E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 53 (1996)
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Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Issue 1 1
Download as PDF Article: Polis-toponyms as personal entities (in Thucydides and elsewhere) 1
Download as PDF Article: Il capitolo XIV della Lakedaimonion Politeia attribuita a Senofonte 12
Download as PDF Article: Dionysos and the underworld in Toledo 25
Download as PDF Article: The minimum age for the Quaestorship in the late republic 37
Download as PDF Article: La generazione precosmica e la struttura della materia in Plutarco 44
Download as PDF Article: An echo of Hilary of Poitiers in Jerome 56
Download as PDF Article: Horace's punic sailor 61
Download as PDF Rubric: Mitteilungen 63
Issue 2 67
Download as PDF Table of Contents 67
Download as PDF Article: "Königs-Ellen" bei Alkaios : Griechen am Rand der östlichen Monarchien 69
Download as PDF Article: Das Tötungsgesetz des Antiphon und der Sinn seiner Tetralogien 73
Download as PDF Article: Komik und Alte Komödie 83
Download as PDF Article: Die Tücken der Sprecherverteilung : Euelpides, Peisetairos und ihre Rollen in der Eingangspartie der aristophanischen Vögel 91
Download as PDF Article: Anytos-EMBAAAS und der Prozess des Sokrates 100
Download as PDF Article: THIAEAAHN 106
Download as PDF Article: Hellenistische Dichtung und Geschichtsschreibung : zur peripatetischen und kallimacheischen Literaturtheorie 116
Download as PDF Article: Epigramma - epigramma : Aspekte einer Wortgeschichte 123
Download as PDF Article: Two epigrams by Asclepiades (XXV, XVI G.-P.) 140
Download as PDF Article: Ennius, Vergil - und Livius 148
Download as PDF Article: IULIA KALLITEKNOS 156
Download as PDF Article: Dido und Seneca über Glück und Vollendung 160
Download as PDF Article: Das Ende der antiken Idealstatue 170
Download as PDF Article: Individualität und individuelle Form als Problem in der Philosphie der Spätantike und des frühen Mittelalters 187
Download as PDF Article: Planudes und die Geographia des Ptolemaios 197
Download as PDF Article: Gens sui tantum similis : Johann Gottfried Herders Beitrag zur Entstehung des deutschen Philhellenismus 206
Cahier 3 217
Download as PDF Article: Quantum distet ab Inacho - der Dichter als Arbiter bibendi (Hor. Carm 3,19) 217
Download as PDF Article: Tibullus 1.8 und 9 : a tale in two poems? 232
Download as PDF Article: Notes on Seneca's tragedies and the Octavia 248
Download as PDF Article: Dating by African figs 256
Download as PDF Article: Martial's disiecta membra and the text of Epigrams, 2.73 259
Download as PDF Article: princeps, terticeps usw. : zur Argeerfrage 262
Download as PDF Rubrique: Archäologische Berichte 265
Download as PDF Rubrique: Mitteilungen 278
Cahier 4 281
Download as PDF Article: Ein Brief von Bruno Snell an Willy Theiler 281
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Buchbesprechungen = Comptes rendus 306
Download as PDF Rubrique: Mitteilungen 348
Download as PDF Index: Sach- und Stellenregister 351