E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 58 (1983)
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Download as PDF Article: Braided surfaces and Seifert ribbons for closed braids. 1
Download as PDF Article: A reciprocity law for K2-traces. 38
Download as PDF Article: Acyclic groups of automorphisms. 48
Download as PDF Article: On the homology of Lie groups made discrete. 72
Download as PDF Article: Lifting idempotents and Clifford theory. 86
Download as PDF Article: Linking pairings on singular spaces. 96
Download as PDF Article: Poincaré duality groups of dimension two, II. 111
Download as PDF Article: Nilpotent completions and Lie rings associated to link groups. 115
Download as PDF Article: Local homology of groups of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms, II. 135
Download as PDF Erratum: Corrigendum to: "Aspherical four-manifolds and the centres of two-knot groups". 166
Download as PDF Article: Class numbers and periodic smooth maps. 167
Download as PDF Article: Plongements d'espaces homogènes. 186
Download as PDF Article: On the Kähler form of the moduli space of once punctured tori. 246
Download as PDF Article: Quasipsherical knots with infinitely many ends. 257
Download as PDF Article: Complete minimal hypersurfaces in hyperbolic n-manifolds. 264
Download as PDF Article: D (...)+ and the Arting cokernel. 291
Download as PDF Article: Satake compactifications. 312
Download as PDF Article: Cheeger's inequality with a boundary term. 347
Download as PDF Article: The Novikov conjecture and low-dimensional topology. 355
Download as PDF Article: The Conway potential function for links. 365
Download as PDF Article: On the cohomology of groups of p-length 1. 379
Download as PDF Article: Two types of birational models. 388
Download as PDF Article: Some existence theorems for closed geodesics. 416
Download as PDF Article: Explicit resolutions for the binary polyhedral groups and for other central extensions of the triangle gorups. 433
Download as PDF Article: Une méthode pour minorer les exposants de Lyapounov et quelques exemples montrant le caractère local d'un théorème d'Arnold et de Moser sur le tore de dimension 2. 453
Download as PDF Article: Wall's obstructions and Whitehead torsion. 503
Download as PDF Article: Quasilinear elliptic eigenvalue problems. 509
Download as PDF Article: Group actions on fibered three-manifolds. 529
Download as PDF Article: Classification de feuilletages totalement géodésiques de codimension un. 543
Download as PDF Article: The integral homology of SL2 and PSL2 of euclidean imaginary quadratic integers. 573
Download as PDF Erratum: Correction to "The Boolean algebra of spectra", Vol. 54 (1979), pp. 368-377. 599
Download as PDF Article: Knot cobordism and amphicheirality. 601
Download as PDF Article: Closed forms on symplectic fibre bundles. 617
Download as PDF Article: Applications de la p-induction en analyse harmonique. 622
Download as PDF Article: Higher dimensional simple knots and minimal Seifert surfaces. 646
Download as PDF Article: On the zeros of meromorphic solutions of second-order linear differential equations. 656
Download as PDF Article: On Grauert's conjecture and the characterization of Moishezon spaces. 678