E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 86 (1993)
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Issue 1 _
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Download as PDF Preface: Editorial _
Download as PDF Article: Le Briançonnais, terrain exotique dans les Alpes? 1
Download as PDF Article: Reconstitution de la plate-forme eurpoéenne anté-orogénique de la Bresse aux Chaînes subalpines : éléments de cinématique alpine (France et Suisse occidentale) 47
Download as PDF Article: Das Bundstock-Element, eine diskontinuierliche helvetische Teildecke an der Kandertal-Störung 65
Download as PDF Article: Structural geometry of the Wildhorn Nappe between the Aar massif and the Brienzer See 87
Download as PDF Article: Sedimentology of the Upper Marine Molasse of the Rhône-Alp region, eastern France : implications for basin evolution 121
Download as PDF Table of Contents 121
Download as PDF Chapter : Abstract = Résumé = Zusammenfassung 122
Download as PDF Chapter 1: Introduction 123
Download as PDF Chapter 2: Stratigraphy 124
Download as PDF Chapter 3: Structure and tectonic setting 127
Download as PDF Chapter 4: Sedimentology of the Upper Marine Molasse 130
Download as PDF Chapter 5: Implications for Basin Evolution 160
Download as PDF Chapter 6: Conclusions 165
Download as PDF Bibliography: References 166
Download as PDF Article: Mechanisms of penecontemporaneous deformations : applications to Quaternary deltaïc deposits in the Broye Valley (Switzerland) 173
Download as PDF Article: Detrital silicates in Northeast Atlantic deep-sea sediments during the Late Quaternary : major element, REE and Rb-Sr isotopic data 195
Download as PDF Article: Geological transect across the Northwestern Himalaya in eastern Ladakh and Lahul : a model for the continental collision of India and Asia 219
Download as PDF Article: Enregistrement de l'activité séismique dans les sédiments : exemple des plates-formes carbonatées messiniennes d'Afrique du Nord 265
Download as PDF Article: Geologische Datenbank der Region Basel 283
Download as PDF Article: Bericht über die 108. ordentliche Generalversammlung der Schweizerischen Geologischen Gesellschaft in Basel : 30. September-2. Oktober 1992 303
Download as PDF Chapitre A: Bericht des Vorstandes für das Jahr 1991/1992 303
Download as PDF Chapitre B: 108. ordentliche Generalversammlung 310
Download as PDF Article: Sedimentation und Tektonik im Ostjura : Bericht über die Exkursion der Schweizerischen Geologischen Gesellschaft am 29.9.1992 313
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Hinweise für AutorInnen 333
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Instructions aux auteurs 336
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Guidelines for contributors 339
Cahier 2 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Divers _
Download as PDF Préface: Editorial _
Download as PDF Article: Le bassin d'Ecoteaux (Vaud, Suisse) : témoin de trois cycles glaciaires quaternaires 343
Download as PDF Article: Reconnaissance du contexte géologique et de la nature du remplissage d'un bassin lacustre du Jura méridional : le Lac de Cerin (Ain, France) 355
Download as PDF Article: Microfacies and sedimentary sequences in the Lower Aptian (Bedoulian) of the Urgonian platform (Chartreuse massif, SE-France) 377
Download as PDF Article: Précisions stratigraphiques sur les Collines du Faucigny, Préalpes ultrahelvétiques de Haute-Savoie (France) 397
Download as PDF Article: Towards a better definition of the Anisian/Ladinian boundary : new biostratigraphic data and correlations of boundary sections from the Southern Alps 415
Download as PDF Table des matières 415
Download as PDF Chapitre : Abstract = Zusammenfassung = Riassunto 416
Download as PDF Chapitre 1: Introduction 418
Download as PDF Chapitre 2: Middle Triassic stratigraphy and fossiliferous Anisian/Ladinian boundary sections 420
Download as PDF Chapitre 3: Anisian/Ladinian boundary intervals in basinal "Buchenstein Beds" 425
Download as PDF Chapitre 4: Anisian to Ladinian carbonate platforms 440
Download as PDF Chapitre 5: The South Alpine ammonoid record : its zonal subdivision and the position of the Anisian/Ladinian boundary 448
Download as PDF Chapitre 6: Additional information on chronostratigraphy and time-scales 455
Download as PDF Chapitre 7: Conclusions 459
Download as PDF Chapitre 8: Systematic descriptions 460
Download as PDF Chapitre : Acknowledgments 490
Download as PDF Bibliographie: References 490
Download as PDF Appendice: Plates 500
Download as PDF Article: "Bdelloidina" urgonensis n.sp., un foraminifère constructeur de biohermes dans l'Urgonien de Haute-Savoie (France) 529
Download as PDF Article: La Brèche du Chablais à son extrémité occidentale (Hte-Savoie, France) : sédimentologie, éléments stratigraphiques et interprétation paléogéographique 543
Download as PDF Article: Oblique slip and block rotation along the Engadine line 569
Download as PDF Article: Carbon isotopic record of the latest Proterozoic from Oman 595
Download as PDF Article: La tectogeneèse atlasique en Tunisie centrale : apport de la modélisation géométrique 609
Download as PDF Article: Again : the enigma of the Persian salt dome inclusions 629
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Hinweise für AutorInnen 633
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Instructions aux auteurs 636
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Guidelines for contributors 639
Cahier 3 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Divers _
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Verdankungen = Remerciments = Acknowledgments _
Download as PDF Article: Die Ereignisse vom 18. April und 9. Mai 1991 bei Randa (VS) : ein atypischer Bergsturz in Raten 643
Download as PDF Article: Thermal maturity and modelling of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments in the south of the Rhine Graben and the Eastern Jura (Switzerland) 667
Download as PDF Article: Structural configuration of the western Swiss Molasse Basin as defined by reflection seismic data 693
Download as PDF Article: Alluvial fan sedimentation and structure of the southern Molasse Basin margin, Lake Thun area, Switzerland 717
Download as PDF Article: Sr-isotope-stratigraphy of the Gonfolite Lombarda Group ("South-Alpine Molasse", northern Italy) and radiometric constraints for its age of deposition 751
Download as PDF Article: Le Silésien (Carbonifère supérieur) de Pormenaz (massif des Aiguilles Rouges) : lithologie et tectonique 769
Download as PDF Article: Tektonische Entwicklung der westlichen Zone von Samedan (Oberhalbstein, Graubünden, Schweiz) 785
Download as PDF Article: Cretaceous red pelagic carbonates of northern Turkey : their place in the opening history of the Black Sea 819
Download as PDF Article: Map patterns produced by thrusting and subsequent superposed folding : model experiments and example from the NE Kumaun Himalayas 839
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 853
Download as PDF Nécrologie: Paul Brönnimann (1913-1993) 855
Download as PDF Article: New Early and Middle Jurassic coccolith taxa and biostratigraphy from the eastern proto-Atlantic (Morocco, Portugal and DSDP Site 547B) 861
Download as PDF Article: Étude quantitative des thécamoebiens du "Petit Lac" (Lac Léman, Suisse) 909
Download as PDF Article: Late Aptian-Early Albian radiolaria of the Windalia radiolarite (type section), Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia 943
Download as PDF Chapitre : Abstract = Résumé 943
Download as PDF Chapitre 1: Introduction 944
Download as PDF Chapitre 2: Material and methods 947
Download as PDF Chapitre 3: Lithostratigraphy 950
Download as PDF Chapitre 4: Fossil distribution 951
Download as PDF Chapitre 5: Systematic palaeontology 952
Download as PDF Chapter 6: Discussion : age and correlation 978
Download as PDF Chapter : Acknowledgments 980
Download as PDF Bibliography: References 981
Download as PDF Appendix: Plates 986
Download as PDF Article: An Early Oxfordian ammonite bed in the Terrain à Chailles member of northern Switzerland and its sequence stratigraphical interpretation 997
Download as PDF Article: Kieferreste eines grossen Strahlenflossers (Osteichthyes; Actinopterygii) aus der ostalpinen Obertrias der Bergüner Stöcke (Kanton Graubünden, Schweiz) und Diskussion der Validität von ? Birgeria costata (Münster 1839) 1015
Download as PDF Article: Première découverte de mammifères pliocènes dans le Jura neuchâtelois 1031
Download as PDF Article: Zur Systematik der Columbomyinae Thaler, 1966 (Mammalia : Rodentia, Theridomyidae) 1069
Download as PDF Table of Contents 1083
Download as PDF Association News: Hinweise für AutorInnen 1087
Download as PDF Association News: Instructions aux auteurs 1090
Download as PDF Association News: Guidelines for contributors 1093