E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume - (1989)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 _
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Download as PDF Préface: Avant-propos 3
Download as PDF Article: L'immagine dell'eroe : reminiscenze omeriche nell'Innamorato e nel Furioso 5
Download as PDF Article: Dal "Cartaginese astuto e accorto" a "Seneca magnanimo" : gli antichi nelle Rime di Antonio Tebaldeo 41
Download as PDF Article: L'epistola Ad Henricum di Baldassar Castiglione : tra imitazione e innovazione 59
Download as PDF Article: Amore e morte negli Ecatommiti di Giambattista Giraldi Cinzio 69
Download as PDF Article: Modelli classici nell' "Elogio di Maria Teresa" di Paolo Frisi 83
Download as PDF Article: Frammento sintomatico di Labindo barbaro 103
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Compte rendu bibliographique 123
Download as PDF Rubrique: Chroniqe annuelle de la faculté des lettres : année académique 1987/1988 125
Download as PDF Rubrique: Chronique de la société des études de lettres 139
Download as PDF Pages complémentaires _
Cahier 2 _
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Download as PDF Préface: Littérature comparée et littératures minoritaires : quelques questions pour introduire un dossier 3
Download as PDF Article: La littérature yiddish et un de ses représentants : Isaac Bashevis Singer 7
Download as PDF Article: La littérature allemande du Tyrol du Sud 25
Download as PDF Article: Les écrivains alémaniques francophones de l'Ancien Régime 41
Download as PDF Article: Littérature latino-américaine, hispano-américaine, ibéro-américaine, indo-américaine? : De l'Amérique dite latine ou du labyrinthe de l'identité 51
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 61
Download as PDF Article: Bouvard et Pécuchet ou l'histoire au présent 63
Download as PDF Article: The devil in Milton 79
Download as PDF Article: L'espagnol et les langues indigènes dans l'Amérique coloniale : les discours de la politique linguistique 97
Download as PDF Article: L'indianisme et les préjugés occidentaux 119
Download as PDF Pages complémentaires 137
Cahier 3 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Article: Se souvenir d'Henri Debluë _
Download as PDF Article: Lucienne 5
Download as PDF Article: La page des amis de Rencontre 13
Download as PDF Article: Introduction à la question du christianisme 17
Download as PDF Article: À propos des Cerises noires d'Henri Debluë 25
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 31
Download as PDF Article: La figure de l'ange dans la prose féminine au Québec 33
Download as PDF Front matter 65
Download as PDF Article: Anne Hérbert et Nicole Brossard : de la poésie à la prose 67
Download as PDF Article: Mots d'ordre et ordre des mots : poésie et prose dans l'œuvre de Nicolas Bouvier 79
Download as PDF Article: Poésie et prose dans l'œuvre de Monique Laederach 89
Download as PDF Book review: Comptes rendus bibliographiques 97
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Issue 4 _
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Download as PDF Preface: Avant-propos 1
Download as PDF Front matter 3
Download as PDF Article: Sur l'importance d'une poétique de la traduction 5
Download as PDF Article: Über das Veralten von Übersetzungen 17
Download as PDF Article: Discussion entre Peter Handke, Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt et le public 35
Download as PDF Front matter 53
Download as PDF Article: Présentation de Georges Simenon 55
Download as PDF Article: Pourquoi retraduire Georges Simenon en Italie 61
Download as PDF Article: Translating Simenon 63
Download as PDF Article: Translating Simenon 67
Download as PDF Article: Traduire Simenon en suédois 71
Download as PDF Article: Die Versuchung des heiligen Hieronymus 75
Download as PDF Article: Simenon und die Topographie 79
Download as PDF Front matter 83
Download as PDF Article: La traduction littéraire "assistée par ordinateur" 85
Download as PDF Article: Marcel Proust übersetzen 89
Download as PDF Article: Probleme der literarischen Übersetzung ins Rätoromanische 97
Download as PDF Article: Zur Übersetzung der "Disparition" von Georges Perec 101
Download as PDF Front matter 105
Download as PDF Article: Libri e computer nel golfo 107
Download as PDF Front matter 111
Download as PDF Article: Traduction 113
Download as PDF Article: Laudatio für Elmar Topohoven 117
Download as PDF Article: Philippe Jaccottet traducteur 127
Download as PDF Article: Remerciement 135
Download as PDF Table of Contents 141
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