E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 94 (2001)
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Download as PDF Artikel: Géométrie et faciés des récifs bajociens du haut-fond bourguignon (France) : implications paléo-environnementales et séquentielles 1
Download as PDF Artikel: Struktur und Hydraulik der Störzonen im südlichen Aar-Massiv bei Sedrun 13
Download as PDF Artikel: Triassic stratigraphic evolution of the Arabian-Greater India embayment of the southern Tethys margin 29
Download as PDF Artikel: Etude sismo-structurale de la marge nord du bassin du Gharb (avant-pays rifain, Maroc) : mise en évidence d'une distension d'âge miocène tardif 63
Download as PDF Artikel: The termal circuits of the Argentera Massif (western Alps, Italy) : an example of low-enthalpy geothermal resources controlled by Neogene alpine tectonics 75
Download as PDF Artikel: Nouvelles datations micropaléontologiques dans les séquences intra- et post-ophiolites de la Nappe de Balagne (Corse) et essai de reconstitution d'un segment de la marge occidentale de l'Océan Liguro-Piémontais 95
Download as PDF Artikel: Sedimentological and palaeontological features of an ancient alluvial plain in the Lucca Basin (Central Italy) 107
Download as PDF Artikel: Geochemical indicators to determine relations between spring behaviour and water losses of a divergence tunnel 119
Download as PDF Artikel: Bericht über die 116. ordentliche Generalversammlung der Schweizerischen Geologsichen Gesellschaft in Winterthur : 11.-14. Oktober 2000 129
Download as PDF Erratum: Erratum : hintere Umschlagklappe : Hinweis zum Titelbild 135
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Download as PDF Artikel: Calcareous plankton biostratigraphy and 40Ar/39Ar dating of miocene volcaniclastic layers from Monferrato (NW Italy) 137
Download as PDF Artikel: Geochemical characterization (Mn content) of third order eustatic sequences in Upper Jurassic pelagic carbonates of the Vocontian Trough (SE France) 145
Download as PDF Article: Halocinèse crétacée au Jebel Kebbouch (Nord-Ouest tunisien) : mise en place à fleur d'eau et évolution d'un "glacier de sel" albien, comparaisons 153
Download as PDF Article: Evolution and internal structure of the Helvetic nappes in the Bernese Oberland 161
Download as PDF Article: Influence de la tectonique quaternaire sur la structure de deux aquifères karstiques du Languedoc (France) 173
Download as PDF Article: The Ranzano unit boundaries in the type area : Lower Oligocene events in the epi-Ligurian Succession (northern Apennines, Italy) 185
Download as PDF Article: Heavy mineral provinces as a tool for palaeogeographic reconstruction : a case study from the Buntsandstein of Nurra (NW Sardinia, Italy) 197
Download as PDF Article: Heat-producing radionuclides in metamorphic rocks of the Briançonnais-Piedmont Zone (Maritime Alps) 213
Download as PDF Article: Mittelmoränen eiszeitlicher Alpengletscher in der Schweiz 221
Download as PDF Article: Penninic cover nappes in the Prättigau half-window (Eastern Switzerland) : structure and tectonic evolution 237
Download as PDF Article: Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2000 253
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Issue 3 _
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Download as PDF Article: Synsedimentary tectonics in an epicontinental sea : a new interpretation of the Oxfordian basins of northern Switzerland 265
Download as PDF Article: Permo-Triassic stratigraphy of the pelagonian zone in central Evia island (Greece) 289
Download as PDF Article: Les formations sédimentaires olistolitiques de l'Oligocène supérieur : Miocène inférieur dans l'unité ghomaride des Béni Hozmar (secteur de Talembote, Rif septentrional, Maroc) 313
Download as PDF Article: Environmental stress and atavism in ammonoid evolution 321
Download as PDF Article: Integration of geophysical methods to study the fold geometry of the Tschera nappe, eastern Switzerland 329
Download as PDF Article: The Jurassic-Cretaceous orogenic event and its effects in the exploration of sulphide ores, Albanian ophiolites, Albania 339
Download as PDF Article: Probleme der Transformation und Reaktivierung alter Strukturen : die Klus von Thierstein im Jura als Beispiel 351
Download as PDF Article: Reflection seismic study of cenozoic sediments in an overdeepened valley of northern Switzerland : the Birrfeld area 363
Download as PDF Article: Land mammal geochronology and magnetostratigraphy of mid-Tertiary deposits in the Lanzhou Basin, Gansu Province, China 373
Download as PDF Front matter 387
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Download as PDF Article: Revision der Untergattung Daonella (Pichlerella) (Bivalvia, Ladin) 389
Download as PDF Article: Bivalven aus der Oberen Meeresmolasse bei Bern : Beschreibung, Vergleich und Verbreitung der Bivalven-Arten aus den Belpbergschichten (Obere Meeresmolasse, mittleres Burdigalien) in der Umgebung von Bern, Schweiz. Teil 5, Heterodonta pro parte (Myacea, Hiatellacea, Pholadacea), Anomalodesmata (Pholadomyacea, Pandoracea, Clavagellacea), Nachtrag zu Palaeotaxodonta (Nuculacea, Nuculanacea), Pteriomorphia (Pectinacea) und Heterodonta (Carditacea, Cardiacea, Solenacea) 399
Download as PDF Article: Les Euaspidoceratinae (Ammonitina, Aspidoceratidae) de la zone à Transversarium (Oxfordien moyen) de Suisse septentrionale (cantons d'Argovie et de Schaffhouse) 427
Download as PDF Article: Les ammonites de la zone à Bifurcatus (Jurassique supérieur, Oxfordien) de Hinterstein, près de Oberehrendingen (canton d'Argovie, Suisse) 447
Download as PDF Article: Argoviacrinus rarissimus n. g. n. sp., a new crinoid (Echinodermata) from the Middle Oxfordian of northern Switzerland 489
Download as PDF Article: Peltoperleidus obristi sp.nov., ein neuer, kleiner Strahlenflosser (Actinopterygii, Perleidiformes) aus der Prosanto-Formation (Mitteltrias) von Graubünden (Schweiz) 495
Download as PDF Article: Osteology and phylogenetic relationships of the teleost Goulmimichthys arambourgi Cavin, 1995, from the Upper Cretaceous of Goulmima, Morocco 509
Download as PDF Article: Reassessment of the Algerian Eocene Hyracoid Microhyrax : consequences on the early diversity and basal phylogeny of the Order Hyracoidea (Mammalia) 537
Download as PDF Article: Early Miocene ruminants of Wallenried (USM, Aquitanian/Switzerlan) : sedimentology, biostratigraphy and paleoecology 547
Download as PDF Erratum: Penninic cover nappes in the Prättigau half-window (Eastern Switzerland) : structure and tectonic evolution 565
Download as PDF Table of Contents 567
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