E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 62 (1989)
Heading Page
Issue 1: Appenzeller Winter = L'hiver en Appenzell = Inverno appenzellese = Apenzell winter _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Preface: Editorial 2
Download as PDF Article: Es begann im 18. Jahrhundert : Touristen entdecken das Appenzellerland = Au XVIIIe siècle : découverte du Pays d'Appenzell = Tutto cominciò nel XVIII secolo : i turisti scoprono la regione di Appenzello = It began in the eighteenth century : tourists discover the Appenzell region 4
Download as PDF Article: Silvesterchläuse Urnäsch 6
Download as PDF Article: Reiches Appenzeller Brauchtum = Richesse des us et coutumes = Old customs in Appenzell 8
Download as PDF Article: Beim Täfeli-Maler = Chez le peintre des tableautins 12
Download as PDF Article: Teufen : Wohnort der Baumeister Grubenmann 20
Download as PDF Article: Grubenmann-Brücken 22
Download as PDF Article: Hans Ulrich Grubenmann von Teufen 24
Download as PDF Article: Gais : von der Alpenziegenmolke zum Kurort 26
Download as PDF Article: Der Landsgemeindeort Trogen 30
Download as PDF Article: Kinderdorf Pestalozzi : ein Dorf für Kinder aus aller Welt = Village d'enfants Pestalozzi 34
Download as PDF Article: Heiden : mit Blick zum Bodensee 37
Download as PDF Article: Appenzell 38
Download as PDF Article: Appenzeller Biber-Model 39
Download as PDF Article: Industrie und Heimarbeit 44
Download as PDF Article: Wintersport im Appenzellerland 46
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] 48
Download as PDF Rubric: Appenzellerland 49
Download as PDF Book review: Bücher 52
Download as PDF Rubric: SVZ-Nachrichten 52
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 53
Download as PDF Rubric: Actualités 57
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen = Manifestations = Manifestazioni = Events 58
Download as PDF Advertising 59
Download as PDF Advertising 61
Download as PDF Advertising 63
Download as PDF Advertising 65
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Issue 2: Delémont : en route vers une nouvelle identité = auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Identität = in cammino verso una nuova identità = on the way to a new identity _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Preface: Editorial 2
Download as PDF Article: Le drapeau de la liberté 4
Download as PDF Article: De la cité épiscopale à la capitale du Jura = Von der Bischofsstadt zur Kantonshauptstadt = Dalla città episcopale alla capitale del Giura = From a bishop's seat to the capital of the Jura 8
Download as PDF Article: La ville au travail 16
Download as PDF Article: Le tranchant parfait 18
Download as PDF Article: L'heure exacte 20
Download as PDF Article: Témoins de la Renaissance 22
Download as PDF Article: Rivalité entre Bâle et Berne 26
Download as PDF Article: Un musée pour le Jura 30
Download as PDF Article: Un plan de ville médiéval 34
Download as PDF Article: Un Versailles pour les princes-évêques 38
Download as PDF Article: Le Vorbourg 44
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] 48
Download as PDF Rubric: Delémont 50
Download as PDF Rubric: SVZ-Nachrichten 54
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 54
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen = Manifestations 57
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Issue 3: Bauen und Heimat : fünf schützenswerte Ortsbilder = Patrimoine architectural et terre natale : cinq sites à protéger = cinque nuclei architettonici meritevoli di conservazione _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Preface: Editorial 2
Download as PDF Article: Guarda : sentir la vair'Engiadina 4
Download as PDF Article: Avegno : i tre volti del villaggio 14
Download as PDF Article: Diemtigtal : Streusiedlung mit Mass 22
Download as PDF Article: Porrentruy : petite ville et grandes tâches 32
Download as PDF Article: Wakker-Preis 1989 : Winterthur : Arbeitersiedlung des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts 42
Download as PDF Rubric: Quer durch Wakker-Orte 46
Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum 48
Download as PDF Rubric: SVZ-Nachrichten = Informations de l'ONST 49
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen = Expositions 50
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen = Manifestations 55
Download as PDF Book review: Bücher 57
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Issue 4: Bern : Bundesstadt der Schweiz = Bern : Ville fédérale de Suisse = Bern : Capitale federale della Svizzera = Bern : Switzerland's Federal Capital _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Preface: Editorial 2
Download as PDF Article: Nationale Politik in romantischer Gemütlichkeit 4
Download as PDF Article: Jedes Jahr ein roter Teppich 10
Download as PDF Article: Paradies der freundlichen Beamten 14
Download as PDF Article: Bern ist anders = Berne garde son quant-à-soi = Berne is different 16
Download as PDF Article: Die höchsten Berner 20
Download as PDF Article: Ein europäischer Rekord 24
Download as PDF Article: Knollen, die zum Weinen sind 32
Download as PDF Article: Die Künste und ihr Widerstand 36
Download as PDF Article: Die Bärenburg 42
Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum 46
Download as PDF Article: Wettbewerb : wollen Sie über Bern noch mehr erfahren? 46
Download as PDF Rubric: Quer durch Bern 48
Download as PDF Rubric: SVZ-Nachrichten 49
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 50
Download as PDF Book review: Bücher 51
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen = Manifestations 52
Download as PDF Advertising 55
Download as PDF Advertising 57
Download as PDF Advertising 63
Download as PDF Rubric: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Issue 5: Jazz : in der Schweiz bewegt er sich = ce qui bouge en Suisse = in Svizzera si muove = how Switzerland got rhythm _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Preface: Editorial 2
Download as PDF Article: Jazzfestivals 4
Download as PDF Article: Jazzschule 26
Download as PDF Article: Als der Jazz in die Schweiz kam = Quand le jazz se propagea en Suisse = When jazz came to Switzerland 30
Download as PDF Article: Aktuelle Jazzszene Schweiz = La scène actuelle du jazz en Suisse 38
Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum 48
Download as PDF Rubric: Jazz 49
Download as PDF Rubric: SVZ-Nachrichten 50
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 51
Download as PDF Rubric: Actualités 53
Download as PDF Book review: Bücher 54
Download as PDF Rubric: Graubünden 54
Download as PDF Rubric: Veranstaltungen = Manifestations 55
Download as PDF Publicité 57
Download as PDF Publicité 59
Download as PDF Publicité 63
Download as PDF Publicité 65
Download as PDF Rubrique: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Cahier 6: Zwischen Bern und Wallis : auf dem Weg von Thun nach Brig = Entre Berne et le Valais : traits d'union le long de la route de Thoune à Brigue = Fra Berna e Vallese : in cammino da Thun a Briga = Between Berne and the Valais : connecting links on the way from Thun to Brigue _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Préface: Verbindendes - einst wie heute und in Zukunft = Liens historiques et facteurs de liaison pour l'avenir 2
Download as PDF Article: Schloss Spiez = Château de Spiez 4
Download as PDF Article: Wein aus dem Berner Oberland = Vin de l'Oberland bernois 6
Download as PDF Article: Einigen : eine der zwölf 1000jährigen Kirchen = Einigen : une des douze églises millénaires 8
Download as PDF Article: "Blümlisalp" bald wieder Dampf 10
Download as PDF Article: Kandersteger Neujahrstreiben = Nouvel an à Kandersteg 12
Download as PDF Article: Lötschen- und Gemmipass - ihre Bedeutung = Importance des cols de Lötschen et de la Gemmi = Passo di Lötschen e colle della Gemmi - la loro importanza = The importance of the Lötschen and the Gemmi Passes 14
Download as PDF Article: Gasterntal : für den Individualisten 15
Download as PDF Article: Am Lötschentaler Höhenweg 22
Download as PDF Article: Lötschentaler Masken 24
Download as PDF Article: Sherlock Holmes auf der Gemmi = Sherlock Holmes's excitement on the Gemmi Pass 26
Download as PDF Article: Kirchen von Raron = Eglises de Rarogne 30
Download as PDF Article: Stockalperschloss in Brig = Château Stockalper à Brigue 32
Download as PDF Article: Der Heida von Visperterminen = Le païen de Visperterminen 36
Download as PDF Article: Safran aus dem Oberwallis ; Mund 40
Download as PDF Article: Thun-Brig retour = In the driver's cab from Thun to Brigue = Parcours de Thoune à Brigue 42
Download as PDF Rubrique: Wandertips = Randonnées 46
Download as PDF Rubrique: Berner Oberland 47
Download as PDF Rubrique: Impressum 48
Download as PDF Rubrique: Wallis = Valais 48
Download as PDF Rubrique: Stadtbummel 49
Download as PDF Rubrique: SVZ-Nachrichten 50
Download as PDF Rubrique: Actualités = Aktualitäten 51
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Bücher 52
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungen = Expositions 53
Download as PDF Rubrique: Veranstaltungen = Manifestations 57
Download as PDF Publicité 59
Download as PDF Publicité 61
Download as PDF Publicité 63
Download as PDF Publicité 65
Download as PDF Publicité 70
Download as PDF Rubrique: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Cahier 7: Der Grosse Walserweg : Strecke Vals-Davos-Voralberg/Tirol = Le grand chemin Walser = Il grande sentiero Walser : percorso Vals-Davos-Voralberg/Tirol = The Great Walser Route _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Préface: Editorial 60
Download as PDF Article: Die Entdeckung der Walser = La découverte des Walser = La scoperta dei Walser = The discovery of the Walsers 61
Download as PDF Article: Das Recht der Walser 80
Download as PDF Article: Museen am Grossen Walserweg = Musei lungo il grande sentiero Walser 83
Download as PDF Article: Walser in Voralberg = Les Walser au Voralberg = I Walser nel Voralberg 94
Download as PDF Bibliographie: Walserbibliographie = Bibliografia sui Walser 108
Download as PDF Publicité 109
Download as PDF Rubrique: Aktualitäten = Actualités 110
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Bücher 113
Download as PDF Rubrique: SVZ-Nachrichten 114
Download as PDF Rubrique: Impressum 115
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungen = Expositions 115
Download as PDF Publicité 119
Download as PDF Rubrique: Veranstaltungen = Manifestations 120
Download as PDF Publicité 121
Download as PDF Publicité 123
Download as PDF Publicité 127
Download as PDF Publicité 134
Download as PDF Rubrique: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Cahier 8: Il retorumantsch : ina da nossas quatter linguas naziunalas = Das Rätoromanisch : unsere vierte Landessprache = Le rhéto-roman : notre quatrième langue nationale = Il romancio : la nostra quarta lingua nazionale = Romansh : Switzerland's fourth national language _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Table des matières 3
Download as PDF Préface: Editorial 4
Download as PDF Article: Rumantsch - ina lingua dal mintgadi : lavur, scola, baselgia, temp liber = Rätoromanisch - Sprache des Alltags : Arbeit, Schule, Kirche, Freizeit = Le romanche - langue du quotidien = Retoromanzo - lingua della vita quotidiana 6
Download as PDF Article: Das Rätoromanisch - ein Relikt für den Friedhof? : Rätoromanisch zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit = Il rumantsch - in relict per il santeri? : il rumantsch tranter giavisch e realitad 16
Download as PDF Article: Tamangur 28
Download as PDF Article: Da las difficultads da mantegnair in linguatg minoritar = Von der Schwierigkeit, eine Kleinsprache zu erhalten = De la difficulté de conserver une langue secondaire 30
Download as PDF Article: La vart sumbrivanta dal turissem = Die Kehrseite des Tourismus = Le revers du tourisme = Il rovescio della medaglia nel turismo 38
Download as PDF Article: Il rumantsch en ils meds da massa = Rätoromanisch in den Medien 40
Download as PDF Article: Rumantsch per principiants = Rätoromanisch für Anfänger = Rumantsch grischun pour débutants = Il rumantsch - in relict per il santeri? 42
Download as PDF Article: Älteste und jüngste Schriftzeugnisse der rätoromanischen Sprache 44
Download as PDF Rubrique: Impressum 48
Download as PDF Rubrique: Graubünden 49
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungen = Expositions 51
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Bücher 53
Download as PDF Rubrique: Actualités 55
Download as PDF Rubrique: Veranstaltungen = Manifestations 56
Download as PDF Publicité 59
Download as PDF Publicité 61
Download as PDF Publicité 63
Download as PDF Rubrique: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Cahier 9: Markt : Stätte der Verlockung - Ort der Begegnung = Marché : lieu de tentation et de rencontre = Mercato : luoghi della tentazione e d'incontro = Market : point of temptation - place of meeting _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Préface: Natürlich ist jede Kuh [...] 2
Download as PDF Table des matières 3
Download as PDF Article: Engrosmarkt : wie sich über Nacht in den Läden die Regale füllen 4
Download as PDF Article: Lockung und Verlockung : der Markt = Attrait et séduction du marché = Attrazione e tentazione : il mercato = The market : enticement and seduction 10
Download as PDF Article: Marché hebdomadaire à Monthey au Bas-Valais : frais du jardin, sur la table du voisin 12
Download as PDF Article: Le Landeron : on y vend de tout sauf des puces 18
Download as PDF Article: Basel und Luzern : Messezauber : wo Kinderträume sich erfüllen = magic of the fair : where children's dream come true = magie de la foire : les rêves d'enfance se réalisent 28
Download as PDF Article: Saignelégier : qui possède le plus beau cheval du pays? 38
Download as PDF Article: Reconvillier : Handel um die beste Kuh = merchandage pour la meilleure vache 42
Download as PDF Rubrique: Impressum 48
Download as PDF Rubrique: Basel 49
Download as PDF Rubrique: La meilleure vue sur Monthey 50
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungen = Expositions 51
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Bücher 54
Download as PDF Rubrique: SVZ-Nachrichten 56
Download as PDF Rubrique: Veranstaltungen = Manifestations 57
Download as PDF Publicité 59
Download as PDF Publicité 61
Download as PDF Rubrique: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Cahier 10: Valle di Blenio _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Préface: La valle di Blenio [...] = Valle del Sole [...] 2
Download as PDF Table des matières 3
Download as PDF Article: Attraverso la Valle di Blenio e la sua storia = Streifzug durch das Bleniotal = À travers le Val de Blenio = A closer look at the Blenio Valley 4
Download as PDF Article: Olivone : il capoluogo della valle = der Talhauptort 10
Download as PDF Article: Ghirone / Luzzone : verso la Greina = gegen die Greina 13
Download as PDF Article: Un'escursione fino al Rheinwaldhorn = Eine Bergtour zum Rheinwaldhorn = Une ascension au Rheinwaldhorn = A mountain tour to the Rheinwaldhorn 14
Download as PDF Article: Veduta sulla Leventina = Blick in die Leventina 18
Download as PDF Article: Nara 20
Download as PDF Article: Architettura in pietra = Steinarchitektur = Construction en pierre 22
Download as PDF Article: San Carlo di Negrentino 26
Download as PDF Article: Ponto Valentino : Festa della Madonna, Milizia Napoleonica 28
Download as PDF Article: Navone / Corzoneso / Aquila 30
Download as PDF Article: Cappella San Remigio 32
Download as PDF Article: Museo di Blenio 33
Download as PDF Article: Nella parte meridionale della valle = Im mittleren Talabschnitt 34
Download as PDF Article: Val Malvaglia 38
Download as PDF Article: Edifici storici = Historische Bauten = Edifices historiques 42
Download as PDF Article: Acqua nella Valle di Blenio = Wasser im Valle di Blenio 44
Download as PDF Article: Sentieri di Blenio = Wandervorschläge im Bleniotal 46
Download as PDF Rubrique: Impressum 48
Download as PDF Rubrique: SVZ-Nachrichten 49
Download as PDF Rubrique: Fotowettbewerb 49
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungen = Expositions 50
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Bücher 54
Download as PDF Rubrique: Veranstaltungen = Manifestations 55
Download as PDF Publicité 61
Download as PDF Rubrique: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Cahier 11: Genève : ville internationale _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Préface: Pour beaucoup d'étrangers "Genève" [...] = Im Ausland ist "Genf" [...] 2
Download as PDF Table des matières 3
Download as PDF Article: "Happy landing in Geneva" : Genève, l'internationale = Ginevra, città internazionale = internationales Genf = Geneva international 4
Download as PDF Article: Ville d'échanges - ville de rencontres 10
Download as PDF Article: Ville de tourisme 12
Download as PDF Article: Ville de culture 22
Download as PDF Article: Le Grand Théâtre et les musées 24
Download as PDF Article: Siège d'organisations internationales 30
Download as PDF Article: La métropole économique 38
Download as PDF Article: Parcs et jardins 40
Download as PDF Article: Œcuménisme 46
Download as PDF Rubrique: Impressum 48
Download as PDF Rubrique: Genève 49
Download as PDF Rubrique: SVZ-Nachrichten 51
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungen = Expositions 52
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Bücher 53
Download as PDF Rubrique: Veranstaltungen = Manifestations 55
Download as PDF Publicité 57
Download as PDF Publicité 59
Download as PDF Publicité 63
Download as PDF Publicité 67
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Cahier 12: Wintersport : neue und alte Spielformen auf Eis und Schnee = Sports d'hiver : jeux nouveaux et anciens sur neige et sur glace = Sport invernali : giochi nuovi e vecchi sul ghiaccio e la neve _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Préface: Unsere Alpen wurden in der Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts [...] 2
Download as PDF Table des matières 3
Download as PDF Article: Eisschnellauf : Geschichte des Eisschnellaufs = Patinage de vitesse : histoire du patinage de vitesse = Speed skating : the story of speed skating 4
Download as PDF Article: Zürcher Seegfrörni = Les gels du lac de Zurich = When Zurich's lake freezes over 14
Download as PDF Article: Der Wintersport erobert die Alpen = Winter sports in the alps 16
Download as PDF Article: Polo auf dem St.-Moritzersee 18
Download as PDF Article: Eisstockschiessen 24
Download as PDF Article: Schneeschuhlaufen 28
Download as PDF Article: Nur Fliegen ist schöner 30
Download as PDF Article: Wie der Ski die Schweiz eroberte 32
Download as PDF Article: Pioniers des sports d'hiver = Pioniere des Wintersports 34
Download as PDF Article: Skiakrobatik 36
Download as PDF Rubrique: Impressum 42
Download as PDF Rubrique: SVZ-Nachrichten 43
Download as PDF Rubrique: Wintersport = Sports d'hiver 43
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungen = Expositions 47
Download as PDF Rubrique: Nachrichten 50
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Bücher 51
Download as PDF Rubrique: Veranstaltungen = Manifestations 52
Download as PDF Rubrique: Der kleine Nebelspalter _
Download as PDF Publicité _