E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 57 (1982)
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Download as PDF Artikel: An algebro-geometric interpretation of the Bäcklund-transformation for the Korteweg-de Vries equation. 1
Download as PDF Artikel: A Stiefel complex for the orthogonal group of a field. 11
Download as PDF Artikel: Une variété de dimension 4 avec forme d'intersection paire et signature - 8. 22
Download as PDF Artikel: A 1 1/2-dimensional version of Hopf's Theorem on the number of ends of a group. 25
Download as PDF Artikel: Combinatories and intersections of Schubert varieties. 41
Download as PDF Artikel: Eine Verschärfung des Satzes von Dirichlet über diophantische Approximation. 60
Download as PDF Artikel: Formes differentielles fermées non singulières sur le n-tore. 79
Download as PDF Artikel: On the quantitative boundary behavior of conformal maps. 107
Download as PDF Artikel: A remark on two dimensional periodic potentials. 130
Download as PDF Artikel: On classification of immersions of n-manifolds in (2n-1)-manifolds. 135
Download as PDF Article: A splitting theorem for quadratic forms. 145
Download as PDF Article: Nichteuklidische Gitterpunktprobleme und Gleichverteilung in linearen algebraischen Gruppen. 158
Download as PDF Article: Courbure totale des feuilletages des surfaces. 175
Download as PDF Article: Embedding theorems and Kahlerity for 1-convex spaces. 196
Download as PDF Article: Injectivity of local quasi-isometries. 202
Download as PDF Article: Hölder continuity of conformal mappings and non-quasiconformal Jordan curves. 221
Download as PDF Article: Compactification of the space of vector bundles on a singular curve. 226
Download as PDF Article: Flow equivalence, hyperbolic systems and a new zeta function for flows. 237
Download as PDF Article: On the placement problem of Reeb components. 260
Download as PDF Article: Treue einfach zusammenhängende Algebren I. 282
Download as PDF Article: Integral means of derivatives of monotone slit mappings. 331
Download as PDF Article: Pontryagin forms on homogeneous spaces. 349
Download as PDF Article: Concavity of the Lagrangian for quasi-periodic orbits. 356
Download as PDF Article: The module of a 2-component link. 377
Download as PDF Article: Positive-definite quadratic bundles over the plane. 400
Download as PDF Article: Invariant differential operators in hyperbolic spaces. 412
Download as PDF Article: Die Resolvente von ... Auf symmetrischen Räumen vom nichtkompakten Typ. 445
Download as PDF Article: Equivalence élémentaire entre groupes finis-par-abéliens de type fini. 469
Download as PDF Article: On the structure of 5-dimensional Poincaré duality spaces. 481
Download as PDF Article: On the existence of extremal Teichmüller mappings. 511
Download as PDF Article: On the Gauss map of complete surfaces of constant mean curvature in R3 and R4. 519
Download as PDF Article: Proper holomorphic mappings between circular domains. 532
Download as PDF Article: On the geometry of conjugacy classes in classical groupes. 539
Download as PDF Article: Bases for qualitativ differentials. 603
Download as PDF Article: Ueber das Spektrum des Laplace-Operators auf kompakten Riemannschen Flächen. 627
Download as PDF Article: Le caractère additif des déviations des anneaux locaux. 648
Download as PDF Article: Caractères unipotents de 3D4(Fq). 676