E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 96 (2003)
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Download as PDF Article: New records of Holocene landslide activity in the Western and Eastern Swiss Alps : implication of climate and vegetation changes 1
Download as PDF Article: Cretaceous structural features of the Murge area (Apulian Foreland, Southern Italy) 11
Download as PDF Article: A review of the dye tracing experiments done in the Siebenhengste karst region (Bern, Switzerland) 23
Download as PDF Article: Perturbation of the heat flow by water circulation in a mountainous framework : examples from the Swiss Alps 37
Download as PDF Article: Facies analysis of a glaciomarine sequence, the Neotproterozoic Mirbat Sandstone Formation, Sultanate of Oman 49
Download as PDF Article: Die Wanderblock-Bildungen im Schweizer Juragebirge südlich von Basel : neue Daten zu einem alten Problem 71
Download as PDF Article: Structural control on mass-movement evolution : a case study from the Vizze Valley, Italien Eastern Alps 85
Download as PDF Article: Processes of radionuclide enrichment in sediments and ground waters of Mont Vully (Canton Fribourg, Switzerland) 99
Download as PDF Article: Surface exposure dating of Sirius Formation at Allan Hills nunatak, Antarctica : new evidence for long-term ice-sheet stability 109
Download as PDF Article: Strike-slip contractional stepovers in the Southern Alps (northeastern Italy) 115
Download as PDF Article: Bericht über die 118. ordentliche Generalversammlung der Schweizerischen Geologischen Gesellschaft in Davos : 19./20. September 2002 125
Download as PDF Article: An ancient-ocean-continent transition in the Alps : the Totalp, Err-Platta, and Malenco units in the eastern Central Alps (Graubünden and northern Italy) : excursion of the Swiss Geological Society 131
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Cahier 2 _
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Download as PDF Article: Geology of the NW Indian Himalaya 147
Download as PDF Chapitre : Abstract = Résumé 147
Download as PDF Table des matières 148
Download as PDF Chapitre 1: Introduction 149
Download as PDF Chapitre 2: Pre-Himalayan tectonics, sedimentation and magmatism 149
Download as PDF Chapitre 3: Elements of the Neo-Tethys ocean crust, island ascs and the Ladakh bathlith of the Aisan margin 161
Download as PDF Chapitre 4: The Himalayan tectonics, metamorphism, magmatism and sedimentation 161
Download as PDF Chapitre 5: Discussion and conclusions on the structural and metamorphic evolution of the Himalayan range and its sedimentary record 181
Download as PDF Chapitre : Acknowledgments 187
Download as PDF Bibliographie: References 187
Download as PDF Appendice: Plates 196
Download as PDF Article: Découverte de deux gisements à micromammifères du Burdigalien supérieur dans la Molasse Marine du bassin de Digne (Alpes de Haute-Provences, SE France) : implications stratigraphiques et tectoniques 197
Download as PDF Article: Zircon fission track thermochronology of the southeastern part of the Tauern Window and the adjacent Austroalpine margin, Eastern Alps 209
Download as PDF Article: Earthquake Catalogue of Switzerland (ECOS) and the related macroseismic database 219
Download as PDF Article: Palaeobiogeography of the Middle Jurassic protoglobigerinids (Foraminifera) 237
Download as PDF Article: A new interpretation of the Chasseral magnetic anomaly (Swiss Jura) 249
Download as PDF Article: Etude géoélectrique des cours d'eau interglaciaires à l'Ouest de la ville de Fribourg (Suisse) 261
Download as PDF Article: A proposal for the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Pliensbachian Stage (Lower Jurassic) 275
Download as PDF Article: Shallow structure of the lower Rossboden Glacier and its moraine dam (Valais, Swiss Alps) 299
Download as PDF Article: Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2002 313
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Istruzioni per gli autori _
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Cahier 3 _
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Download as PDF Article: Brittle orogen-parallel extension in the internal zones of the Swiss Alps (South Valais) 325
Download as PDF Article: Brèches marines paléocènes et palékarsts associés en contexte compressif dans le synclinal d'Amélie-Les-Bains (Haute Chaîne Primaire, Pyrenées Orientales) 339
Download as PDF Article: Two significant earthquakes in the Rhine Valley at the end of the 18th century : the events of December 6, 1795 and April 20, 1796 357
Download as PDF Article: Hydrogeological overview of the Bure plateau, Ajoie, Switzerland 367
Download as PDF Article: Cenomanian (early Late Cretaceous) ammonoid faunas of Western Europe. Part II, Diversity patterns and the end-Cenomanian anoxic event 381
Download as PDF Article: Modélisation gravimétrique 2.5D et cartes des isohypses au 1:100'000 du substratum rocheux de la Vallée du Rhône entre Villeneuve et Brig (Suisse) 399
Download as PDF Article: High-resolution record of lateral facies variations on a shallow carbonate platform (Upper Oxfordian, Swiss Jura Mountains) 425
Download as PDF Article: The earthquake in Unterwalden on September 18, 1601 : a historico-critical macroseismic evaluation 441
Download as PDF Article: Der Opalinuston in der Nordschweiz : Lithologie und Ablagerungsgeschichte 451
Download as PDF Front matter 471
Download as PDF Table of Contents 471
Download as PDF Association News: Anmerkungen der Redaktion 473
Download as PDF Article: Gregoryceras defayi sp. nov. et Gregoryceras tenuisculptum Gygi 1977 : deux espèces successives de la sous-famille des Peltoceratubae Spath 1924 (Ammonitinae, Aspidoceratidae Zittel 1895) de l'Oxfordien moyen 475
Download as PDF Article: Morphogenetic origin of radial lirae and mode of shell growth in Calliphylloceras (Jurassic Ammonoidea) 495
Download as PDF Article: The oldest trigonalid wasp in the Late Albian amber of Charente-Maritime (SW France) (Hymenoptera, Trigonalidae) 503
Download as PDF Article: On Prolebias meyeri (Agassiz) (Teleoistei, Cyprinodontiformes) from the Oligo-Miocene of the Upper Rhinegraben area, with the establishment of a new genus and a new species 509
Download as PDF Article: Systematic revision of Mio-Pliocene Ctenodactylidae (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the Indian subcontinent 521
Download as PDF Erratum: Ecoulement de l'eau dans le fond du Léman après circulation dans le cône sédimentaire profond de la Dranse 531
Download as PDF Table of Contents 533
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Specialissue: Lake systems from Ice Age to industrial time _
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Download as PDF Preface: Lake systems from Ice Age to industrial time : preface of the quest-editors 1
Download as PDF Article: Bedrock, Quaternary sediments and recent fault activity in central Lake Neuchâtel, as derived from high-resolution reflection seismics 3
Download as PDF Article: High-resolution seismic stratigraphy of an Holocene lacustrine delta in western Lake Geneva (Switzerland) 11
Download as PDF Article: Sédimentation récente sur le delta du Rhône (Lac Léman) à partir de profils de sismique réflextion à haute résolution 21
Download as PDF Erratum: Imaging Molasse and Quaternary sediments in Lake Geneva, Switzerland, with 3-D high-resolution seismic reflection methods : a case study _
Download as PDF Article: Imaging Molasse and Quaternary sediments in Lake Geneva, Switzerland, with 3-D high-resolution seismic reflection methods : a case study 31
Download as PDF Article: Bottom-current and wind-pattern changes as indicated by Late Glacial and Holocene sediments from western Lake Geneva (Switzerland) 39
Download as PDF Article: A 600-year sedimentary record of flood events from two sub-alpine lakes (Schwendiseen, Northeastern Switzerland) 49
Download as PDF Article: 60 years of glaciolacustrine sedimentation in Steinsee (Sustenpass, Switzerland) compared with historic events and instrumental meteorological data 59
Download as PDF Article: Mapping sediment accumulation rate by using volume magnetic susceptibility core correlation in a contaminated bay (Lake Geneva, Switzerland) 73
Download as PDF Article: Ecoulement de l'eau dans le fond du Léman après circulation dans le cône sédimentaire profond de la Dranse 81
Download as PDF Article: Sediment distribution on a current-dominated lake delta (Versoix delta, Lake Geneva, Switzerland) 91
Download as PDF Article: Evolution des assemblages de Chironomidae (Insecta : Diptera) pendant la Tardiglaciaire dans le Lac du Lautrey (Jura, France) : essai de reconstruction paléoenvironnementale 99
Download as PDF Article: Recent changes in sedimentary organic matter from Lake Neuchâtel (Switzerland) as traced by Rock-Eval pyrolysis 109
Download as PDF Article: Les conditions d'établissement et de conservation des sites préhistoriques littoraux de la rive sud du lac de Neuchâtel et du lac de Morat : prospection systématique et reconstitution des rives anciennes 117
Download as PDF Article: Sediment contamination in a river reservoir (Wettingen Reservoir, Switzerland) : present situation and history 127
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