E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 10 (1956)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
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Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Divers 1
Download as PDF Article: Neubau des Schweizerischen Bankvereins, Zürich = Nouveau bâtiment de la Société de Banque Suisse, Zurich = New building of the Swiss Bank Corporation, Zurich 1
Download as PDF Article: Verwaltungsgebäude der Eidgenössischen Oberzolldirektion, Bern = Bâtiment administratif de la Direction Générale des Douanes Suisses, Berne = Administrative offices of the Federal Customs Administration, Berne 7
Download as PDF Article: Bürobau Olivetti, Mailand = Immeuble administratif Olivetti, Milan = Olivetti office building Milan 11
Download as PDF Article: Hochhaus "Passage zum Bienenkorb", Frankfurt a.M. = Bâtiment élevé "Passage zum Bienenkorb" Francfort-s.-M. = Point house "Beehive Passage", Frankfort o.M. 17
Download as PDF Article: Neubau der Hamburger Bank von 1861, Hamburg = Reconstruction de la Banque Hambourgeoise de 1861, Hambourg = New construction of the Bank of Hamburg of 1861, Hamburg 20
Download as PDF Article: Bundesrechnungshof in Frankfurt a.M. = Cour fédérale des comptes à Francfort-s.-M. = Federal Accounting Office, Francfort o.M. 22
Download as PDF Article: Kino in Mannheim = Cinéma à Mannheim = Cinema in Mannheim 24
Download as PDF Article: Kinderspielplatz in Berlin-Britz = Terrain de jeu pour enfants à Berlin-Britz = Children playing area near Berlin-Britz 27
Download as PDF Article: Ladenumbau Soolerbogen in Glarus = Rénovation du magasin Soolerbogen à Glaris = Alterations to shop Soolerbogen, Glarus 28
Download as PDF Article: Neuzeitliche Büromöbel = Nouveaux meubles de bureau = New office furniture 29
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienmusterhaus bei Zürich = Habitation familiale modèle, près de Zurich = One-family model house near Zürich 33
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für eine Siedlung von Atriumhäusern = Projet d'une colonie de maisons-atrium = Project for a group of patio houses 35
Download as PDF Publicité 37
Download as PDF Rubrique: Wettbewerbe 38
Download as PDF Publicité 39
Download as PDF Publicité 41
Download as PDF Publicité 43
Download as PDF Rubrique: Die neue Stadt 44
Download as PDF Rubrique: Verkehrsplanung 44
Download as PDF Publicité 45
Download as PDF Rubrique: Planung und Bau 46
Download as PDF Publicité 47
Download as PDF Publicité 49
Download as PDF Publicité 51
Download as PDF Rubrique: Bautechnik ; Baustoffe 51
Download as PDF Publicité 52
Download as PDF Publicité 54
Download as PDF Publicité 56
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Buchbesprechungen 57
Download as PDF Rubrique: Hinweise 57
Download as PDF Publicité 58
Download as PDF Rubrique: Impressum 58
Download as PDF Rubrique: Résumés 59
Download as PDF Rubrique: Summary 60
Download as PDF Appendice: Konstruktionsblätter _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Cahier 2 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Divers 37
Download as PDF Article: Wohnbauten für amerikanische Konsulatsbeamte in Bremen = Habitations des employés du consulat américain de Brême = Flats for American consular officials in Bremen 37
Download as PDF Article: Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Frankfurt a.M. = Immeuble locatif et commercial à Francfort-s.-M. = Block of flats and offices in Frankfort o. M. 40
Download as PDF Article: Apartmenthaus in Chicago = Apartmenthouse à Chicago = Block of flats in Chicago 43
Download as PDF Article: Kirche und Internat in München = Eglise et internat à Munich = Church and boarding school in Munich 45
Download as PDF Article: Neubau der Manufacturers Trust Company, New York = Nouveau bâtiment de la Manufacturers Trust Company, New York = New construction of the Manufacturers Trust Co., New York 49
Download as PDF Article: Verwaltungsbau der Firma W. Franke, Aarburg = Bâtiment administratif de la maison W. Franke, Aarburg = Administration building of the W. Franke Company, Aarburg 53
Download as PDF Article: Fabrikationsgebäude mit Garage Wiedau, Zürich = Fabrique et garage Wiedau, Zurich = Factory with garage Wiedau, Zurich 57
Download as PDF Article: Werkstatt- und Bürogebäude in Heidelberg = Ateliers et bureaux à Heidelberg = Workshop and office building in Heidelberg 59
Download as PDF Article: Lagerhaus und Ateliergebäude Franz Carl Weber AG, Zürich = Entrepôt et atelier de la S. A. Franz Carl Weber, Zurich = Warehouse and studio building Franz Carl Weber AG, Zurich 61
Download as PDF Article: Neues kombinierbares Büchergestell = Nouveau étagère combinable pour livres = New combinable bookshelf 65
Download as PDF Article: Neue Sitz- und Liegemöbel = Nouveaux sièges/meubles de repos = New chairs and couches 66
Download as PDF Article: Neue Büromöbel = Nouveaux meubles de bureau = New office-furniture 68
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für das Verwaltungsgebäude der Kabelwerke Brugg AG, Brugg = Projet du bâtiment administratif des Câbleries Brugg S.A., Brugg = Project of the administration building of the Cableworks Brugg Co., Brugg 69
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein Kreiskrankenhaus in Riedlingen = Projet d'un hôpital de district à Riedlingen = Project for a district hospital in Riedlingen 71
Download as PDF Publicité 25
Download as PDF Rubrique: Wettbewerbe 26
Download as PDF Publicité 27
Download as PDF Rubrique: Die Seite der Schule 28
Download as PDF Publicité 29
Download as PDF Publicité 31
Download as PDF Publicité 33
Download as PDF Rubrique 34
Download as PDF Publicité 35
Download as PDF Rubrique: Bautechnik ; Baustoffe 36
Download as PDF Publicité 37
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Buchbesprechungen 37
Download as PDF Publicité 38
Download as PDF Publicité 40
Download as PDF Divers 41
Download as PDF Rubrique: Hinweise 41
Download as PDF Publicité 42
Download as PDF Publicité 44
Download as PDF Nécrologie: Hans Bracher 44
Download as PDF Publicité 45
Download as PDF Rubrique: Unser Redaktor besuchte... 45
Download as PDF Rubrique: Impressum 45
Download as PDF Publicité 46
Download as PDF Rubrique: Résumés 46
Download as PDF Rubrique: Summary 46
Download as PDF Appendice: Konstruktionsblätter _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Cahier 3 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Impressum _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Résumés _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Summary _
Download as PDF Préface: Zu unserem Heft 73
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienhaus in Turramurra, Australien = Habitation familiale à Turramurra, Australie = One family house in Turramurra, Australia 73
Download as PDF Article: Zweifamilienhaus in Stuttgart-Degerloch = Maison pour deux familles à Stuttgart-Degerloch = Two-family house in Stuttgart-Degerloch 76
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienhaus in Füllinsdorf (Baselland) = Maison familiale à Füllinsdorf (Campagne de Bâle) = One-family house in Füllinsdorf (Baselland) 79
Download as PDF Article: Wochenendhaus in Indiana für einen Städteplaner und eine Innenarchitektin = Maison de weekend à Indiana pour un urbaniste et une architecte-ensemblière = Week-end house in Indiana for a town planner and an interior decorator 82
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienhaus in Rotterdam = Habitation familiale à Rotterdam = One-family house in Rotterdam 83
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienhaus im Burgenland = Habitation familiale au Burgenland = One-family house in the Burgenland 86
Download as PDF Article: Doppelhaus in Helsinki für zwei Architekten = Double maison familiale à Helsinki pour deux architectes = Double house in Helsinki for two architects 88
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienhaus in Turramurra, Australien = Habitation familiae à Turramurra, Australie = One-family house in Turramurra, Australia 91
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienhaus in Wellfleet, Mass. = Habitation familiale à Wellfleet, Mass. = One-family house in Wellfleet, Mass. 96
Download as PDF Article: Ferienhaus eines Architekten und Malers in Cape Cod, Mass. = Maison de vacances d'un peintre/architecte à Cape Cod, Mass. = Holiday home of an architect and painter on Cape Cod, Mass. 98
Download as PDF Article: Projekt zu einem Einfamilienhaus in Stuttgart-Kemnat = Projet d'une maison familiale à Stuttgart-Kemnat = Project for a one-family house in Stuttgart-Kemnat 99
Download as PDF Article: Gartenvariationen = Variations de jardin = Garden variations 101
Download as PDF Article: Haus für eine Filmschauspielerin bei München = Maison pour une actrice de cinéma près de Munich = House for a film actress in Munich 105
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienhaus in Heerbrugg (st.gallisches Rheintal) = Habitation familiale à Heerbrugg/Rheintal St. Gall = One-family house in Heerbrugg/Rheintal St. Gall 107
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Download as PDF Article: "Wir wollen die Gelegenheit eines Wechsels in unserer Redaktion dazu benutzen..." 50
Download as PDF Article: Bewährtes Altes und erprobtes Neues in Küchen- und Office-Einrichtungen 52
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 54
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 56
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Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 69
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Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Issue 4 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum _
Download as PDF Rubric: Résumés _
Download as PDF Rubric: Summary _
Download as PDF Article: Northland Regional Shopping Center, Detroit/Mich. 109
Download as PDF Article: Amerikanische Generalkonsulate in Bremen, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt und Stuttgart = Consulats généraux d'Amérique à Brême, Düsseldorf, Francfort et Stuttgart = American consulates in Bremen, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Stuttgart 113
Download as PDF Article: Verwaltungsgebäude der Sozialabteilung Farbenfabrik Bayer, Leverkusen = Bâtiment administratif du service social de la fabrique de couleur Bayer, Leverkusen = Administrative building of the welfare department of Bayer dye factory, Leverkusen 119
Download as PDF Article: Möbelwerkstätte Walter Wirz in Sissach/Basel-Land = Atelier de fabrication de meubles Walter Wirz à Sissach/Bâle Campagne = Walter Wirz furniture factory in Sissach/Basel-Land 121
Download as PDF Article: Kantine und Wirtschaftsgebäude eines Industriebetriebes in der Pfalz = Cantine et bâtiment économique d'une industrie en Palatinat = Canteen and administration building of a factory in the Pfalz 124
Download as PDF Article: Fabrik und Verwaltungsbau der Coca-Cola-Fabrik, Innsbruck = Bâtiments administratif et de fabrication de la fabrique de coca-cola à Innsbruck = Factory and administration building of the Coca-Cola factory, Innsbruck 125
Download as PDF Article: Fabrik für landwirtschaftliche Maschinen in Kopenhagen = Fabrique pour machines agricoles à Copenhag = Farm machinery factory in Copenhagen 128
Download as PDF Article: Kreiskrankenhaus Schongau am Lech/Bayern = Hôpital de district à Schongau au Lech/Bavarie = District hospital in Schongau at the River Lech/Bayern 130
Download as PDF Article: Motel in Interlaken = Motel à Interlaken = Motel at Interlaken 134
Download as PDF Article: Neue Lampen = Nouvelles lampes = New lamps 137
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein Einfamilienhaus in Grünwald bei München = Projet d'habitation familiale à Grünwald près Munich = Project of a one-family house at Grünwald near Munich 141
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein Doppelferienhaus am Pfäffiker See = Projet pour une double maison de vacances près du Lac de Pfäffikon = Project for a semi-detached holiday chalet on the Pfäffikon lake 143
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Download as PDF Article: Klimaschränke in der Technik der modernen Luftkonditionierung 72
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Download as PDF Advertising 77
Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 78
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 84
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Download as PDF Rubric: Verkehrsplanung 86
Download as PDF Obituary: Friedrich Pütz 87
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Download as PDF Rubric: Bautechnik ; Baustoffe 87
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Download as PDF Advertising 90
Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 91
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 97
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Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 98
Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Issue 5 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum _
Download as PDF Rubric: Résumés _
Download as PDF Rubric: Summary _
Download as PDF Preface: Industriebauten = Bâtiments industriels = Buildings for industrial purposes _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: General Motors Technical Center Detroit/V.S.A. 145
Download as PDF Article: Werkstattgebäude VIII der Firma Franke & Heidecke, Braunschweig = Bâtiment VIII d'ateliers de la maison Franke & Heidecke à Brunswick = Workshop building No. VIII of Franke & Heidecke, Brunswick 151
Download as PDF Article: Neubau Laboratorien Hausmann AG, St. Gallen = Nouveaux laboratoires Hausmann S.A., St-Gall = New laboratories Hausmann AG, St. Gall 154
Download as PDF Article: Zentraldepot der Rotterdamer Verkehrsmittel = Dépôt central des transports en commun de Rotterdam = Central depot of Rotterdam public transport system 158
Download as PDF Article: Verwaltungsgebäude der Strebelwerk AG, Rothrist = Bâtiment administratif de la Strebelwerk SA, Rothrist = Administration building of Strebelwerk SA, Rothrist 162
Download as PDF Article: VW-Reparaturwerkstatt Max Voets GmbH, Braunschweig = Ateliers de réparations VW, Max Voets Sàrl, Brunswick = VW-Repair workshop Max Voets Co. Ltd., Brunswick 165
Download as PDF Article: Stuhlfabrik Stoll in Koblenz/Schweiz = Fabrique de sièges Stoll à Coblence/Suisse = Stoll chair factory in Coblence/Switzerland 170
Download as PDF Article: Chemische Reinigungsanstalt Oppliger in Thun = Nettoyages chimiques Oppliger à Thoune = Oppliger dry cleaning plant at Thun 172
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Download as PDF Article: Ausstellungsraum Wohntyp in Basel = Salle d'exposition Wohntyp à Bâle = Exhibition hall Wohntyp in Basle 173
Download as PDF Article: Informationsstand der Aluminium-Zentrale in Hannover = Stand d'informations de la Centrale d'Aluminium à Hanovre = Information booth of the Aluminium Center in Hanover 174
Download as PDF Article: Ausstellungsraum der Contraves AG., Zürich = Salle d'exposition de la Contraves SA, Zurich = Exhibition hall of Contraves AG, Zurich 175
Download as PDF Article: Umbau Geschäftshaus Schuster & Co., St. Gallen = Rénovation des établissements Schuster & Cie, St-Gall = Renovation of the Schuster & Co. office building, St. Gallen 176
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für eine neue Fabrik der Eternit AG, Niederurnen in Payerne = Projet pour une nouvelle usine de l'Eternit SA, Niederurnen à Payerne = Plan for a new factory of Eternit SA, Niederurnen at Payerne 177
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Download as PDF Rubric: Unser Redaktor besuchte... 104
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Download as PDF Rubric: Bautechnik ; Baustoffe 108
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 117
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Download as PDF Rubric: Verkehrsplanung 119
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 121
Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 121
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Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Issue 6 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum _
Download as PDF Rubric: Résumés _
Download as PDF Rubric: Summary _
Download as PDF Preface: "In vorliegendem Heft..." = "Dans ce présent numéro..." = "In the present issue..." _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Wohnhochhausgruppe am Kottbuser Tor in Berlin = Habitation-tour à la Porte Kottbus à Berlin = Apartment point-house at the Kottbuser Tor in Berlin 181
Download as PDF Article: Mehrfamilienhäuser mit billigen Wohnungen Ina-Casa in Mailand = Immeuble locatif à appartements bon marché Ina-Casa à Milan = Apartment houses with cheap flats, Ina-Casa in Milan 185
Download as PDF Article: Mehrfamilienhaus Solatia in Lugano = Immeuble locatif Solatia à Lugano = Solatia apartment house in Lugano 188
Download as PDF Article: Mehrfamilienhaus mit Stockwerkseigentum in Mailand = Immeuble à propriété d'étage à Milan = Apartment house with privately owned floors 190
Download as PDF Article: Apartmenthaus mit fünf Wohnungen in Los Angeles = Apartment-house de cinq appartements à Los Angeles = Apartment house with five apartments in Los Angeles 192
Download as PDF Article: Zwei Einfamilienhäuser am Tegernsee/Oberbayern = Deux habitations familiales près du Tegernsee/Haute Bavarie = Two one-family houses on the Tegernlake in Upper Bavaria 194
Download as PDF Article: Wohnhaus in Riehen/Basel-Land = Maison d'habitation à Riehen/Bâle Campagne = One-family house in Riehen/Basel-Land 200
Download as PDF Article: Zweifamilienhaus in Riehen bei Basel = Double habitation familiale à Riehen = Dwellinghouse in Riehen 202
Download as PDF Article: Einfamilienhaus am Stadtrand von Köln = Habitation familiale aux confins de Cologne = One-family house on outskirts of Cologne 204
Download as PDF Article: Ferienhaus bei Bollingen am Zürichsee = Maison de vacances près de Bollingen/Lac de Zurich = Summer house near Bollingen on the Lake of Zurich 206
Download as PDF Article: Internationales Preisausschreiben für Möbel in Cantù (Italien) 1955 209
Download as PDF Article: Neue Verwandlungsmöbel = Nouveaux meubles combinables = New multi-purpose furniture 211
Download as PDF Article: Projekt einer Wohnüberbauung in Firminy (Loire) = Projet d'une habitation à Firminy (Loire) = Project of residential area in Firminy (Loire) 213
Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 123
Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 124
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 132
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Download as PDF Rubric: Die Seite der Schule 134
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Download as PDF Rubric: Unser Redaktor besuchte... 138
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Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 139
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Download as PDF Rubric: Bautechnik ; Baustoffe 140
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Download as PDF Rubric: Auszeichnungen ; Stipendien 142
Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 142
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wohnen 146
Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Issue 7 _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Impressum _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Preface: Mies van der Rohe 70jährig 217
Download as PDF Article: Lake Shore Drive Apartments, Chicago 218
Download as PDF Article: Haus McCormick in Elmhurst, Illinois = Maison McCormick à Elmhurst, Illinois = McCormick House in Elmhurst, Illinois 222
Download as PDF Article: Technische Hochschule des Staates Illinois in Chicago = Institut Technologique de l'Etat d'Illinois, à Chicago = Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago 224
Download as PDF Article: Haus Farnsworth, Fox River, Illinois = Maison Farnsworth, Fox River, Illinois = Farnsworth House, Fox River, Illinois 226
Download as PDF Article: Der moralische Einfluss der Architektur Mies van der Rohes 228
Download as PDF Article: Geschäftshaus in Sydney = Immeuble commercial à Sydney = Store in Sydney 230
Download as PDF Article: Geschäftshaus "Pelikan" an der Langstrasse in Zürich = Immeuble commercial "Pelikan" à la Langstrasse, Zurich = "Pelikan" office building on Langstrasse in Zurich 232
Download as PDF Article: Dunlop-Haus in München = Immeuble Dunlop à Munich = Dunlop Building in Munich 234
Download as PDF Article: Gewerbehäuser beim Bahnhof Giesshübel in Zürich = Immeuble pour artisanats près de la gare Giesshübel à Zurich = Factory buildings near Giesshübel Station in Zurich 236
Download as PDF Article: Polstersitzmöbel = Sièges rembourrés = Upholstered furniture 241
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein Verwaltungsgebäude = Projet d'un immeuble administratif à Winterthur = Plan for an administration building at Winterthur 249
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für den Neubau des Laurentius-Kräuterbades in Schaan = Projet de rénovation des bains aux herbes Laurentius à Schaan = Plan for renovation of the Laurentius medicated bath at Schaan 251
Download as PDF Advertising 147
Download as PDF Rubric: Die Seite der Schule 148
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Download as PDF Rubric: Fachschriftenschau 152
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Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 154
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 156
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Download as PDF Rubric: Ausstellungen 158
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Download as PDF Rubric: Bautechnik ; Baustoffe 160
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Download as PDF Rubric: Die neue Stadt 163
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Download as PDF Obituary: Josef Hoffmann 163
Download as PDF Obituary: Ernst Schaer 163
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Download as PDF Rubric: Tagungen 164
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Download as PDF Rubric: Formprobleme 166
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Issue 8 _
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Download as PDF Erratum: [Ergänzungen] = [Indications supplémentaires] = [Supplements] _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Olivetti plant und baut = Olivetti projette et construit = Olivetti plans and builds 253
Download as PDF Article: Neues Bürogebäude der Olivettiwerke in Ivrea = Nouveau bâtiment administratif des usines Olivetti à Ivrée = New office building of the Olivetti Works at Ivrea 256
Download as PDF Article: Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik in San Bernardo bei Ivrea = Fabrique de machines-outils à San Bernardo près Ivrée = Machine tool factory at San Bernardo near Ivrea 259
Download as PDF Article: Neue Schreinerei und Kistenfabrik in San Bernardo bei Ivrea = Nouvelle menuiserie et fabrique de caisses à San Bernardo près Ivrée = New carpenter shop and box factory at San Bernardo near Ivrea 262
Download as PDF Article: Forschungs- und Versuchszentrum in Ivrea = Centre de recherches et d'essais à Ivrée = Research and experimental center at Ivrea 264
Download as PDF Article: Fabrik in Pozzuoli (Golf von Neapel) = Fabrique à Pozzuoli (Golfe de Naples) = Factory at Pozzuoli (Bay of Naples) 267
Download as PDF Article: Angestelltenhäuser mit 18 Wohnungen in Ivrea = Habitations d'employés avec 18 appartements à Ivrée = Employees' house with 18 flats at Ivrea 272
Download as PDF Article: Kindererholungsstation in Marina di Massa = Colonie de convalescence pour enfants à Marina di Massa = Children's recreation camp at Marina di Massa 274
Download as PDF Article: Kleinkinderkrippe und Kinderhort in Ivrea = Pouponnière et jardin d'enfants à Ivrée = Infants' and children's nursery at Ivrea 277
Download as PDF Article: Olivetti design 281
Download as PDF Article: Verkaufsraum in St. Gallen = Magasin de vente à St-Gall = Sales room in St. Gallen 282
Download as PDF Article: Verkaufsraum in Voghera = Salle de vents à Voghera = Sales room in Voghera 283
Download as PDF Article: Verkaufsraum in San Franzisko = Salle de vente à San Francisco = Sales room in San Francisco 284
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein Wohlfahrtsgebäude in Ivrea = Projet de bâtiment social à Ivrée = Project of welfare centre building 285
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für Angestelltenhäuser = Projet d'habitations pour employés = Plan for employees' houses 288
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Download as PDF Article: Das Fenster im modernen Bau 172
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wettbewerbe 180
Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 180
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Download as PDF Rubric: Vorträge 182
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Download as PDF Rubric: Tagungen 186
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Download as PDF Rubric: Wohnen 188
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Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 190
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Download as PDF Rubric: Hinweise 192
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Download as PDF Appendix: Konstruktionsblätter _
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Issue 9 _
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Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Denken in Stahl 289
Download as PDF Article: Stahlrohrbau 290
Download as PDF Article: Verkehrspavillon am Bucheggplatz in Zürich = Refuge de la Bucheggplatz à Zurich = Traffic pavilion at Bucheggplatz, Zurich 291
Download as PDF Article: Stahlbauten an der Ausstellung E 55, Rotterdam = Constructions en acier de l'exposition E 55, Rotterdam = Steel constructions at the exhibition E 55, Rotterdam 296
Download as PDF Article: Klubhaus Ruderverein in Neptun, Konstanz = Maison du club nautique "Neptun", Constance = Club house "Neptune", Constance 301
Download as PDF Article: Technische Hochschule Darmstadt Halle der Fakultät für Maschinenbau = Ecole Polytechnik de Darmstadt salle de la Faculté de Construction de Machine = Technical Institute Darmstadt shop of machine-engineering faculty 306
Download as PDF Article: Architektenhaus in Olten = Habitation d'un architecte à Olten = Home of an architect at Olten 308
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für das Mannesmann-Hochhaus in Düsseldorf = Projet du bâtiment-tour Mannesmann à Dusseldorf = Project for a point house "Mannesmann" at Dusseldorf 313
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für die Neue Warenhaus AG, Filiale La Chaux-de-Fonds = Projet pour les Nouveaux Grands Magasins S.A., succursale de La Chaux-de-Fonds = Project of New Department Store Co., La Chaus-de-Fonds branch 315
Download as PDF Article: Bürhohaus Gebrüder Sulzer AG, Winterthur = Bâtiment administratif Sulzer Frères, Winterthur = Sulzer office building, Winterthur 317
Download as PDF Article: Kombi-Tisch aus Stahl = Table guéridon = Combination-table 321
Download as PDF Article: Neue Wohn-Stahlmöbel = Nouveaux meubles en acier = New steel furniture 322
Download as PDF Article: Stahl-Büromöbel = Meubles de bureau en acier = Office furniture made of steel 324
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Planung und Bau 198
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Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Buchbesprechungen 206
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Formprobleme 208
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Bautechnik ; Baustoffe 213
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungen 215
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Tagungen 216
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Wohnen 217
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Auszeichnungen ; Stipendien 220
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Cahier 10: Städteheft Hannover und Basel _
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Summary _
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Download as PDF Préface: "Warum bringen wir ein Städteheft über Hannover und Basel?" 325
Download as PDF Article: [Einleitung] 325
Download as PDF Article: Stadtplanung in Hannover = Urbanisme à Hanovre = City planning in Hanover 327
Download as PDF Article: Die Stadt baut = La ville construit elle-même = The city builds 338
Download as PDF Article: Neues Bauamt = Nouveau service d'architecture = New building office 338
Download as PDF Article: Werner-von-Siemens-Mittelschule = Ecole supérieure Werner von Siemens = Werner von Siemens secondary school 342
Download as PDF Article: Berufsschulen = Ecoles professionnelles = Professional training schools 344
Download as PDF Article: Kindertagesstätte Hannover-Bothfeld = Ecole enfantine Hannover-Bothfeld = Infant-school Hannover-Bothfeld 346
Download as PDF Article: Neue Aufgaben für die Grünflächen in Hannover = Nouvelles tâches pour les zones de verdure à Hanovre = New roles for green belts in Hanover 347
Download as PDF Article: Basel baut = Bâsle construit = Basle builds 351
Download as PDF Article: Verkehrsplanung und Hochhausgesetzgebung in Basel 359
Download as PDF Article: Basel und das "Neue Bauen" : eine kommentarlose Bildrevue der Redaktion = Bâle et la construction moderne : un aperçu illustré, sans commentaire, de la rédaction = Basle and the new architectural style : a survey in pictures by the editors 364
Download as PDF Article: Neue Zoobauten und Grünanlagen = Nouveau bâtiments zoologiques et parcs = New zoo buildings and park grounds 369
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Unser Redaktor besuchte... 224
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Verkehrsplanung 230
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Wettbewerbe 238
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Vernissagen 240
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Wohnen 242
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Tagungen 244
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Ausstellungen 246
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Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Buchbesprechungen 249
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Cahier 11 _
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Download as PDF Article: Entwicklungshemmende Vorurteile im Schulhausbau = Préjudices freinant dans la construction scolaire = Prejudices which impede progress in school construction 373
Download as PDF Article: Volks- und Mittelschule mit Gemeindezentrum in Buddinge bei Kopenhagen = Ecole primaire supérieure et populaire avec centre municipal à Buddinge près Copenhague = Public and secondary school with community centre in Buddinge near Copenhagen 374
Download as PDF Article: Georg-August-Zinn-Schule Mainz-Gustavsburg = Ecole Georg-August Zinn à Mayence Gustavsburg = Georg-August Zinn School in Mainz-Gustavsburg 378
Download as PDF Article: Primarschulhaus Apfelbaumstrasse in Zürich = Ecole primaire Apfelbaumstrasse à Zurich = Apfelbaumstrasse primary school in Zurich 382
Download as PDF Article: Das Ratsgymnasium in Hannover = Gymnase à Hanovre = Secondary school in Hanover 386
Download as PDF Article: Primarschule im Geisendorf-Park in Genf = Ecole primaire du Parc Geisendorf à Genève = Primary school in Geisendorf in Geneva 390
Download as PDF Article: Schulhauspavillons der Stadt Hamburg aus vorfabrizierten Elementen = Pavillon d'école en éléments préfabriqués de la ville de Hambourg = Hamburg municipal school pavilions constructed of pre-fabricated elements 394
Download as PDF Article: Schulhaus Wangen bei Olten : Wettbewerbsprojekt 1955 = Ecole à Wangen près Olten : projet de concours 1955 = Wangen schoolhouse near Olten : contest project 1955 397
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein Schulhaus in Wetzikon = Projet pour une école à Wetzikon = Project of a school in Wetzikon 398
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für eine Volksschule in Hausham/Oberbayern = Projet d'école populaire à Hausham = Plan for a public school at Hausham 400
Download as PDF Article: Ratshaus in Rödovre bei Kopenhagen = Hôtel de Ville à Rödovre près Copenhague = Town hall at Rödovre near Copenhagen 401
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Die Seite der Schule 255
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Download as PDF Article: Die Gute Form 1956 270
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Techn. Neuheiten 272
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Wettbewerbe 274
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Download as PDF Rubrique: Planung und Bau 275
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Download as PDF Index: Möbelgenossenschaft Basel, Biel, Zürich 277
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Download as PDF Erratum: Berichtigungen zu Heft 10/56 281
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Issue 12 _
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Download as PDF Index: Namen-Verzeichnis _
Download as PDF Index: Sachregister _
Download as PDF Index: Konstruktionsblätter _
Download as PDF Article: Haus in New Canaan = Habitation à New Canaan = House at New Canaan 409
Download as PDF Article: Ferienhaus in Ascona = Maison de vacances à Ascona = Week-end house at Ascona 414
Download as PDF Article: Vorfabriziertes Einfamilienhaus in Middelboe, Dänemark = Maison familiale préfabriquée à Middelboe, Danemark = Prefabricated one-family house at Middelboe, Denmark 418
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein Einfamilienhaus = Projet de maison familiale = Project for single-family house 421
Download as PDF Article: Projekt für ein Einfamilienhaus in Sissach = Projet de maison familiale à Sissach = Project for single-family house at Sissach 423
Download as PDF Article: Wohnen in der Jahrhundertmitte = L'ameublement autour de 1950 = Household-furnishing to-day 425
Download as PDF Article: Die gute Form = Forme utile = Good design 426
Download as PDF Article: Die gute Form in Italien : der goldene Kompass = La forme utile en Italie : le compas d'or = Good design in Italy : the golden compass 429
Download as PDF Article: Möbel für Kinder = Meubles pour enfants = Furniture for children 430
Download as PDF Article: Gedanken über das Spielzeug = Pensées aux jouets = Thoughts about toys 432
Download as PDF Article: Vorhangstoffe = Tissus de décoration = Printed cotton material 433
Download as PDF Article: String-Design 434
Download as PDF Article: Ausstellungen und Messen Situation 1956 = Expositions et foires, situation en 1956 = Exhibition and trade fair : the situation in 1956 435
Download as PDF Article: Allgemeiner Informationspavillon der deutschen Wirtschaft auf der Mailänder Industriemesse Fiera di Milano, April 1956 = Pavillon d'informations générales de l'industrie allemande, Foire de Milan, avril 1956 = General information pavilion for German industry at the Milan Industries Fair, April 1956 436
Download as PDF Article: Umbau des "Wohnbedarfs" in Zürich = Transformation de "Wohnbedarf" à Zurich = Renovation of "Wohnbedarf" in Zurich 440
Download as PDF Article: Sporthaus Kost in Basel = Magasin d'articles de sport Kost à Bâle = Kost sporting goods shop in Basle 442
Download as PDF Article: Ausstellungsraum einer Büchergilde in Köln = Salle d'exposition d'une Guilde du livre à Cologne = Exhibition room of a book guild in Cologne 444
Download as PDF Article: Air-Traffic Center Rhein-Main = Air Traffic Center Rhin-Main = Rhine-Main Air Traffic Centre 445
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Download as PDF Rubric: Planung und Bau 284
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Download as PDF Rubric: Probleme ; Bemerkungen 288
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Download as PDF Rubric: Bautechnik ; Baustoffe 297
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