E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 7 (1953)
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Issue 1 _
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Download as PDF Article: Einstöckige Villa in Sceaux bei Paris = Villa d'un étage à Sceaux près Paris = One-storey villa at Sceaux near Paris 1
Download as PDF Article: Ebenerdiges Wohnhaus in Highland Park bei Chicago = Maison de plain-pied à Highland Park près de Chicago = Walk-in house in Highland Park near Chicago 4
Download as PDF Article: Kleines Holzhaus in Sarasota/Florida = Petite maison en bois à Sarasota, Floride = Small timber house at Sarasota/Florida 8
Download as PDF Article: Wohnhaus für einen Rechtsanwalt in Weiden bei Köln = Habitation d'un avocat à Weiden près Cologne = Solicitor's house at Weiden near Cologne 12
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienhaus am Taunushang = Maison familiale sur la pente du Taunus = House on the slopes of the Taunus 14
Download as PDF Article: Wohn- und Schlafraum in einem Einfamilienhaus bei Zürich : Möblierung mit Freba-Typenmöbeln = Living-room et chambre à coucher d'une habitation familiale aux alentours de Zurich : meubles types Freba = Living-room and bedroom in a one-family house near Zurich : furnished with Freba furniture 16
Download as PDF Article: Sitzmöbel "Soloform" = Sièges "Soloform" = "Soloform" furniture 19
Download as PDF Article: Tische mit Metallgestellen = Tables à châssis métallique = Tables with metal frames 20
Download as PDF Article: Neue Stahlrohrmöbel = Nouveaux meubles en tubes d'acier = New tubular steel furniture 22
Download as PDF Article: Neue Stehlampe für Wohnraum und Büro = Nouveau lampadaire pour la maison ou le bureau = New standard lamp for living room and office 24
Download as PDF Article: Fabrik für Gleichrichter der S.A. des Ateliers de Sécheron, Genève = Fabrique de redresseurs de la S.A. des Ateliers de Sécheron, Genève = Rectifier factory of the Sécheron Works Co., Geneva 25
Download as PDF Article: Verwaltungsgebäude der Papiersackfabrik Rothrist AG, Rothrist = Administration de la fabrique de sacs en papier Rothrist S.A. à Rothrist = Administrative block of the Rothrist Co. paper bag factory at Rothrist 30
Download as PDF Article: Büro und Lagerhaus einer Metallhandelsgesellschaft in Rotterdam = Entrepôts et bureaux d'une entreprise du commerce des métaux à Rotterdam = Metal company's office and warehouse in Rotterdam 34
Download as PDF Article: Sportpavillon in Aardenburg/Holland = Pavillon des Sports à Aardenburg (Holland) = Sports pavilion at Aardenburg (Holland) 39
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Download as PDF Rubric: Bautechnik ; Baustoffe 42
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Download as PDF Article: Formprobleme 46
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 48
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Download as PDF Rubric: Fachschriftenschau 50
Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 51
Download as PDF Rubric: Résumés 51
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Download as PDF Index: Bürogebäude der Papiersackfabrik Rothrist AG : Unternehmerliste 52
Download as PDF Index: Neubau Sécheron Genève : [Unternehmerliste] 52
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Download as PDF Rubric: Summary 54
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Issue 2 _
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Download as PDF Article: Wohn- und Siedlungsformen = Formes d'habitations et de colonies = Designs of dwellings and housing estates 57
Download as PDF Article: 6 Einfamilienhäuser für Angestellte der Olivetti & Co. S.A., Ivrea/Italien = Six maisons familiales pour le personnel de la maison Olivetti & Co. S.A., Ivrée/Italie = Six houses for employees of Olivetti & Co. S.A., Ivrea/Italy 61
Download as PDF Article: Laubenganghaus in Küsnacht/Zürich = Maison à berceaux à Küsnacht/Zurich = Arcaded house at Küsnacht/Zurich 64
Download as PDF Article: Neue Siedlungsbauten in Leverkusen = Nouvelles colonies à Leverkusen = New dwelling estates at Leverkusen 66
Download as PDF Article: Reihenhaussiedlung in Allschwil bei Basel = Colonie d'habitations en lignes, à Allschwil près de Bâle = Estate of houses in rows at Allschwil near Basle 70
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für Reiheneinfamilienhäuser = Projet de maisons familiales en lignes = Project for one-family houses in rows 72
Download as PDF Article: Eine Stadt kämpft für gute Schulbauten = Une ville lutte pour ses bâtiments scolaires = A town fights for good school buildings 73
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für die Oberrealschule Erlangen = Projet pour le Lycée scientifique d'Erlangen = Project for the Higher Modern School, Erlangen 78
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein Kleinschulhaus bei Zürich = Projet pour un pavillon scolaire près de Zurich = Project for a small school near Zurich 80
Download as PDF Article: Neuwiesenschule in Ravensburg = Ecole "Neuwiesen" à Ravensbourg = Neuwiesen School at Ravensburg 82
Download as PDF Article: Kindergartengebäude in Martigues/Provence = Ecole maternelle à Martigues/Provence = Kindergarten at Martigues/Provence 86
Download as PDF Article: Kippfenster für Schulräume in einem Lyzeum in Montpellier/France = Fenêtres à bascule pour les salles de classe d'un lycée à Montpellier/France = Pivoting windows for schoolrooms in a secondary school at Montpellier/France 89
Download as PDF Article: Schulpavillon und Lehrerhaus in Vantoux bei Metz = Pavillon scolaire avec logement pour l'instituteur à Vantoux près de Metz = School pavilion and teacher's house at Vantoux near Metz 90
Download as PDF Article: Ferienkolonie in Saint-Servan/Normandie = Colonie de vacances de Saint-Servan/Normandie = Holiday settlement at Saint-Servan/Normandy 92
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein Kindererholungsheim an der Adria = Projet pour un home d'enfants sur l'Adriatique = Project for a children's convalescent home on the Adriatic 94
Download as PDF Article: Hunziker-Kalksandsteine in Wohn- und Fabrikbauten 97
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Download as PDF Article: Wärmeschutz, Behaglichkeit und Brennstoffverbrauch im Hochbau 98
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Download as PDF Article: Technisches an Schulbauten 100
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Download as PDF Article: Die elektronische Accum-Niedertemperatur-Strahlungsheizung im Sekundarschulhaus Dübendorf 102
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Download as PDF Article: Hilco Urinoir-Anlagen 106
Download as PDF Article: Hinweise zur Muba 1953 106
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Download as PDF Article: Personelles : Henry van de Velde : zu seinem neunzigsten Geburtstag 110
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 111
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Download as PDF Rubric: Résumés 112
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Download as PDF Rubric: Summary 113
Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum 114
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Issue 3 _
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Download as PDF Article: Fabrik für elektrische Apparate in Horgen/Zürich = Fabrique d'appareils électriques à Horgen/Zurich = Factory for electrical apparatus at Horgen/Zurich 115
Download as PDF Article: "Chantier expérimental" mit 800 Wohnungen in Strasbourg = "Chantier expérimental" de 800 appartements à Strasbourg = "Chantier expérimental" with 800 flats at Strasburg 120
Download as PDF Article: Billige Volkswohnungen in Paris-Aubervilliers = Appartements bon marché à Paris-Aubervilliers = Cheap worker's flats at Paris-Aubervilliers 125
Download as PDF Article: Wohnhaus in Kiel-Gaarden = Immeuble à Kiel-Gaarden = Multi-storey block of flats at Kiel-Gaarden 130
Download as PDF Article: Mehrfamilienhäuser für Angestellte der Olivetti & Co. S.A., Ivrea/Italien = Habitations pour le personnel de la maison Olivetti & Co. S.A., Ivrée/Italie = Multi-family houses for employees of Olivetti & Co. S.A., Ivrea/Italy 132
Download as PDF Article: Mietshäuser in Milane = Immeuble à Milan = Blocks of flats in Milan 134
Download as PDF Article: Haus Stillman, Litchfield/Connecticut = Maison Stillman, Litchfield/Connecticut = Stillman house, Litchfield/Connecticut 139
Download as PDF Article: Wohnhaus in Velp bei Arnheim/Holland = Maison à Velp près Arnheim/Hollande = Dwelling-house at Velp near Arnheim/Holland 144
Download as PDF Article: Wohn- und Ferienhaus am Comersee = Habitation et maison de vacances près du lac de Côme = Dwelling and holiday house on Lake Como 147
Download as PDF Article: Ferienhaus in Alassio = Maison de vacances à Alassio = Holiday house of Alassio 150
Download as PDF Article: Neue schweizerische und italienische Lampen = Nouvelles lampes suisses et italiennes = New Swiss and Italian lamps 152
Download as PDF Rubric: Baustoffe ; Bautechnik 155
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wohnungsbau 158
Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 158
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Download as PDF Rubric: Résumés 161
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Download as PDF Rubric: Summary 163
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Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 164
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Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum 166
Download as PDF Index: An der Fabrikerweiterung der Firma Adolf Feller AG., Horgen beteiligten Unternehmer 166
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Issue 4 _
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Download as PDF Article: Chemische Fabrik CILAG, Milano = Fabrique chimique CILAG, Milan = Chemical factory CILAG, Milan 167
Download as PDF Article: Arzneimittelfabrik in Karlsruhe = Fabrique de produits pharmaceutiques à Karlsruhe = Pharmaceutical factory at Karlsruhe 171
Download as PDF Article: Pumpenfabrik in Gateshead/England = Fabrique de pompes à Gateshead/Angleterre = Pump factory at Gateshead/England 174
Download as PDF Article: Zahnräderfabrik in Oeynhausen = Fabrique de roues dentées à Oeynhausen = Cog-wheel factory at Oeynhausen 178
Download as PDF Article: Spinnereigebäude in Nordhorn = Filature à Nordhorn = Spinning mill at Nordhorn 182
Download as PDF Article: Wirkwarenfabrik Fürstenau = Fabrique de tricots Fürstenau = Knitted goods factory at Fürstenau 185
Download as PDF Article: Pförtnerhaus einer Metallwarenfabrik in Geislingen/Steige = Loge de concierge d'une fabrique d'objets métalliques à Geislingen/Steige = Porter's lodge of metal goods factory at Geislingen/Steige 188
Download as PDF Article: Fabrikneubau der Biscuit Suter AG, Winterthur = Nouvelle fabrique de la Biscuit Suter S.A., Winterthour = New factory of Suter Biscuit Ltd., Winterthur 190
Download as PDF Article: Neubau des Verwaltungsgebäudes der Aare-Tessin A.G. und der Hauptpost in Olten = Nouveau bâtiment administratif de la Aar-Tessin S.A. et de la poste principale d'Olten = New administrative building of Aare-Tessin A.G. and General Post Office at Olten 191
Download as PDF Article: Ausführungsprojekt des Unescogebäudes, Paris = Projet définitif au bâtiment de l'Unesco à Paris = Design for Unesco building, Paris 196
Download as PDF Article: Erweiterungsbau der Bayerischen Staatsbank = Annexe de la Banque d'Etat Bavaroise à Erlangen = Extension to the State Bank of Bavaria at Erlangen 201
Download as PDF Article: Geschäftshaus in Braunschweig = Maison de commerce à Braunschweig = Office block in Brunswick 204
Download as PDF Article: "Die gute Form 1953" = "Forme utile 1953" = "Good Design 1953" 207
Download as PDF Article: Wendeltreppe in Stahl 211
Download as PDF Publicité 212
Download as PDF Article: Ausbildung des Industrieentwerfers 212
Download as PDF Publicité 213
Download as PDF Publicité 215
Download as PDF Rubrique: Kongresse 216
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Buchbesprechungen 216
Download as PDF Publicité 217
Download as PDF Rubrique: Fachschriftenschau 218
Download as PDF Publicité 219
Download as PDF Publicité 221
Download as PDF Rubrique: Wohnungsbau 222
Download as PDF Publicité 223
Download as PDF Index: Am Fabrikneubau der Firma Biscuit-Suter AG. Winterthur beteiligter Firmen 224
Download as PDF Index: An den Neubauten der "Aare-Tessin" und Hauptpost Olten beteiligter Firmen [Teil 1] 224
Download as PDF Publicité 225
Download as PDF Index: An den Neubauten der "Aare-Tessin" und Hauptpost Olten beteiligter Firmen [Teil 2] 226
Download as PDF Publicité 227
Download as PDF Erratum: Berichtigung 227
Download as PDF Rubrique: Impressum 227
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Résumés 228
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Summary 229
Download as PDF Publicité 230
Download as PDF Appendice: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Cahier 5 _
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Download as PDF Divers 231
Download as PDF Article: Mehrfamilienhaus mit Ateliers in Zürich = Maison à plusieurs appartements avec ateliers à Zurich = Block of flats with workshops in Zurich 231
Download as PDF Article: Neubau Bürohaus Mont-Blanc Centre und Kino Le Plaza in Genf = Nouveau bâtiment commercial Mont-Blanc Centre et cinéma Le Plaza à Genève = Mont-Blanc Centre new office block and Le Plaza conema in Geneva 236
Download as PDF Article: Pharmazeutische Fabrik Farmitalia in Mailand = Fabrique pharmaceutique Farmitalia à Milan = Farmitalia pharmaceutical factory in Milan 241
Download as PDF Article: Verwaltungsgebäude einer Feuerversicherungsgesellschaft in Los Angeles, Kalifornien = Bâtiment d'administration d'une compagnie d'assurance contre le feu à Los Angeles, Californie = Administrative building of a fire-insurance company in Los Angeles, California 246
Download as PDF Article: Erweiterung eines Londoner Bürohauses = Agrandissement d'un immeuble commercial à Londres = Extension to a London block of offices 251
Download as PDF Article: Büroräume der D.D.G. Hansa, Bremen = Bureaux de la D.D.G. Hansa, Brême = Offices of the D.D.G. Hansa, Bremen 253
Download as PDF Article: Zentralstation für Überlandautobusse in Chicago = Gare centrale des autobus interurbains à Chicago = Central station for transcontinental buses in Chicago 255
Download as PDF Article: Grossgarage in Düsseldorf = Grand garage à Dusseldorf = Garage in Düsseldorf 258
Download as PDF Article: Neue Heuerstation in Rotterdam = Nouvel station d'embauchage à Rotterdam = New office for the engagement of seamen 263
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein "Motel" = Projet d'un "Motel" = Project for a "motel" 266
Download as PDF Article: Tankstelle am Blauen See bei Hannover = Poste à essence près du Lac Bleu près de Hanovre = Filling-station at the Blue Lake near Hanover 268
Download as PDF Article: Grosstankstation in Regensburg = Grande poste à essence à Ratisbonne = Service Station at Regensburg 270
Download as PDF Article: "Die gute Form 1953" = "Forme utile 1953" = "Good Design 1953" 271
Download as PDF Article: Der Wärmeschutz bei Strahlungsheizungen 275
Download as PDF Publicité 276
Download as PDF Publicité 279
Download as PDF Article: "Eternit" als Baustoff des Bauingenieurs 280
Download as PDF Index: Unternehmerliste Überbauung Freiestrasse 11, Zürich 280
Download as PDF Publicité 281
Download as PDF Index: Liste des entreprises Mont-Blanc Centre 282
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Résumés 284
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Download as PDF Publicité 287
Download as PDF Rubrique: Summary 288
Download as PDF Publicité 289
Download as PDF Divers 292
Download as PDF Erratum: Berichtigung 292
Download as PDF Rubrique: Impressum 292
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Download as PDF Appendice: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Cahier 6 _
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Download as PDF Divers 295
Download as PDF Article: Stadtspital Waid, Zürich = Hôpital municipal Waid, Zurich = Waid Municipal Hospital, Zurich 295
Download as PDF Article: Laden der Intérieur S.A., Zürich = Magasin de l'Intérieur S.A., Zurich = Shop of Intérieur S.A., Zurich 311
Download as PDF Article: Laden-Umbau Wohnbedarf AG., Basel = Transformation du magasin Wohnbedarf S.A., Bâle = Alterations to the shop of Wohnbedarf A.G., Basle 314
Download as PDF Article: Thonet-Stuhl-Ausstellung = Exposition de chaises Thonet = Thonet chair exhibition 318
Download as PDF Article: Variable Wandschrankelemente = Eléments variables de placards = Freely combinable cupboard units 319
Download as PDF Article: Neue Innenausbauelemente = Nouveaux éléments d'aménagement intérieur = New creations in the interior decoration range 320
Download as PDF Article: "Das Haus in der Halle" : Ausstellung der Landeskunstschule, Hamburg, 1953 = "La maison dans le hall" : exposition de l'école d'art national, Hambourg, 1953 = "The House in the Hall" : exhibition by the National Arts School, Hamburg 1953 324
Download as PDF Article: Wohn- und Studierzimmer in einem Wohnblock = Chambre de séjour et de travail dans un immeuble locatif = Combined living room and study in a block 326
Download as PDF Article: Umbau eines Ladens für Beleuchtungskörper = Rénovation d'un magasin de corps d'éclairage = Alterations to a shop for light fixtures 328
Download as PDF Article: Neue Lampen = Nouvelles lampes = New lamps 330
Download as PDF Article: Neue Glasleuchten = Nouvelles lampes en verre = New glass electroliers 333
Download as PDF Article: Heluan-Teppiche = Tapis Hélouan = Heluan carpets 334
Download as PDF Article: Tisca-Teppiche = Tapis Tisca = Tisca carpets 335
Download as PDF Article: Neue Waron-Teppiche = Novueaux tapis Waron = New Waron carpets 336
Download as PDF Article: Neue Vasen = Nouveaux vases = New vases 337
Download as PDF Article: Neue Bestecke = Nouveaux couverts = New cutlery 338
Download as PDF Publicité 339
Download as PDF Article: Die witterungsabhängige automatische Zentralheizungsregulierung Sigma 342
Download as PDF Publicité 343
Download as PDF Article: Ausbildung des Industrieentwerfers [Fortsetzung] 344
Download as PDF Publicité 345
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Buchbesprechungen 346
Download as PDF Publicité 347
Download as PDF Rubrique: Résumés 348
Download as PDF Publicité 349
Download as PDF Rubrique: Summary 350
Download as PDF Publicité 351
Download as PDF Publicité 353
Download as PDF Index: Empfehlungsliste von Firmen, welche am Bau des Stadtspitals Waid beteiligt waren 354
Download as PDF Publicité 355
Download as PDF Index: Empfehlungsliste von Firmen, welche am Bau des Stadtspitals Waid beteiligt waren [Fortsetzung] 356
Download as PDF Publicité 357
Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum 358
Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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