E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 111 (1985)
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Cahier 1-2 1
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Download as PDF Table des matières 3
Download as PDF Divers 3
Download as PDF Publicité 4
Download as PDF Informations des associations 1
Download as PDF Article: Le 60e anniversaire du professeur Pierre Dubas 2
Download as PDF Article: Résistance à la fatigue des constructions rivetées 3
Download as PDF Article: The development of constructional steelwork: suggestions for further research in structural mechanics 6
Download as PDF Article: The interaction of imperfection wavelength and buckling mode in plated structures 9
Download as PDF Article: Une approche mixte - statique et cinématique - de la largeur efficace de traînage de cisaillement 12
Download as PDF Article: Ultimate load behaviour of longitudinally and transversally web plates loaded in shear 15
Download as PDF Article: Panneaux à âme mince plissée comportement et résistance à des forces de cisaillement 19
Download as PDF Article: Trapezoidally corrugated girder webs: shear buckling, patch loading 22
Download as PDF Informations des associations 27
Download as PDF Divers 28
Download as PDF Publicité 13
Download as PDF Concours B1
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Cahier 3 1
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Download as PDF Publicité 4
Download as PDF Article: Architecture insolite - architecture interdite? 29
Download as PDF Article: Evolution et tendance actuelle des planchers mixtes acier-béton 31
Download as PDF Article: Panneaux métalliques légers pour planchers mixtes 34
Download as PDF Divers 38
Download as PDF Article: Etude hydraulique d'un évacuateur 39
Download as PDF Divers 46
Download as PDF Informations des associations 48
Download as PDF Divers 51
Download as PDF Publicité 15
Download as PDF Concours B9
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Download as PDF Concours B10
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Cahier 4 1
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Download as PDF Publicité 4
Download as PDF Article: De Rome à Londres, les places d'Europe 53
Download as PDF Concours 57
Download as PDF Informations des associations 59
Download as PDF Article: Le concept informatique vaudois 62
Download as PDF Informations des associations 64
Download as PDF Divers 64
Download as PDF Publicité 9
Download as PDF Concours B17
Download as PDF Divers B18
Download as PDF Nécrologie: Graeser, Jean-Émile B19
Download as PDF Divers B20
Download as PDF Informations des associations B20
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Cahier 5 1
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Download as PDF Article: La distribution bêta et son utilisation pratique dans les méthodes de calcul probabilistes 65
Download as PDF Divers 71
Download as PDF Article: Espace public: vers la fin d'un no man's land?: réflexions sur une nouvelle exposition internationale 72
Download as PDF Divers 74
Download as PDF Publicité 9
Download as PDF Concours B25
Download as PDF Divers B26
Download as PDF Informations des associations B29
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Cahier 6 1
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Download as PDF Table des matières 3
Download as PDF Divers 3
Download as PDF Publicité 4
Download as PDF Article: Jean Prouvé et notre région 77
Download as PDF Obituary: Butticaz, Jean-Louis 81
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 81
Download as PDF Article: Programme de recherche de l'AIE: conservation de l'énergie dans les bâtiments et les agglomérations: étude du bilan énergétique de 60 maisons familiales: un aperçu du projet "Maugwil" du LFEM 82
Download as PDF Association News 86
Download as PDF Article: Ouvrage de jonction de quatre collecteurs 88
Download as PDF Article: L'énergie dans le bâtiment: une nouvelle recommandation SIA 91
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Download as PDF Competitions B33
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Issue 7 1
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Download as PDF Article: Jakob Ackeret (1898-1981) et le nombre de Mach 93
Download as PDF Article: L'évolution dans la conception des barrages en torrents en Valais: l'exemple de la correction du Saint-Barthélemy 95
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 108
Download as PDF Article: "Corsets" en béton armé pour bâtiments anciens dans les régions à forte activité sismique 109
Download as PDF Association News 111
Download as PDF Obituary: Graeser, Jean-Émile 112
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 112
Download as PDF Advertising 17
Download as PDF Competitions B41
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Issue 8 1
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Download as PDF Article: Surveillance des ouvrages d'art 113
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 121
Download as PDF Article: Comportement d'un tunnel à faible profondeur au voisinage du front: étude comparative par modèle numérique et modèle physique 124
Download as PDF Association News 128
Download as PDF Obituary: Auberson, Paul 130
Download as PDF Advertising 13
Download as PDF Competitions 45
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Issue 9 1
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Download as PDF Article: Quelques problèmes non traditionnels résolus grâce à l'acier: construction métallique dans le bâtiment 131
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 134
Download as PDF Article: Le "venture capital" 135
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Download as PDF Article: Troisième Conférence internationale de structures spatiales 138
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Download as PDF Competitions 141
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Download as PDF Competitions 49
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Download as PDF Association News 50
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Issue 10 1
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Download as PDF Article: L'application de l'hydrologie au calcul des aménagements: aspects particuliers concernant les pays en voie de développement 147
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 152
Download as PDF Article: Digues flottant: un complément 153
Download as PDF Association News 155
Download as PDF Article: Moyens de contrôle des échanges d'air dans les immeubles: programme de recherche de l'AIE: utilisation rationnelle de l'énergie dans les immeubles et les agglomérations 156
Download as PDF Article: L'assurance logement: premier bilan: article publié dans Ingénieurs et architectes suisses, juin 1995 161
Download as PDF Article: Une relève de qualité dans les professions techniques universitaires 163
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 165
Download as PDF Association News 166
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Download as PDF Competitions B53
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Issue 11 1
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Download as PDF Association News 167
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 213
Download as PDF Article: Quelques réflexions sur la protection routière contre le danger d'avalanches 214
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Issue 12 1
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Download as PDF Article: Flèches à long terme des dalles en béton à l'état fissuré 219
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Download as PDF Article: Le Belle au Bois dormant des Vollandes ou un potentiel ferroviaire inutilisé: la ligne Genève Eaux-Vives - Annemasse 227
Download as PDF Association News 233
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Download as PDF Article: Chemin de fer des superlatifs: le métro alpin de Saas-Fee 236
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Issue 13 1
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Download as PDF Article: La contribution de la Suisse à la construction de barrages dans le monde 239
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Download as PDF Article: Avant le post-moderne et après 244
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Download as PDF Competitions 247
Download as PDF Association News 253
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Download as PDF Competitions B65
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Download as PDF Obituary: Amstutz, Eduard B66
Download as PDF Association News B67
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Issue 14 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Article: Après la catastrophe d'Uster: et nous? 255
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 257
Download as PDF Article: Métamorphose des bâtiments dans un site urbain 258
Download as PDF Article: Genève: à propos de quelques surélévations 261
Download as PDF Article: La conservation mise au défi: à Genève, la façade de l'"Uniprix" promue patrimoine historique 263
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 269
Download as PDF Article: Restauration de l'ancienne auberge de la "Croix-Blanche" à Morges 270
Download as PDF Article: Un zoo - institution urbaine - métaphore de la ville 274
Download as PDF Article: Restructuration du quartier des Alpes à Fribourg 278
Download as PDF Association News 281
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Issue 15-16 1
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Download as PDF Competitions 283
Download as PDF Article: Nouvelles locomotives de manœuvre pour les PTT 283
Download as PDF Article: La nouvelle tour de contrôle de l'aéroport de Genève-Cointrin 285
Download as PDF Association News 287
Download as PDF Article: Au Kennedy Space Center avec "Ingénieurs et architectes suisses" 289
Download as PDF Article: L'aéroport de Genève-Cointrin entre 1984 et l'horizon 1990 294
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Download as PDF Article: Autorité politique et service forestier 300
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 302
Download as PDF Article: Le tuyau de fonte, support de notre approvisionnement en gaz et en eau 303
Download as PDF Association News 305
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Download as PDF Competitions B73
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Issue 17 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Article: Etude d'impact de garages collectifs à Genève 307
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Download as PDF Article: Dis-moi comment est ton logement, et je te dirai... 319
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Download as PDF Competitions B78
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Issue 18 1
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Download as PDF Article: Le vol à propulsion musculaire 323
Download as PDF Association News 330
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Download as PDF Article: Crues et inondations en zone mixte (urbaine-rurale): étude hydrologique du bassin versant de la Seymaz (GE) 333
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Download as PDF Association News 338
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Download as PDF Competitions B85
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Issue 19 1
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Download as PDF Article: EPF et CFF: des atouts pour l'avenir, s.v.p. ! 341
Download as PDF Article: Le Centre intercommunal de glace de Malley/Lausanne 345
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 353
Download as PDF Article: Politique énergétique - Réflexions de l'Académie suisse des sciences techniques 354
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Download as PDF Competitions 360
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Issue 20 1
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Download as PDF Article: Aspects de climatologie urbaine en Suisse 365
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Download as PDF Article: Les conséquences de la résiliation du contrat d'architecte en temps inopportun: jurisprudence du Tribunal fédéral sur le contrat d'architecte 372
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Download as PDF Competitions 375
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Issue 21 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
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Download as PDF Article: Le bois et l'informatique: un ensemble prometteur 385
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 393
Download as PDF Article: Architecture et informatique 395
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 398
Download as PDF Association News 401
Download as PDF Obituary: Amstutz, Eduard 404
Download as PDF Obituary: Kobold, Fritz 404
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Issue 22 1
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Download as PDF Article: Le pont de Diepoldsau: conception nouvelle des ponts haubanés à tablier souple 405
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 411
Download as PDF Article: Quelques réflexions sur les galeries de protection contre les avalanches 412
Download as PDF Article: Connecteurs pour construction mixte acier-béton 419
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Issue 23 1
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Download as PDF Article: Robots industriels: une conception nouvelle dans les capteurs de forces multidirectionnels 423
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Download as PDF Article: Modélisation du trafic routier suisse 427
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Issue 24 1
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Download as PDF Article: Bâtiment administratif "La Pontaise", Lausanne: transformation de l'ancienne caserne 443
Download as PDF Article: Point de vue de l'architecte 445
Download as PDF Article: Point de vue de l'ingénieur: les structures porteuses 447
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Download as PDF Association News 452
Download as PDF Article: Rail 2000: une optique nouvelle de l'avenir des chemins de fer en Suisse 453
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Issue 25 1
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Download as PDF Article: Histoire du coefficient k de transmission de chaleur 463
Download as PDF Article: Le solaire passif: mode passagère ou technique d'avenir? 466
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Download as PDF Article: Economies d'énergie: l'heure est venue de déréglementer! 469
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Download as PDF Article: Etude d'un système solaire à air avec accumulateur à bidons d'eau 472
Download as PDF Obituary: Okolski, Laurent d' 474
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Download as PDF Article: L'armée de milice et l'évolution technologique 475
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Issue 26 1
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Download as PDF Article: Vagues dues au vent de sud-ouest sur le Petit Lac (Léman) 479
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Download as PDF Article: 1935: le Douglas DC-3 ouvre l'ère du transport aérien commercial 483
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