E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Band 22 (1935)
Heading Page
Heft 1 _
Download as PDF Titelseiten _
Download as PDF Werbung _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis VII
Download as PDF Werbung VIII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Wohnhaus Dr. K. und Wohnhaus Dr. B. in Küsnacht (Kanton Zürich), Architekt Max Ernst Haefeli BSA, Zürich 1
Download as PDF Artikel: Die Objektivität der Kunst und die künstlerische Freiheit 15
Download as PDF Artikel: Zwei Vorträge über Proportionen 16
Download as PDF Artikel: "Von Mass und Macht der alten Kunst" 17
Download as PDF Artikel: "Gebaute Bilder" 20
Download as PDF Artikel: Neue Wandmalereien 23
Download as PDF Artikel: Notizen über Wandmalerei 26
Download as PDF Artikel: Die Ausstellung "Neue schweizerische Wandmalerei" im Kunsthaus Zürich 27
Download as PDF Artikel: Die Wandmalereien am "Haus zum Ritter" in Schaffhausen 30
Download as PDF Artikel: Veröffentlichungen über Wandmalerei und Verwandtes im "Werk" von 1923-1934 32
Download as PDF Werbung IX
Download as PDF Rubrik: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
Download as PDF Werbung XII
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe XIII
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Aus den Verbänden : BSA Zentralkomitee XIV
Download as PDF Rubrik: Berner Chronik XIV
Download as PDF Rubrik: Chronique genevoise XIV
Download as PDF Werbung XIV
Download as PDF Werbung XVIII
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: SWB Weihnachtsmesse im Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich XVIII
Download as PDF Werbung XIX
Download as PDF Rubrik: Zürcher Kunstchronik XX
Download as PDF Werbung XXI
Download as PDF Rubrik XXII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Luzerner Kunstchronik XXIII
Download as PDF Werbung XXIII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Berner Bauchronik XXV
Download as PDF Werbung XXV
Download as PDF Sonstiges XXVII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Technische Mitteilungen XXVIII
Download as PDF Werbung XXVIII
Heft 2 _
Download as PDF Titelseiten _
Download as PDF Werbung _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis VII
Download as PDF Werbung VIII
Download as PDF Rubrik: Wohnhaus "Im Forster", Zürich 7, Entwurf und Bauleitung Henauer & Witschi, Architekten BSA, Zürich 33
Download as PDF Rubrik: Musikzimmer, Entwurf Richard Hächler, Architekt BSA, Aarau 53
Download as PDF Rubrik: Wohn und Speisezimmer, Entwurf Claude Levy, Paris 54
Download as PDF Rubrik: Appartement d'une actrice de cinéma : Paul Bry, architecte, Paris 56
Download as PDF Rubrik: Atelierwohnraum im Dach, L. Gognot und Ch. Alix, Paris 60
Download as PDF Rubrik: Dachwohnung, R. Fischer, Paris 61
Download as PDF Rubrik: Privatbüro W.F. Wilhelm, Architekt BSA, Zug 62
Download as PDF Rubrik: Schlafzimmerausbau und Terrasse, Krebs und Müller, Architekten, Bern 63
Download as PDF Werbung IX
Download as PDF Rubrik: Ausstellungskalender XI
Download as PDF Werbung XII
Download as PDF Wettbewerbe XIII
Download as PDF Werbung XIV
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XV
Download as PDF Werbung XVI
Download as PDF Association News: Das Ende des Deutschen Werkbundes XVII
Download as PDF Advertising XVIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Kunsthalle Basel : Ausstellung J.J. Lüscher XIX
Download as PDF Advertising XX
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Chronik XXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXVIII
Download as PDF Article: "Stellung und Aufgabe des Architekten" XXIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXX
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXXII
Issue 3 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Article: Sonderheft Kantonsspital Zürich 65
Download as PDF Competitions 66
Download as PDF Competitions 71
Download as PDF Article: Die Spitalprojekttypen 73
Download as PDF Competitions 76
Download as PDF Article: Die Anordnung der chirurgischen Behandlungsräume 90
Download as PDF Competitions 93
Download as PDF Competitions 98
Download as PDF Article: Anstaltsgrossküche oder Einzelverpflegung im Krankenhaus? 103
Download as PDF Article: Primus Bon über Verpflegungsfragen 106
Download as PDF Obituary: Liebermann, Max 108
Download as PDF Advertising IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Competitions XIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIV
Download as PDF Association News: Aus den Verbänden : Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Association News: Aus den Verbänden : Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XVI
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Article: "Land und Ferienhaus" : Ausstellung Basel, 11. Mai bis 2. Juni 1935 XVII
Download as PDF Advertising XVIII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXI
Download as PDF Article: Hermann Hubacher XXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXIV
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVI
Download as PDF Rubric: Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich : der Stuhl XXVII
Download as PDF Advertising XXVIII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXX
Issue 4 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Article: R. Th. Bosshard, Peintures murales 109
Download as PDF Article: Lausanne, carrefour d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, Edmond Virieux, architecte du Plan d'Extension de la Ville de Lausanne 112
Download as PDF Article: Le Cimetière au Bois de Vaux, Lausanne, Alphonse Laverrière, architecte FAS, Lausanne 115
Download as PDF Article: Friedhofreglemente und Typengrabmäler im alten Athen 118
Download as PDF Article: Friedhofberatung in Basel 122
Download as PDF Article: Wandgemälde in der Friedhofkapelle Fluntern, Zürich 123
Download as PDF Article: Aus den amtlichen Erläuterungen zum Antrag auf Abänderung der Friedhofverordnung für St.Gallen 125
Download as PDF Article: Friedhofpflege in Württemberg 126
Download as PDF Rubric: Grabsteine aus der Werkstätte für Grabmalkunst Max Pfänder, Bildhauer SWB 128
Download as PDF Article: Ehrenmäler, Nationaldenkmäler, Ehrenhaine 129
Download as PDF Rubric: Nouvelle église de Wünnewil et chapelle de Granges, Augustin Genoud, architecte FAS, Fribourg 130
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 133
Download as PDF Article: Le rôle du vitrail dans la Cathédrale gothique 133
Download as PDF Rubric: Kirche in Rigisberg, Dubach & Gloor, Architekten BSA, Bern 134
Download as PDF Article: Les nouveaux Vitraux de la Cathédrale de Lausanne 137
Download as PDF Advertising IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Competitions XIII
Download as PDF Association News: Aus den Verbänden : Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA XIII
Download as PDF Article: Ein Archiv für moderne Architektur in Verbindung mit der Triennale di Milano XIV
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XIV
Download as PDF Advertising XV
Download as PDF Article: "These, Antithese, Synthese" XVII
Download as PDF Article: Die Basler Kunsthalle im Februar XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XVIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Bauchronik XXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVI
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilungen XXVII
Download as PDF Advertising XXVIII
Download as PDF Article: Fortschritte im schweizerischen Gasapparatebau - Der moderne Gasherd XXIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXX
Issue 5 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Article: Gebrüder Fretz A.G., aus der Geschichte der Firma, ihr 75jähriges Bestehen 141
Download as PDF Article: Aus der Geschichte der Firma Fretz 142
Download as PDF Article: Wie wird das "Werk" hergestellt? 143
Download as PDF Rubric: Zwei Sommer- und Ferienhäuser in der Umgebung von Lugano, Architekt Helmut Bohtz 149
Download as PDF Rubric: Bilder aus dem Ascona-Baubuch von Eduard Keller 151
Download as PDF Article: Ausstellung "Das Bad" im Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich 158
Download as PDF Article: Ausstellung "Land- und Ferienhaus" Basel 11. Mai bis 2. Juni 1935 in den Hallen der Mustermesse 158
Download as PDF Article: Abschied von Klee anlässlich der Klee-Ausstellung in Bern 160
Download as PDF Article: Renoirs aus Winterthurer Privatbesitz 161
Download as PDF Article: Ein typisches Heimatschutzproblem 162
Download as PDF Article: Schweizerische Rats- und Zunftstuben 163
Download as PDF Article: Monsieur de Montaigne über oberdeutsche Rats- und Zunftstuben, Wirtshäuser, Wohnkultur, Sitten und andere Merkwürdigkeiten 166
Download as PDF Article: Die Fassadenmalereien am Hause zum "Ritter" in Schaffhausen 168
Download as PDF Advertising IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Competitions XIII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XIII
Download as PDF Advertising XV
Download as PDF Book review XVI
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XVII
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Basler Kunsthalle im März XXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen in Zürich XXV
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXV
Download as PDF Rubric: Rückblick auf die Schweizer Mustermesse XXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXVIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilungen XXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIX
Issue 6 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Article: Die Arbeit des Architekten und die Bedeutung des Architekten für die schweizerische Volkswirtschaft 173
Download as PDF Association News: Generalversammlung des BSA Zürich 1935 178
Download as PDF Article: Vom Beruf des Architekten 179
Download as PDF Article: Der Architekt im Laufe der Jahrhunderte 184
Download as PDF Article: Landesplanung in der Schweiz 188
Download as PDF Article: Die Eingabe des BSA an den Bundesrat betreffend Landesplanung 191
Download as PDF Article: Der Architekt im Spiegel der Stadtentwicklung 193
Download as PDF Rubric: Arbeiten der Mitglieder der Ortsgruppe Zürich des Bundes Schweizer Architekten BSA 197
Download as PDF Advertising IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Competitions XIII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XIV
Download as PDF Advertising XV
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XVI
Download as PDF Book review XVII
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XIX
Download as PDF Rubric: Kunsthalle Basel, Giovanni Segantini, 30. März bis 12. Mai XX
Download as PDF Rubric: Der Schweizer Pavillon an der Weltausstellung in Brüssel : eine leichtfertige Berichterstattung XX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Article: Deutsche Belange XXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Article: Unterbringung von Sängerchor und Orchester in evang. Kirchen XXVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Technische Mitteilungen XXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXXI
Download as PDF Association News: Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA : Mitgliederverzeichnis 1935/36 XXXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXXVI
Issue 7 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 237
Download as PDF Article: Ausstellung "Land- und Ferienhaus" 237
Download as PDF Rubric: Expositions suisses 253
Download as PDF Article: Le Pavillion suisse à l'exposition de Bruxelles 253
Download as PDF Article: L'exposition nationale suisse Zürich 1938 254
Download as PDF Article: Die schweizerische Landesaustellung Zürich 1938 254
Download as PDF Article: Vom Schweizerpavillon der Brüsseler Weltausstellung, Architekt BSA Hans Hofmann 255
Download as PDF Advertising IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Competitions XIII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XIII
Download as PDF Obituary: Maurer, Albert XIV
Download as PDF Association News: Bund Schweizer Architekten BSA XIV
Download as PDF Advertising XIV
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XVII
Download as PDF Advertising XVIII
Download as PDF Competitions XIX
Download as PDF Advertising XX
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XX
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXIV
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXV
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXX
Issue 8 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Article: Fernheizkraftwerk und Maschinenlaboratorium der Eidg. Technischen Hochschule in Zürich, Prof. O.R. Salvisberg, Architekt BSA 269
Download as PDF Article: Hochschulbauten 288
Download as PDF Article: Hôpital Nestlé, Lausanne : George Epitaux, architecte FAS, Lausanne 289
Download as PDF Article: Die neue Universitätsstadt bei Madrid 293
Download as PDF Article: Fünfundzwanzig Jahre Zürcher Kunsthaus 297
Download as PDF Article: Die italienischen Kunstausstellungen in Paris 300
Download as PDF Advertising IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Competitions XIII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XIV
Download as PDF Rubric: Der BDA aufgelöst! XIV
Download as PDF Advertising XV
Download as PDF Article: Anfänge der Münchner Tafelmalerei XVI
Download as PDF Book review: Die Farbe als Element der baulichen Gestaltung [Otto Rückert] XVII
Download as PDF Advertising XVII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XIX
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XIX
Download as PDF Advertising XX
Download as PDF Rubric: Berichte aus Deutschland XX
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIV
Download as PDF Obituary: Linck, Ernst XXV
Download as PDF Obituary: Meyer-Zschokke, XXV
Download as PDF Obituary: Meier-Graefe, Julius XXVI
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Bauchronik XXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXVII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIX
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXX
Download as PDF Advertising XXXI
Issue 9 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Article: L'Oeuvre de Léopold Robert 301
Download as PDF Article: Ausstellung "Land- und Ferienhaus", Basel, 11. Mai bis 2. Juni 1935 II 306
Download as PDF Article: L'exposition de Bâle - Résumé 308
Download as PDF Rubric: Landhaus Bettingerweg 22 in Riehen bei Basel : Prof. Hans Bernoulli, Arch. BSA, Basel 310
Download as PDF Rubric: Wohnhaus Dr. St. in Arlesheim bei Basel : Hermann Baur, Arch. BSA, Basel 312
Download as PDF Rubric: Wohnhaus in Erlenbach am Zürichsee : Ernst F. Burckhardt, Architekt BSA, Zürich 314
Download as PDF Rubric: Berghaus Mont Moron der Sektion Basel S.A.C. : Bräuning, Leu, Dürig, Architekten BSA, Basel 316
Download as PDF Rubric: Ski- und Ferienhaus des Vereins "Die Naturfreunde" am Schwändisee, oberhalb Unterwasser, im Toggenburg : Franz Scheibler, Architekt BSA, Winterthur 318
Download as PDF Article: "Das Bad von gestern und heute", Ausstellung in den Gewerbemuseen von Zürich und Basel 319
Download as PDF Article: Über die Anordnung von Bildern in Museen 324
Download as PDF Article: Skizzen vom Internationalen Wohnungs- und Städtebaukongress London 1935 von Hans Bernoulli, Architekt BSA, Basel 327
Download as PDF Article: Das Reiterdenkmal für Hans Waldmann in Zürich von Bildhauer Hermann Haller 330
Download as PDF Article: "Schönenhof" Zürich - ein typisches Heimatschutzproblem II 332
Download as PDF Advertising IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Competitions XIII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XIV
Download as PDF Advertising XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVIII
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XX
Download as PDF Book review XXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXI
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Bauchronik XXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIV
Download as PDF Rubric: Kunsthalle Basel XXV
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Rubric: Une exposition d'art mural à Paris XXVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXVIII
Issue 10 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Article: Die Universität am Rhein (Basel) 333
Download as PDF Article: Programm und Methode von Landesaustellungen untersucht am Beispiel des Schweizer Pavillons in Brüssel, im Hinblick auf die Landesaustellung Zürich 1938 339
Download as PDF Article: Weltausstellung in Brüssel 1935 - Landesaustellung in Zürich 1938 348
Download as PDF Article: Ein Fotoarchiv für schweizerische Architektur - eine Anregung 354
Download as PDF Article: Skizzen vom Internationalen Wohnungs- und Städtebaukongress II von Hans Bernoulli, Architekt BSA, Basel 355
Download as PDF Article: Jubiläumsausstellung der "Gesellschaft schweizerischer Maler, Bildhauer und Architekten" GSMBA im Kunsthaus Zürich 358
Download as PDF Article: Exposition d'art religieux à Fribourg 363
Download as PDF Advertising XIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Competitions XVII
Download as PDF Obituary: Koch-Robbi, Valentin XVII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XVIII
Download as PDF Competitions XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXII
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Chronik XXII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVI
Download as PDF Advertising XXVIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Bericht aus Deutschland XXIX
Download as PDF Advertising XXX
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Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXXIII
Download as PDF Book review XXXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXXIV
Issue 11 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents VII
Download as PDF Advertising VIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Richard Seewald, Ronco, Zeichnungen 365
Download as PDF Article: Das Kunst und Kongresshaus Luzern, erbaut 1931-1933 von Armin Meili, Architekt BSA, Luzern 369
Download as PDF Article: Neue Infanteriekaserne auf der Allmend Luzern : erbaut von Armin Meili, Architekt BSA, Luzern 379
Download as PDF Article: Die Museumsbauten am Helvetiaplatz in Bern : erbaut von Klauser & Streit, Arch. BSA, Bern 386
Download as PDF Article: Vom XIII. Internationalen Architektenkongress in Rom 22.-28. September 1935 390
Download as PDF Competitions 394
Download as PDF Book review: Villard de Honnecourt [Hans Hahnloser] 395
Download as PDF Advertising IX
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XI
Download as PDF Advertising XII
Download as PDF Competitions XIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIV
Download as PDF Association News: Schweizerischer Werkbund SWB XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XVII
Download as PDF Advertising XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XX
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Chronik XXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIV
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXVI
Download as PDF Article: Eine neue Form des Gussbetonhauses : Baukork XXVII
Download as PDF Advertising XXVIII
Issue 12 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents XIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIV
Download as PDF Rubric: Keramische Werkstätte F. Haussemann, Uster (Kt. Zürich), erbaut von Max Ernst Haefeli, Arch. BSA, Zürich 397
Download as PDF Rubric: Das Handwerk des Töpfers 402
Download as PDF Article: Wirkteppiche von Maria Geroë-Tobler SWB 407
Download as PDF Rubric: Atelier Strasser-Tappolet, Zürich, Keramik von Louise Strasser SWB 410
Download as PDF Rubric: Cornelia Forster SWB, Sala-Capriasca (Tessin), Keramik 412
Download as PDF Rubric: Stickereien von Lissy Funk-Düssel, SWB, Zürich 414
Download as PDF Article: Schweizer Heimatwerk 417
Download as PDF Article: Neue Oberländer Holzschnitzerei in Brienz 424
Download as PDF Article: Moderne Architektur und volkstümliche Kunst 426
Download as PDF Book review 428
Download as PDF Advertising XIII
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungs-Kalender XV
Download as PDF Advertising XVI
Download as PDF Competitions XVII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XVIII
Download as PDF Advertising XIX
Download as PDF Rubric: Niederländische Kunstausstellungen XXI
Download as PDF Advertising XXII
Download as PDF Rubric: Chronique genevoise XXIII
Download as PDF Advertising XXIV
Download as PDF Rubric: Berner Bauchronik XXIV
Download as PDF Rubric: Luzerner Chronik XXV
Download as PDF Advertising XXV
Download as PDF Rubric: Winterthurer Kunstchronik XXVII
Download as PDF Rubric: Zürcher Kunstchronik XXVII
Download as PDF Advertising XXVIII
Download as PDF Miscellaneous XXIX
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Download as PDF Index _