E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 54 (1979)
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Download as PDF Artikel: Cylinders in Riemann surfaces 1
Download as PDF Artikel: Courbure et singularités complexes. 6
Download as PDF Artikel: Über Extremalprobleme für schlichte Lösungen elliptischer Differentialgleichungssysteme. 17
Download as PDF Artikel: Bestimmung konvexer Körper durch Krümmungsmaße. 42
Download as PDF Artikel: Über Bahnen und deren Deformationen bei linearen Aktionen reduktiver Gruppen. 61
Download as PDF Artikel: The normality of closures of orbits in a Lie algebra. 105
Download as PDF Artikel: The invariance principle. 111
Download as PDF Artikel: Sur les Plongements du Type Déformation. 126
Download as PDF Artikel: Some properties of groups without the property P1. 133
Download as PDF Artikel: Non-smoothable varieties. 140
Download as PDF Artikel: A note on groups with torsion-free abelianization and trivial multiplicator. 147
Download as PDF Artikel: Ein Beitrag zur Whitney-Regularität im unendlichdimensionalen Fall. 159
Download as PDF Artikel: The values of sectional curvature in indefinite metrics. 173
Download as PDF Artikel: The Jenkins Strebel differentials with one cylinder are dense. 179
Download as PDF Artikel: Some rational computations of the Waldhausen algebraic K theory. 185
Download as PDF Artikel: Geometry of hypersurfaces and mapping theorems in Cn. 199
Download as PDF Artikel: A homological characterization of foliations consisting of minimal surfaces. 218
Download as PDF Artikel: Quelques notions simples en géométrie riemannienne et leurs applications aux feuilletages compacts. 224
Download as PDF Artikel: Group representations without groups. 240
Download as PDF Article: Funktionale von primitiven Polygonen Kleinscher Ebenen. 288
Download as PDF Article: Konvexe Polytope mit kongruenten regulären (n-1)- Seiten im Rn (n...4). 304
Download as PDF Article: On division by inner factors. 309
Download as PDF Article: Tresses, monodromie et le groupe symplectique. 318
Download as PDF Article: A Landesman-Lazer alternative theorem for a class of optimization problems. 328
Download as PDF Article: Simplicity of the projective unitary groups defined by simple factors. 334
Download as PDF Article: Concordance implies homotopy for classical links in M3. 347
Download as PDF Article: Classification of simple knots by Levine pairings. 356
Download as PDF Article: The Boolean algebra of spectra. 368
Download as PDF Article: Finitude du nombre des classes d'isomorphisme des structures isométriques entières. 378
Download as PDF Article: Area preserving twist homeomorphism of the annulus. 397
Download as PDF Article: A universal space for normal bundles of n-manifolds. 405
Download as PDF Article: Dichtepunkte im Spektrum Riemannscher Flächen. 431
Download as PDF Article: Abelian group extensions and the axiom of constructibility. 440
Download as PDF Article: Boundary regularity and the uniform convergence of quasiconformal mappings. 458
Download as PDF Article: Ueber den ersten Eigenwert des Laplace-Operators auf kompakten Flächen. 477
Download as PDF Article: Extremal eigenvalue problems defined on conformal classes of compact Riemannian manifolds. 494
Download as PDF Article: Sur le spectre des opérateurs elliptiques à bicaractéristiques toutes les périodiques. 508
Download as PDF Article: Exponential sums associated with algebraic number fields. 523
Download as PDF Article: Une famille infinie de noeuds fibrés cobordants à zero et ayant même polynôme d'Alexander. 562
Download as PDF Article: Some topological aspects of C* actions on compact Kaehler manifolds. 567
Download as PDF Article: On the number of solutions of linear equations in units of an algebraic number field. 583
Download as PDF Article: The secondary characteristic classes of parabolic foliations. 601
Download as PDF Article: Groups of finite quasi-projective dimension. 615
Download as PDF Article: On Mackey's Imprimitivity Theorem. 629
Download as PDF Article: Dirichlet regions in manifolds without conjugate points. 642
Download as PDF Article: Twisted Hopf Algebras. 659