E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 90 (1963)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Article: Où la carte nationale chasse les fées 4
Download as PDF Article: A nos fidèles abonnés et lecteurs... 5
Download as PDF Article: La voix fribourgeoise : mais où sont les foires d'antan ? 6
Download as PDF Article: Si vous allez... 7
Download as PDF Publicité 8
Download as PDF Article: Billet de Ronceval : six jours pour un dimanche 9
Download as PDF Rubrique: La voix jurassienne 10
Download as PDF Article: Pique-nique des patoisants vâdais 10
Download as PDF Article: Le Marché-Concours de Saignelégier 11
Download as PDF Article: La 7e Fête des saisons, à Tavannes 11
Download as PDF Article: Les Vieilles chansons de Saignelégier à Berlin 11
Download as PDF Article: Patois et ancien français : (suite) 12
Download as PDF Publicité 13
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages vaudoises 14
Download as PDF Article: Communiqués officiels de l'Association vaudoise des amis du patois 14
Download as PDF Article: Le syndic est mort... 14
Download as PDF Article: On vîhlio valet 15
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages valaisannes 16
Download as PDF Article: Y iu le Diâbzo !... = (J'ai vu le diable !...) 16
Download as PDF Article: Une brillante fête du patois à Vissoie 17
Download as PDF Rubrique: Page fribourgeoise 18
Download as PDF Article: Amicale di patêjan "Lè Triolè" 18
Download as PDF Article: Au Tir cantonal de Guin 18
Download as PDF Article: L'activité patoisante romande : dans les Amicales 19
Download as PDF Article: Courrier du coeur 19
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages jurassiennes 20
Download as PDF Article: Enne hichtoire de foinnéjon = Une histoire de fenaison 20
Download as PDF Article: Proverbes patois jurassiens : (suite) 21
Download as PDF Article: Notre petit concours 22
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pour rire un brin... 23
Download as PDF Article: Sur le bateau 23
Download as PDF Article: Elle vient toute seule !... 23
Download as PDF Article: Ceux du 23e 23
Download as PDF Article: Sous le signe du beau et du mauvais temps 23
Download as PDF Article: Le pavillon officiel de la Yougoslavie au 43e Comptoir suisse 24
Download as PDF Article: Propos du vignoble 25
Download as PDF Article: In Memoriam Eugène Wiblé 26
Download as PDF Article: Résultats du concours de juillet-août 26
Download as PDF Article: Mots croisés 27
Download as PDF Article: Solution du problème de juillet-août 27
Download as PDF Publicité _
Cahier 2 [i.e. 2-3] _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Article: Quand je gardais les vaches avec Gustave !... 32
Download as PDF Article: Si vous allez... 33
Download as PDF Article: La voix fribourgeoise : un maharadjah à Bulle !... 34
Download as PDF Article: Courrier du coeur 35
Download as PDF Publicité 36
Download as PDF Article: Billet de Ronceval : déménagement !... 37
Download as PDF Rubrique: La voix jurassienne 38
Download as PDF Article: Les insectes et les formules magiques 38
Download as PDF Article: Les brandons 40
Download as PDF Article: Les patoisants vaudois au Comptoir 41
Download as PDF Article: Lè-z-agasson 43
Download as PDF Article: Patois et ancien français : (suite) 44
Download as PDF Publicité 45
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages vaudoises 46
Download as PDF Article: Communiqués officiels de l'Association vaudoise des amis du patois 46
Download as PDF Article: On tâdié novalla mouda = Un cancre nouvelle mode 46
Download as PDF Article: Niollu et son bourrique 47
Download as PDF Article: Nos costumes vaudois 48
Download as PDF Article: Couteintèmein passe retsesse 48
Download as PDF Article: Silhouette d'aujourd'hui : le ramoneur 49
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages fribourgeoises 50
Download as PDF Article: Automne... 50
Download as PDF Article: On valyin rèmêdo 51
Download as PDF Article: L'ôtra mitya 51
Download as PDF Article: Répartie de gosse 51
Download as PDF Article: Pique-nique 51
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages valaisannes 52
Download as PDF Article: La poletica de Djan-Blet... 52
Download as PDF Article: Dialogue entendu 52
Download as PDF Article: Proverbes 53
Download as PDF Article: Bons conseils 53
Download as PDF Article: On peut se tromper de ça ! 53
Download as PDF Article: Le Valais a fêté brillamment son nouveau conseiller fédéral... 53
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages jurassiennes 54
Download as PDF Article: Les pommes de tierre = Les pommes de terre 54
Download as PDF Article: Proverbes patois jurassiens : (suite) 57
Download as PDF Article: Notre petit concours 58
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pour rire un brin... 59
Download as PDF Article: Répartie enfantine 59
Download as PDF Article: Ne pas confondre 59
Download as PDF Article: Réflexions d'un député 59
Download as PDF Article: Le patois et un brin d'histoire vaudoise 60
Download as PDF Article: Humour 60
Download as PDF Article: Prévoyance féminine 60
Download as PDF Article: Propos du vignoble 61
Download as PDF Article: In memoriam : Eugène Wiblé 62
Download as PDF Article: Résultats du concours de septembre 62
Download as PDF Article: Mots croisés 63
Download as PDF Article: Solution du problème de septembre 63
Download as PDF Publicité _
Cahier 3 [i.e. 4] _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Article: Une St-Nicolas jurassienne 68
Download as PDF Article: A la rencontre des hommes 70
Download as PDF Article: Si vous allez... 70
Download as PDF Article: Bonne année et bons voeux à tous 71
Download as PDF Publicité 72
Download as PDF Article: Billet de Ronceval : un soir de paix..! 73
Download as PDF Rubrique: L'activité patoisante romande 74
Download as PDF Article: Dans les Amicales 74
Download as PDF Article: A Vers-chez-les-Blanc, avec les patoisants du Jorat 74
Download as PDF Article: Chanoise E.-S. Dupraz 75
Download as PDF Article: Patois et ancien français : (suite) 76
Download as PDF Publicité 77
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages vaudoises 78
Download as PDF Article: Communiqués officiels de l'Association vaudoise des amis du patois 78
Download as PDF Article: Lo miracllhio de Paquie 78
Download as PDF Rubrique: Page valaisanne 80
Download as PDF Article: Lé tsétagnié 80
Download as PDF Article: Silhouette d'aujourd'hui : Ersatz ! ou : Les produits de remplacement 81
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages fribourgeoises 82
Download as PDF Article: Amicale di patêjan "Lè Triolè" 82
Download as PDF Article: Le théâtre patoisant 83
Download as PDF Article: Concours littéraire fribourgeois 1962 83
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages jurassiennes 84
Download as PDF Article: Lai Saint-Nicolas 84
Download as PDF Article: Enne boinne yeçon = Une bonne leçon 86
Download as PDF Article: Notre petit concours 87
Download as PDF Publicité 88
Download as PDF Article: Propos du vignoble 89
Download as PDF Article: Résultats du concours d'octobre-novembre 90
Download as PDF Article: Mots croisés 91
Download as PDF Article: Solution du problème de septembre 91
Download as PDF Publicité _
Cahier 5 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Article: Un poète vaudois du temps passé : Jean-Jacques Porchat : (1800-1864) 96
Download as PDF Article: Si vous allez... 97
Download as PDF Article: La voix jurassienne : la fausse monnaie 98
Download as PDF Article: Variétés : humour... 99
Download as PDF Article: Silhouette d'aujourd'hui : lettre ouverte à maman 100
Download as PDF Article: Billet de Ronceval : cadeaux !... 101
Download as PDF Rubrique: La voix valaisanne 102
Download as PDF Article: Quel changement de vie à Vercorin 102
Download as PDF Article: Isérables 103
Download as PDF Article: En marge du "Glossaire" 104
Download as PDF Publicité 105
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages vaudoises 106
Download as PDF Article: Communiqués officiels de l'Association vaudoise des amis du patois 106
Download as PDF Article: Onna vihlie dâi z'autrou iadzou 106
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages valaisannes 108
Download as PDF Article: La bouna ize Grognuz = (La bonne vieille Grognuz) 108
Download as PDF Article: Couin tzanzèmenn dè viiâ in Vercoreing : (patois de Vercorin) 109
Download as PDF Article: Message de sympathie 109
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages fribourgeoises 110
Download as PDF Article: Chovinyi d'Epindè 110
Download as PDF Article: Onna vretâ = Une vérité 111
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages jurassiennes 112
Download as PDF Article: Lai fâsse menoue = (La fausse monnaie) : (patois d'Ocourt) 112
Download as PDF Article: Proverbes patois jurassiens : (suite) 113
Download as PDF Article: Savoir-vivre et savoir vivre ! 113
Download as PDF Article: Notre petit concours 114
Download as PDF Article: Ne pas confondre... 115
Download as PDF Article: Pour rire un brin : par-dessus... le marché ! 115
Download as PDF Article: Le "truc" de l'ancien préfet 115
Download as PDF Rubrique: Activité patoisante romande 116
Download as PDF Article: Un Noël patoisant à Savigny 116
Download as PDF Article: Le théâtre en patois 116
Download as PDF Nécrologie: En dernière heure : la mort d'un grand dramaturge romand : René Morax 116
Download as PDF Article: Propos du vignoble 117
Download as PDF Article: Résultats du concours de décembre 118
Download as PDF Article: Mots croisés 119
Download as PDF Article: Solution du problème de décembre 119
Download as PDF Publicité _
Cahier 6 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Article: Pensées et sentences patoises 2
Download as PDF Article: Si vous allez... 4
Download as PDF Article: La voix valaisanne : assemblée cantonale des délégués 5
Download as PDF Publicité 6
Download as PDF Article: Billet de Ronceval : Jules et la Joconde !... 7
Download as PDF Rubrique: L'activité patoisante romande 8
Download as PDF Article: Dans les Amicales 8
Download as PDF Article: Un bel anniversaire 9
Download as PDF Article: Nyon : un grand ami du "Conteur" n'est plus 9
Download as PDF Article: Le patois à la radio 9
Download as PDF Article: Patois et ancien français : (suite) 10
Download as PDF Publicité 11
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages vaudoises 12
Download as PDF Article: Communiqués officiels de l'Association vaudoise des amis du patois 12
Download as PDF Article: Lo lô è l'agnî = (Le loup et l'agneau) 13
Download as PDF Article: Anciennes coutumes broyardes 13
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages valaisannes 14
Download as PDF Article: La Confrarei de la Tsanna = (La Confrérie de la Channe) 14
Download as PDF Article: Devinettes ! 15
Download as PDF Article: Aux amis valaisans ! 15
Download as PDF Article: Aux membres du "Conseil" 15
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages fribourgeoises 16
Download as PDF Article: En souvenir de maman !... 16
Download as PDF Article: Concours et théâtre patoisants 17
Download as PDF Article: La Société des patoisants de la Glâne 17
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pages jurassiennes 18
Download as PDF Article: Homonymes et paronymes 18
Download as PDF Article: Proverbes patois jurassiens : (suite) 19
Download as PDF Article: Notre petit concours 20
Download as PDF Rubrique: Pour rire un brin 21
Download as PDF Article: Pour vivre heureux, vivons...! 21
Download as PDF Article: Jolie repartie enfantine 21
Download as PDF Article: Ana metchan laaua = Une méchante langue : (patois neuchâtelois 22
Download as PDF Article: Le dialecte catalan 22
Download as PDF Article: Propos du vignoble 23
Download as PDF Article: In memoriam : Eugène Wiblé : (fonds en faveur du Conteur romand) 24
Download as PDF Article: Résultats du concours de janvier 24
Download as PDF Article: Mots croisés 25
Download as PDF Article: Solution du problème de janvier 25
Download as PDF Publicité _
Cahier 7-8 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Article: Mieux vaut tard... 2
Download as PDF Article: Si vous allez... 3
Download as PDF Rubrique: La voix fribourgeoise 4
Download as PDF Article: Concours littéraire des amis du patois fribourgeois 4
Download as PDF Article: Soixante enfants et petits-enfants fêtent leur aïeul patoisant !... 5
Download as PDF Publicité 6
Download as PDF Article: Billet de Ronceval : des princesses à marier !... 7
Download as PDF Article: En hommage aux Patoisants de la Glâne, à Fribourg... : lè yèrdzà = les écureuils 8
Download as PDF Article: Psychologie de l'héritier : (d'après un almanach de l'autre siècle) 9
Download as PDF Article: Vaudoisismes savoureux : des morts qui se portent assez bien ! 10
Download as PDF Article: La dernière fée !... 11
Download as PDF Article: A propos du rire 12
Download as PDF Article: Une belle dot : (d'après un almanach de l'autre siècle) 13
Download as PDF Article: Patois et ancien français : (suite) 14
Download as PDF Advertising 15
Download as PDF Article: Le "Conseil" a siégé !... 16
Download as PDF Article: Avec les patoisants vaudois !... 17
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages vaudoises 18
Download as PDF Article: Prix Kissling 18
Download as PDF Article: Petit dictionnaire vaudois : (français-patois) 18
Download as PDF Article: Cotisations 18
Download as PDF Article: Paul-Louis Mercanton 18
Download as PDF Article: Lo renâ è lo bocan = (Le renard et le bouc) 18
Download as PDF Article: En tournée à Gryon 19
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages fribourgeoises 20
Download as PDF Article: Avui lè patêjan dè Prâreman 20
Download as PDF Article: A ma féna !... 21
Download as PDF Article: Estavayer fête les soixante ans du professeur abbé F.-X. Brodard 21
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages valaisannes 22
Download as PDF Article: Soirée et Fête cantonale 22
Download as PDF Article: Jo vo j'anmo ! : (patois de Salvan) 22
Download as PDF Article: E Pâtô dèy Montânyë... : (ritournelle en patois Bëdjui) 23
Download as PDF Article: On remiedzo po férè pétâ 23
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages jurassiennes 24
Download as PDF Article: Chez les patoisants vâdais à Delémont 24
Download as PDF Article: Au Réton di Cïos di Doubs, à Saint-Ursanne 25
Download as PDF Article: Avec les patoisants d'Ajoie, de Porrentruy et environs 25
Download as PDF Article: Rien !... Ran !... 27
Download as PDF Article: Notre petit concours 28
Download as PDF Article: Glané en relisant un "Conteur" de 1882 29
Download as PDF Advertising 30
Download as PDF Article: Propos du vignoble 31
Download as PDF Article: In memoriam : Eugène Wiblé 32
Download as PDF Article: Logique enfantine 32
Download as PDF Article: Résultats du concours de février 32
Download as PDF Article: Mots croisés 33
Download as PDF Article: Solution du problème de février 33
Download as PDF Advertising _
Issue 9 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: En hommage à Oscar Pasche : un "mainteneur" exemplaire de nos vieux langages et de nos traditions 2
Download as PDF Article: Dans un Jorat endeuillé... 2
Download as PDF Article: Adieu fribourgeois... 3
Download as PDF Article: Un fervent ami du Valais... 3
Download as PDF Article: Si vous allez... 4
Download as PDF Article: La voix jurassienne : la chanson d'Erguel, à Saint-Imier 5
Download as PDF Advertising 6
Download as PDF Article: Billet de Ronceval : toutes ces fêtes... 7
Download as PDF Article: "Conseil" et assemblée des délégués ont siégé à Lausanne... 8
Download as PDF Article: Patois et ancien français : (suite) 10
Download as PDF Advertising 11
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages vaudoises 12
Download as PDF Article: Assemblée générale du 19 mai à Gryon 12
Download as PDF Article: Petit dictionnaire vaudois : (français-patois) 12
Download as PDF Article: Cotisations 12
Download as PDF Article: Les pêches 12
Download as PDF Article: Légende de Grevire 13
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages valaisannes 14
Download as PDF Article: On fi boutserei = (On fait boucherie) 14
Download as PDF Article: Li rapèyon 15
Download as PDF Article: Un succès : la Soirée cantonale des patoisants valaisans 15
Download as PDF Article: Chez les patoisants valaisans de Lausanne 15
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages fribourgeoises 16
Download as PDF Article: La chindâ 16
Download as PDF Article: Ma grand-mère et les Bourbakis ! 17
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages jurassiennes 18
Download as PDF Article: La Chanson prévôtoise à Moutier 18
Download as PDF Article: Imprécations 19
Download as PDF Article: Notre petit concours 20
Download as PDF Rubric: Pour rire un brin... 20
Download as PDF Article: Entre gosses 20
Download as PDF Article: Entre hommes ! 20
Download as PDF Article: Madame Suzette 21
Download as PDF Article: Lacs, rivières et glaciers de "chez nous" 22
Download as PDF Article: Justice du Roi 22
Download as PDF Article: Propos du vignoble 23
Download as PDF Article: In memoriam : Eugène Wiblé et Oscar Pasche : (fonds en faveur du Conteur romand) 24
Download as PDF Article: Résultats du concours de mars-avril 24
Download as PDF Article: Mots croisés 25
Download as PDF Article: Solution du problème de mars-avril 25
Download as PDF Advertising _
Issue 10 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: La Fête des patoisants fribourgeois à Bulle 2
Download as PDF Article: La course 4
Download as PDF Article: Si vous allez... 4
Download as PDF Article: Les patoisants vaudois rendent hommage à Juste et Caroline Olivier 5
Download as PDF Article: Billet de Ronceval : ce pauvre Alphonse ! 7
Download as PDF Article: Course de vitesse : l'évolution du langage 8
Download as PDF Article: Patois et ancien français : (suite) 10
Download as PDF Advertising 11
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages vaudoises 12
Download as PDF Article: Communiqué officiel de l'Association vaudoise des amis du patois 12
Download as PDF Article: Déso lou ceresi 12
Download as PDF Article: [Nouvelles diverses] 14
Download as PDF Rubric: Page fribourgeoise 15
Download as PDF Article: I brâva j'armalyi 15
Download as PDF Article: Le cri des poules 15
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages valaisannes 16
Download as PDF Article: La dzevouna seveinta = (La jeune servante) 16
Download as PDF Article: Eï si tan bïngn' ! 17
Download as PDF Article: Savièse tous costumes dehors... 17
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages jurassiennes 18
Download as PDF Article: Plus de garçons que de pièces de cent sous ! 18
Download as PDF Article: Les Petignats 18
Download as PDF Article: Proverbes patois jurassiens : (suite) 19
Download as PDF Article: Notre petit concours 20
Download as PDF Article: Pour rire un brin... : repartie d'enfant 20
Download as PDF Article: Propos sur... : "Justice du Roi" au Théâtre du Jorat 21
Download as PDF Article: Propos du vignoble 23
Download as PDF Article: In memoriam : Eugène Wiblé et Oscar Pasche 24
Download as PDF Article: Contraste nécessaire 24
Download as PDF Article: Résultats du concours de mai 24
Download as PDF Article: Mots croisés 25
Download as PDF Article: Solution du problème de mai 25
Download as PDF Advertising _
Issue 11-12 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: La bouillotte 2
Download as PDF Article: Si vous allez... 3
Download as PDF Article: La voix jurassienne : la lessive 4
Download as PDF Advertising 6
Download as PDF Article: Billet de Ronceval : les affaires se gâtent ! 7
Download as PDF Article: La voix fribourgeoise : les fantômes de la Part-Dieu 8
Download as PDF Article: Le Japon, hôte d'honneur du 44e Comptoir suisse 10
Download as PDF Article: La voix valaisanne : le revenant de la Tour 11
Download as PDF Article: Variétés : une bonne blague 12
Download as PDF Article: Les cris des animaux 12
Download as PDF Article: Gastronomie : définitions 12
Download as PDF Article: Le plus coupable ? 13
Download as PDF Article: Le bon bout ! 13
Download as PDF Article: Dire et faire...! 13
Download as PDF Article: Le "Conteur" va entrer dans sa 17e année 13
Download as PDF Article: Patois et ancien français : (suite) 14
Download as PDF Advertising 15
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages vaudoises 16
Download as PDF Article: Communications officielles de l'Association vaudoise des amis du patois 16
Download as PDF Article: Lo vilhio tauupî 16
Download as PDF Article: Dans les Amicales : le "papa" Louis Chappuis n'est plus 17
Download as PDF Article: Dou Paï d'Amont 17
Download as PDF Article: Winkerîde 18
Download as PDF Article: Pour se consoler !... 19
Download as PDF Article: Vers dédiés aux auteurs du dictionnaire 19
Download as PDF Rubric: Page fribourgeoise 20
Download as PDF Article: A propos du "Concours de la Bal'Ethéla" 20
Download as PDF Article: Juillet 21
Download as PDF Article: Otyè po rire 21
Download as PDF Article: Dans les Amicales 21
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages valaisannes 22
Download as PDF Article: Lè revenan dè la Tô 22
Download as PDF Article: Le mèrâcle 23
Download as PDF Article: Li gordzè doeu Trièdzo 23
Download as PDF Rubric: Pages jurassiennes 24
Download as PDF Article: Lai bue : (patois du Clos-du-Doubs) 24
Download as PDF Article: Vieux airs, vieilles chansons, vieux costumes... 26
Download as PDF Article: Proverbes patois jurassiens : (suite) 28
Download as PDF Article: Notre petit concours 29
Download as PDF Advertising 30
Download as PDF Article: Propos du vignoble 31
Download as PDF Article: In memoriam : Eugène Wiblé et Oscar Pasche : (fonds en faveur du Conteur romand) 32
Download as PDF Article: Résultats du concours de juin 32
Download as PDF Article: Mots croisés 33
Download as PDF Article: Solution du problème de juin 33
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