E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 64 (1991)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 1
Download as PDF Article: A mechanistic classical laboratory situation violating the Bell inequalities with 2√2, exactly "in the same way" as its violations by the EPR experiments 1
Download as PDF Article: N=2-extended supersymmetries and Clifford algebras 24
Download as PDF Article: On connections between the four-dimensional harmonic oscillator and the Coulomb-problem in the representation with the discrete basis 48
Download as PDF Article: QCD corrections to the W decay width within a new dimensional regularization scheme 61
Download as PDF Article: Statistical mechanics of low autocorrelation skew-symmetric binary sequences 86
Download as PDF Article: Distribution of eigenvalues of 3 x 3 band matrices 92
Cahier 2 97
Download as PDF Article: Orthomodularity, compatibility and commutativity in physical theories 97
Download as PDF Article: Les courbures de Ricci d'une variété riemannienne ou pseudo-riemannienne ne déterminent pas toujours sa métrique 104
Download as PDF Article: Behaviour of wave functions of the universe and cosmological constant 126
Download as PDF Article: Transfer-matrix approach to the anisotropy of effective masses in [100] and [111] directions of diatomic crystals 151
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Rapport de la réunion d'automne de la SSP 159
Cahier 3 213
Download as PDF Article: The flow of an electron-phonon system to the superconducting state 213
Cahier 4 359
Download as PDF Article: Random surfaces, statistical mechanics and string theory 359
Cahier 5 527
Download as PDF Article: On the problem of non-locality in quantum mechanics 527
Download as PDF Article: Non-existence of path space measure for local (QED)_1 548
Download as PDF Article: Résonances pour l'opérateur de Dirac 557
Download as PDF Article: A solvable model of two-channel scattering 592
Download as PDF Article: Local correlation functions for mean-field dynamical semigroups on C*-algebras 610
Download as PDF Article: The Gibbs variational principle for inhomogeneous mean-field systems 633
Download as PDF Article: Spinless Fermi gas on one-dimensional lattice : rigorous results 668
Download as PDF Article: A remark on anisotropic superconducting states 694
Download as PDF Article: Monte Carlo simulation of the one-dimensional t-J-J' model 700
Download as PDF Article: A new analysis of PSI pp → dπ^+ data 736
Cahier 6 759
Download as PDF Article: Precision tests of the electroweak theory and bounds on new physics 761
Download as PDF Article: Some vacua of the heterotic string 797
Download as PDF Article: Geometry and quantum symmetries of Calabi-Yau moduli space 811
Download as PDF Article: QCD and jets 820
Download as PDF Article: On the effective action of the WZNW-model 842
Download as PDF Article: Lattice calculations of f_D AND f_B 853
Download as PDF Article: Patterns of U_q[SU(2)] symmetry breaking in Heisenberg quantum chains 871
Download as PDF Article: Inflation-driven string instabilities ... and the other way around 877
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Frühjahrstagung der S.P.G. 890
Cahier 7 953
Download as PDF Article: Large deviations and phase separation i the two-dimensional Ising model 953
Download as PDF Artikel: On the critical behaviour of the first passage time in d > 3 1055
Download as PDF Artikel: Translation invariant quantum master equation 1072
Download as PDF Artikel: Plasmon frequency for a spin-density wave model 1093
Download as PDF Artikel: Generalized spectral laws for the energy and enstrophy cascades in a two-dimensional turbulence 1113
Download as PDF Artikel: Lorentz invariance from Euclidean supersymmetry 1163
Download as PDF Artikel: A remark on long-range Stark scattering 1167
Heft 8 1175
Download as PDF Artikel: Zur Elektrodynamik von schwarzen Loechern 1175
Download as PDF Artikel: Condensation in some perturbed meanfield models of a Bose gas 1200
Download as PDF Artikel: Analyticity and independence on the classical boundary conditions of the infinite volume thermal KMS states for a class of continuous systems. I, The Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics case 1225
Download as PDF Artikel: Quasi-crystals form a numerical point of view 1247
Download as PDF Artikel: Chern-Simons theory in the axial gauge : manifold with boundary 1256
Download as PDF Artikel: The dependence of the QED short-distance enhancement factor on the top quark mass 1271
Download as PDF Artikel: Inclusive lepton pair production through virtual W, Z and γ gauge bosons in proton-antiproton collisions 1277
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 1341
Download as PDF Register: Index of authors = Autorenregister = Table des auteurs 1347