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Préface: Editorial
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Article: Trends of vegetation change in colline and submontane climax forests in Switzerland
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Article: Responses od 21 wetland species to shortages of light, nitrogen and phosphorus
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Article: Spatially specific simulation of the long-term development of a subalpine pasture in the Swiss National Park
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Article: Effects of light and nutrient supply on the growth and competitive ability of five Carex species
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Article: Shifts in abundance of fen-meadow species along a nutrient gradient in a field experiment
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Article: Research Project : life-history and genetic variation of native vs. introduced populations of the perennial Solidago gigantea Ait. (Asteraceae)
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Article: Research Project : ecology of transgenic crop plants expressing insecticidal Bt δ-endotoxins : effects on trophic interactions and biodiversity of insect pollinators, non-target herbivores and natural enemies
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Article: Research Project : transgene flow from crops to wild plants, consequences for associated insects and implications for hybrid fitness
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Article: Research Project : development of growth rings in roots of dicotyledonous perennial herbs : experimental analysis of exological factors
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Rubrique: Summaries of diploma and PhD theses (2000)
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Informations des associations: Annual report of the Geobotanical Institute ETH (2000)
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