E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 93 (2000)
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Download as PDF Artikel: Bericht über die 115. ordentliche Generalversammlung der Schweizerischen Geologischen Gesellschaft in Luzern : 13.-15. Oktober 1999 1
Download as PDF Artikel: Neogene stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Gargano Promontory (Southern Italy) 7
Download as PDF Artikel: Iron meteorites and controversies over the origin of erratic boulders 25
Download as PDF Artikel: Climatic and environmental changes documented in the upper Paleocene to lower Eocene of Egypt 33
Download as PDF Artikel: Synthèse paléogéographique et dynamique du bassin caussenard (Sud de la France) au cours du Bathonien (Jurassique moyen) 53
Download as PDF Artikel: The onset of the syn-orogenic sedimentation in Flysch Basin of the Sicilian Maghrebids : state of the art and new biostratigraphic constraints 65
Download as PDF Artikel: On the edge of the extruding wedge : Neogene kinematics and geomorphology along the southern Niedere Tauern, Eastern Alps 81
Download as PDF Artikel: Le bassin d'alimentation de la source karstique du Brassus (Jura suisse) : synthèse des essais de traçage 93
Download as PDF Artikel: The oceanic Forno unit (Rhetic Alps) : field relations, geochemistry and paleogeographic setting 103
Download as PDF Artikel: Annotated index of lithostratigraphic units currently used in the Upper Jurassic of northern Switzerland 125
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Download as PDF Artikel: Contribution des méthodes géophysiques (électrique, électromagnetique et radar sol) à l'étude des dépressions lacustres : l'exemple du Lautrey (Jura, France) 147
Download as PDF Artikel: La Crétacé de la Nappe de la Brèche (Préalpes franco-suisses) : données nouvelles et essai de synthèse stratigraphique et paléogéographique 157
Download as PDF Artikel: Gamma-ray spectrometry as a tool for stratigraphic correlations in the carbonate-dominated, organic-rich, pelagic Albian sediments in Central Italy 175
Download as PDF Artikel: Paléoenvironnements dans le Calcaire à gryphées du Lias de Lorraine, de la carrière de Xeuilley au Bassin parisien 183
Download as PDF Artikel: Pre-alpine high-grade metamorphism in High Himalaya crystalline sequences : evidence from Lower palaeozoic Kinnaur Kailas granite and surrounding rocks in the Sutlej Valley (Himachal Pradesch, India) 207
Download as PDF Artikel: Structure du "diapir" de Champfromier (Jura, Ain, France) 221
Download as PDF Artikel: Agassiz et les glaciers : sa conduite de la recherche et ses mérites 231
Download as PDF Artikel: First record of ammonites from the Badamu Formation at the Shotori Mountains (Central Iran) 257
Download as PDF Artikel: Stratigraphical and paleoenvironmental features of the Pleistocene sediments of M. Mario (Rome) 265
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Download as PDF Artikel: Nouvel assemblage de trilobites dans le Cambrien moyen de la nappe de Pardailhan (Montagne Noire, France) : implications biostratigraphiques dans la région méditerranéenne 277
Download as PDF Artikel: The Fulnau landslide and former Lake Seewen in the northern Swiss Jura Mountains 291
Download as PDF Artikel: Subsurface structures in the Chablais Préalpes : new tectonic interpretations of the Préalpes Médianes nappe based on palinspastic lengths 307
Download as PDF Artikel: Foraminifères benthiques de l'Oxfordien moyen de la plate-forme au bassin dans le Sud-Est de la France : répartition et contrôle environnemental 315
Download as PDF Artikel: Carnian stratigraphy in the Raibl/Cave de Predil area (Julian Alps, Italy) 331
Download as PDF Artikel: The influence of tectonic structures on karst flow patterns in karstified limestones and aquitards in the Jura Mountains, Switzerland 349
Download as PDF Artikel: Chronology of deformation of a Franciscan melange near San Francisco (California, USA) 363
Download as PDF Article: The Plio-Pleistocene glaciation in eastern Europe, Siberia, and the Caucasus : evolution of thoughts 379
Download as PDF Article: Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 1999 395
Download as PDF Front matter 407
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Download as PDF Article: Fossil coralline algae from the Paleocene Montorfano Member type-section (Tabiago Formation, northern Italy) 409
Download as PDF Article: Palynology (dinoflagellate cysts, spore-pollen) and stratigraphy of the Lower Carnian Raibl Group in the Eastern Swiss Alps 429
Download as PDF Article: Bivalven aus der Oberen Meeresmolasse bei Bern : Beschreibung, Vergleich und Verbreitung der Bivalven-Arten aus den Belpbergschichten (Obere Meeresmolasse, mittleres Burdigalien) in der Umgebung von Bern, Schweiz. Teil 4, Veneracea 445
Download as PDF Article: Rediscovery of the Baltic amber ant genus Prionomyrmex (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and its taxonomic consequences 471
Download as PDF Article: A Holocene fossil coleopteran (beetle) assemblage from the Central Swiss Alps : climate and ecology 481
Download as PDF Article: Euthynotus cf. incognitus (Actinopterygii, Pachycormidae) als Mageninhalt eines Fischsauriers aus dem Posidonienschiefer Süddeutschlands (Unterer Jura, Lias epsilon) 491
Download as PDF Article: A Richardoestesia-like theropod tooth from the Late Cretaceous foredeep, south-central Pyrenees, Spain 497
Download as PDF Article: Säugetiere, Fisch-Otolithen und Charophyten aus den Unteren Cyrenen-Schichten (Oligozän) der bayerischen Faltenmolasse (Murnauer Mulde) 503
Download as PDF Article: Fossile Brachiopoden aus der Sammlung von Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1672-1733) auf dem Hintergrund der frühneuzeitlichen Paläontologie 517
Download as PDF Table of Contents 531
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