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Download as PDF Artikel: Der Mittelbau des neuen Bundesrathauses in Bern: Nordseite 1
Download as PDF Artikel: Das Stadttheater in Basel: Architekt: J.J. Stehlin-Burckhardt 1
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe 3
Download as PDF Sonstiges 6
Download as PDF Nachruf: Gonzenbach, Georg August von 7
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe 7
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten 8
Download as PDF Sonstiges 8
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Heft 2 1
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Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 9
Download as PDF Artikel: Das Stadttheater in Basel: Architekt: J.J. Stehlin-Burckhardt 9
Download as PDF Artikel: Der amerikanische Lokomotivbau auf der Ausstellung in Chicago 10
Download as PDF Sonstiges 15
Download as PDF Nachruf: Hertz, Heinrich 15
Download as PDF Nachruf: Hasenauer, Karl von 15
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe 15
Download as PDF Sonstiges 15
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten 16
Download as PDF Werbung 3
Heft 3 1
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Download as PDF Werbung 1
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 17
Download as PDF Artikel: Neues Bundesrathaus in Bern: Eingangshalle 17
Download as PDF Artikel: Die Rutschung in Vaerdalen im nördlichen Norwegen 17
Download as PDF Artikel: Villa Stehlin-Burckhardt in Basel 22
Download as PDF Sonstiges 22
Download as PDF Nachruf: Wälti, Robert 24
Download as PDF Nachruf: Daly, Cäsar 24
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten 24
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Heft 4 1
Download as PDF Titelseiten 1
Download as PDF Werbung 1
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 25
Download as PDF Artikel: Die Rutschung in Vaerdalen im nördlichen Norwegen 25
Download as PDF Artikel: Villa Stehlin-Burckhardt in Basel 28
Download as PDF Sonstiges 28
Download as PDF Nachruf: Winkler, Claude 29
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten 29
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Heft 5 1
Download as PDF Titelseiten 1
Download as PDF Werbung 1
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 30
Download as PDF Artikel: Ueber die Veränderlichkeit der Nivellier-Latten 30
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe 35
Download as PDF Sonstiges 35
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten 35
Download as PDF Sonstiges 36
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Heft 6 1
Download as PDF Titelseiten 1
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Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 37
Download as PDF Artikel: Das Addieren und Subtrahieren mit dem logarithmischen Rechenschieber 37
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe 39
Download as PDF Artikel: Ueber die Veränderlichkeit der Nivellier-Latten 39
Download as PDF Sonstiges 42
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe 42
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten 42
Download as PDF Sonstiges 43
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Heft 7 1
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Download as PDF Werbung 1
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 44
Download as PDF Artikel: Les premières expériences officielles de la locomotive électrique de Mr. J.J. Heilmann 44
Download as PDF Artikel: Die neue Liebfrauenkirche in Zürich: Architekt: A. Hardegger 44
Download as PDF Sonstiges 49
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe 49
Download as PDF Sonstiges 50
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Heft 8 1
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Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 51
Download as PDF Artikel: Berner-Brücken 51
Download as PDF Artikel: Kombination einer fünfpferdigen de Lavalschen Dampfturbine mit einer Oerlikon-Dynamo 54
Download as PDF Artikel: Zur Frage der Regulierung hydraulischer Motoren 55
Download as PDF Artikel: Verordnung betreffend die Kabel der Seilbahnen (vom 12. Januar 1894) 56
Download as PDF Sonstiges 56
Download as PDF Nachruf: Herscher, Charles 57
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe 57
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten 57
Download as PDF Sonstiges 58
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Heft 9 1
Download as PDF Titelseiten 1
Download as PDF Werbung 1
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 59
Download as PDF Artikel: Ueber Tiefenmessungen in schweiz. Seen 59
Download as PDF Artikel: Versuchfahrten mit der Heilmannschen elektrischen Lokomotive 60
Download as PDF Artikel: Schloss Wart bei Neftenbach (Kanton Zürich): Architekten: Jung & Bridler in Winterthur 61
Download as PDF Sonstiges 61
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten 61
Download as PDF Sonstiges 63
Download as PDF Werbung 3
Heft 10 1
Download as PDF Titelseiten 1
Download as PDF Werbung 1
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 64
Download as PDF Artikel: Zum achtzigsten Geburtstage von Professor Dr. Johannes Wild 64
Download as PDF Artikel: Ueber Tiefenmessungen in schweiz. Seen 64
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Download as PDF Competitions 67
Download as PDF Association News 67
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Issue 11 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 69
Download as PDF Article: Die Strassenbahnen, insbesondere die neu eröffnete elektrische Strassenbahn in Zürich 69
Download as PDF Article: Schloss Wart bei Neftenbach (Kanton Zürich): Architekten: Jung & Bridler in Winterthur 71
Download as PDF Article: Zur Abwehr 71
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 72
Download as PDF Competitions 72
Download as PDF Association News 73
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Issue 12 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 75
Download as PDF Article: Das Münster zu Bern 75
Download as PDF Article: Zum Parlamentshaus-Bau 78
Download as PDF Competitions 79
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Issue 13 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 82
Download as PDF Article: Zum Andenken an Professor Georg Veith 82
Download as PDF Article: Das Münster zu Bern 82
Download as PDF Article: Zum ständerätlichen Entscheid in der Parlamentshaus-Baufrage 84
Download as PDF Article: Die Planausstellung der Kulturingenieurschule des eidg. Polytechnikums 86
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 86
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Issue 14 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 88
Download as PDF Article: Die Strassenbahnen, insbesondere die neu eröffnete elektrische Strassenbahn in Zürich 88
Download as PDF Article: Das Münster zu Bern 90
Download as PDF Article: Zum Parlamentsgebäude in Bern 93
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 93
Download as PDF Competitions 94
Download as PDF Association News 94
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Issue 15 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 95
Download as PDF Article: Die Strassenbahnen, insbesondere die neu eröffnete elektrische Strassenbahn in Zürich 95
Download as PDF Article: Versuche über die Regulierung von Turbinen 99
Download as PDF Article: Umbau der St. Oswald-Kirche in Zug 99
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 100
Download as PDF Competitions 100
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Issue 16 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 101
Download as PDF Article: Das Münster zu Bern 101
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Beurteilung der Rentabilität elektrischer Anlagen 104
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 106
Download as PDF Obituary: Lipsius, Konstantin 107
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Issue 17 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 108
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Regulierung von Turbinen 108
Download as PDF Article: Die Bruchprobe der Eisenbahnbrücke in Wolhusen 112
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Download as PDF Competitions 114
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Issue 18 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 115
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Regulierung von Turbinen 115
Download as PDF Article: Statistik der elektrischen Anlagen in der Schweiz für das Jahr 1893 117
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 120
Download as PDF Obituary: Zetzsche, E. 120
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Issue 19 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 121
Download as PDF Article: Die bauliche Entwickelung des Bahnhofes Winterthur 121
Download as PDF Obituary: Bürkli-Ziegler, Arnold 127
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Issue 20 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 128
Download as PDF Article: Villa Dollfus in Castagnola bei Lugano: Architekt: F. Kühn 128
Download as PDF Obituary: Bürkli-Ziegler, Arnold 130
Download as PDF Article: Elektrische Beleuchtung in Zug 133
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 134
Download as PDF Competitions 134
Download as PDF Association News 134
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Issue 21 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 136
Download as PDF Article: Schutz gegen Schnee-Hindernisse auf den Eisenbahnen 136
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 140
Download as PDF Obituary: Jablochkoff, Paul 142
Download as PDF Obituary: Baur 142
Download as PDF Obituary: Bernard, Jean Daniel Emil 142
Download as PDF Obituary: Hallopeau, Alfred 142
Download as PDF Competitions 142
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Issue 22 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 144
Download as PDF Article: Schutz gegen Schnee-Hindernisse auf den Eisenbahnen 144
Download as PDF Article: Die Flechtwerkdächer von Prof. Dr. A. Föppl 146
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Schneeverhältnisse bei den Bergbahnen 148
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 149
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Issue 23 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 150
Download as PDF Article: Die Flechtwerkdächer von Prof. Dr. A. Föppl 150
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Unterführung von Starkstromleitungen bei Bahnkreuzungen und die Ueberwachung von Hochspannungsanlagen 152
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 153
Download as PDF Competitions 154
Download as PDF Obituary: Kundt, August 154
Download as PDF Obituary: Oberbeck, Hermann 154
Download as PDF Obituary: Wagner, Robert 155
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Issue 24 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 156
Download as PDF Obituary: Ganguillet, Emil 156
Download as PDF Competitions 156
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Download as PDF Obituary: Schwedler, J.W. 159
Download as PDF Obituary: Böttger, Ludwig 159
Download as PDF Obituary: Löffler, Hermann 159
Download as PDF Competitions 159
Download as PDF Association News 160
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Issue 25 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 161
Download as PDF Article: Der Kongress für den Kirchenbau des Protestantismus 161
Download as PDF Article: Ankauf von Wasserkräften auf Staatsrechnung in Norwegen 163
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Unterführung von Starkstromleitungen bei Bahnkreuzungen und die Ueberwachung von Hochspannungsanlagen 164
Download as PDF Obituary: Bürkli-Ziegler, Arnold 166
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 167
Download as PDF Competitions 168
Download as PDF Obituary: Stierlin, Joseph Eduard 168
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Issue 26 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 169
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die besten Methoden zur Bestimmung des Heizwerkes von Steinkohlen, Coaks und Anthracit: Vortrag 169
Download as PDF Article: Kunstgeschichtliches aus dem Kanton Tessin 172
Download as PDF Article: Generalversammlung des Vereins schweiz. Gips-, Kalk- und Cementfabrikanten vom 14. und 15. Juni 1894 in der eidg. Festigkeitsanstalt Zürich 172
Download as PDF Competitions 173
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Issue 1 1
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Download as PDF Article: Generalversammlung des Vereins schweiz. Gips-, Kalk- und Cementfabrikanten vom 14. und 15. Juni 1894 in der eidg. Festigkeitsanstalt Zürich 1
Download as PDF Competitions 6
Download as PDF Article: Die Jubiläumsfestschrift der G.e.P. 6
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Issue 2 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 9
Download as PDF Article: XXIII. Generalversammlung der Gesellschaft ehemaliger Studierender des eidg. Polytechnikums 9
Download as PDF Article: Das technische Unterrichtswesen der Vereinigten Staaten Amerikas: Vortrag 10
Download as PDF Article: Generalversammlung des Vereins schweiz. Gips-, Kalk- und Cementfabrikanten vom 14. und 15. Juni 1894 in der eidg. Festigkeitsanstalt Zürich 12
Download as PDF Article: Jubiläum und 23. Generalversammlung der G.e.P. 15
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 15
Download as PDF Competitions 15
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Issue 3 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 16
Download as PDF Article: Die Jubiläumsfeier der G.e.P. 16
Download as PDF Article: XXIII. Generalversammlung der Gesellschaft ehemaliger Studierender des eidg. Polytechnikums 16
Download as PDF Competitions 20
Download as PDF Article: Das technische Unterrichtswesen der Vereinigten Staaten Amerikas: Vortrag 21
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 23
Download as PDF Competitions 23
Download as PDF Obituary: Layard, Austin Henry 23
Download as PDF Obituary: Grawinkel, Karl 23
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Issue 4 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 24
Download as PDF Article: Die Jubiläumsfeier der G.e.P. 24
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Ein- und Austrittswinkel der Turbinenschaufeln bei Druck- (Girard-) Turbinen 24
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Unterführung von Starkstromleitung bei Bahnkreuzungen und die Ueberwachung von Hochspannungsanlagen 26
Download as PDF Article: Generalversammlung des Vereins schweiz. Cement-, Kalk- und Gipsfabrikanten vom 14. und 15. Juni 1894 in der eidg. Festigkeitsanstalt Zürich 30
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 30
Download as PDF Obituary: Weber, Rudolf 31
Download as PDF Obituary: Mallrad, J.E. 31
Download as PDF Competitions 31
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Issue 5 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 32
Download as PDF Article: Die Jubiläumsfeier der G.e.P. 32
Download as PDF Article: Bedingungen für die Lieferung von Eisenkonstruktionen zu Brücken und Hochbauten der kgl. sächsischen Staatseisenbahnen 32
Download as PDF Article: Das neue Mädchenschulhaus am Hirschgraben zu Zürich: Architekt: Alex. Koch 37
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Download as PDF Obituary: Camoletti, John 38
Download as PDF Competitions 38
Download as PDF Association News 39
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Issue 6 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 40
Download as PDF Article: Die Jubiläumsfeier der G.e.P. 40
Download as PDF Article: Die sogenannten Rutschungen in Rapperswil 40
Download as PDF Article: Das neue Mädchenschulhaus am Hirschgraben zu Zürich: Architekt: Alex. Koch 45
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 45
Download as PDF Obituary: Bauernfeind, Karl Maximilian von 46
Download as PDF Obituary: Brunn, Heinrich Ritter von 46
Download as PDF Obituary: Heumann, Karl 46
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Issue 7 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 47
Download as PDF Article: Das neue Mädchenschulhaus am Hirschgraben zu Zürich: Architekt: Alex. Koch 47
Download as PDF Article: Einsturz des Turmes am Neubau der Kirche zu Batzenheid im Kanton St. Gallen 49
Download as PDF Article: La verre armé 51
Download as PDF Competitions 52
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Download as PDF Obituary: Schmitz, Franz 53
Download as PDF Association News 53
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Issue 8 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 54
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Grenzen der erreichbaren Fahrtgeschwindigkeit der Eisenbahnzüge 54
Download as PDF Article: Der mechanische Wirkungsgrad der Diesel'schen Motors bei Durchführung des vollkommenen Carnot'schen Kreisprozesses 56
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Download as PDF Competitions 58
Download as PDF Obituary: Wild, Johannes 59
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Issue 9 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 60
Download as PDF Obituary: Wild, Johannes 60
Download as PDF Article: Der Einsturz der Brücke bei Louisville 60
Download as PDF Article: Kettengerüsthalter 62
Download as PDF Article: Elektricitätswerk Wynau bei Langenthal 62
Download as PDF Article: Die XI. Wanderversammlung der deutschen Architekten- und Ingenieur-Vereine in Strassburg, 26. - 30. August 1894 63
Download as PDF Article: Die Hochbauten der Kantonalen Gewerbe-Ausstellung in Zürich 63
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 65
Download as PDF Competitions 66
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Issue 10 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 67
Download as PDF Article: Der Emmersberg-Tunnel bei Schaffhausen 67
Download as PDF Obituary: Wild, Johannes 69
Download as PDF Article: Die Hochbauten der Kantonalen Gewerbe-Ausstellung in Zürich 72
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 73
Download as PDF Obituary: Guillaume, Edmond 74
Download as PDF Obituary: Müllhaupt, H. 74
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Issue 11 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 75
Download as PDF Article: Der Emmersberg-Tunnel bei Schaffhausen 75
Download as PDF Article: Die Hochbauten der Kantonalen Gewerbe-Ausstellung in Zürich 77
Download as PDF Obituary: Helmholtz, Hermann von 77
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 79
Download as PDF Obituary: Stehlin-Burckhardt, J.J. 79
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Issue 12 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 80
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Blitzschutzvorrichtungen für Starkstromanlagen 80
Download as PDF Article: Die Hochbauten der Kantonalen Gewerbe-Ausstellung in Zürich 84
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 86
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Issue 13 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 87
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Blitzschutzvorrichtungen für Starkstromanlagen 87
Download as PDF Article: Aus der Kantonalen Gewerbe-Ausstellung in Zürich 89
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 92
Download as PDF Competitions 94
Download as PDF Obituary: Rossi, Giovanni Battista de 94
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Issue 14 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 95
Download as PDF Article: Ueber Blitzschutzvorrichtungen für Starkstromanlagen 95
Download as PDF Article: Das kantonale Technikum des Kantons Bern zu Burgdorf 98
Download as PDF Article: Schweizerischer Elektrotechniker-Verein 100
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Issue 15 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 102
Download as PDF Article: Zur Beurteilung der unterschlächtigen Wasserräder 102
Download as PDF Article: Gefährliche Riemenscheiben 105
Download as PDF Article: Quaderverblendung mit Verzahnung 107
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 108
Download as PDF Competitions 109
Download as PDF Obituary: Widmer, Rudolf 109
Download as PDF Obituary: Bargetzi-Amiet, Moritz 109
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Issue 16 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 110
Download as PDF Article: Ueber den Einfluss physikalischer Präcisionsmessungen auf die Förderung der Technik und des Mass- und Gewichtswesens 110
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 114
Download as PDF Obituary: Lotz, Fritz 115
Download as PDF Competitions 115
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Issue 17 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 116
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Förderung der schweizerischen Technik durch die eidgen. Eichstätte und das eidgen. Physikalische Institut 116
Download as PDF Article: Ein Apparat zum Erkennen innerer Fehler im Konstruktionsmaterial 118
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 119
Download as PDF Competitions 120
Download as PDF Obituary: Hilf, Moritz 120
Download as PDF Association News 120
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Issue 18 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 121
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Förderung der schweizerischen Technik durch die eidgen. Eichstätte und das eidgen. Physikalische Institut 121
Download as PDF Article: Simplon-Tunnel 123
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 127
Download as PDF Competitions 127
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Issue 19 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 128
Download as PDF Article: Simplon-Tunnel 128
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 134
Download as PDF Obituary: Clark, Edwin 135
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Issue 20 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 136
Download as PDF Article: Ueber Mauer- und Cementarbeiten bei niedrigen Temperaturen 136
Download as PDF Article: Simplon-Tunnel 137
Download as PDF Article: Villa des Herrn Oberst Ulrich Wille in Bern: Architekt: J. Gros in Zürich 138
Download as PDF Competitions 138
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Download as PDF Association News 141
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Issue 21 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 142
Download as PDF Article: Ueber Mauer- und Cementarbeiten bei niedrigen Temperaturen 142
Download as PDF Article: Simplon-Tunnel 144
Download as PDF Article: Versuchsfahrten auf der Gotthardbahn 149
Download as PDF Article: Das Deutsche Reichtagshaus zu Berlin 150
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 150
Download as PDF Competitions 150
Download as PDF Obituary: Wirz, Bernhard 150
Download as PDF Obituary: Schlichting, Julius 150
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Issue 22 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 151
Download as PDF Article: Ueber Mauer- und Cementarbeiten bei niedrigen Temperaturen 151
Download as PDF Article: Das Deutsche Reichstagshaus zu Berlin 154
Download as PDF Association News 155
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Issue 23 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 156
Download as PDF Article: Beitrag zur Berechnung von Mauerprofilen 156
Download as PDF Article: Das Deutsche Reichtagshaus zu Berlin 159
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 163
Download as PDF Association News 163
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Issue 24 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 165
Download as PDF Article: Der Brückenbau in den Vereinigten Staaten Amerikas 165
Download as PDF Article: Statistik der eidgenössischen polytechnischen Schule in Zürich (Wintersemester 1894/95) 170
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Download as PDF Obituary: Lesseps, Ferdinand de 171
Download as PDF Obituary: Pedroli, Joseph 172
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Issue 25 1
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Download as PDF Article: Zum Projekte des Simplontunnels 173
Download as PDF Article: Die Verbund-Schnellzugs-Lokomotiven der Gotthardbahn 175
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Download as PDF Association News 178
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Issue 26 1
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 181
Download as PDF Article: Die Verbund-Schnellzugs-Lokomotive der Gotthardbahn 181
Download as PDF Article: Elektrisches Giessverfahren 183
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Download as PDF Competitions 185
Download as PDF Obituary: Dürler, Friedrich Wilhelm 185
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