān und dessen Parallelen mit dem Corpus Hermeticum 387
Download as PDF Article: Lire le corps déchiré dans la littérature chinoise moderne : regard colonial et appropriation littéraire 403
Download as PDF Article: Reflexion religiöser Differenz und die Darstellung des "Anderen" im buddhistischen Lehrgespräch : ein Arbeitsbericht 425
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Rezensionen = Comptes rendus = Reviews 447
Download as PDF Rubrique: Autoren = Auteurs = Authors 469
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Cahier 2 471
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 471
Download as PDF Divers 472
Download as PDF Table des matières 473
Download as PDF Article: Advice for grammarians 475
Download as PDF Article: Pierre Hadot et les "“exercices spirituels" : quel modèle pour la philosophie bouddhique tardive? 485
Download as PDF Article: The Mausalaparvan : between story and theology 545
Download as PDF Article: War, peace and chess : Bāna’s references to "Terracotta Chessmen" and "Discourses on War" in the Harsacarita 563
Download as PDF Article: A propos three recent publications on the question of the dating of Old Tamil Cankam Poetry 575
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Buchbesprechungen = Comptes rendus = Reviews 607
Download as PDF Rubrique: Publications Received = Eingegangene Publikationen : by the regional editor for South-Asia (from April 2006 to December 2007) 637
Download as PDF Rubrique: Autoren = Auteurs = Authors 665
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Cahier 3: Documentary letters from the Middle East : the evidence in Greek, Coptic, South Arabian, Pehlevi, and Arabic (1st - 15th c CE) 667
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 667
Download as PDF Divers 668
Download as PDF Table des matières 669
Download as PDF Article: Introduction 671
Download as PDF Article: Greek letters on papyrus : first to eighth centuries : a survey 677
Download as PDF Article: Coptic letters 739
Download as PDF Article: Correspondence by letter and epistolary formulae in Ancient South Arabia 771
Download as PDF Article: Sassanidische Briefe aus Ägypten 803
Download as PDF Article: Lettres privées et lettres d'affaires dans l'Iran du 7ème siècle 827
Download as PDF Article: Arabic letters in pre-modern times : a survey with commented selected bibliographies 843
Download as PDF Article: Remarks on the historical background and development of early Arabic documentary formulae 885
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Buchbesprechungen = Comptes rendus = Reviews 907
Download as PDF Rubrique: Autoren = Auteurs = Authors 925
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Cahier 4 927
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 927
Download as PDF Divers 928
Download as PDF Table des matières 929
Download as PDF Article: Drei jüdische Averroisten : Höhepunkt und Niedergang des jüdischen Averroismus im Mittelalter 933
Download as PDF Article: Der Prozess gegen die Urābīyīn 1882 : Ägyptens Eliten und das politische Design eines Urteils 987
Download as PDF Article: Der Dämonenglaube im Bereich des Islams : eine unbekannte Materialsammlung im Nachlass Fritz Meiers (1912-1998) 1027
Download as PDF Article: Die Ibādīya in der islamischen Häresiographie 1043
Download as PDF Article: Zur Kurz-Kurzgeschichte in der modernen türkischen Literatur : Versuch einer Genre Bestimmung 1071
Download as PDF Article: Warum haben Hamza al-Isbahānī und Abū Bakr as-Sūlī mehrere Weingedichte aus ihren Rezensionen des Abū Nuwās-Dīwān ausgeschieden? 1085
Download as PDF Rubrique: The creativity of exile and the Diaspora : Middle Eastern writers re-thinking literature, society, politics, ... : proceedings of the 7th EURAMAL Conference, 16-19 March 2005, Berne/Switzerland 1097
Download as PDF Table des matières 1099
Download as PDF Préface: Preface 1101
Download as PDF Article: Terre d’exil, espace d’une identité en crise. : essai sur le roman Innahā London yā azīzī (Londres mon amour) de Hanān aš-Šayh 1107
Download as PDF Article: The exile's burden 1125
Download as PDF Article: Transcultural movements in contemporary German (-Turkish) literature 1135
Download as PDF Article: Exil et créativité : quatre œuvres majeures de la modernité littéraire 1147
Download as PDF Article: "Darum nennt man uns Libanesen" : Rabih Alameddine über die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit, nirgendwo zuhause zu sein 1167
Download as PDF Article: Ahmad Sulaymān al-Ahmad : the vicissitudes of life, or metamorphoses of creativity 1183
Download as PDF Article: L’écriture comme déplacement : Ra'aytu Rāmallāh de Murīd al-Bargūtī 1199
Download as PDF Article: Looking at Egypt from Afar : Bahā' Tāhir's exile and Dhahabtu ilā shallāl : in search of unity and reform for the Arabs' sake 1213
Download as PDF Article: The X and Y chromosomes of displacement : an analysis of narrative voices in The Square Moon by Ghada Samman 1221
Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen = Comptes rendus = Reviews 1241
Download as PDF Rubric: Autoren = Auteurs = Authors 1251
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