E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band - (2008)
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Heft 82: Collaborations Louise Bourgeois, Pawel Althamer, Rachel Harrison _
Download as PDF Titelseiten _
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis _
Download as PDF Vorwort: Editorial 4
Download as PDF Artikel: If we had to ask permission we wouldn't exist : a brief account of UbuWeb = Müssten wir um Erlaubnis bitten, gäbe es uns nicht mehr : UbuWeb - eine kurze Darstellung 6
Download as PDF Artikel: Still seeking : Esalen and the new new age = Noch immer auf der Suche : Esalen und das new new age 16
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Collaborations] Pawel Althamer, Louise Bourgeois, Rachel Harrison 25
Download as PDF Titelseiten 25
Download as PDF Artikel: Louise Bourgeois : Louise, Louise, please, please me Louise = Louise, Louise, bitte erfreue mich, Louise 26
Download as PDF Artikel: Louise Bourgeois : bad mother of them all / sister of some = allen eine böse Mutter - manchen eine Schwester 40
Download as PDF Artikel: Louise Bourgeois : seeing red : drawing life in recent works on paper by Louise Bourgeois = rot sehen oder das Leben zeichnen : neue Arbeiten auf Papier von Louise Bougeois 54
Download as PDF Artikel: Louise Bourgeois : edition for Parkett 82 72
Download as PDF Artikel: Pawel Althamer : magic realism = magischer Realismus 74
Download as PDF Artikel: Pawel Althamer : the hero with a thousand faces = der Held mit den tausend Gesichtern 88
Download as PDF Artikel: Pawel Althamer : a real allegory and the origins of the world = eine reale Allegorie und die Ursprünge der Welt 102
Download as PDF Artikel: Pawel Althamer : edition for Parkett 82 116
Download as PDF Artikel: Rachel Harrison : enigmarelle the statuesque = Enigmarelle das Statuenhafte 118
Download as PDF Artikel: Rachel Harrison : all dressed up = zurechtgemacht für Nirgendwo 130
Download as PDF Artikel: Rachel Harrison : mind the gap = unüberbrückbare Kluft? 143
Download as PDF Artikel: Rachel Harrison : (un)natural selection = (un)natürliche Selektion 156
Download as PDF Artikel: Rachel Harrison : edition for Parkett 82 164
Download as PDF Artikel: Conrad Brock Enright : in over his head = ausser Kontrolle 166
Download as PDF Artikel: Insert for Parkett 82 177
Download as PDF Artikel: Cumulus from Overseas : Otra de Vaqueros : Mexico City and Geneva, 2007 = "Otra de Vaqueros" : Mexico City und Genf 2007 189
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus aus Europa : new ages = neue Zeitalter 200
Download as PDF Article: Balkon : ohne Ödipus = without Oedipus 209
Download as PDF Publicité 216
Download as PDF Rubrique: Editions for Parkett 221
Download as PDF Rubrique: Parkett : artists' monographs & editions = Künstlermonographien & Editionen 224
Download as PDF Rubrique: Parkett in bookshops (selection) _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Exhibitions _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Cahier 83: Collaborations Robert Frank, Wade Guyton, Christopher Wool _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Préface: Editorial 83 : schwarz = black 6
Download as PDF Article: Trembling before time : on the drawings of Paul Sharits = Zittern vor der Zeit : zu den Zeichnungen von Paul Sharits 8
Download as PDF Article: Der nackte Akt : Félix Vallotton (1865-1925) = The naked nude : Félix Vallotton (1865-1925) 18
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Collaborations] Robert Frank, Wade Guyton, Christopher Wool 27
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 27
Download as PDF Article: Robert Frank : fifty years down the road = fünfzig Jahre gingen ins Land 28
Download as PDF Article: Robert Frank : reunion = wiedervereint 45
Download as PDF Article: Robert Frank : you can't go home = man kann nicht nach Hause gehen 62
Download as PDF Article: Robert Frank : edition for Parkett 83 70
Download as PDF Article: Wade Guyton : the new black = das neue Schwarz 72
Download as PDF Article: Wade Guyton : double negative = doppelt negativ 90
Download as PDF Article: Wade Guyton : pictures eating pictures : notes for Wade Guyton = Bilder fressen Bilder : Anmerkungen zu Wade Guyton 104
Download as PDF Article: Wade Guyton : edition for Parkett 83 116
Download as PDF Article: Christopher Wool : syntax for minor mishaps = Syntax für kleinere Pannen 118
Download as PDF Article: Christopher Wool : Wool gathering = Wool-Auslese 138
Download as PDF Article: Christopher Wool : nicht die Angemessenheit : von Vorgängen produktiven Ent-stellens : die Malerei Christopher Wools = adequacy, no! : on the processes of productive perversion or defacement : the paintings of Christopher Wool 150
Download as PDF Article: Christopher Wool : edition for Parkett 83 162
Download as PDF Article: The treachery of images : Christopher Wool and Wade Guyton = Der Verrat der Bilder : Christopher Wool und Wade Guyton 164
Download as PDF Article: Das Ende des Gesamtkunstwerks : Susan Philipsz' raumgreifende Hörstücke = The end of the Gesamtkunstwerk : Susan Philipsz's sound pieces in space 178
Download as PDF Article: Insert for Parkett 83 185
Download as PDF Artikel: "Les infos de l'enfer" : cinema, messianism and crime = Kino, Messianismus und Verbrechen 197
Download as PDF Artikel: Balkon : immaculate conceptualism = kollektiver Konzeptualismus 206
Download as PDF Werbung _
Download as PDF Rubrik: Editions for Parkett 229
Download as PDF Rubrik: Parkett : artists' monographs & editions = Künstlermonographien & Editionen 232
Download as PDF Rubrik: Parkett in bookshops (selection) _
Download as PDF Rubrik: Exhibitions _
Download as PDF Werbung _
Heft 84: Collaborations Zoe Leonard, Tomma Abts, Mai-Thu Perret _
Download as PDF Titelseiten _
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis _
Download as PDF Vorwort: Editorial 84 : der subjektive Blick = the subjective gaze 4
Download as PDF Artikel: Richard Hawkins : unendlich begehrt = infinitely desired 6
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Collaborations] Zoe Leonard, Tomma Abts, Mai-Thu Perret 15
Download as PDF Titelseiten 15
Download as PDF Artikel: Tomma Abts : the best-laid plans : on accidentally not reading Tomma Abts = bestens durchdachte Ansätze : wie sich das Werk von Tomma Abts der Interpretation entzieht 16
Download as PDF Artikel: Tomma Abts : some similarities = ähnliche Prozesse 30
Download as PDF Artikel: Tomma Abts : die Wahl der Wahl = choosing to choose 42
Download as PDF Artikel: Tomma Abts : edition for Parkett 84 56
Download as PDF Artikel: Zoe Leonard : in your eyes = in deinen Augen 58
Download as PDF Artikel: Zoe Leonard : the paperwork of the poor = Papierkram der armen Leute 76
Download as PDF Artikel: Zoe Leonard : different subjects, same terrain 88
Download as PDF Artikel: Zoe Leonard : edition for Parkett 84 100
Download as PDF Artikel: Mai-Thu Perret : crystal futures = kristallene Zukunft 102
Download as PDF Artikel: Mai-Thu Perret : medium - message = Medium-Botschaft 118
Download as PDF Article: Mai-Thu Perret : for a set of abandoned futures = aufgegebene Varianten der Zukunft 132
Download as PDF Article: Mai-Thu Perret : edition for Parkett 84 144
Download as PDF Article: Is art criticism fifty years behind poetry? = Hinkt die Kunstkritik der Dichtung fünfzig Jahre hinterher? 146
Download as PDF Article: Ei Arakawa : a non-administrative performance mystery = Ei Arakawa : ein nicht administratives Performance-Mysterium 158
Download as PDF Article: Insert for Parkett 84 169
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus from America : curating left and right = kuratieren nach allen Seiten 181
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus aus Europa : unendliches Glas : die Künste jenseits der Disziplinen = infinite glass : the arts beyond the disciplines 190
Download as PDF Article: Balkon : performative Bilder = echo objects 202
Download as PDF Rubric: Garderobe 212
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Rubric: Editions for Parkett 219
Download as PDF Rubric: Parkett : artists' monographs & editions = Künstlermonographien & Editionen 222
Download as PDF Rubric: Parkett in bookshops (selection) _
Download as PDF Rubric: Exhibitions _
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