E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 3 (1948)
Heading Page
Download as PDF Partie (1948): Preliminary publication 1
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 1
Download as PDF Préface 3
Download as PDF Table des matières 7
Download as PDF Rubrique: I: Assembling devices and structural details in steel structures 25
Download as PDF Article: Verbindungsmittel und konstruktive Einzelheiten im Stahlbau 27
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ia: The present state of welding technic 37
Download as PDF Article: Echecs dans la construction soudée 37
Download as PDF Article: Les aciers pour constructions soudées 47
Download as PDF Article: Une réussite dans l'application de la soudure à la construction des grands ouvrages: les ponts de Saint-Cloud et de Neuilly 65
Download as PDF Article: Die Lichtbogenschweissung im Stahlbau in Schweden 75
Download as PDF Article: L'emploi de la soudure dans la reconstruction du pont d'Oissel sur la Seine 91
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ib: The design of connections 105
Download as PDF Article: Derived moment-angle curves for web-cleat connections 105
Download as PDF Rubrique: Ic: Strength and stability of thin walled structures 119
Download as PDF Article: Theorie und Versuche über das plastische Ausbeulen von Rechteckplatten unter gleichmässig verteiltem Längsdruck 119
Download as PDF Article: Contribution à l'étude du voilement des tôles raidies 129
Download as PDF Article: Performance of thin steel compression flanges 137
Download as PDF Rubrique: II: Developments in building structures in concrete and masonry 149
Download as PDF Article: Nouveaux modes de constructions en béton, béton armé et béton précontraint 151
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIa: Progress realised in the quality of concrete 163
Download as PDF Article: Composition granulométrique des bétons: granulométrie optimum, meilleure combinaison courante, détermination pratique 163
Download as PDF Article: Vibration du béton et du béton armé: recherches et règles - quelques travaux exécutés 173
Download as PDF Article: Recherches théoriques et expérimentales concernant la vibration du béton 187
Download as PDF Article: The deterioration of concrete: some factors affecting the resistance of concrete to frost action 201
Download as PDF Article: Investigation on formation of cracks in reinforced concrete structure 215
Download as PDF Article: The dynamic testing of concrete by a supersonic method 227
Download as PDF Article: Etude expérimentale du la rupture dans les pièces en béton armé à section rectangulaire soumises à la flexion: méthode de calcul à coefficient de sécurité constant 241
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIc: New types of reinforcement 247
Download as PDF Article: L'effet du frettage en nappes transversales des constructions en béton armé 247
Download as PDF Rubrique: IId: Notable structures executed since 1936 267
Download as PDF Article: Le pont des arches sur la Meuse à Liège et le pont de Herstal sur le canal Albert 267
Download as PDF Article: Passage supérieur près de Zwijndrecht de la route nationale au-dessus de la ligne de chemin de fer Rotterdam-Dordrecht 281
Download as PDF Article: Caractéristiques essentielles de ponts importants construits en Espagne par l'auteur depuis 1936 287
Download as PDF Article: Le pont de la coudette 297
Download as PDF Article: Contribution à l'étude des arcs en béton et des cintres de grande portée 307
Download as PDF Article: Les grands ponts-routes en béton armé en Tchécoslovaquie 317
Download as PDF Article: Ponts de grande portée en béton précontraint réalisés en Belgique 325
Download as PDF Article: Les applications du béton précontraint en Belgique 333
Download as PDF Article: Ouvrages en béton précontraint destinés à contenir ou à retenir des liquides 343
Download as PDF Article: Réservoir de 7000 m³ destiné à l'alimentation de la ville d'Orléans en eau potable 361
Download as PDF Article: New Waterloo bridge at London 367
Download as PDF Article: The bridges at Sandé 381
Download as PDF Article: King George VI-Bridge at Aberdeen 393
Download as PDF Rubrique: III: Developments in long-span steel bridges 407
Download as PDF Article: Developments in long-span steel bridges 409
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIIb: Suspension bridges 415
Download as PDF Article: Influence functions for the angular deviation correction in suspension bridges 415
Download as PDF Article: Contribution à la statique des ponts suspendus à poutre de rigidité 423
Download as PDF Article: Analysis of the long span suspension bridge 435
Download as PDF Article: Preservation of the Menai suspension bridge 451
Download as PDF Article: An experimental investigation of the aerodynamic stability of suspension bridges 463
Download as PDF Rubrique: IIIc: Long-span arch bridges 475
Download as PDF Article: Some details about the erection of steel arch bridges 475
Download as PDF Rubrique: IV: Slabs and various curved structures in reinforced concrete 481
Download as PDF Article: Dalles, voûtes et parois en béton armé 483
Download as PDF Rubrique: IVa: Flat slabs or girderless floors 499
Download as PDF Article: Calculating flat slabs of reinforced concrete 499
Download as PDF Rubrique: IVb: Continuous slabs 507
Download as PDF Article: Approximative method of analysis for rectangular reinforced concrete plates under uniformly distributed or hydrostatic load 507
Download as PDF Article: Flexion et flambage d'un certain type de plaques continues orthotropes 519
Download as PDF Rubrique: IVc: Strength and stability of discs and shells in curved or cord form in concrete 531
Download as PDF Article: Couvertures de grande portée sur plan rectangulaire et sur plan hexagonal 531
Download as PDF Article: Corrugated concrete shell structures 545
Download as PDF Rubric: V: Analysis of safety and effect of dynamic forces 553
Download as PDF Article: Analyse de la notion de sécurité et sollicitations dynamiques des constructions 555
Download as PDF Rubric: IVa: Safety of structures 571
Download as PDF Article: La sécurité des constructions 571
Download as PDF Article: La sécurité des constructions: recherche d'une méthode concrète 587
Download as PDF Article: Contribution à la détermination de la courbe de dispersion des résultats d'essais sur éprouvettes d'acier doux 603
Download as PDF Article: Contribution à la détermination de la courbe de dispersion d'essais sur éprouvettes de mortier 613
Download as PDF Article: La conception nouvelle de la sécurité appliquée aux ossatures métalliques 615
Download as PDF Article: Begriff der Sicherheit 625
Download as PDF Article: Inelastic behaviour and safety of structures 643
Download as PDF Rubric: Vb: Effects of dynamic forces on structures 651
Download as PDF Article: L'auscultation dynamique des ponts à la S.N.C.F. 651
Download as PDF Article: A study of dynamic influences of moving loads on girders 661
Download as PDF Article: Differential equation for calculation of vibrations produced in load-bearing structures by moving loads 669
Download as PDF Article: Vibrations amorties des portiques 681
Download as PDF Article: Effect of dynamic forces on structures 689
Download as PDF Back matter 698
Download as PDF Part (1948): Final report 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
Download as PDF Preface 2
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 6
Download as PDF Table of Contents 7
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 31
Download as PDF Rubric: Sidelights of the congress 45
Download as PDF Rubric: A: Ceremonial opening meeting 61
Download as PDF Article: Discours d'ouverture 63
Download as PDF Article: Discours d'ouverture 67
Download as PDF Article: Discours d'ouverture 73
Download as PDF Article: Opening speech 77
Download as PDF Article: Discours d'ouverture 79
Download as PDF Article: Discours d'ouverture 83
Download as PDF Rubric: B: Receptions and excursions 87
Download as PDF Article: Réception au gouvernement provincial de Liège 89
Download as PDF Article: Dîner officiel 91
Download as PDF Article: Jonction nord-midi à Bruxelles 97
Download as PDF Article: Hôtel de Ville de Bruxelles 99
Download as PDF Rubric: C: Closing meeting 101
Download as PDF Article: Discours de clôture 103
Download as PDF Article: Closing speech 105
Download as PDF Article: Discours de clôture 107
Download as PDF Rubric: D: Conclusions and suggestions 111
Download as PDF Article: I: Assembling devices and structural details in steel structures 113
Download as PDF Article: Developments in building structures in concrete and masonry 117
Download as PDF Article: Developments in long-span steel bridges 123
Download as PDF Article: Slabs and various curved structures of reinforced concrete 127
Download as PDF Article: Analysis of safety and effect of dynamic forces 131
Download as PDF Rubric: Working meetings 135
Download as PDF Rubric: I: Assembling devices and structural details in steel structures 137
Download as PDF Rubric: Ia: The present state of welding technic 139
Download as PDF Article: Observations sur les causes et formes de rupture des constructions soudées 139
Download as PDF Article: Characteristics of materials for welded structures 145
Download as PDF Article: Les aciers pour constructions soudées: nouvelles prescriptions tchécoslovaques 147
Download as PDF Article: Mesure du retrait de soudage, de raboutage des poutrelles 151
Download as PDF Article: Constatations relatives au retrait des soudures 159
Download as PDF Article: Conception et exécution d'ouvrages soudées 185
Download as PDF Article: Détails des poutres soudées à âme pleine 197
Download as PDF Article: La résistance à la fatigue des poutres en treillis soudées et rivées 205
Download as PDF Article: Quelques observations sur la construction, les dégâts par faits de guerre et la réparation de la charpente soudée de l'institut du génie civil à Liège 215
Download as PDF Article: La tenue du pont des Joncherolles 221
Download as PDF Article: Welding experiences at the construction of the newest Danube and Tisza bridges in Hungary 231
Download as PDF Article: All-welded dragline boom of 150 ft length 249
Download as PDF Article: Sabots d'ancrage soudés des tirants métalliques d'un pont du type "Bowstring" en béton armé 257
Download as PDF Rubric: Ib: The design of connections 265
Download as PDF Article: Stresses in gusset plates by use of an analogous grid 265
Download as PDF Article: Constitution des nœuds d'assemblage, forme optima à donner aux goussets dans les systèmes à cadres et importance de leur influence sur les sollicitations de l'ensemble de la construction 277
Download as PDF Article: Le calcul des pièces à plan moyen 285
Download as PDF Rubric: Ic: Strength and stability of thin walled structures 291
Download as PDF Article: Le voilement des plaques planes sollicitées dans leur plan 291
Download as PDF Article: Versuche über das Ausbeulen von Rechteckplatten unter dreieckförmig verteiltem Längsdruck 301
Download as PDF Rubric: Id: Bending and torsion of solid web girders 309
Download as PDF Article: Lateral stability of I-beams 309
Download as PDF Article: Considerations on bending straight beams of variable cross section under action of external loads 315
Download as PDF Article: Eine Methode zur Vergrösserung der Verdrehungssteifigkeit der doppelflanschigen Balken 327
Download as PDF Rubric: II: Developments in building structures in concrete and masonry 333
Download as PDF Rubric: IIa: Progress realized in the quality of concrete 335
Download as PDF Article: Les ciments expansifs et l'autocontrainte du béton 335
Download as PDF Article: Réalisation de bétons compacts par vibration 345
Download as PDF Article: Les ponts des Arches et de Herstal 355
Download as PDF Rubric: IIb: Pre-stressed concrete 359
Download as PDF Article: Neuere Erkenntnisse über vorgespannten Beton 359
Download as PDF Article: Research work and test production of prestressed concrete units at the Field Test Unit, Ministry of Works, London 367
Download as PDF Article: The behaviour of prestressed concrete at cracking 373
Download as PDF Article: The economy of prestressed concrete 379
Download as PDF Article: Tests on precast prestressed concrete frames in multi-storey buildings 387
Download as PDF Rubric: IIc: New types of reinforcement 393
Download as PDF Article: Résultats d'essais sur des barres à béton soudées en bout par divers procédés 393
Download as PDF Rubric: IId: Notable structures executed since 1936 405
Download as PDF Article: Ponts en béton précontraint 405
Download as PDF Article: Fürstenlandbrücke bei St.Gallen (Schweiz) 421
Download as PDF Article: The terminal building at Dublin airport, Collinstown 429
Download as PDF Article: Dalles champignons 433
Download as PDF Article: Poutres en sheds continues de trois travées de 20,80 m 437
Download as PDF Article: The application of prestressing at composite steel plate girder bridges co-operation with the overlying reinforced concrete slab 443
Download as PDF Article: La solidarisation du tablier avec l'arc des ponts surbaissés 453
Download as PDF Article: Bridge over the River Derwent near Hobart (Tasmania) 459
Download as PDF Article: Strengthening a church tower in England by prestressing (Summer 1948) 465
Download as PDF Rubric: III: Developments in long span steel bridges 471
Download as PDF Article: Developments in long-span steel bridges 473
Download as PDF Rubric: IIIa: Technical and economical considerations in the selection of the type 475
Download as PDF Article: Das theoretische Gewicht als Grundlage der Systemwahl 475
Download as PDF Rubric: IIIb: Suspension bridges 483
Download as PDF Article: Zur Berechnung verankerter Hängebrücken 483
Download as PDF Article: Das räumliche Seileck 493
Download as PDF Article: Corrections to Melan's equation 507
Download as PDF Rubric: IIIc: Long-span arch bridges 517
Download as PDF Article: Der mit Versteifungsträger verbundene Bogen 517
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: IV: Slabs and various curved structures in reinforced concrete 533
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: IVa: Flat slabs or girderless floors 535
Téléchargement PDF Article: The calculation of flat slab floors: comparing theoretical values with moment coefficients specified in flat slab codes 535
Téléchargement PDF Article: Dalles champignons 547
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: IVb: Continuous slabs 553
Téléchargement PDF Article: Introduction d'une théorie générale pour l'étude des voûtes minces de translation 553
Téléchargement PDF Article: The ultimate strength of reinforced concrete slabs 565
Téléchargement PDF Article: Dalles continues 571
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: IVc: Strength and stability of discs and shells in curved or cord form in concrete 575
Téléchargement PDF Article: Rapport sur les voiles minces construits en Espagne 575
Téléchargement PDF Article: Beispiel eines Schalenbauwerkes neueren Datums 585
Téléchargement PDF Article: The strength of thin concrete walls in axial compression under distributed loading 589
Téléchargement PDF Article: On integration of the differential equation for thin shells without bending 597
Téléchargement PDF Article: Critical notes on the calculation and design of cylindrical shells 601
Téléchargement PDF Article: The application of the virtual work equation for calculating walls-beams 607
Téléchargement PDF Article: Die Berechnung der Faltwerke nach dem Traglastverfahren 615
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: IVd: Theory and construction of arched dams 623
Téléchargement PDF Article: Contribution au calcul des barrages arqués 623
Téléchargement PDF Article: Elastostatische Modellversuche an Gewölbestaumauern 627
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: V: Analysis of safety and effect of dynamic forces 633
Téléchargement PDF Article: Analyse de la notion de sécurité et sollicitations dynamiques des constructions 635
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Va: Safety of structures 641
Téléchargement PDF Article: Notions de probabilité dans l'étude de la sécurité des constructions 641
Téléchargement PDF Article: Begriff der Sicherheit 655
Téléchargement PDF Article: Etude expérimentale de la rupture dans les pièces fléchies en béton armé 671
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Vb: Effect of dynamic forces on structures 687
Téléchargement PDF Article: Vibrations amorties des portiques 687
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Free discussion 691
Téléchargement PDF Article: Résultats d'essais sur la dispersion des résistances de l'acier doux de construction 691
Téléchargement PDF Article: L'auscultation dynamiques des ponts à la S.N.C.F. 697
Téléchargement PDF Article: Essais statistiques sur mortiers et bétons 701
Téléchargement PDF Article: Notes sur le coefficient de sécurité 729
Téléchargement PDF Miscellaneous 733