E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 6 (1970)
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Theme I: Results of observations and measurements (measurements on existing structures, comparison with experimental findings, conclusions arrived at from study of damage resulting from creep and shrinkage) 1
Download as PDF Rubrique: Introductory report 1
Download as PDF Article: Introductory report 1
Download as PDF Rubrique: General report 9
Download as PDF Article: General report 9
Download as PDF Rubrique: Prepared discussion 21
Download as PDF Article: Experimental observations of prestressed structures with reference to long-term deformations 21
Download as PDF Article: Measurements of shrinkage and creep strains on post tensioned waffle slab 29
Download as PDF Article: Ergebnis von Dehnungs- und Temperaturmessungen in der Stauwand des Krafthauses eines Pumpspeicherwerkes 39
Download as PDF Article: Measurements of creep, shrinkage and temperature changes in prestressed concrete bridges 49
Download as PDF Article: Mesures de dilatation et de poussée en clé sur un grand ouvrage en béton armé (pont de la RN 7 sur le canal de fuite de Donzère-Mondragon) 59
Download as PDF Article: Temperaturspannungen in Spannbetonbrücken 73
Download as PDF Article: Effects of creep, shrinkage and temperature on highway bridges in the United Kingdom 81
Download as PDF Article: Mesures de température et de déformations sur un pont bâti en encorbellement 95
Download as PDF Article: Creep effects in some arch and cantilever bridges 103
Download as PDF Article: Measurement results on behavior and effect of temperature change on R.C. structure 115
Download as PDF Article: Measurements and observations of creep and shrinkage in prestressed reinforced concrete bridges 125
Download as PDF Rubrique: Free discussion 133
Download as PDF Article: Déformations de retrait et de fluage du béton 133
Download as PDF Article: Differential creep, shrinkage and stress redistribution in composite prestressed concrete beams 136
Download as PDF Article: Isolierende Abdeckmatten beeinflussen das Verhalten des Betons 139
Download as PDF Article: Measurements of temperature changes of concrete on Nusle Valley bridge 143
Download as PDF Article: Mesures de déformations faites pendant la construction d'un pont en béton précontraint par encorbellement 146
Download as PDF Rubrique: Comments to Theme I 152
Download as PDF Article: Comments to Theme I 152
Download as PDF Rubrique: Theme II: Consideration of the influences in the design of structures (choice of system, structural details, jointing, etc.) 155
Download as PDF Rubrique: Introductory report 155
Download as PDF Article: Introductory report 155
Download as PDF Rubrique: General report 173
Download as PDF Article: General report 173
Download as PDF Article: Summary of the American Concrete Institute Symposium on creep, shrinkage and temperature, New York, April 1970 176
Download as PDF Rubrique: Prepared discussion 193
Download as PDF Article: Effect of aggregate properties on the strength and deformation of concrete 193
Download as PDF Article: Prestressing of edge members in long buildings to restrain shrinkage, creep and temperature changes 201
Download as PDF Article: Strength characteristics of reinforced concrete columns under sustained loading 209
Download as PDF Article: Das Kriechen betrachtet von der Seite der Bauplanung 219
Download as PDF Article: Die Berücksichtigung des unterschiedlichen Kriechens bei den "Viaducs de la Plaine du Rhône" 223
Download as PDF Article: BART aerial structures, creep and shrinkage control: part I: design 231
Download as PDF Article: BART aerial structures, creep and shrinkage control: part II: laboratory testing and field performance 237
Download as PDF Article: Effet du fluage et du retrait dans les constructions en béton partiellement précontraint 243
Download as PDF Article: Das Konstruktionsprinzip der Flutbrücke der vierten Donaubrücke in Wien: Feldweiser Aufbau eines Durchlaufträgers 251
Download as PDF Article: Effect of creep on the flexual strength and deformation of concrete beams 259
Download as PDF Article: Influence of creep on column instability 267
Download as PDF Article: Kriechknicken von Stahlbetonstützen 275
Download as PDF Article: Magnitude of creep and shrinkage for design of light-weight concrete structures 283
Download as PDF Article: Non-linear creep in concrete columns 291
Download as PDF Rubrique: Free discussion 298
Download as PDF Article: Diskussionsbeitrag zum Einfluss des Kriechens undSchwindens in Stahlbetonkonstruktionen: Rückkriechen 298
Download as PDF Article: Free discussion 300
Download as PDF Article: Behavior of concrete under variable temperature and loading 301
Download as PDF Article: Control of shrinkage by laboratory tests 311
Download as PDF Article: Comparaison des résultats des essais de flambement sous charges soutenues de MM. Thürlimann, Baumann, Grenacher et Ramu avec les charges critiques calculée 313
Download as PDF Article: Zur Abschätzung der Kräfteumlagerungen bei abschnittsweise hergestellten Spannbetontragwerken 316
Download as PDF Rubrique: Theme III: Practical computation methods (description of methods, limits of applicability) 319
Download as PDF Rubrique: Introductory report 319
Download as PDF Article: Die Grundlagen für die Berechnung der Folgen des Betonkriechens 319
Download as PDF Rubrique: General report 331
Download as PDF Article: L'influence du fluage et du retrait, l'effet des changements de température sur les constructions en béton 331
Download as PDF Rubrique: Prepared discussion 377
Download as PDF Article: Durchbiegung von Stahlbetonbalken unter kurz- und langfristiger Belastung nach Rechnung und Versuch 377
Download as PDF Article: Ein Nähernugsverfahren zur Berechnung der Verbund- und vorgespannten Konstruktionen 387
Download as PDF Article: Prediction of the behaviour of concrete frames 395
Download as PDF Article: Spannungsänderungen infolge Kriechen und Schwinden in beliebig bewehrten Spannbetonträgern bei statisch bestimmter und unbestimmter Auflagerung 405
Download as PDF Article: A computer approach to the analysis of a free cantilever prestressed concrete bridge 415
Download as PDF Article: Der Einfluss des Kriechens und Schwindens des Betons in dünnwandigen Trägern mit gekrümmter Achse 423
Download as PDF Article: Tensions et déformations differées dans les ponts en encorbellement 431
Download as PDF Article: Zur Frage der näherungsweisen Ermittlung von Zwangsschnittgrössen 441
Download as PDF Article: Die Auswirkungen von Temperaturänderungen auf die Verformung stabförmiger Tragwerke 451
Download as PDF Article: Creep in reinforced concrete slabs subjected to repeated loads 457
Download as PDF Rubrique: Free discussion 467
Download as PDF Article: Zur Ermittlung der Verformung von Stahlbetonträgern 467
Download as PDF Article: Un exemple de l'influence du fluage dans les structures à déformation partiellement empêchée: les piles-marteaux 469
Download as PDF Article: Discussion libre 472