E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 66 (2019)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 _
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Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Article: Introduction 5
Download as PDF Article: Why does the intellect see wisdom? : A Platonic figure of thought in De sapientia of Nicholas of Cusa 8
Download as PDF Article: How does the mind produce mathematical objects? 19
Download as PDF Article: The innate power to judge as the mind's guiding principle : iudicium connatum or concreatum in De docta ignorantia, De sapientia, De mente and De pace fidei 27
Download as PDF Article: How to combine philosophical ways of thinking and experimental science : a discussion on the scope of knowledge by Nicholas of Cusa in the Dialogues of the idiot, from De mente to De staticis experimentis 48
Download as PDF Article: The infinite in Cusanus' cosmological and geometrical perspectives 61
Download as PDF Article: Gibt es bei Cusanus eine Rezeption der Tabula Smaragdina? : Zum Problem der Anknüpfungspunkte zwischen Hermes Trismegistos und Nikolaus von Kues 77
Download as PDF Article: Optische Grenzgänge : Konstellationen des Sehens bei Nikolaus von Kues und Jeremy Bentham 92
Download as PDF Article: In Touch with the World? : Nicholas of Cusa's Idiota de mente and John McDowell's Mind and world 118
Download as PDF Article: Significatio actus est moralis : teoria del significato ed etica del linguaggio nel pensiero di Pietro di Giovanni Olivi 135
Download as PDF Article: Karl Barth über Kants Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft : "Biblische Theologie" unter dem Einfluss von Hermann Cohen 147
Download as PDF Article: Dimensionen des Aufmerksamkeitsbegriffs nach Simone Weil in cartesianischer und phänomenologischer Tradition 163
Download as PDF Article: Distinctio realis, analogia entis e ontologische Differenz : ontologia del finito e coscienza del Figlio in Hans Urs von Balthasar 189
Download as PDF Article: Heymericus de Campo : Eucharistietraktat An maior gratia conferatur communicanti sub utraque quam sub una specie : Einleitung und Edition 213
Download as PDF Article: Die Wahrheit des Konsens : Theorie und Praxis der concordantia bei Nicolaus Cusanus 247
Download as PDF Article: Von Zweifel, Verzweiflung und vom Glauben als Herausforderung bei Sören Kierkegaard 268
Download as PDF Book review: Rezensionen = Besprechungen = Comptes rendus 295
Download as PDF Rubric: Neuerscheinungen 320
Download as PDF Back matter 322
Issue 2 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Introduction (second part) 328
Download as PDF Article: Die Figur des Redners in Idiota de mente 329
Download as PDF Article: Der Weisheitsbegriff in den cusanischen Idiota-Schriften 337
Download as PDF Article: Exploring a Scholastic Terra Incognita : Univocity, Analogy and Infinity in Nicholas of Cusa's Idiota de Sapientia 355
Download as PDF Article: Nicholas of Cusa's Idiota against the backdrop of his Sermons 374
Download as PDF Article: Faith, unity, multiplicity : De pace idiotae? 384
Download as PDF Article: The "venatio sapientiae" in early modern age : Montaigne reader of the Idiota de sapientia 399
Download as PDF Article: Die "viva imago Dei" der cusanischen Idiota-Dialoge und die Idee einer "tranzendentalen Transzendenz" Heinrich Barths 409
Download as PDF Article: Jos Decorte : a humble interpreter of Cusanus On the use and abuse of the medieval episteme 424
Download as PDF Article: Les idées des intellectuels alexandrins sur la vérité, la philosophie grecque et les Présocratiens : Plotin et Clément en comparaison 431
Download as PDF Article: Göttliches Erkennen und exemplarische Kausalität bei Petrus Aureoli 455
Download as PDF Article: Schöpfung und Symbolik der Natur in der frühen Neuzeit, am Beispiel von Jakob Böhme 499
Download as PDF Article: Akt und Potenz als philosophische Grundbegriffe 519
Download as PDF Article: Christus oder Antichrist : zur Frage nach der Kontinuität in Vladimir Solov'ëvs Eschatologie des vollendeten Gottmenschentums 539
Download as PDF Obituary: Nachruf auf Werner Beierwaltes 559
Download as PDF Book review: Rezensionen = Besprechungen = Comptes rendus 565
Download as PDF Rubric: Neuerscheinungen 587
Download as PDF Index: Namenregister 589
Download as PDF Back matter 599