E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 44 (1969)
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Download as PDF Artikel: Sur certains modules dans une algèbre de Lie semi-simple. 1
Download as PDF Artikel: An Application of Simplicial Profinite Groups. 45
Download as PDF Artikel: Differential Structures on a Product of Spheres. 61
Download as PDF Artikel: Locally Flat Imbeddings in the Metastable Range. 70
Download as PDF Artikel: On a Special Class of Hamiltonian Graphs. 84
Download as PDF Artikel: On the Finsler and Doner-Tarski Arithmetical Hierarchies. 89
Download as PDF Artikel: Strukturen auf Quotienten komplexer Räume. 93
Download as PDF Artikel: Ein Satz über orthogonal abgeschlossene Unterräume. 117
Download as PDF Artikel: Welding Riemann Surfaces and Transmission Problems with Shifts. 120
Download as PDF Artikel: Marinescu-Räume. 138
Download as PDF Article: Einige Kongruenzsätze für geschlossene k-dimensionale Flächen in n-dimensionalen Riemannschen Räumen. 164
Download as PDF Article: Über eine Klasse von Polyederfunktionalen. 191
Download as PDF Article: Note on Poisson's Treatment of the Euler-Maclaurin Formula. 202
Download as PDF Article: A Notion of Krull Dimension for Differential Rings. 207
Download as PDF Article: Coherent Graded Rings and the Non-Existence of Spaces of Finite Stable Homotopy Type. 217
Download as PDF Article: Knot Cobordism Groups in Codimension Two. 229
Download as PDF Article: Zur Störungstheorie linearer Operatoren: Relative Beschränktheit und relative Kompaktheit von Operatoren in Banachräumen. 245
Download as PDF Article: Beiträge zur Theorie der limitierten Vektorräume. 249
Download as PDF Article: Über fast-uniforme Untergruppen komplexer Liegruppen und auflösbare komplexe Mannigfaltigkeiten. 269
Download as PDF Article: A Note on a Paper of J.T. Marti. 282
Download as PDF Article: Über harmonische Kapazität und quasikonforme Abbildungen im Raum. 284
Download as PDF Article: Homotopy-associative H-spaces which are Sphere Bundles over Spheres. 308
Download as PDF Article: A Note on the Fundamental Theorem of Projective Geometry. 310
Download as PDF Article: Nicht-hyperelliptische Schottky-Verdoppelungen. 316
Download as PDF Article: Die Extremalität gewisser Teichmüllerscher Abbildungen des Einheitskreises. 319
Download as PDF Article: Stable Secondary Cohomology Operations. 341
Download as PDF Article: Transplantation harmonique, transplantation par modules, et théorèmes isopérimétriques. 354
Download as PDF Article: Foliations on Open Manifolds, II. 367
Download as PDF Article: Über die Künneth-Formel für ausserordentliche Cohomologie. 371
Download as PDF Article: Hill Equations with Coexisting Periodic Solutions, II. 381
Download as PDF Article: The Changes of Sign of Certain Arithmetical Error-Terms. 385
Download as PDF Article: On Meromorphic Solutions of Algebraic Differential Equations. 401
Download as PDF Article: Contributions à la théorie du type simple d'homotopie. 410
Download as PDF Article: Multiplizitätenvergleich unter Verwendung von Testkurven. 438
Download as PDF Article: On Parametric Representation for Quasisymmetric Frunctions. 446
Download as PDF Article: A Note on Purely Inseparable Extensions. 457
Download as PDF Article: Pin Cobordism and Related Topics. 462
Download as PDF Article: Ein Konvergenzsatz für Folgen quasikonformer Abbildungen. 469
Download as PDF Article: Representative Functions on Topological Groups. 476
Download as PDF Article: On the Gauss Mapping for Hypersurfaces of Constant Mean Curvature in the Sphere. 484
Download as PDF Article: Über die Eindeutigkeit des reellen Abschlusses eines angeordneten Körpers. 491
Download as PDF Article: Finslersche Zahlen. 495
Download as PDF Article: Imbeddings of Simplicial Complexes. 502