E–Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 77 (1997)
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Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Structural investigations along the join CaTiOSiO4-CaSnOSiO4 1
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Iron oxides in laterites : a combined mineralogical, magnetic, and diffuse reflectance study 13
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Scanning force microscopy on albite cleavage surfaces 21
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: The effects of tectonic strain on crystallinity, apparent mean crystallite size and lattice strain of phyllosilicates in low-temperature metamorphic rocks : a case study from the Glarus overthrust, Switzerland 27
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Prograde and retrograde chloritoid zoning in low temperature metamorphism, Alpi Alpuane, Italy 41
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Mafic granulites in the Cretaceous sedimentary mélanges from the northern Apennine (Italy) : petrology and tectonic implications 51
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Zincohögbomite and gahnite in a diaspore-bearing metabauxite from eastern Samos (Greece) : mineral chemistry, element partitioning and reaction relations 73
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Blueschist relics in the Mesozoic cover series of the Menderes Massif and correlations with Samos Island, Cyclades 95
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: The age of an Upper Carboniferous / Lower Permian sedimentary basin and its hinterland as constrained by U-Pb dating of volcanic and detrital zircons (Northern Swizerland) 101
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Pb stepwise leaching (PbSL) dating of garnet-addressing the inclusion problem 113
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: "Plug in" Os distillation 123
Téléchargement PDF Vereinsnachrichten: 72e Assemblé générale ordinaire = 72. Ordentliche Generalversammlung, La Chaux-de-Fonds 8.-10. Oktober 1997 129
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Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Trace hydrogen in the olivine-type minerals chrysoberyl, Al2BeO4 and sinhalite, MgAlBO4 - a polarized FTIR spectroscopic study 131
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Ferrocarpholite, chloritoïde et lawsonite dans les métapélites des unités du Versoyen et du Petit St Bernard (zone valaisanne, Alpes occidentales) = Ferracarpholite, chloritoid and lawsonite in metapelites of the Versoyen and Petit St Bernard units (Valais zone, Western Alps) 137
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: The evolution from disordered Ad to ordered 2M1 white K-mica polytype in low-temperature metamorphosed sedimentary rocks 149
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Volcanic clast-rich turbidites of the Taveyanne sandstones from the Thônes syncline (Savoie, France) : records for a Teritary postcollisional volcanism 161
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: The Upper Laacher Tephra in Lake Geneva sediments : paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatological implications 175
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Relics of pre-Alpine ophiolites in the Serie dei Laghi (Western Southern Alps) 187
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Tectonometamorphic evolution of SE Tinos, Cyclades, Greece 209
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Senait, ein weiteres Vorkommen in einer alpinen Zerrkluft = Senaite, a new occurrence in an Alpine fissure 233
Téléchargement PDF Vereinsnachrichten: New minerals recently approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names : International Mineralogical Association 237
Téléchargement PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Jahresbericht 1996 und Bericht über die 71. Hauptversammlung der Schweizerischen Mineralogischen und Petrographischen Gesellschaft in Schwaz (Tirol) : 23.-28. September 1996 245
Téléchargement PDF Vereinsnachrichten: 177. Jahresversammlung der SANW in La Chaux-de-Fonds vom 8.10. bis 12.10.1997 253
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Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Geology and evolution of the Proterozoic-Paleozoic basement in the Alps : an introduction 261
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: The evolution of pre-Variscan ecloogites of the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps) : a Sm/Nd-, conventional and Laser ICP-MS zircon U-Pb study 265
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Pre-Alpine tectonometamorphic evolution in the Austroalpine basement to the south of the central Tauern Window 281
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Metagranitoids and associated metasediments as indicators for the pre-Alpine magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the western Austroalpine Ötztal Basement (Kaunertal, Tirol) 299
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Lower Ordovician migmatisation in the Ötztal crystalline basement (Eastern Alps, Austria) : linking U-Pb and Pb-Pb dating with zircon morphology 315
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Pb isotope and trace element signatures of polymetamorphic rocks from the Silvretta nappe, a comparison 325
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: A Cambrian island arc in the Silvretta nappe : constraints from geochemistry and geochronology 337
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: U-Pb single zircon study of a gabbroic and granitic rocks of Val Barlas-ch (Silvretta nappe, Swizerland) 351
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Pre-Variscan deformation, metamorphism and magmatism in the Strona-Ceneri Zone (southern Alps of northern Italy and southern Swizerland) 361
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Geochronology of regional metamorphism in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone and Serie dei Laghi, Italian Alps 381
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Chemical characterization of metabasites from the Turtmann valley (Valais, Switzerland) : implications for their protoliths and geotectonic origin 403
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Metamorphosed Precambrian mafic rocks from the South Carpathians : island arc remnants? A geochemical characterization of amphibolites from the Făgăraş Mountains, Romania 419
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: A new cluster analysis method for altered rock samples 439
Téléchargement PDF Artikel: Johninnesite, Na2(Mn2+)9(Mg,Mn)7(AsO4)2(Si6O17)2(OH)8 : a new occurrence in Val Ferrera (Graubünden, Switzerland) 449
Téléchargement PDF Buchbesprechung 457
Téléchargement PDF Vereinsnachrichten: 73esima Assemblea generale ordinaria = 73. Ordentliche Generalversammlung = 73e Assemblé générale ordinaire : Airolo, 24-25 settembre 1998 459
Téléchargement PDF Register: Author Index, Keyword Index 460
Téléchargement PDF Register: Jahresinhaltsverzeichnis 467
Téléchargement PDF Vereinsnachrichten: IMA NEWS 470
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