E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 37 (1964)
Heading Page
Cahier I 3
Download as PDF Article: Effets de structure nucléaire en formation de paires internes 3
Download as PDF Article: (þ,þ'γ)-Winkelkorrelation bei 5,8 MeV an Zn^64,66,68 30
Download as PDF Article: Thermolumineszenzmessung mit Doppelstrahlspektrometer 51
Download as PDF Article: Lorentz invariant analytic S-matrix amplitudes 55
Download as PDF Article: Variation de la maille de petits cristaux d'argent 74
Cahier II 77
Download as PDF Article: Résonance paramagnétique électronique dans le soufre rhombique irradié 77
Download as PDF Article: Absorption spectra of Uranium (IV) in octahedral coordination 79
Download as PDF Article: Gamma transitions in O^18 104
Download as PDF Article: Ladungstausch von Protonen an gebundenen Neutronen und von π-Mesonen an gebundenen Protonen bei hohen Energien 113
Download as PDF Article: Representations of canonical anticommutation relations 136
Download as PDF Article: Octupole vibrations in spherical nuclei 160
Download as PDF Article: Messungen der dielektrischen Eigenschaften der Borazite 165
Cahier III 173
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Bericht über die Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft in Bern, am 24. und 25. April 1964 173
Download as PDF Article: De la permutabilité des opérateurs non hornes 233
Download as PDF Article: Berechnung des Polarisationsvermögens von Zirkon für 3,4-MeV-Neutronen 241
Download as PDF Article: Die Dynamik der Blochschen Wand 245
Download as PDF Article: Multiple cavity molecular beam maser 252
Download as PDF Article: Borcher's classes and duality theorem 267
Download as PDF Article: Sur la généralité des équations maîtresses quantiques 270
Download as PDF Article: Gauge invariance as a consequence of Galilei-invariance for elementary particles 284
Cahier IV-V 293
Download as PDF Article: The problem of measurement in quantum mechanics 293
Download as PDF Article: Darstellung der Gravitationsenergie 317
Download as PDF Article: Excited states and Rydberg series in the emission spectrum of NO 329
Download as PDF Article: Elektrische Feldgradienten und Sauerstoff-Polarisierbarkeit in Alkali-Feldspäten (NaAlSi3O8 und KAiSi3O8) 348
Download as PDF Article: Etude de la spallation produite dans l'émulsion nucléaire par des protons de 600 MeV 361
Download as PDF Article: The Lee model as scattering system 391
Download as PDF Article: Präzisionsbestimmungen der Zerfallsraten radioaktiver Präparate nach der Koinzidenzmethode mit Hilfe von Szintillationszählern 409
Download as PDF Article: Formation de paires internes dans les transitions M1 429
Download as PDF Article: Axiomatique quantique 439
Download as PDF Article: Some properties of air spark chambers 469
Download as PDF Article: Le système de diffusion simple avec des états se désintégrant 475
Download as PDF Article: The determination of the components of a tensor characterizing a crystal 493
Download as PDF Article: Messung der differentiellen Streuquerschnitte von 18O für Neutronen im Energiebereich 2,9-4,1 MeV 505
Cahier VI 521
Download as PDF Article: A generalization of the principle of detailed balancing in μ-space 521
Download as PDF Article: Coarse-graining in Liouville space and master equation 532
Download as PDF Article: Phonon-helicon interaction in piezoelectric semiconductors 545
Download as PDF Article: Analyticity with respect to the coupling constant in certain two-dimensional field theoretic models 554
Download as PDF Article: Gruppenextensionen in der Quantentheorie 563
Download as PDF Article: On the electronic mean free path in aluminium 585
Download as PDF Article: Optical absorption in GaSe ans GaS 589
Download as PDF Erratum: Erratum 592
Cahier VII-VIII 593
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Bericht über die Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft in Zürich, am 10. Oktober 1964 593
Download as PDF Article: On the analyticity properties of the scattering amplitude in relativistic quantum field theory 639
Download as PDF Article: Spatial cluster decomposition properties of the S-matrix 659
Download as PDF Article: Zur Elektrodynamik 663
Download as PDF Article: Caractéristiques de la composante luminescente à 4300 Å de CsI pur 667
Download as PDF Article: Etude de la restauration d'un pic de frottement interne du tungstène écroui 673
Download as PDF Article: Forbidden hyperfine transitions in the paramagnetic resonance of Mn++ in cubic CaO 689
Download as PDF Article: Conduction ionique dans Kl et CsI 692
Download as PDF Article: Operational meaning of higher-order optical coherence 697
Download as PDF Article: Frottement interne du tsungstène polycristallin ou monocristallin soumis à un mode de vibration de flexion 699
Download as PDF Article: Resonances in the 40A(þ, γ)41K reaction 722
Download as PDF Table des matières 726
Download as PDF Index: Autorenregister = Table des auteurs 731