E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 21 (1934)
Heading Page
Heft 1 _
Download as PDF Titelseiten _
Download as PDF Werbung _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis VII
Download as PDF Sonstiges VII
Download as PDF Werbung VIII
Download as PDF Artikel: Neuzeitliche Geschäftshäuser 1
Download as PDF Artikel: Das Hans-Waldmann-Denkmal von Hermann Haller für den Stadthausquai in Zürich 12
Download as PDF Artikel: Atelier, Adrienne Gorska, Paris 14
Download as PDF Artikel: Wandmalereien von Karl Walser, Zürich 18
Download as PDF Nachruf: Stoss, Veit 27
Download as PDF Artikel: Foyer Romand pour aveugles âgés et isolés : Arnold Hoechel et Henry Minner, architectes FAS, Genève 28
Download as PDF Buchbesprechung 30
Download as PDF Artikel: Entwirrung der Begriffe I 31
Download as PDF Werbung IX
Download as PDF Rubrik: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
Download as PDF Werbung XII
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe XIII
Download as PDF Werbung XIV
Download as PDF Rubrik: Chronique genevoise XV
Download as PDF Werbung XVI
Download as PDF Rubrik: Zürcher Kunstchronik XVII
Download as PDF Werbung XVIII
Download as PDF Sonstiges XIX
Download as PDF Werbung XX
Download as PDF Rubrik: Berner Bauchronik XXI
Download as PDF Werbung XXII
Download as PDF Werbung XXIV
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Weihnachts-Werkbund-Ausstellung, Bern XXV
Download as PDF Werbung XXVI
Download as PDF Buchbesprechung XXVII
Download as PDF Werbung XXVIII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Rückblick auf die Schweizerwoche II (Textilien) XXIX
Download as PDF Werbung XXX
Download as PDF Sonstiges XXXI
Download as PDF Werbung XXXII
Heft 2 _
Download as PDF Titelseiten _
Download as PDF Werbung _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis XV
Download as PDF Sonstiges XV
Download as PDF Werbung XVI
Download as PDF Artikel: Maurice Marinot, Troyes 33
Download as PDF Artikel: Lissy Düssel, Novazzano (Tessin), Leinenstickereien 38
Download as PDF Artikel: Gruppe im neuen Bahnhof Chiasso von Margherita Osswald-Toppi 40
Download as PDF Artikel: Der Basler Münsterschatz 41
Download as PDF Artikel: Société coopérative d'habitation, Lausanne, groupe du "Pré d'Ouchy" : architecte Gilliard et Godet 48
Download as PDF Artikel: Wohnhäuser von Architekt Franz Scheibler, Winterthur 50
Download as PDF Artikel: Villa de Mr. Augustin Genoud, architecte FAS, Fribourg 55
Download as PDF Artikel: Hotel Hohenfels Arosa, von Architekt J. Licht, Arosa 56
Download as PDF Artikel: Hotel Prätschli Arosa, von Architekten Ferd, Fischer, Locarno 58
Download as PDF Artikel: Das Stadthaus Winterthur umgebaut 60
Download as PDF Artikel: Otto Meyer (Amden) : Gedächtnisausstellung im Kunsthaus Zürich 61
Download as PDF Artikel: Modigliani : Ausstellung in der Kunsthalle Basel 62
Download as PDF Artikel: Entwirrung der Begriffe II 62
Download as PDF Artikel: "Deutsche Schrift" : zu einer Ausstellung in München 63
Download as PDF Werbung XVII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Werbung XX
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe XXI
Download as PDF Werbung XXII
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Aus den Verbänden XXIII
Download as PDF Werbung XXIV
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Aus den Verbänden XXV
Download as PDF Rubrik: L'Oeuvre - 20 Jahre XXV
Download as PDF Werbung XXVI
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: SWB Verkaufsmesse im Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich XXVII
Download as PDF Werbung XXVIII
Download as PDF Werbung XXX
Download as PDF Rubrik: Chronique genevoise XXXI
Download as PDF Werbung XXXII
Download as PDF Artikel: Kunstmuseum Luzern : Eröffnungsausstellung XXXIII
Download as PDF Werbung XXXIV
Download as PDF Werbung XXXVI
Download as PDF Rubrik: Basler Kunstkalender XXXVII
Download as PDF Werbung XXXVIII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXXVIII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Berner Kunstchronik XXXIX
Download as PDF Werbung XL
Heft 3 _
Download as PDF Titelseiten _
Download as PDF Werbung _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis XV
Download as PDF Werbung XVI
Download as PDF Artikel: Otto Meyer-Amden (1885-1933) 65
Download as PDF Sonstiges 82
Download as PDF Artikel: Rosenbergfriedhof in Winterthur : Ueberlegungen und Erfahrungen bei seiner Anlage und Pflege 82
Download as PDF Artikel: Notizen zur Friedhoffrage : Gemeinschaft oder Masse 84
Download as PDF Artikel: Friedhofreform und Grabsteingewerbe 93
Download as PDF Sonstiges 96
Download as PDF Artikel: Entwirrung der Begriffe III : ein Verleumdungsfeldzug gegen die moderne Architektur 97
Download as PDF Nachruf: Troost, Paul Ludwig 100
Download as PDF Artikel: Esprit grec, esprit latin, esprit gréco-latin 100
Download as PDF Werbung XVII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Werbung XX
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe XXI
Download as PDF Werbung XXII
Download as PDF Nachruf: Würtenberger, Ernst XXV
Download as PDF Sonstiges XXV
Download as PDF Werbung XXVI
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XXVI
Download as PDF Rubrik: Chronique genevoise XXVII
Download as PDF Werbung XXVII
Download as PDF Sonstiges XXIX
Download as PDF Werbung XXX
Download as PDF Rubrik: Eduard Boss : Berner Kunstchronik XXXI
Download as PDF Werbung XXXII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXXIII
Download as PDF Werbung XXXIV
Download as PDF Artikel: Der orientalische Teppich : Ausstellung im Gewerbemuseum Basel vom 4. Februar bis 4. März 1934 XXXV
Download as PDF Werbung XXXVI
Download as PDF Werbung XXXVII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Technische Mitteilungen XXXVII
Download as PDF Werbung XXXVIII
Heft 4 _
Download as PDF Titelseiten _
Download as PDF Werbung _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis XV
Download as PDF Sonstiges XV
Download as PDF Werbung XVI
Download as PDF Artikel: Kraftwerke : Limmatwerk Wettingen, Architekten Gebr. Pfister BSA, Zürich 101
Download as PDF Artikel: Usines électriques 113
Download as PDF Artikel: Unterwerk Landquart : Gebrüder Brunold, Arch. BSA, Arosa 113
Download as PDF Artikel: Kraftwerke Oberhasli, Architekt J.H. Wipf, Thun 114
Download as PDF Werbung XVII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Werbung XX
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe XXI
Download as PDF Buchbesprechung XXII
Download as PDF Werbung XXIII
Download as PDF Werbung XXVII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Berner Kunstchronik XXX
Download as PDF Sonstiges XXX
Download as PDF Rubrik: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXX
Download as PDF Werbung XXXI
Download as PDF Werbung XXXIII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Münchner Kunstchronik XXXV
Download as PDF Werbung XXXVI
Download as PDF Rubrik: Technische Mitteilungen XXXVII
Download as PDF Werbung XXXVIII
Download as PDF Werbung XL
Download as PDF Werbung XLII
Download as PDF Werbung XLIV
Download as PDF Werbung XLVI
Download as PDF Werbung XLVIII
Heft 5 _
Download as PDF Titelseiten _
Download as PDF Werbung _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis XI
Download as PDF Sonstiges XI
Download as PDF Werbung XII
Download as PDF Artikel: Théâtre municipal de Lausanne, Arch. Melley et Ch. Thévenaz FAS, Lausanne 129
Download as PDF Artikel: Cinéma Capitole, Lausanne, Arch. Ch. Thévenaz FAS, Lausanne 135
Download as PDF Artikel: Konzertsaal der Musikschule Paris, rue Cardinet, Arch. Gebrüder A. und G. Perret, Paris 137
Download as PDF Artikel: Festsaal "Croix Rousse", Lyon, Arch. Michel Roux-Spitz 141
Download as PDF Artikel: Ausstellung mittelalterlicher Plastik in Basel 145
Download as PDF Artikel: Kulturelle Zusammenhangslosikeit 146
Download as PDF Artikel: Basler Fastnachtslaternen 148
Download as PDF Article: "Die Aufgabe der deutschen Baukunst in der Gegenwart" 149
Download as PDF Competitions 151
Download as PDF Article: "Die Fischer" von Willy Fries 159
Download as PDF Advertising XIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Competitions XVII
Download as PDF Association News: Aus den Verbänden :Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA XVII
Download as PDF Association News: Aus den Verbänden :Schweizer Werkbund SWB XVII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Article: Filmindustrie und Filmkritik XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Kunstchronik XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Bauchronik XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXIX
Download as PDF Rubric: Winterthurer Kunstchronik XXX
Download as PDF Article: Emil Preetorius gegen seine Schweizer Angreifer XXX
Download as PDF Advertising XXXI
Download as PDF Article: Der Stand der deutschen Revolution auf dem Gebiet der bildenden Künste XXXIII
Download as PDF Article: Leipziger Frühjahrsmessebilder 1934 XXXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXXV
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXXVI
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilungen XXXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXXVII
Download as PDF Advertising XXXIX
Download as PDF Article: Die Beleuchtung von Werkstätten XL
Download as PDF Advertising XLIII
Issue 6 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Table of Contents XI
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Article: Bern, von der Kirchenfeldbrücke 161
Download as PDF Article: Katholische Kapelle, Kandersteg, katholische Kirche Meiringen, Kirche Oftringen von Architekt Karl InderMühle, 1877-1933 162
Download as PDF Article: Die neue Lorrainebrücke, Bern : Ing. R. Maillart mit Klauser & Streit, Architekten BSA, Bern 165
Download as PDF Article: Denkstein für Bundesrat Scheurer, Hans Klauser, Arch. BSA, Bern6 165
Download as PDF Article: Wandmalereien im Primarschulhaus Langenthal von Fred Stauffer, Bern 166
Download as PDF Article: Primarschulhaus Langenthal, Klauser & Streit, Arch. BSA, Bern 166
Download as PDF Article: Wandmalereien al fresco im Trinkkeller des Hauses L., Bern, von Victor Surbek, Bern 169
Download as PDF Article: Friedhofanlage für die Diakonissen auf dem Schosshaldefriedhof, Bern ; Trinkbrunnen im Aarebad, Bronzefigur des Diskuswerfers von Max Fueter, Bern 172
Download as PDF Article: Städtisches Progymnasium Bern : Wandmalereien in der Treppenhalle von Herold Howald, Bern 174
Download as PDF Article: Paul Kunz, Bern : Mädchenkopf 174
Download as PDF Article: Wandmalereien an der Drogerie zum Zeitglockenturm, von Fritz Traffelet, Bern 176
Download as PDF Article: Drei Gemälde in Oel : "Selbstbildnis", "Aufbruch", "Begräbnis mit Reiter" von Fred Stauffer, Bern 177
Download as PDF Article: Kirche in Moutier, Bern, Dubach und Gloor, Architekten BSA 178
Download as PDF Article: Naturhistorische Museum Bern, Architekten Krebs & Müller, Bern 181
Download as PDF Article: Bebauung Seidenweg, Privatbüro des Architekten, Geschäftshaus Gurtengasse Bern, Wochenendhaus G. in Môtier Bern, W. v. Gunten, Arch. BSA 185
Download as PDF Article: Wochenendhaus M. am Bielersee, Fr. Moser, Arch, BSA, Biel 188
Download as PDF Article: Zwei Plastiken von Mme Chenot-Arbenz, Biel 188
Download as PDF Article: Ladenumbau Nidaugasse, Biel, Fr. Moser, Arch. BSA, Biel 189
Download as PDF Article: Schwimm und Sonnenbad in Langenthal, Hector Egger, Arch. BSA, Langenthal 190
Download as PDF Rubric 192
Download as PDF Article: Ärztehaus Dr. Bähler in Rüegsauschachen, Emmenthal, Spar- und Leihkasse Kirchberg, Ernst Bechtein, Arch, BSA, Burgdorf 193
Download as PDF Article: Wohnhaus Dr. Matter in Täuffelen, W. Schürch, Arch. BSA, Biel 195
Download as PDF Article: Bezirksspital Biel, Robert Sager, Arch. BSA Biel 196
Download as PDF Advertising XIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Competitions XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Schweizer Baukatalog 1934 XVII
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XVII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Obituary: Miller, Oscar XXI
Download as PDF Obituary: Irmiger, Max XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXV
Download as PDF Rubric: Winterthurer Kunstchronik XXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Download as PDF Article: Die "Kamera" in Stuttgart XXIX
Download as PDF Rubric: Kunstbericht Berlin XXIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXXI
Download as PDF Association News: Aus dem Deutscher Werkbund XXXIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilungen XXXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXXVIII
Download as PDF Article: Beleuchtung von Werkstätten XL
Download as PDF Advertising XLIII
Issue 7 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents XV
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Article: Hans Harnischmacher, Wiesbaden, Marcel Breuer, Architekt 197
Download as PDF Article: Versuchshaus am Silbersee, Los Angeles (Kalifornien), Richard J. Neutra, Architekt 202
Download as PDF Article: Haus Ruprecht, Egnach am Bodensee, E. Schindler, Architekt, Zürich 206
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienwohnhäuser an der oberen Heslibachstrasse, Küsnacht (Zürich), Architekten E. Schindler und Otto Hans, Zürich 209
Download as PDF Article: Wohnatelier-Miethaus "Nord-Süd", Calvi, André Lurçat, Architekt 211
Download as PDF Article: Rückblick auf die Mustermesse 213
Download as PDF Article: Entwicklung der Mustermesse? 216
Download as PDF Competitions 220
Download as PDF Article: Heinrich VIII. : Howard or Warwick, that is the question 221
Download as PDF Article: Gemäldeprüfung durch Röntgenstrahlen 224
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 224
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Advertising XX
Download as PDF Competitions XXI
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Chronik XXII
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevois XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVI
Download as PDF Obituary: Weese, Arthur XXVII
Download as PDF Advertising XXVIII
Download as PDF Obituary: Durrer, Robert XXVIII
Download as PDF Obituary: Muller, William XXIX
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXIX
Download as PDF Article: Die neuen Briefmarken XXXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilungen XXXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXXII
Issue 8 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents XI
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Article: Heinrich Tessenow und seine Schule 225
Download as PDF Article: Häuser an der Allmannstrasse, Winterthur, Häuserblock der Baugenossenschaft "Langgasse" in Winterthur, Arch. F. Scheibler BSA, Winterthur 235
Download as PDF Article: Altersheim Schwanden (Kt. Glarus), Architekt Hans Leuzinger BSA, Glarus und Zürich 237
Download as PDF Article: Restaurant Holeeschloss bei Basel, Architekt Liebetrau, Rheinfelden 241
Download as PDF Article: Siedlung "Staffelhof" und "Kleinalbis", Arch. Kessler und Peter BSA, Zürich 242
Download as PDF Article: Wohnhaus Vosseler Bruderholz, Basel und Hans Weber in Brione, Architekt Hans Mähly BSA, Basel 247
Download as PDF Article: Ernst Würtenberger : Grundsätzliches über Malen und Zeichnen 249
Download as PDF Book review: La maison bourgeoise en Suisse, vol. XXV. Le canton de Vaud, IIeme partie 251
Download as PDF Book review: Carlo Maderno, 1556-1629 [Nina Caflisch] 254
Download as PDF Advertising XIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Competitions XVII
Download as PDF Association News: Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Book review: Das Alpenbuch der eidg. Postverwaltung [Max Senger] XXV
Download as PDF Rubric: Hodlerausstellung in der Basler Kunsthalle XXV
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Chronik XXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXVI
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XXIX
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXX
Download as PDF Advertising XXX
Download as PDF Rubric: Winterthurer Kunstchronik XXXIII
Download as PDF Competitions XXXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXXIV
Issue 9 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents XI
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Article: Diskussion um Le Corbusier 257
Download as PDF Article: Das Schweizerhaus der Cité Universitaire in Paris von Le Corbusier und Pierre Jeanneret, Paris 273
Download as PDF Article: Das poetische Element in der Architektur von Le Corbusier 282
Download as PDF Article: Maurice Marinot : rectification 283
Download as PDF Article: Die schweizerische Turnusausstellung 284
Download as PDF Article: Robert Zünd, Ausstellung in Luzern 284
Download as PDF Article: Brief über die Lage der Kunst im Dritten Reich 285
Download as PDF Rubric: Die Brille : beim schwarzen Kaffee 287
Download as PDF Advertising XIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Competitions XVII
Download as PDF Obituary: Ryhiner, Hans E. XVII
Download as PDF Obituary: Berlange, Hendrick Petrus XVIII
Download as PDF Obituary: Metzendorf, Georg XVIII
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XVIII
Download as PDF Article: Bauliteratur, Ziegelsteine usw. XIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Article: Le Corbusier : "Croisade" XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Book review: Kunstführer der Schweiz [Hans Jenny] XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVI
Download as PDF Rubric: "Schweizer Künstler" XXVII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zeitschriften XXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXVIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XXXI
Download as PDF Competitions XXXI
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Luzern : Tizian, Veronese, Tintoretto XXXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXXII
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilungen XXXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXXIV
Issue 10 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents XV
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Article: Die Organisation der Planungsarbeiten für ein grosses Krankenhaus : entwickelt am Beispiel der Stadt Stockholm von Hjalmar Cederström 289
Download as PDF Article: Sanatorium in Pemar (Finnland) 293
Download as PDF Article: Rationelles Mobiliar 300
Download as PDF Article: Neue Serienmöbel und Geräte 301
Download as PDF Article: Soldenhoffs Aula in der Höhern Stadtschule in Glarus 313
Download as PDF Article: Ein Photowettbewerb 318
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XIX
Download as PDF Advertising XX
Download as PDF Competitions XXI
Download as PDF Association News: Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA XXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXII
Download as PDF Article: Stand und Standesehre des Architekten XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XXIV
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXIV
Download as PDF Rubric: "Weiterbauen" XXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Article: Der Technische Arbeitsdienst XXVII
Download as PDF Article: Neu aufgebaute Burgruinen als Jugendburgen? XXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIX
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XXXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Chronik XXXII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXXIII
Download as PDF Article: Hans-Berger-Ausstellung in Winterthur XXXV
Download as PDF Rubric: "Schweizer Künstler" XXXV
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXXVI
Download as PDF Book review: Ascona-Baubuch [hrg. Eduard Keller] XXXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXXVII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXXIX
Download as PDF Obituary: Neuhaus, Werner XXXIX
Download as PDF Obituary: Hübscher, Rudolf XXXIX
Download as PDF Obituary: Barraud, François XXXIX
Download as PDF Advertising XL
Issue 11 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents XI
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Obituary: Berlage, H.P. 321
Download as PDF Article: Corot im Kunsthaus Zürich 323
Download as PDF Article: Umbau der Fraumünsterpost in Zürich, Arch. Moser & Kopp BSA, Zürich 325
Download as PDF Article: Postamt-Umbau in Köln 333
Download as PDF Article: Wohnblock und Postamt "am Harras" in München, Arch. Prof. R. Vorhoelzer, und Postamt an der Fraunhoferstrasse in München 334
Download as PDF Article: Deutsche Siedlungsaustellung München 1934 340
Download as PDF Article: "Kunst und Staat" 348
Download as PDF Obituary: Barth, Wilhelm 349
Download as PDF Article: Bausünden und Baugeldvergeudung 350
Download as PDF Article: Aufgabe und Organisation des Natur- und Heimatschutzes in der Schweiz 352
Download as PDF Advertising XIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Competitions XVII
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizer Werkbund SWB XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Schweizerische Vereinigung für Heimatschutz XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XX
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen der Basler Kunsthalle XXII
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Chronik XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXII
Download as PDF Rubric: Luzern XXIV
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVIII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXVIII
Download as PDF Article: Leitsätze für das Bauen im Dritten Reich XXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIX
Download as PDF Article: Berufsschutz für Architekten in Deutschland XXXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXXII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXXIV
Download as PDF Article: Kunst-Dumping XXXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXXIV
Issue 12 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous VII
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Download as PDF Article: Handwebereien von Frau Lili Humm SWB, Zürich ; Gunta Sharon und H.O. Hürlimann SWB, Zürich ; Frau Edith Naegeli SWB, Zürich ; Atelier Silvia (S. v. Salis SWB, und E. Kraft) Zürich ; Frau Elsi Giauque SWB, Ligerz 353
Download as PDF Article: Zur Ausbildung von Schaufensterdekorateuren 366
Download as PDF Article: Arbeiten der Bildhauerin Estrid Christensen, Zürich 372
Download as PDF Book review: Hermann Hubacher [Emil Schaeffer] 375
Download as PDF Book review 376
Download as PDF Book review: Das Bürgerhaus in der Schweiz, Band XXVI, Kanton Tessin 380
Download as PDF Advertising IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
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Download as PDF Competitions XIII
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Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XVII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XVII
Download as PDF Advertising XVIII
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Holzaustellung Winterthur XXII
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXIV
Download as PDF Rubric: Winterthurer Kunstchronik XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Chronik XXVII
Download as PDF Advertising XXVIII
Download as PDF Article: Schweizer Maler in München XXIX
Download as PDF Article: Ein Tafelwerk über Otto Meyer-Amden XXIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXX
Download as PDF Book review XXXI
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Download as PDF Advertising XXXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXXVI
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXXVII
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Download as PDF Index _