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Band - (2017)
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Heft 99: Collaborations Cao Fei, Omer Fast, Adrian Ghenie, Lynette Yiadom-Boakye _
Download as PDF Titelseiten _
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis _
Download as PDF Vorwort: Editorial 99 _
Download as PDF Artikel: Aural traditions : the art of Jason Moran = Hörtraditionen : die Kunst des Jason Moran 6
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Collaborations] Cao Fei, Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, Omer Fast, Adrian Ghenie 17
Download as PDF Titelseiten 17
Download as PDF Artikel: Cao Fei : the Chinese city between dream world and catastrophe = die chinesische Stadt zwischen Traumwelt und Katastrophe 18
Download as PDF Artikel: Cao Fei's avatar and antiheroes = Cao Feis Avatare und Antihelden 36
Download as PDF Artikel: Cao Fei : performance without transcendence in the films of Cao Fei = Performance ohne Transzendenz in den Filmen von Cao Fei 46
Download as PDF Artikel: Cao Fei : edition for Parkett 99 : Rumba I: Incubator, 2017 56
Download as PDF Artikel: Lynette Yiadom-Boakye : the quiet Bohemia of Lynette Yiadom-Boakye's paintings = die ruhige Boheme der Gemälde von Lynette Yiadom-Boakye 58
Download as PDF Artikel: Lynette Yiadom-Boakye : levitating blackness : Lynette Yiadom-Boakye's right to opacity = schwebendes Schwarz : Lynette Yiadom-Boakyes Recht auf Undurchsichtigkeit 74
Download as PDF Artikel: Lynette Yiadom-Boakye : the Kiss = der Kuss 87
Download as PDF Artikel: Lynette Yiadom-Boakye : edition for Parkett 99 : Red Kite, 2016 98
Download as PDF Artikel: Omer Fast : my flesh and blood : Omer Fast's continuity = mein Fleisch und Blut : Continuity von Omer Fast 100
Download as PDF Artikel: Omer Fast : war stories = Kriegsgeschichten 114
Download as PDF Artikel: Omer Fast : Iraqi whispers = irakisches Geflüster 130
Download as PDF Artikel: Omer Fast : edition für Parkett 99 : white male selfies, 2017 140
Download as PDF Artikel: Adrian Ghenie : rememberment of things past = Vergangenes neu zusammengesetzt 142
Download as PDF Artikel: Adrian Ghenie : painting gags = Malklamauk 158
Download as PDF Artikel: Adrian Ghenie, painter of the twentieth century = Adrian Ghenie, Maler des 20. Jahrhunderts 172
Download as PDF Artikel: Adrian Ghenie : edition for Parkett 99 : the lidless eye, 2016/2017 190
Download as PDF Artikel: Rokni Haerizadeh : insert for Parkett 192
Download as PDF Rubrik: Editions for Parkett 205
Download as PDF Werbung 211
Download as PDF Register: The collection of all books : vol. 1-99, 1984-2016 214
Download as PDF Register: All artists alphabetically : vol. 1-99 (1984-2017) 218
Download as PDF Register: All volumes & editions chronologically : vol. 1-99 (1984-2017) 219
Download as PDF Rubrik: Parkett in bookshops (selection) 220
Download as PDF Werbung 222
Heft 100-101: Expanded exchange _
Download as PDF Titelseiten _
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis _
Download as PDF Vorwort: Editorial : hundert one hundred & 101 6
Download as PDF Rubrik: Expanded exchange : multi-faceted reflections on 33 years of Parkett = vielstimmige Reflexionen zu 33 Jahren Parkett 41
Download as PDF Titelseiten 41
Download as PDF Artikel: New York round-table = Runder Tisch in New York 42
Download as PDF Artikel: Das Berlin-Gespräch = Berlin round-table 64
Download as PDF Register: From the archive : in 2004, artists celebrate Parkett's 20th anniversary = Aus dem Archiv : KünstlerInnen gratulieren 2004 zu 20 Jahren Parkett 88
Download as PDF Rubrik: Statements 90
Download as PDF Titelseiten 90
Download as PDF Artikel: Karen Marta : Parkett 1-23 (1985-1990) : five little islands of memory = fünf kleine Gedächtnisinseln 91
Download as PDF Artikel: Louise Neri : Parkett 25-56 (1990-1999) : prospective collaboration = zukunftsweisende Zusammenarbeit 95
Download as PDF Artikel: Eva Linhart : Parkett 20-22 (1989-1990) : "Immer positiv formulieren", sagte Walter zu mir = "Always use the affirmative!" Walter told me 102
Download as PDF Artikel: Ali Subotnick : Parkett 59-69 (1999-2003) : crash course = Crashkurs 108
Download as PDF Artikel: Cay Sophie Rabinowitz : Parkett 57-80 (1999-2007) : "What about painters?" = "Aber was ist mit den Malern?" 113
Download as PDF Artikel: Jeremy Sigler : Parkett 71-90 (2004-2012) : welcome to Parkett = willkommen bei Parkett 118
Download as PDF Artikel: Bettina Funcke : Parkett 81-87 (2008-2010) : looking over the artist's shoulder = dem Künstler über die Schulter schauen 122
Download as PDF Artikel: Nikki Columbus : Parkett 81-100/101 (2012-2017) : close relationships = enge Beziehungen 128
Download as PDF Artikel: Mark Welzel : Parkett 74-100/101 (2005-2017) : zwei Körper = two bodies 132
Download as PDF Artikel: Designer : Trix Wetter Parkett 1-61 (1984-2001) im Gespräch mit Jacqueline Burckhardt = in conversation with Jacqueline Burckhardt 134
Download as PDF Artikel: Designer : Hanna Williamson-Koller Parkett 23-100/101 (1990-2017) und Simone Eggstein Parkett 61-100/101 (2001-2017) im Gespräch mit Jacqueline Burckhardt = in conversation with Jacqueline Burckhardt 142
Download as PDF Artikel: Translator : Catherine Schelbert : Parkett 1-100/101 (1984-2017) : thoughts that occur to me when I hear the word "Parkett" = Übersetzerin : Catherine Schelbert : Parkett 1-100/101 (1984-2017) : was mir alles beim Wort "Parkett" einfällt 150
Download as PDF Rubrik: Curators' statements 154
Download as PDF Titelseiten 154
Download as PDF Artikel: Christophe Cherix 156
Download as PDF Artikel: Iwona Blazwick 158
Download as PDF Artikel: Mirjam Varadinis 160
Download as PDF Artikel: Philip Tinari 162
Download as PDF Artikel: Glenn Philips 164
Download as PDF Artikel: Helena Cabello 166
Download as PDF Rubrik: Collaboration artists : Marlene Dumas, Jordan Wolfson, Katharina Fritsch, Maurizio Cattelan, Nairy Baghramian, Pipilotti Rist, Marilyn Minter, Nicolas Party, Katharina Grosse, Jean-Luc Mylayne 169
Download as PDF Titelseiten 169
Download as PDF Artikel: Marlene Dumas : the saturated image = das gesättigte Bild 170
Download as PDF Artikel: Marlene Dumas : edition for Parkett 100/101 : art is / always / having to say / goodbye, 2017 194
Download as PDF Artikel: Jordan Wolfson : the bully pulpit = ein Podium für Tyrannen 198
Download as PDF Artikel: Jordan Wolfson : edition for Parkett 100/101 : untitled, 2017 212
Download as PDF Artikel: Katharina Fritsch : die Welt als Figur = atmosphere becomes form 214
Download as PDF Artikel: Katharina Fritsch : edition for Parkett 100/101 234
Download as PDF Artikel: Maurizio Cattelan : years without art : Maurizio Cattelan and the end of labor = Jahre ohne Kunst : Maurizio Cattelan und das Ende der Arbeit 236
Download as PDF Artikel: Maurizio Cattelan : edition for Parkett 100/101 : untitled, 2017 254
Download as PDF Artikel: Nairy Baghramian : occupational hazard = Berufsrisiko 256
Download as PDF Artikel: Nairy Baghramian : edition for Parkett 100/101 : maintainers, 2017 272
Download as PDF Artikel: Pipilotti Rist : thoughts grow in me like a forest = Gedanken wachsen in mir wie ein Wald 274
Download as PDF Artikel: Pipilotti Rist : edition for Parkett 100/101 : dry water, 2016/2017 292
Download as PDF Artikel: Marilyn Minter's bad bitch feminism = Marilyn Minters "Zimtzicken"-Feminismus 296
Download as PDF Artikel: Marilyn Minter : edition for Parkett 100/101 : Absinthe, 2017 312
Download as PDF Artikel: Nicolas Party : the first form of art = die älteste Kunstform 314
Download as PDF Artikel: Nicolas Party : edition for Parkett 100/101 : cat's head, 2017 330
Download as PDF Artikel: Katharina Grosse : post-essential abstraction = Post-Essenzielle Abstraktion 332
Download as PDF Artikel: Katharina Grosse : edition for Parkett 100/101 : untitled (painted Parkett volume), 2017 346
Download as PDF Artikel: Jean-Luc Mylayne : exchanging views = Blickwechsel 350
Download as PDF Artikel: Jean-Luc Mylayne : edition for Parkett 100/101 : "Together" A17, January, February, March, 2007 366
Download as PDF Rubrik: Artists' statements for Parkett 100/101 368
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus from New York : Vito Acconci is dead = Vito Acconci ist tot 465
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus from Detroit : we will rise from the ashes = wir werden uns aus der Asche erheben 471
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos du paradis" : interinanimative flesh : on Narcissister's muscle memory = beseelend beseeltes Fleisch : über das Muskelgedächtnis bei Narcissister 480
Download as PDF Article: Balkon : floored by wonder = Platt vor Staunen 491
Download as PDF Rubric: Editions for Parkett 497
Download as PDF Advertising 503
Download as PDF Index: The collection of all books vol. 1-101, 1984-2017 506
Download as PDF Index: All artists alphabetically : vol. 1-101 (1984-2017) 510
Download as PDF Index: All volumes & editions chronologically : vol. 1-101 (1984-2017) 511
Download as PDF Rubric: Parkett in bookshops (selection) 512
Download as PDF Advertising 514