E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 43 (1968)
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Download as PDF Article: On the H-space structures of finite complexes. 1
Download as PDF Article: Zeta-Functions of Ideal Classes in Quadratic Fields and their Zeros on the Critical Line. 18
Download as PDF Article: Quadratic Spaces of Countable Dimension over Algebraic Number Fields. 31
Download as PDF Article: Über Potentiale, welche auf vorgegebenen Mengen verschwinden. 41
Download as PDF Article: On Characteristic Classes for Spherical Fibre Spaces. 51
Download as PDF Article: More Characteristic Classes for Spherical Fibre Spaces. 78
Download as PDF Article: Operational Calculus for Two Commuting Closed Operators. 87
Download as PDF Article: The Extremal Property of Certain Teichmüller Mappings. 98
Download as PDF Article: Groupes d'homotopie des variétés de Stiefel complexes. 121
Download as PDF Article: Über freie Untergruppen gegebener Gruppen. 132
Download as PDF Article: Sur le maximum d'un processus aléatoire. 137
Download as PDF Article: Doppelverhältnisse und quasikonforme Abbildungen. 161
Download as PDF Article: Some Congruence Theorems for Closed Hypersurfaces in Riemann Space. (Part I: Method based on Stoke's Theorem). 176
Download as PDF Article: Kompakte Limesräume und limitierte Funktionenalgebren. 195
Download as PDF Article: Foliations on Open Manifolds, I. 204
Download as PDF Article: On the Uniform Approximation of Analytic Functions by Means of Interpolation Polynomials. 212
Download as PDF Article: Some Congruence Theorems for Closed Hypersurfaces in Riemann Space. (Part II: Method based on a Maximum Principle). 217
Download as PDF Article: On the Homotopy Suspension. 225
Download as PDF Article: Cohomologie des algègres commutatives topologiques. 235
Download as PDF Article: Différentiabilité de la composition et complétitude de certains espaces fonctionnels. 256
Download as PDF Article: Remarks on the Koebe Kreisnormierungsproblem. 289
Download as PDF Article: An Approximate Reciprocity Formula for Some Exponential Sums. 296
Download as PDF Article: Zur Eindeutigkeit konformer Abbildungen von Gebieten unendlichen Zusammenhangs. 311
Download as PDF Article: Räume mit Operatorengruppen und Cohomolgie. 331
Download as PDF Article: Canonical Vector Fields on Spheres. 341
Download as PDF Article: Über isometrische Abbildungen in abzählbarer dimensionalen Räumen über reellen Körpern. 348
Download as PDF Article: Famille des traces sur les droites complexes d'une fonction plurisousharmonique ou entière dans Cn. 358
Download as PDF Article: Epimorphismen von kommutativen Ringen. 378
Download as PDF Article: Ein Gitterpunktproblem im dreidiemnsionalen hyperbolischen Raum. 402
Download as PDF Article: Einbettungen Riemannscher Flächen in den dreidimensionalen euklidischen Raum. 417
Download as PDF Article: Une Caractérisation de l'algèbre des mésures de Radon sur un groupe compact 443