E–Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 116 (1993)
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Download as PDF Teilband 116-1 (1993) _
Download as PDF Vorwort 5
Download as PDF Artikel: Escorpiones y opiliones de la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina) : diversidad y zoogeografía 11
Download as PDF Artikel: New data on Donacosa merlini (Araneae, Lycosidae), a thretened species? 19
Download as PDF Artikel: Spinnentiere und Laufkäfer am Waldrand (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones, Pseudoscorpiones; Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae) 25
Download as PDF Artikel: Neue Funde von Astrobunus laevipes (Arachnida, Opiliones, Phalangiidae) 35
Download as PDF Artikel: The injection of venom by a spider (Capiennius salei, Ctenidae) and the weight of an insect prey (Acheta domesticus, Gryllidae) 41
Download as PDF Artikel: The use of faunistical data for biomonitoring 49
Download as PDF Artikel: Résistence à la sécheresse, revêtement téguementaire et valence écologique de Salticidés 59
Download as PDF Artikel: Le dimorphisme sexuel des Palpigrades 67
Download as PDF Artikel: Psilochorus simoni (Berland, 1911) (Araneae, pholcidae) : découvertes de nouvelles stations suisses et discussions de son écologie 75
Download as PDF Artikel: Proposed style for computer files of arachnological references 87
Download as PDF Artikel: Notes on the spinning of the spiders Hyptiotes paradoxus C.L.K., 1834, and Uloborus wakkenaerius Latr., 1806 (Araneae: Uloboridae) 99
Download as PDF Artikel: Minimale Flächengrösse zur Erhaltung standorttypischer Spinnengemeinschaften : Ergebnisse eines Vorversuches 105
Download as PDF Artikel: Lebensdauer von mesothelen Spinnen 113
Download as PDF Artikel: The gonosacs ("gonopods") of female pseudoscorpions (Arachnida, Chelonethi) 117
Download as PDF Artikel: Long-term changes in spider communities of drained fens 125
Download as PDF Artikel: Experiences with spider exhibitions in The Netherlands 133
Download as PDF Artikel: On the biogeography and faunistics of European spiders : lautitude, altitude and insularity 141
Download as PDF Artikel: Zur Biochemie des Giftes von Copiennius salei (Ctenidae) 153
Download as PDF Artikel: Ecotone zones between forest islands and crop fields in the Masurian Lakeland, Poland, as barriers for migration of spiders to crop fields 161
Download as PDF Artikel: Ontogenetische Aspekte der Giftdrüsen und des Giftes von Cupiennius salei (Araneae : Ctenidae) 169
Download as PDF Artikel: Interspecific and intraspecific interactions between spider species from apple orchards 177
Download as PDF Artikel: Comparaison de 2 méthodes d'étude sur l'écologie et la structure des peuplements d'araignées des lisières 185
Download as PDF Artikel: Zoogeographical features of the European Fauna of Salticidae (Araneae), an overview of 30 years of research 195
Download as PDF Artikel: Allométrie de la reproduction chez les femelles d'Araneus (Larinioides) suspicax O. Pickard-Cambridge 1876, élevées en laboratoire 199
Download as PDF Artikel: Structure and ecology of invertebrates communities of stony debris in Czech Republic : research project 209
Download as PDF Artikel: Further crossing experiments in Latrodectus species (Araneida: Theridiidae) 215
Download as PDF Artikel: Temporal species serie of web-spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) as a result of pine tree bark-structure 223
Download as PDF Artikel: Zur Beutetierspezifität des Giftes von Cupiennius salei (Araneae: Ctenidae) 229
Download as PDF Artikel: Karakurt (spider genus Latrodectus) in Kazachstan : distribution and problem of victim registration 237
Download as PDF Artikel: Pardosa nigristernis Denis, 1966 : a North African component of the Italien and Spanish arachnofauna 241
Download as PDF Artikel: Sperm storage and repeated egg production in female Pholcus phalangioides Fuesslin (Araneae) 245
Download as PDF Artikel: Can Macrothele calpeiana (Walckenaer) (Araneae, Hexathelidae) be used as a bio - indicator? 253
Download as PDF Artikel: Remarques sur la répartition des araignées dans un marais de plaine 259
Download as PDF Artikel: Data points for a study of population dynamics of an Orb-Weaving spider (Larinioides cornutus, Araneae, Araneidae) 269
Download as PDF Artikel: The spider fauna of the Karatau montain [i.e. mountain] range 279
Download as PDF Artikel: The trapdoor-burrow : the success of a defense system 287
Download as PDF Artikel: Springspinnen : interessante Beobachtungen bei der Haltung und Zucht von Salticiden 293
Download as PDF Artikel: Neue Erfahrungen mit Giftspinnen 295
Download as PDF Artikel: Silk of the nuptial gift of the spider Pisaura mirabilis 298
Download as PDF Artikel: Zur Gattung Cybaeus im Alpenraum (Araneae: Agalenidae, Cybaeinae) 299
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis _
Download as PDF Teilband 116-2 (1993) _
Download as PDF Artikel: Characterization and follow-up of the IgG antibody response against Borrelia Burgdorferi using western blot in a seropositive (Elisa) population from an endemic area 5
Download as PDF Artikel: A preliminary observation on the peritrophic membrane atrophy in engorged nymphal Ixodes Ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) using light and electron microscopes 15
Download as PDF Artikel: Les lépidoptères diurnes (Rhopalocera) des milieux humides du canton de Neuchâtel. I, Les milieux à Maculinea Nausithous (Bergstr.), Lep. Lycaenidae 25
Download as PDF Artikel: Renards et lièvres dans le Jura suisse : ignorance réciproque 41
Download as PDF Artikel: Examen chromosomique d'individus sains ou dépérissants d'Acer saccharum 47
Download as PDF Artikel: Phytoplnacton du lac de Morat en 1988-1989 : comparaison avec les données antérieures 55
Download as PDF Artikel: Karyological studies on Gentiana sect. Frigida s.l. and sect. Stenogyne (Gentianaceae) from China 65
Download as PDF Artikel: Etude de la réactivité des thiourées dans la sphère de coordination de complexes oligonucléaires de Ruthénium 79
Download as PDF Artikel: Analyse aéropalynologique à Neuchâtel et à La Chaux-de-Fonds en 1922 89
Download as PDF Artikel: Le diagnostic parasitaire dans le canton de Neuchâtel : rapport d'activité 1992 93
Download as PDF Artikel: Observations météorologiques faites en 1992 à l'Observatoire cantonal de Neuchâtel 97
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Procès-verbaux des séances : année 1992 105
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 111