E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 51 (1994)
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Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Issue 1 1
Download as PDF Preface: 50 Jahre Museum Helveticum 1
Download as PDF Article: Souvenirs d'un fondateur 3
Download as PDF Article: Prolegomeni per una edizione dei frammenti di Antigono di Caristo II. 5
Download as PDF Article: Menippeisches in der Spätantike : von Lukian zu Julians Caesares und zu Claudians In Rufinum 30
Download as PDF Article: Epic recall and the finale of Ovid's metamorphoses 45
Download as PDF Article: Tertullian on child sacrifice 54
Download as PDF Rubric: Mitteilungen 64
Download as PDF Obituary: Denis van Berchem : 19 décembre 1908 - 7 mai 1994 65
Issue 2 67
Download as PDF Article: Gelone, Enesidermo e la presa di Gela : proposta di restituzione in Aristot. Rhet. I 12, 1373a23 67
Download as PDF Article: Kalendis Ianuariis : sur deux épisodes de la carrière de C. Marius 73
Download as PDF Article: Probleme in Ovids Fasti 88
Download as PDF Article: Wann feierte Ovid die Feralia? Zu Ov. Fast. 2,567f. 97
Download as PDF Article: Rogues March : Caecina and Valens in Tacitus, Histories 1.61-70 103
Download as PDF Rubric: Mitteilungen 125
Issue 3 129
Download as PDF Article: Prometheus orientalized 129
Download as PDF Article: Contrepoints de Callimaque 150
Download as PDF Article: The Ludas Latrunculorum and Laus Pisonis 190-208 164
Download as PDF Article: Propertius 4.8.77f. 179
Download as PDF Rubrique: Archäologische Berichte 181
Download as PDF Rubrique: Mitteilungen 191
Cahier 4 193
Download as PDF Article: La notion de la parenté entre cités chez Thucydide 193
Download as PDF Article: Der Weg zum Glück in der pyrrhonischen Skepsis und im griechischen Roman : die Beobachtung des bios gegen die Erkenntnis der Philosophen 198
Download as PDF Article: Gedanken zu zwei umstrittenen Oden des Horaz 206
Download as PDF Article: Sens et fonction du pronom/adjectif quidam dans les Métamorphoses d'Apulée 214
Download as PDF Article: MENTOR - eine Datenbank zur griechischen Religion 226
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Buchbesprechungen = Comptes rendus 229
Download as PDF Rubrique: Mitteilungen 267
Download as PDF Index: Sach- und Stellenregister 269