E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 72 (2022)
Heading Page
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Download as PDF Table of Contents 5
Download as PDF Preface: Vorwort 9
Download as PDF Rubric: Lebenslauf von Stefanie Gropper 11
Download as PDF Bibliography: Schriftenverzeichnis von Stefanie Gropper 13
Download as PDF Front matter 19
Download as PDF Article: Literate mentality and epigraphy 21
Download as PDF Article: Literary networks and the periphery of Niðaróss in the fifteenth century 39
Download as PDF Article: The making of a centre in the periphery : writing and rhetoric at the archdiocese of Niðaróss 47
Download as PDF Article: Aesthetic energeia : an outline 59
Download as PDF Article: Textvarianz und die Rolle des Kompilators als Ko-Autor 71
Download as PDF Article: Werk fast ohne Autoren : AM 434 4to oder Árni Magnússons unvollendeter Versuch eines altnordischen Verfasserlexikons 81
Download as PDF Article: Hver orti L ítið af Grettis sögu í rímur snúið? 89
Download as PDF Article: Das altnordische Brandanus-Fragment NRA 68 im Kontext der norrönen Übersetzungsliteratur 97
Download as PDF Article: Three unedited exempla from JS 405 8vo 103
Download as PDF Front matter 115
Download as PDF Article: Die zwei Versionen des Sneglu-Halla þáttr : ein narratologisches Bewusstsein für die kurze Erzählform? 117
Download as PDF Article: Voice and World in Jökuls þáttr Búasonar 127
Download as PDF Article: "Erzählen in Klischees"? Repetitive und schematische Narration in Reykdœla saga und Harðar saga im Spiegel von Forschungsgeschichte und Narratologie 137
Download as PDF Article: Misplaced trust and failed/false friendship : betraying the poet in Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu and Bjarnar saga Hítdœlakappa 147
Download as PDF Article: Wooden performances : carving and versifying níð and idolatry 157
Download as PDF Article: Þuríðr Barkardóttir and the poetry of Eyrbyggja saga 167
Download as PDF Article: Dissonant voices in the prosimetrum of Heiðarvíga saga 179
Download as PDF Article: Age and ethics in Þáttr stangarhǫggs 189
Download as PDF Article: Die Verhandlung von Vaterschaft in Þorsteins þáttr stangarhǫggs 199
Download as PDF Article: None so blind as those who will not see : blindness, wisdom, and incomprehension in Morkinskinna 209
Download as PDF Article: "Wenn Ausländer an die Macht kommen" : Bemerkungen zu Flucht und Fremdheit in den Königssagas 219
Download as PDF Article: Exotische Hölzer in übersetzten und originalen Riddarasögur 229
Download as PDF Article: Double-endings in medieval saga literature : the case of Laxdæla und Sturlunga 243
Download as PDF Front matter 255
Download as PDF Article: Weibliche Stimmen - männliche Sicht : Rekalibrierungen von Gender und Genre in der Ólafs saga Þórhallasonar 257
Download as PDF Article: An approach towards another aesthetics : when a household becomes the centre of action in Jörg Wickram's Nachbarn-novel 267
Download as PDF Article: "Anskuelsen af Verden som den er" : Steen Steensen Blichers Beitrag zur Ästhetik des Realismus am Beispiel der Erzählung Hosekræmmeren ("Der Strumpfkrämer") 277
Download as PDF Article: Die Sehnsucht nach Inseln : zur Medialität frühneuzeitlicher Inselimaginationen 287
Download as PDF Article: Magic, fish and material ecocriticism 301
Download as PDF Article: Hund, Katze oder Kind? : Eine Analyse der beliebtesten Hunde- und Katzennamen in Deutschland und Schweden 309
Download as PDF Article: "I consider Iceland / [...] a very nice land" : communicableness and co-creativity in W.H. Auden's and Louis MacNeice's Letters from Iceland 325
Download as PDF Article: Hölderlin in Island 343
Download as PDF Article: Hölderlin in Dänemark und Schweden : Rezeption und Übersetzung in Schlaglichtern 357
Download as PDF Article: Tracing the grammar of Old Norse myth : mapping mythemes in English-language young adult literature from the second half of the long nineteenth century 367
Download as PDF Article: Ein Skáld für das 21. Jahrhundert : konzeptionelle und narratologische Überlegungen zu einer Roman-Adaption der Egils saga Skallagrímssonar 379
Download as PDF Index: Abbildungsverzeichnis 389
Download as PDF Index: Werkregister 391
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