E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 83 (1990)
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Heft 1 _
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Download as PDF Artikel: Glaucite formation : discussion of the terms authigenic, perigenic, allogenic and meta-allogenic 1
Download as PDF Artikel: Géologie du sommet de la Pointe-de-Platé (Domaine helvétique, Haute-Savoie, France) : calcaires paléocènes et faciès chaotiques 7
Download as PDF Artikel: La zone piémontaise dans le Haut-Valtournanche (Val d'Aoste, Italie) 21
Download as PDF Artikel: Alpine ductile deformation and metamorphism in a Calabrian basement nappe (Aspromonte, south Italy) 41
Download as PDF Artikel: Radiogene Höfe in Biotit als geothermische Langzeitindikatoren 59
Download as PDF Artikel: Structures et déformation alpine dans le granites hercyniens du massif du Gotthard (Alpes centrales suisses) 77
Download as PDF Artikel: Aptian, Albian and Cenomanian microbialites from the condensed deposits of the Helvetic shelf, Western Alps 99
Download as PDF Artikel: Paleozoic age for the Tuscan upper metamorphic sequences of Elba and its implications for the geology of the Northern Apennines (Italy) 123
Download as PDF Artikel: Permo-Carboniferous stratigraphy in SE Zanskar and NW Lahul (NW Himalaya, India) 143
Download as PDF Artikel: Callorbis minor, n.g., n.sp., un nouveau foraminifère des calcaires échinodermiques du Bajocien du Jura (France) 163
Download as PDF Artikel: The Oxfordian ammonite succession near Liesberg BE and Péry BE, northern Switzerland 177
Download as PDF Artikel: Bericht über die 105. ordentliche Generalversammlung der Schweizerischen Geologischen Gesellschaft in Fribourg : 12.-14. Oktober 1989 201
Download as PDF Kapitel A: Bericht des Vorstandes für das Jahr 1988/89 201
Download as PDF Kapitel B: 105. ordentliche Generalversammlung 206
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Weisungen für Autoren 217
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Instructions aux auteurs 219
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Heft 2 221
Download as PDF Artikel: Strukturelle Entwicklung der penninisch-ostalpinen Grenzzone am Beispiel der Arosa-Zone im Ost-Rätikon (Vorarlberg, Österreich) 221
Download as PDF Artikel: Alpine and Hercynian orogenic phases in the basement rocks of the Northern Apennines (Larderello geothermal field, southern Tuscany, Italy) 241
Download as PDF Artikel: Preliminary note on the organic facies, thermal maturity and dinoflagellate cysts of the Upper Maastrichtian Wang Formation in the northern subalpine massifs (Western Alps, France) 265
Download as PDF Artikel: Heavy mineral assemblages from Upper Cretaceous South- and Austroalpine flysch sequences (Northern Italy and Southern Switzerland) : source terrances and palaeotectonic implications 287
Download as PDF Artikel: The Quaternary sedimentary fill of some Alpine valleys by gravity modelling 311
Download as PDF Artikel: Néotectonique dans le karst du nord du lac de Thoune (Suisse) 323
Download as PDF Artikel: Coopération suisse et formation au Service de la carte géologique du Maroc 343
Download as PDF Artikel: Stratigraphische Korrelation von Ammoniten, Calpionellen und Nannoconiden aus Oberjura und Unterkreide der Nördlichen Kalkalpen 353
Download as PDF Artikel: Sauropod tracks from the Upper Jurassic Reuchenette Formation (Kimmeridgian, Lommiswil, Kt. Solothurn) of northern Switzerland 389
Download as PDF Association News: Weisungen für Autoren 398
Download as PDF Association News: Instructions aux auteurs 400
Issue 3: The Hans Laubscher volume 403
Download as PDF Article: The Hans Laubscher volume : an introduction 403
Download as PDF Article: Geometry and kinematics of fault-propagation folding 409
Download as PDF Article: Unique determination of normal fault shape from hanging-wall bed geometry in detached half grabens 455
Download as PDF Article: Geometric and kinematic model of bed length balanced graben strctures 473
Download as PDF Article: The kinematic evolution of a classical Jura fold : a reinterpretation based on 3-dimensional balancing techniques (Weissenstein Anticline, Jura Mountains, Switzerland) 493
Download as PDF Article: Geometrie und Kinematik der Zeininger Bruch-Zone und eine Diskussion möglicher spätpaläozoischer Strukturen 513
Download as PDF Article: The evaporite shear zone of the Jura Boundary Thrust : new evidence from Wisen well (Switzerland) 525
Download as PDF Article: Analyse de la déformation du Jura central entre Neuchâtel (Suisse) et Besançon (France) 543
Download as PDF Article: Aspects of the large-scale Miocene deformation in the most external part of the Swiss Alps (Subalpine Molasse to Jura fold belt) 559
Download as PDF Article: Kinematics and intrabed-strain in mesoscopically folded limestone layers : examples from the Jura and the Helvetic Zone of the Alps 585
Download as PDF Article: Une carte des zones de cisaillement ductile des Alpes Centrales 603
Download as PDF Article: The age of movements along the Insubric Line West of Locarno (northern Italy and southern Switzerland) 629
Download as PDF Article: Alpine basement thrusts in the eastern Seengebirge, Southern Alps (Italy/Switzerland) 645
Download as PDF Article: A kinematic model of the western Bergamasc Alps, Southern Alps, Italy 665
Download as PDF Article: Jurassic tectonic framwork of the eastern border of the Lombardian basin 683
Download as PDF Article: Polyphase deformation in the Col Bechei area (Dolomites, Northern Italy) 701
Download as PDF Article: A depth-extrapolated structural transect across the Northern Calcareous Alps of western Tirol 711
Download as PDF Article: Controls on locations of transverse zones in thrust belts 727
Download as PDF Front matter 745
Download as PDF Article: A note on the type material of the genus Ranikothalia (Foraminifera) 747
Download as PDF Article: Les Pectinidés du Miocène de Suisse occidentale 751
Download as PDF Article: Neubestimmung von zwei "Phylloceraten" (Ammonoidea) aus dem unteren Lias der Nordschweiz und Süddeutschlands 793
Download as PDF Article: The ammonoid genus Gregoryceras (Oxfordian, Late Jurassic) in the Monti Lessini, Province of Verona, Italy 799
Download as PDF Article: Palaeonisciden (Osteichthyes: Actinopterygii) aus dem Unteren Rotliegenden (Autunien) der Nordschweiz 813
Download as PDF Article: Ein Nachweis von Acrodus nobilis Agassiz aus dem Sinemurien der Tongrube Gruhalde, Frick, Kt. Aargau (Nordschweiz) 829
Download as PDF Article: Ein Skelett von Necromanis franconica, einem Schuppentier (Pholidota, Mammalia) aus dem Aquitan von Auslcet im Allier-Becken (Frankreich) 845
Download as PDF Table of Contents 865
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