E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 50 (1924)
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Issue 1 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 1
Download as PDF Article: Le wagon-dynamomètre et ses derniers perfectionnements 1
Download as PDF Article: Exécution des mensurations cadastrales en Suisse 8
Download as PDF Obituary: Lochmann, J.J. 8
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Download as PDF Association News 12
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Issue 2 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 13
Download as PDF Article: Les installations de la "Southern California Edison Company" 13
Download as PDF Article: La maison bourgeoise dans le canton des Grisons 16
Download as PDF Article: L'effondrement de la digue du Gleno 20
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 21
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Issue 3 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 25
Download as PDF Article: Les locomotives électriques type l-C-l des Chemins de fer fédéraux 25
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Download as PDF Competitions 29
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 31
Download as PDF Article: Le wagon-dynamomètre et ses derniers perfectionnements (suite) 32
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Issue 4 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 37
Download as PDF Article: Le pont de Neubrück 37
Download as PDF Article: Le wagon-dynamomètre et ses derniers perfectionnements (suite) 38
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 42
Download as PDF Article: Hôtel de l'Union de Banques Suisses Lausanne, Architectes: Taillens & DuBois, Schnell & Thévenaz 42
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Download as PDF Obituary: Perey, Auguste 47
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Issue 5 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 49
Download as PDF Article: L'élasticité du béton 49
Download as PDF Article: Le wagon-dynamomètre et ses derniers perfectionnements (suite) 51
Download as PDF Article: Les usages du fer électrolytique 54
Download as PDF Competitions 56
Download as PDF Article: L'exportation de l'énergie électrique de la Suisse 57
Download as PDF Article: "World Power Conference" 1924 à Londres 58
Download as PDF Article: Communications de l'Association suisse d'hygiène et de technique urbaines 59
Download as PDF Association News 60
Download as PDF Competitions 64
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Issue 6 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 65
Download as PDF Article: La rupture du barrage du Gleno 65
Download as PDF Article: L'élasticité du béton 71
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Download as PDF Obituary: Jegher, Auguste 75
Download as PDF Competitions 76
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Issue 7 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 77
Download as PDF Article: Commission centrale pour la navigation du Rhin 77
Download as PDF Article: La rupture du barrage du Gleno 79
Download as PDF Competitions 82
Download as PDF Article: Introduction à l'étude des machines électriques 84
Download as PDF Article: La mesure du degré d'écrouissage des métaux 86
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Download as PDF Association News 87
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Issue 8 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 89
Download as PDF Article: Le wagon-dynamomètre et ses derniers perfectionnements (suite) 89
Download as PDF Competitions 99
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Issue 9 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 105
Download as PDF Article: Commission centrale pour la navigation du Rhin 105
Download as PDF Article: Sur les causes de la rupture du barrage du Gleno 107
Download as PDF Article: Le wagon-dynamomètre et ses derniers perfectionnements (suite et fin) 108
Download as PDF Article: Les plus "grandes" et les plus "puissantes" turbines hydrauliques 110
Download as PDF Article: A propos des casiers sanitaires du bâtiment 111
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Download as PDF Association News 116
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Issue 10 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 117
Download as PDF Article: Commission centrale pour la navigation du Rhin 117
Download as PDF Article: Le projet de canal navigable à travers Genève et l'esthétique urbaine 118
Download as PDF Article: Le déphasage et les moyens d'améliorer le facteur de puissance 122
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 127
Download as PDF Association News 128
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Issue 11 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 129
Download as PDF Article: Commission centrale pour la navigation du Rhin 129
Download as PDF Article: Quelques installations modernes de turbines hydrauliques 130
Download as PDF Article: La Suisse à vol d'oiseau 136
Download as PDF Article: Contrôle de la distribution de l'eau potable: critique des conditions existantes et propositions pour les améliorer 136
Download as PDF Competitions 142
Download as PDF Article: Calcul des systèmes hyperstatiques au moyen de modèles en carton 142
Download as PDF Article: L'influence des tarifs de transport par chemin de fer sur les prix de quelques marchandises 143
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Download as PDF Association News 145
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Issue 12 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 145
Download as PDF Article: Commission centrale pour la navigation du Rhin 145
Download as PDF Article: Sur la charge limite admissible de rouleaux en contact avec des chemins de roulement plans: étude expérimentale 148
Download as PDF Competitions 152
Download as PDF Article: Nouveaux alliages d'aluminium 152
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 154
Download as PDF Obituary: Brown, C.-E.-L. 154
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Download as PDF Association News 155
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Issue 13 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 157
Download as PDF Article: Commission centrale pour la navigation du Rhin 157
Download as PDF Article: Le centre de glissement 158
Download as PDF Competitions 163
Download as PDF Article: Hôtel de la Société de Banque Suisse, Lausanne: architectes: MM. Schnell, Thévenaz et Bonnard 164
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 165
Download as PDF Association News 166
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Issue 14 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 169
Download as PDF Article: Commission centrale pour la navigation du Rhin 169
Download as PDF Article: Le choix d'un système de projection pour la mensuration d'un pays 170
Download as PDF Article: Dalles en béton armé: abaque donnant les sections d'acier et de béton et tenant compte du poids propre de la dalle 173
Download as PDF Article: Quel est le but des nouvelles prescriptions de la S.I.A. concernant les installations d'ascenseurs et de monte-charges? 176
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 179
Download as PDF Association News 180
Download as PDF Association News 182
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Issue 15 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 185
Download as PDF Article: Note sur l'usine de Chancy-Pougny 185
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 190
Download as PDF Association News 191
Download as PDF Article: Programme du Congrès de 1924 de l'Association générale des hygiénistes et techniciens municipaux 194
Download as PDF Competitions 195
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Issue 16 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 197
Download as PDF Article: Energie perdue par les organes de décharge des turbines hydrauliques 197
Download as PDF Competitions 201
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Download as PDF Obituary: Butticaz, Gabriel 207
Download as PDF Association News 208
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Issue 17 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 209
Download as PDF Article: Quelques installations remarquables de turbines modernes (suite) 209
Download as PDF Article: Les turbines Escher-Wyss de l'usine de Chancy-Pougny 214
Download as PDF Article: Dispositif système Amsler pour maintenir automatiquement la charge constante dans les machines d'essai de matériaux mues par de l'huile sous pression 214
Download as PDF Article: Mesure de l'écrouissage des métaux au moyen du pendule Herbert 217
Download as PDF Competitions 218
Download as PDF Association News 219
Download as PDF Obituary: Marignac, Alfred 221
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 222
Download as PDF Association News 224
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Issue 18 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 225
Download as PDF Article: Commission centrale pour la navigation du Rhin 225
Download as PDF Article: Energie perdue par les organes de décharge des turbines hydrauliques 228
Download as PDF Competitions 232
Download as PDF Article: Les projets de la S.A. L'Energie de l'Ouest-Suisse 233
Download as PDF Association News 235
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Issue 19 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 237
Download as PDF Article: Commission centrale pour la navigation du Rhin 237
Download as PDF Article: Energie perdue par les organes de décharge des turbines hydrauliques 237
Download as PDF Competitions 241
Download as PDF Article: Appareils pour fondre la neige 242
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 244
Download as PDF Article: Service fédérale des eaux: extrait du rapport sur sa gestion en 1923 244
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 246
Download as PDF Association News 246
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Issue 20 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 249
Download as PDF Article: Barrages de grande hauteur résistant par leur propre poids: étude sur les nouvelles instructions ministérielles françaises pour la préparation des projets et l'execution des travaux 249
Download as PDF Competitions 252
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Download as PDF Association News 256
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Issue 21 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 261
Download as PDF Article: Projet d'usine hydro-électrique sur l'Avançon 261
Download as PDF Article: Service fédéral des eaux: extrait du rapport sur sa gestion en 1923 (suite) 265
Download as PDF Competitions 271
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Issue 22 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 273
Download as PDF Article: Barrages de grande hauteur résistant par leur propre poids: étude sur les nouvelles instructions ministérielles françaises pour la préparation des projects et l'execution des travaux 273
Download as PDF Competitions 277
Download as PDF Article: La surveillance de la température dans les installations de chaudières 279
Download as PDF Article: Exposition internationale de la Houille blanche et du tourisme, à Grenoble, mai-octobre 1925 281
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Download as PDF Competitions 284
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Issue 23 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 285
Download as PDF Article: Trente ans de béton armé 285
Download as PDF Article: L'industrie des machines à l'exposition cantonale de Winterthur 290
Download as PDF Article: Service fédéral des eaux: extrait du rapport sur sa gestion en 1923 (suite et fin) 293
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Issue 24 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 297
Download as PDF Article: L'industrie des machines à l'exposition cantonale de Winterthur (suite et fin) 297
Download as PDF Article: Locomotive à turbines, système Zoelly 297
Download as PDF Competitions 299
Download as PDF Article: Controverses au sujet des barrages 301
Download as PDF Article: Méthodes modernes d'épuration des eaux d'égout en Europe et en Amérique 303
Download as PDF Article: L'éducation professionnelle des ingénieurs et des techniciens électriciens suisses 304
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Download as PDF Association News 306
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Download as PDF Competitions 308
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Issue 25 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 309
Download as PDF Article: Ciment alumineux fondu pur ou mixte (sand-cement) 309
Download as PDF Article: Résistance à la traction des bateaux et rendement des remorqueurs à hélice dans la navigation intérieure 312
Download as PDF Article: La galerie d'amenée de l'usine de la Teigitsch 315
Download as PDF Competitions 316
Download as PDF Article: Viscosimètre système Michell 318
Download as PDF Article: Méthodes modernes d'épuration des eaux d'égout en Europe et en Amérique 319
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 320
Download as PDF Obituary: Boveri, Walter 320
Download as PDF Association News 322
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Issue 26 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 325
Download as PDF Article: Les spécialités de la Maison Sulzer Frères à l'Exposition de Winterthur, de 1924 325
Download as PDF Competitions 327
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Download as PDF Competitions 330
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Download as PDF Competitions 332
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Download as PDF Obituary: Mayor, Edmond 333
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