E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 63 (1990)
Heading Page
Heft 1-2 1
Download as PDF Vorwort: Editorial 1
Download as PDF Artikel: Baryon matrix elements of the vector current in chiral perturbation theory 3
Download as PDF Artikel: The supercurrent and β-functions vanishing to all orders in strictly massless supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories 71
Download as PDF Artikel: Scattering theory in external fields slowly decaying in time 86
Download as PDF Artikel: Phase space analysis of the charge transfer model 107
Download as PDF Artikel: Unbounded perturbations of Boson equilibrium states in their GNS-representations 139
Download as PDF Artikel: Perturbation theory for many fermion systems 156
Heft 3 261
Download as PDF Artikel: The Hubbard model for large U 261
Download as PDF Artikel: The Anderson lattice 284
Download as PDF Artikel: Slave-Boson approaches to strongly correlated systems 310
Download as PDF Artikel: Mean field theories of the quantum Heisenberg model 323
Download as PDF Artikel: Flux phases in the t-J model 336
Download as PDF Artikel: Quasiparticles and photoemission spectra in correlated fermion systems 345
Download as PDF Artikel: Correlated lattice fermions in high dimensions 364
Heft 4 _
Download as PDF Artikel: Proceedings of the PSI workshop on intense slow positron beams and applications in condensed matter physics _
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Herbsttagung der SPG/SSP 471
Heft 5 557
Download as PDF Artikel: On generalized Bose-Einstein condensation in the almost-ideal boson gas 557
Download as PDF Artikel: Time interval statistics of the Brillouin spectrum 565
Download as PDF Artikel: Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of the two dimensional single band Hubbard model 580
Download as PDF Artikel: Gérard Wanders 602
Download as PDF Buchbesprechung: Liste des publications : Gérard Wanders 603
Download as PDF Artikel: About admissible boundary conditions for Euler and parabolized Navier-Stokes equations 606
Download as PDF Artikel: Interparticle distance in N Boson systems 616
Download as PDF Artikel: Pion-pion scattering 627
Download as PDF Artikel: Dirac operator and Chern-Simon action 660
Download as PDF Artikel: The geometric Schwinger model on the torus. I 670
Download as PDF Artikel: Supercurrent without auxiliary fields 683
Download as PDF Artikel: Analyticity and chiral fermions on a Riemann surface 694
Heft 6 705
Download as PDF Artikel: A statistical mechanical model for equilibrium ionization 705
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Frühjahrstagung der S.P.G. 755
Heft 7 849
Download as PDF Artikel: On the bound states of non-relativistic Krönig-Penney Hamiltonians with short range impurities 849
Download as PDF Artikel: On the bound states of relativistic Krönig-Penney Hamiltonians with short range impurities 884
Download as PDF Artikel: Dirac equation approach to scattering from interface potential steps and existence of interface states 908
Download as PDF Artikel: A non relativistic supersymmetric two body equation for scalar and spinor particles 922
Download as PDF Artikel: Pure state quantum stochastic differential equations in C^2 929
Download as PDF Artikel: Mécanique dans l'espace de phase l'approche des déformations 940
Heft 8 965
Download as PDF Artikel: Higher-dimensional homogeneous cosmological models 965
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 1063
Download as PDF Register: Index of authors = Autorenregister = Table des auteurs 1069