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Volume - (2011)
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Issue 88: Collaborations Sturtevant, Andro Wekua, Kerstin Brätsch, Paul Chan _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Preface: Editorial 88 : bewegte Bilder = moving pictures 4
Download as PDF Article: Chatter about art is almost always useless = das Gerede über Kunst ist so gut wie nutzlos 6
Download as PDF Rubric: [Collaborations] Kerstin Brätsch, Paul Chan, Sturtevant, Andro Wekua 21
Download as PDF Front matter 21
Download as PDF Article: Kerstin Brätsch : notes on abstraction = Anmerkungen zur Abstraktion 22
Download as PDF Article: Kerstin Brätsch : kecke Schale, komplexer Kern = alluring appearance, complex core 36
Download as PDF Article: Kerstin Brätsch : see reverse for care = bitte Pflege-Anleitung beachten 48
Download as PDF Article: Kerstin Brätsch : edition for Parkett 88 62
Download as PDF Article: Paul Chan : liberation in the loop Paul Chan : the 7 lights = Befreiung in der Endlosschlaufe Paul Chans : 7 lights 64
Download as PDF Article: Paul Chan : essentially alien : notes from outside Paul Chan's Godot = absolut fremd : periphere Anmerkungen zu Paul Chans Godot 76
Download as PDF Article: Paul Chan : the body inscribed : Paul Chan's sade project = auf den Leib geschrieben : Paul Chans Sade-Projekt 94
Download as PDF Article: Paul Chan : edition for Parkett 88 110
Download as PDF Article: Sturtevant : the silent power of art = die stille Macht der Kunst 112
Download as PDF Article: Sturtevant : recreated reaction recreate = Rekreierte Reaktion rekreieren 126
Download as PDF Article: Sturtevant : élan : the joy of Sturtevant's spinoza = Sturtevants Elan : Spinoza und die Freude 142
Download as PDF Article: Sturtevant : praise and otherwise : Spinoza in Las Vegas = Lob und Sonstiges : Spinoza in Las Vegas 153
Download as PDF Article: Sturtevant : edition for Parkett 88 156
Download as PDF Artikel: Andro Wekua : homesickness is where the heart is = Heimweh ist, wo das Herz ist 158
Download as PDF Artikel: Andro Wekua : vollendeter Stil schlägt gesunden Menschenverstand : Aston Martin Lagonda = it defies common sense in spectacular style : Aston Martin Lagonda 174
Download as PDF Artikel: Andro Wekua : nothing and everything at once = nichts und alles auf einmal 182
Download as PDF Artikel: Andro Wekua : edition for Parkett 88 194
Download as PDF Artikel: The spirit of transfer : staging knowledge : eine Wissensoper = staging : an opera of knowledge 196
Download as PDF Artikel: The spirit of transfer : der Himmel über Bern : Reflexion, Aktion und Produktion und die Sommerakademie im Zentrum Paul Klee = the sky over Bern : reflection, action and production in the Zentrum Paul Klee's summer academy 208
Download as PDF Artikel: Insert for Parkett 88 217
Download as PDF Werbung 229
Download as PDF Rubrik: Editions for Parkett 258
Download as PDF Werbung 263
Download as PDF Rubrik: Parkett : artist's monographs & editions = Künstlermonographien & Editionen 265
Download as PDF Rubrik: Parkett in bookshops (selection) _
Download as PDF Werbung _
Heft 89: Collaborations Mark Bradford, Charline von Heyl, Oscar Tuazon, Haegue Yang _
Download as PDF Titelseiten _
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis _
Download as PDF Vorwort: Editorial 89 : raumgreifende Collage = expansive collage 4
Download as PDF Artikel: Sound = Klang 6
Download as PDF Rubrik: [Collaborations] Charline von Heyl, Haegue Yang, Mark Bradford, Oscar Tuazon 21
Download as PDF Titelseiten 21
Download as PDF Artikel: Charline von Heyl : aggressive and cool = aggressiv und cool 22
Download as PDF Artikel: Charline von Heyl : mercurial nature = quecksilbrige Natur 35
Download as PDF Artikel: Charline von Heyl : now or else = jetzt oder aber 48
Download as PDF Artikel: Charline von Heyl : edition for Parkett 89 60
Download as PDF Artikel: Haegue Yang : movement studies = Bewegungsstudien 64
Download as PDF Artikel: Haegue Yang : we can get there! = wir können es schaffen! 80
Download as PDF Artikel: Haegue Yang : still I have to write to hide writing = immer noch schreibe ich, um das Schreiben zu verbergen 102
Download as PDF Artikel: Haegue Yang : edition for Parkett 89 118
Download as PDF Artikel: Mark Bradford : ruinaphilia = Ruinenliebe 122
Download as PDF Article: Mark Bradford : kingdom day = Königin der Parade 136
Download as PDF Article: Mark Bradford : a range of convergences = ein Bereich der Konvergenz 152
Download as PDF Article: Mark Bradford : edition for Parkett 89 170
Download as PDF Article: Oscar Tuazon : a palpable miss = ein offensichtlicher Fehlschlag 172
Download as PDF Article: Oscar Tuazon : hard work = harte Arbeit 186
Download as PDF Article: Oscar Tuazon : the poet's strike = der Dichterstreik 200
Download as PDF Article: Oscar Tuazon : edition for Parkett 89 214
Download as PDF Article: Unassuming places = anspruchslose Orte 216
Download as PDF Article: Insert for Parkett 89 233
Download as PDF Article: Mona Hatoums : Silberstreifen = silver lining 245
Download as PDF Advertising 253
Download as PDF Rubric: Editions for Parkett 283
Download as PDF Rubric: Parkett : artist's monographs & editions = Künstlermonographien & Editionen 289
Download as PDF Rubric: Parkett in bookshops (selection) _
Download as PDF Advertising _