E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 34 (1961)
Heading Page
Cahier I 1
Download as PDF Article: Wärmeleitfähigkeit, elektrische Leitfähigkeit, Hall-Effekt und Thermospannung von InSb 1
Download as PDF Article: Zur Frage der Vorzeichenumkehr des Magnetfeldes beim Meissnereffekt. I, Spiegelnde Oberflächenstreuung 29
Download as PDF Article: Über quantenmechanische Systeme mit einem stochastischen Hamiltonoperator 36
Download as PDF Article: Eine Quelle polarisierter Deuteronen und Nachweis der Polarisation durch die (d,T)-Reaktion 58
Cahier II 85
Download as PDF Article: (p,n)-Reaktionen an einigen mittelschweren Kernen 85
Download as PDF Article: Einfluss des Paramagnetismus auf die Richtungskorrelation : Messung magnetischer Kernmomente von Dy^150 und Er^166 125
Download as PDF Article: Monoenergetische Positronen 161
Cahier III 189
Download as PDF Article: Détermination de formes et de largeurs de raies très fines en résonance magnétique nucléaire 189
Download as PDF Article: Absolutmessung der Energie der wichtigsten natürlichen Alpha-Strahler 240
Download as PDF Article: Zur Frage der Vorzeichenumkehr des Magnetfeldes beim Meissnereffekt. II, Diffuse Oberflächenstreuung 265
Download as PDF Article: Einfluss der Wasserstoffbrückenbindung auf das Kernresonanzspektrum von Phenolen 272
Download as PDF Erratum: Berichtigung zum Tagungsbericht: "Über den Bindungs- und Leitungscharakter von Verbindungen mit CdJ_2-Struktur 303
Issue IV 305
Download as PDF Article: Kernquadrupolresonanzen, Phasenumwandlungen und Ferroelektrizität der Alkalijodate 305
Download as PDF Article: Eine verallgemeinerte Störungstheorie für quantenmechanische Mehrteilchenprobleme 331
Download as PDF Article: Erfahrungen mit dem symmetrischen Kaskadengenerator für 4 MV am Physikalischen Institut der Universität Basel 352
Download as PDF Article: Struktur, elektrische und thermoelektrische Eigenschaften von SnSe2 359
Issue V 369
Download as PDF Association News: Compte rendu de la réunion de la Société Suisse de Physique 369
Download as PDF Article: Inelastische Streuung von 14 MeV-Neutronen an Blei, Quecksilber und Uran 520
Download as PDF Article: Necessary restriction on Wightman functions 542
Issue VI-VII 545
Download as PDF Article: The Dirac matrices and the signature of the metric tensor 545
Download as PDF Article: Further investigations on the non-local convergent field theory 554
Download as PDF Article: Domain of holomorphy of the three-point function 587
Download as PDF Article: Regularitätseigenschaften der Streuamplitude im Fall der Potentialstreuung 593
Download as PDF Article: Quantum theory in real Hilbert space. II, Addenda and errats 621
Download as PDF Article: Die Elektronabsorption positiver μ-Mesonen 629
Download as PDF Article: Untersuchungen über die Selbstdiffusion von Germanium 635
Download as PDF Article: On the time arrow and the theory of irreversible processes 661
Download as PDF Article: Quantum theory in real Hilbert space. III, Fields of the first kind (linear field operators) 675
Download as PDF Article: Supersymmetries and essential observables 699
Download as PDF Article: Paramagnetic resonance intensity of anisotropic substances and its influence on line shapes 710
Download as PDF Article: Etude des réactions de stripping Ne^20,22(d,n)Na^21,23 par spectromètre à collimation de protons de recul 718
Issue VIII 757
Download as PDF Association News: Compte rendu de la réunion de la Société Suisse de Physique 757
Download as PDF Article: The electrical resistivity of solid and liquid tri-iodides of antimony and bismuth 827
Download as PDF Article: The theory of irreversible processes in neutral and ionized gases 834
Download as PDF Article: Supraleitung und Paramagnetismus in komplexen Phasen der Übergangsmetalle 843
Download as PDF Article: Sur le ferro- et l'antiferromagnétisme des terres rares 859
Download as PDF Article: Untersuchungen zum Mechanismus der Blasenbildung in Freon-12 und Propan durch Rückstosskerne einiger α-Strahler 865
Download as PDF Article: Zur thermodynamischen Theorie irreversibler Prozesse 893
Download as PDF Article: Untersuchungen von Rekombinationsvorgängen in neutronenbestrahlten Ge-pnp-Transistoren 909
Download as PDF Article: Die Rydberg-Serien im Absorptionsspektrum des NO-Moleküls 929
Download as PDF Article: Les réactions (n,p) et (n,α) de Ca^40 avec des neutrons de 6 MeV 954
Download as PDF Article: Absolute precision determination of several resonance and threshold energies and the α-particle energy of Po^210 960
Download as PDF Table of Contents 977
Download as PDF Index: Autorenregister = Table des auteurs 983
Issue [6]: Supplementum 6. Proceedings of the International Symposium on polarization phenomena of nucleons _
Download as PDF Preface: Foreword _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Introduction 13
Download as PDF Article: Survey of methods of producing sources of polarized protons 15
Download as PDF Article: Production of polarized protons from a beam of atomic hydrogen by quadrupole weak field separation of one hyperfine component 26
Download as PDF Article: The polarized proton source for the Minnesota Linear Accelerator 35
Download as PDF Article: Production of polarized protons from a beam of atomic hydrogen by quadrupole strong-to-weak field separation of one hyperfine component 48
Download as PDF Article: The polarized proton source for the Harwell Proton Linear Accelerator 59
Download as PDF Article: The production of polarized particles from an atomic beam by quadrupole strong field separation of hyperfine components 77
Download as PDF Article: Production and detection of a polarized deuteron beam using the atomic beam magnetic resonance method 89
Download as PDF Article: Etude d'une source de protons polarisés utilisant une transition haute fréquence pour un cyclotron 108
Download as PDF Article: Experiments on dynamic polarization of protons in polyethylene by the "Solid Effect" : a proposed polarized proton target 122
Download as PDF Article: Attempts to produce H 2 S by charge exchange 134
Download as PDF Article: An E-H gradient spectrometer 136
Download as PDF Article: Polarization of nuclei by macroscopic rotation 138
Download as PDF Article: Proposal for detecting the polarization of slow protons 140
Download as PDF Article: Polarisation dynamique de noyaux 143
Download as PDF Article: Polarization of protons by an A.C. sextapole magnetic field 146
Download as PDF Article: Survey of experiments on the polarization in reactions 147
Download as PDF Article: Polarization measurements of D-D neutrons by a Solenoid 160
Download as PDF Article: Polarization in some (d, n) and (d, p) reactions : principle of ring polarimeter 166
Download as PDF Article: Detection of deuteron alignment with s-wave reactions 175
Download as PDF Article: Production of polarized neutron beams by (p, n) reactions in various nuclei 181
Download as PDF Article: Survey of measurements in stripping reactions 193
Download as PDF Article: Detection of 900 KeV vector polarized deuterons with the reaction Li6(d, α)He4 201
Download as PDF Article: Polarization of neutrons from the Li7(p, n)Be7 reaction 214
Download as PDF Article: The polarization of neutrons from the stripping of deuterons on C12 215
Download as PDF Article: Left-right asymmetries in the D(d, p)T reaction with polarized deuterons 217
Download as PDF Article: Polarization of nuclei in direct interaction processes 219
Download as PDF Article: Production of spin polarized mass-three beams 220
Download as PDF Article: The scattering of polarized particles 225
Download as PDF Article: Measurements of polarization in C12(p,p) scattering 239
Download as PDF Article: Polarization in proton-helium and proton-carbon elastic scattering 249
Download as PDF Article: Polarization in p-He4 and p-p scattering at 22 MeV 253
Download as PDF Article: Proton polarization measurements around 17 MeV 259
Download as PDF Article: Polarization of neutrons scattered from Li6 and Li7 269
Download as PDF Article: Polarization resulting from elastic nucleon scattering below 4 MeV 277
Download as PDF Article: Energy variation of neutron polarization in scattering from zinc, copper, molybdenum and cadmium 291
Download as PDF Article: Polarization of elastically scattered 3.4-MeV neutrons 303
Download as PDF Article: Applications of millimicrosecond spectroscopy to neutron polarization studies : method and results 311
Download as PDF Article: Polarisation of 9 MeV protons elastically scattered by C, Mg and Al 325
Download as PDF Article: A survey of p-α elastic scattering as a polarization analyzer 332
Download as PDF Article: D-phase dependence of nucleon-helium polarization 335
Download as PDF Article: Observation on the reaction Li7(p,α)He4 using polarized protons 337
Download as PDF Article: The reaction Li7(p,α)α with polarized protons 339
Download as PDF Article: Nuclear forces and polarization phenomena 341
Download as PDF Article: Stripping theory in operator form 359
Download as PDF Article: Polarization phenomena in deuteron stripping reactions 372
Download as PDF Article: Selection rules for polarization in direct interactions and stripping processes 402
Download as PDF Article: Elastic scattering of deuterons by He4 409
Download as PDF Article: Polarization contours for T-α and He3-α scattering 423
Download as PDF Article: Deuteron triple-scattering experiments 425
Download as PDF Article: Nucleon-nucleon polarization experiments 429
Download as PDF Article: Optical model analysis of proton-nucleus elastic scattering data in the energy range 8-17 MeV 432
Download as PDF Article: Supplementary note : the polarized proton source for the Harwell Proton Linear Accelerator 434
Download as PDF Article: Supplementary note : production and detection of a polarized deuteron beam using the atomic beam magnetic resonance method 435
Download as PDF Afterword: Basel Convention 436