E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 34 (1961)
Heading Page
Issue 1 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Rubric: Galerie de voyageurs illustres _
Download as PDF Rubric: Touristische Aktualitäten _
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Article: Kein Winterschlaf bei den Ausstellungen = Exhibitions in full spate throughout the winter = Dans le domaine des expositions, on ne connaît pas d'hibernation _
Download as PDF Rubric: La vie culturelle et artistique en janvier 1961 _
Download as PDF Article: Janvier 2
Download as PDF Article: Wintersport im Schweizerischen Turn- und Sportmuseum in Basel = Winter sports at the Swiss Gymnastics and Sports Museum in Basel = Sport invernali al Museo svizzero di ginnastica e sport a Basilea = Les sports d'hiver au Musée suisse de la gymnastique et des sports, à Bâle 6
Download as PDF Advertising 11
Download as PDF Article: Bäuerliches Spielzeug = Des jouets d'origine paysanne = Giocattoli rustici = Hand-carved toys 12
Download as PDF Article: Gastronomie 16
Download as PDF Advertising 20
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines = Manifestazioni delle prossime settimane = Events of the coming weeks 23
Download as PDF Article: Biel wächst in den See hinaus 26
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Advertising V
Issue 2 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Rubric: Galerie berühmter Reisender IV
Download as PDF Rubric: Lebendige Schweiz IV
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Article: Popular fêtes in winter _
Download as PDF Article: A festive atmosphere in wintersports resorts _
Download as PDF Article: Finland at home in Zurich = Arts et métiers de Finlande à Zurich = Finnisches Kulturschaffen in Zürich _
Download as PDF Article: Evénements de la saison musicale = Höhepunkte der Konzertsaison _
Download as PDF Article: Beaucoup d'expositions à Genève = Vielfalt der Ausstellungen in Genf _
Download as PDF Article: L'art égyptien à Zurich = Ägyptische Kunst in Zürich _
Download as PDF Article: Un orchestre polonais en tournée en Suisse = Ein polnisches Orchester besucht die Schweiz _
Download as PDF Article: Une saison théâtrale animée = Gastspiele beleben die Winterzeit _
Download as PDF Article: Jeunesse musicienne _
Download as PDF Article: Février 2
Download as PDF Article: Das Museum Sursilvan in Truns = Le Musée Sursilvan à Truns = Il Museo Sursilvan, a Truns = Sursilvan Museum in Truns 5
Download as PDF Article: L'Hom strom 8
Download as PDF Rubric: Touristische Aktualitäten 10
Download as PDF Article: Gastronomie 19
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines = Manifestazioni delle prossime settimane = Events of the coming weeks 25
Download as PDF Article: Die Schweizer Berghilfe 26
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Advertising V
Issue 3 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Rubric: Galerie de voyageurs illustres _
Download as PDF Rubric: La Suisse, pays divers et toujours pittoresque _
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Article: An excerpt from artistic life = Au calendrier artistique _
Download as PDF Article: The Motor Show in Geneva _
Download as PDF Article: Popular customs in early spring _
Download as PDF Article: Une saison théâtrale bien remplie _
Download as PDF Article: Mars 2
Download as PDF Article: L'œuf 4
Download as PDF Rubric: Touristische Aktualitäten 7
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines = Manifestazioni delle prossime settimane 26
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Advertising V
Issue 4 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Rubric: Galerie berühmter Reisender IV
Download as PDF Rubric: Lebendige Schweiz IV
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Article: Ein Verkehrsbüro als Galerie = Une galerie d'art dans un office de tourisme = Quadri di pregio in un'agenzia turistica = Travel office as gallery _
Download as PDF Article: HYSPA 1961 Bern = HYSPA 1961 Berne _
Download as PDF Article: Avril 2
Download as PDF Article: Gastronomie 7
Download as PDF Rubric: Touristische Aktualitäten 8
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines = Manifestazioni delle prossime settimane 22
Download as PDF Advertising 25
Download as PDF Article: Von der Schneepiste zur Wasserpiste 28
Download as PDF Article: Rennpferde messen sich in Basel 28
Download as PDF Article: Internationale Sommerkurse für Tanz und Gymnastik in Bern 28
Download as PDF Article: Wandertherapie in Pontresina 28
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Advertising V
Issue 5 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Rubric: Galerie berühmter Reisender _
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Article: HYSPA 1961 Berne _
Download as PDF Article: Mai 4
Download as PDF Article: Gastronomie 7
Download as PDF Rubric: Touristische Aktualitäten 8
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines = Manifestazioni delle prossime settimane 25
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Advertising VII
Issue 6 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Rubric: Galerie de voyageurs illustres VII
Download as PDF Rubric: La Suisse, pays divers et toujours pittoresque VII
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Article: Il panorama della città di Thun, di Wocher = Le panorama de la ville de Thoune = Das Wocher-Panorama der Stadt Thun = The Wocher Panorama of Thoune _
Download as PDF Rubric: Swiss cultural life in June 1961 2
Download as PDF Article: Juin 6
Download as PDF Article: Luzern-Rotsee, Treffpunkt der europäischen Ruderelite = Le Rotsee à Lucerne, point de rencontre de l'élite européenne des rameurs 9
Download as PDF Advertising 11
Download as PDF Article: Gastronomie 12
Download as PDF Rubric: [Touristische Aktualitäten] 14
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines = Manifestazioni delle prossime settimane 22
Download as PDF Article: Güterverkehr : Beilage zur Reisezeitschrift "Schweiz" = Trafic marchandises : annexe à la revue de voyage "Suisse" = Traffico merci : annesso alla rivista di viaggio "Svizzera" _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Publicité IX
Cahier 7 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Galerie berühmter Reisender VII
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Touristische Aktualitäten] _
Download as PDF Article: Le Festival du film à Locarno = Il Festival locarnese del cinema = Das Filmfestival von Locarno _
Download as PDF Publicité 6
Download as PDF Article: Juillet 7
Download as PDF Article: Gastronomie 13
Download as PDF Article: Die Pflanzenwelt verdient bessern Schutz! 16
Download as PDF Article: Eine grosse Gefahr : das Ferienland Schweiz muss zu seinem Landschaftsbild Sorge tragen 20
Download as PDF Article: Der Wanderweg gehört dem Wanderer 21
Download as PDF Article: Grosszügige Parkplatzbeschaffung 21
Download as PDF Rubrique: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines = Manifestazioni delle prossime settimane 22
Download as PDF Publicité 25
Download as PDF Rubrique: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Publicité IX
Cahier 8 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Galerie de voyageurs illustres _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Swiss cultural life in August 1961 _
Download as PDF Article: Pablo Casals' Violoncellokunst in Zermatt _
Download as PDF Article: Septembre musical de Montreux _
Download as PDF Article: Auch Gstaad besitzt sein sommerliches Musikfestival _
Download as PDF Article: Der musikalische Hochsommer in Luzern _
Download as PDF Article: Août 3
Download as PDF Article: Das Hornussen 8
Download as PDF Article: Der Ballonflug _
Download as PDF Article: Gastronomie 11
Download as PDF Publicité 13
Download as PDF Article: Zur Erstbesteigung der Jungfrau vor 150 Jahren = Le 150e anniversaire de l'ascension à la Jungfrau = First ascension of the Jungfrau 150 years ago 16
Download as PDF Article: Ein bedeutsamer Markstein in der Davoser Sportgeschichte 17
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Touristische Aktualitäten] 18
Download as PDF Article: Blickfang: Morcote 20
Download as PDF Rubrique: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines = Manifestazioni delle prossime settimane 26
Download as PDF Publicité V
Download as PDF Rubrique: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Publicité VII
Cahier 9 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Touristische Aktualitäten] _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Article: Das grosse Ereignis des Trachtenjahres 1961 = La grande Fête des costumes suisses en 1961 _
Download as PDF Article: Das Schweizer Buch im Zürcher Helmhaus = Le livre suisse = Il libro svizzero = Swiss books 4
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, "Briefe einer Reise" und Lebensbild [Peter Sutermeister] 6
Download as PDF Article: Legende vom wiedergefundenen Eisenbahnzug 9
Download as PDF Article: Arrivées de Pierre Girard, tiré de l'ouvrage intitulé "CFF, pour un anniversaire", Mermod, Lausanne, 1947 9
Download as PDF Article: 1200 Schafe unterwegs = 1200 moutons se déplacent = 1200 pecore lasciano l'alpeggio = 1200 sheep under way 10
Download as PDF Article: Septembre 14
Download as PDF Article: Die Bahnverlegung zur Sanierung des Strassenverkehrs im Zentrum der Stadt Baden = Pour améliorer le trafic routier à Baden = Lo spostamento della linea ferroviaria, allo scopo di sanare il traffico stradale nel centro della città di Baden = Moving the railway line to improve traffic conditions in the centre of Baden 18
Download as PDF Article: Von der Tell-Ausstellung zum Tell-Museum 21
Download as PDF Article: Aargauische Kunstschätze in Gold und Silber 21
Download as PDF Article: Sonderausstellungen in St. Gallen 21
Download as PDF Publicité 22
Download as PDF Article: Gastronomie 23
Download as PDF Rubrique: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines = Manifestazioni delle prossime settimane 24
Download as PDF Rubrique: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Publicité V
Cahier 10 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Article: Jura de l'automne _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: La Suisse et la mer [Jean-Didier Bauer] _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Touristische Aktualitäten] _
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Tessin [Gotthard Schuh] 2
Download as PDF Article: Ein letztes Stücklein Eisenbahnromantik = Un témoin du bon vieux temps = La cittadina di Neunkirch e le ultime vestigia del romanticismo ferroviario in Svizzera 6
Download as PDF Article: In Bummelzügen, Rauch im Haar 9
Download as PDF Article: Elsässer Kinder in der Schweiz = Écoliers alsaciens en Suisse 10
Download as PDF Article: Ferienbriefe = Lettres 10
Download as PDF Article: Le pain 13
Download as PDF Advertising 15
Download as PDF Article: Der Klügere gibt nach - eine Brücke weicht dem Bergwinter : ein Bildbericht vom Schienenweg der Furka-Oberalp-Bahn 16
Download as PDF Article: La première ascension du Weisshorn 19
Download as PDF Article: Zur Ausstellung "Kunst und Kultur der Hethiter" im Kunsthaus Zürich (Mitte September bis Mitte November) = "L'art et la culture chez les Hittites" : une exposition au Kunsthaus de Zurich = Zurich's Kunsthaus Exhibits "Art and Civilization of the Hittites" (October-November 1961) 20
Download as PDF Article: Eine Feier zu Ehren von Pablo Casals in Zermatt = Zermatt rend hommage à Pablo Casals 22
Download as PDF Article: "Nous l'avons érigée pour toi, toi, que fais-tu pour nous?" = "Das tat der Naturschutz für dich - was tust du für den Naturschutz?" 23
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines = Manifestazioni delle prossime settimane 27
Download as PDF Rubric: La Suisse, pays divers et toujours pittoresque 30
Download as PDF Article: Güterverkehr : Beilage zur Reisezeitschrift "Schweiz" = Trafic marchandises : annexe à la revue de voyage "Suisse" = Traffico merci : supplemento alla rivista turistica "Svizzera" _
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Advertising VII
Issue 11 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Rubric: La vie culturelle et artistique suisse en novembre 1961 _
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Article: Vorschau auf den Schweizer Winter 7
Download as PDF Article: Schauspielhaus Zürich : vier Schweizer Uraufführungen und zwei Jubilare 8
Download as PDF Article: Kunsthaus Zürich 8
Download as PDF Advertising 10
Download as PDF Article: Les noix 13
Download as PDF Article: Das Eisenbahnnetz 14
Download as PDF Article: Winter sports 17
Download as PDF Advertising 24
Download as PDF Rubric: [Touristische Aktualitäten] 25
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines = Manifestazioni delle prossime settimane 26
Download as PDF Rubric: Lebendige Schweiz 28
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
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Issue 12 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Article: Natività nella casa dei Supersax, a Sion = Christmas in the Supersax House in Sion = Weihnachten im Supersax-Haus zu Sitten = Noël à la maison Supersaxo à Sion _
Download as PDF Article: Wir haben Flügel heut, nicht Schuh 2
Download as PDF Article: "Winter made in Switzerland" : einem Jahr der Beschaulichkeit entgegen = introducing a year of contemplation = Hiver "made in Switzerland" : vers une année de contemplation 2
Download as PDF Article: Schlitteda - touristisch gesehen 7
Download as PDF Article: Jahreswende im Zeichen der Mode 7
Download as PDF Article: Der Tanz der Silvesterkläuse 8
Download as PDF Article: Bauernmalereien aus dem Wallis = Peinture rustique du Valais = Pittura rustica di provenienza vallesana = Peasant painting in the Valais 8
Download as PDF Article: Gastronomie 13
Download as PDF Article: Les grands concerts choraux des Fêtes de Noël 14
Download as PDF Article: Théatre et haute-couture de Paris 14
Download as PDF Advertising 15
Download as PDF Rubric: [Touristische Aktualitäten] 20
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen der kommenden Wochen = Manifestations des semaines prochaines = Manifestazioni delle prossime settimane 21
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
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