E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 7 (1995)
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Download as PDF Artikel: An old collection of Antrodia primaeva (Basidiomycetes) from Russia 3
Download as PDF Artikel: A new Inocybe from Tokyo, I. fastuosa spec. nov. 7
Download as PDF Artikel: Culture characteristics of Antrodia xantha, Coniophora olivaceea and C. puteana 15
Download as PDF Artikel: The Macromycete flora in roadside verges planted with trees in comparison with related forest types 31
Download as PDF Artikel: Kernfärbung in Methacrylat-Schnitten von Hymenomyceten 71
Download as PDF Artikel: The sclerotia of Polyporus squamosus 81
Download as PDF Artikel: Versuche zur Fruchtkörperentstehung des Hausschwammes, Serpula lacrymans, in Reinkultur = Experiments for producing fruit-bodies of the dry rot fungus, Serpula lacrymans, in culture 89
Download as PDF Artikel: Anthostomella and related Xylariaceous fungi on hard wood from Europe and North America 99
Download as PDF Endseiten 169
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Download as PDF Artikel: Alcuni rari Aphyllophorales lignicoli italiani 3
Download as PDF Artikel: Die Gattung Simocybe Karsten in Europa 27
Download as PDF Article: Peziza acroornata sp. nov. (Ascomycetes, Pezizales, Peziza) 63
Download as PDF Article: Notes on Thelephora atrocitrina and T. cuticularis 71
Download as PDF Article: Cortinarius moenne-loccozii Bidaud : première récolte pour la Suisse : description de l'habitat : comparaison des caractéristiques sporales chez des espèces de la stirpe Volvatus = Cortinarius moenne-loccozii Bidaud : first finding in Switzerland : habitat description : comparison of sporal caracteristics of the species of the section Volvatus 83
Download as PDF Article: Pluteus pellitus : désignation d'un néotype (Section Pluteus, Agaricales, Basidiomycètes) 97
Download as PDF Article: Myxomycetes of Nigeria (genera: Schenella Macbr. and Comatricha Preuss) 105
Download as PDF Rubric: Fungi, spores, and environment : compte-rendu du colloque organisé à Neuchâtel le 26 novembre 1994 par La Société d'Aérobiologie et La Société Mycologique Suisse 111
Download as PDF Article: Introduction au nom de la Société Mycologique Suisse 114
Download as PDF Article: Introduction au nom de l'Institut de Botanique (Neuchâtel) et de la Société Suisse d'Aérobiologie 115
Download as PDF Article: Mycologie et environnement 117
Download as PDF Article: Spores et identification 122
Download as PDF Article: Industrial sources and dispersion in the air of fungal spores 125
Download as PDF Article: Infections fongiques chez l'homme : aspect actuels 131
Download as PDF Article: Les champignons en dermatologie 134
Download as PDF Article: Mycology in the pharmaceutical industry 135
Download as PDF Article: Indépendance du pouvoir invasif de Aspergillus fumigatus et de son activité protéolytique 142
Download as PDF Back matter 144