E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band - (1988)
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Heft 15: Collaboration Mario Merz _
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Download as PDF Artikel: Gilles Peress : and the politics of space = und die Politik des Raumes 6
Download as PDF Artikel: "Nix ist endgültig - Prinzip Skulptur - Flucht in den Wahn" = Nothing's final - the sculptural principle - flight into mania 26
Download as PDF Rubrik: Collaboration Mario Merz 36
Download as PDF Titelseiten 36
Download as PDF Artikel: Maio Merz : Wege für hier und jetzt an unwegsamen Orten = Paths for here and now in impenetrable places 38
Download as PDF Artikel: Mario Merz's future of an illusion = die Zukunft einer Illusion 58
Download as PDF Artikel: Maio Merz : sagt ich's oder sagt ich's nicht?! = did I say it or didn't I? 74
Download as PDF Artikel: Maio Merz : eidtion for Parkett 84
Download as PDF Artikel: Maio Merz : das "Jen" des Kung Fu-Tse und die merzsche Cité = the "Jen" of Kung Fu-Tse and the merzian city 86
Download as PDF Artikel: Präsenz - Rätsel - Grössen = Presence - riddle - entities 90
Download as PDF Artikel: Maio Merz : die Gegenwart des Werks = the present of a work 92
Download as PDF Artikel: Francesca Woodman 98
Download as PDF Artikel: René Daniels : Der Raum der transitiven Bilder = the space of transitive images 108
Download as PDF Article: Insert : General Idea 117
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos du paradis" : anständig ins 21. Jahrhundert = decently facing the 21st century 128
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus ... from America : the tyranny of the Avant-Garde = die Tyrannerei der Avantgarde 134
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus ... von Europa 139
Download as PDF Article: Balkon : Metzeln und Schlachten = butchery and slaughter 145
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Exhibitions _
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Cahier 16: Collabroation Robert Wilson _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
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Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Article: About faces: Alice Neel's portraits = Gesichter: Alice Neels Portrait 6
Download as PDF Article: On Barnett Newmann: Peter Halley and Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe talk = 18
Download as PDF Rubrique: Collaboration Robert Wilson 28
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 28
Download as PDF Article: Robert Wilson, Szenograph = Robert Wilson, scenographer 30
Download as PDF Article: In Robert Wilson's forest = In Robert Wilsons Wald 56
Download as PDF Article: Robert Wilson : theater history, theater as history = Theatergeschichte , Theeater als Geschichte 66
Download as PDF Article: Robert Wilson : edition for Parkett 75
Download as PDF Article: Robert Wilson : stretch-out : Wilson's Einstein chair = überdehnt : Robert Wilsons Einstein-Chair 78
Download as PDF Article: Robert Wilson : great day in the morning 90
Download as PDF Article: Robert Wilson : das Gewicht des Stubkorns = the weight of a grain of dust 104
Download as PDF Article: Insert 122
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos du paradis" : Symmetrien : eine Parkett-Umfrage 136
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus ... von Europa : was auf der Flucht ist, bleibt = what's on the run stays 164
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus ... from America : Entries: Taking Stock = Tagebucheintrag: Eine Bestandsaufnahme 170
Download as PDF Article: Balkon : Hydro-Iconography _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Rubric: Exhibitions _
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Issue 17: Collaboration Peter Fischl/david Weiss _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Das Vermessen der Empfindung: Zu Imi Knoebel = Imi Knoebel: The surveyal of sensation 6
Download as PDF Rubric: Collaboration Peter Fischli/David Weiss 20
Download as PDF Front matter 20
Download as PDF Article: Peter Fischli/David Weiss : die Freundschaft ist ein labiles Gleichgewicht = friendship is unstable equilibrium 22
Download as PDF Article: Peter Fischli/David Weiss : dem Anschein nach : Fischli/Weiss = Fischli/Weiss in appearance 40
Download as PDF Article: Peter Fischli/David Weiss : the path of most resistance = der Weg des geringsten Widerstands 50
Download as PDF Article: Peter Fischli/David Weiss : the critic as four-exed peg leg = der Kritiker als vieräugiges Hinkebein 59
Download as PDF Article: Peter Fischli/David Weiss : edition for Parkett 71
Download as PDF Article: Peter Fischli/David Weiss : (dis)ordered artifice in the art of Fischli/Weiss = die Kunst der (Un)ordung bei Fischli/Weiss 74
Download as PDF Article: Peter Fischli und David Weiss 80
Download as PDF Article: Matt Mullican 88
Download as PDF Article: Real abstract theatre: the Wooster group = Wirklich abstraktes Theater: the Wooster group 98
Download as PDF Article: Insert 112
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos du paradis" : shoudown at the southern cross = Kraftprobe am Kreuz des Südens 125
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus ... from America : the view from the Chryse plain = der Ausblick von der Chryse Plantitia 137
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus ... from Europa : Heterotypie - oder dem Geheimnis seinen Platz einräumen = heterotypology or giving the secret a niche 144
Download as PDF Article: Balkon : down the airshaft = die Luftschlacht hinunter 152
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Download as PDF Rubric: Buchhandlungen = Bookshops _
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Issue 18: Collaboration Edward Ruscha _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Photographien von Wols = Photographs by Wols 6
Download as PDF Rubric: Collaboration Ed Ruscha 26
Download as PDF Front matter 26
Download as PDF Article: Ed Ruscha : Wacky Molière lines: a listener's guide to ed-werd rew-shay = Molière verkehrt : eine Höranleitung zu Ed-Werd Rew-Shay 28
Download as PDF Article: Ed Ruscha : standart Bullshit 48
Download as PDF Article: Edward Ruscha : eine ferne Welt = a distant world 54
Download as PDF Article: Ed Ruscha : edition for Parkett 64
Download as PDF Article: Ed Ruscha : the Mnemonic Book: Ed Ruscha's Fugitive Publications = das Mnemonische Buch: Ed Rushas vergängliche Publikationen 66
Download as PDF Article: Ed Ruscha : against type the silhouette painting of Edward Ruscha = Gegenspieler seiner selbst die Silhouettenbilder Edward Ruschas 80
Download as PDF Article: Tony Cragg: Darkling light = Tony Cragg: Getrübtes Licht 96
Download as PDF Article: "I hate to think" = "Ich hasse denken" 110
Download as PDF Article: Insert 123
Download as PDF Article: "Les infons du paradis" : Ars Dolorosa 137
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus ... from America : capillary transactions = kapillare Transaktionen 152
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus ... von Europa : wer Ohren hat, den höre den Radau = a word to the Wise: Chaos 156
Download as PDF Article: Balkon : Sigmar Polkes thermosensibles Wandbild 160
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