E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 69 (1996)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Article: An improved approach to relativistic rotational kinematics 1
Download as PDF Article: Some anisotropic Schrödinger operators without singular spectrum 13
Download as PDF Article: Pulsed laser radiation : a rigorous model for the collective spontaneous emission 26
Download as PDF Article: Extended AKS theorem, the moment map and new integrable systems 46
Download as PDF Article: Parasupersymmetric quantum mechanics with generalized deformed parafermions 60
Download as PDF Article: Photon escape cones in the Kerr field 69
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Toeplitz operators and index theory in several complex variables [H. Upmeier] _
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: A survey on knot theory [A. Kawauchi] _
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Knot theory and its applications [Murasugi, K.] _
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Instructions to contributors _
Cahier 2 _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Article: Level of positron bound states in atoms 81
Download as PDF Article: The ground-state characteristics of deuteron using Gaussian potentials 90
Download as PDF Article: Bäcklund transformations for the U(N) σ models and the susy U(N) σ models 105
Download as PDF Article: Vavilov-Cerenkov radiation in a finite region of space 111
Download as PDF Article: Spectroscopy of a three-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator with a ε-type perturbation 130
Download as PDF Article: Representation theory of deformed oscillator algebras 141
Download as PDF Article: Trace formulas and Dirichlet-Neumann problems with variable boundary : the scalar case 158
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Stochastic partial differential equations : a modeling, white noise functional analysis approach [H. Holden; B.Oksendal; J. Uboe] _
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Lie groups beyond an introduction [A.W. Knapp] _
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Instructions to contributors _
Cahier 3 _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Préface: Preface 178
Download as PDF Article: Microlensing implications for halo dark matter 179
Download as PDF Article: Can Doppler peaks discriminate among inflationary models and topological defect scenarios? 185
Download as PDF Article: Inflation with a complex scalar field 190
Download as PDF Article: Cosmological perturbations of ultrarelativistic plasmas 194
Download as PDF Article: Deviations from the Harrison-Zel'dovich spectrum due to the quark-gluon to hadrion transition 198
Download as PDF Article: Inflationary expansion driven by particle decay and dissipative stress 202
Download as PDF Article: The kinetic stage of the universe reheating 207
Download as PDF Article: Density perturbations from two-field inflation 211
Download as PDF Article: Textures and cosmic microwave background non-Gaussian signatures 215
Download as PDF Article: Primordial inhomogeneities spectra in mixed dark matter models with non-zero cosmological constant 219
Download as PDF Article: Cosmology with bulk pressure 225
Download as PDF Article: CMBR dipole from ultra large scale isocurvature perturbations 229
Download as PDF Article: Causal dissipative cosmology 233
Download as PDF Article: A decrumpling model of the universe 237
Download as PDF Article: A new approach to the "cosmological constant" problem 241
Download as PDF Article: On wormholes in low energy string theory 245
Download as PDF Article: Multi-black-holes in 3D and 4D anti-de Sitter spacetimes 249
Download as PDF Article: Creation of multiple de Sitter universes inside a Schwarzschild black hole 253
Download as PDF Article: Numerical investigation of black hole interiors 257
Download as PDF Article: Pair creation and evolution of black holes in inflation 261
Download as PDF Article: Flat wormholes from straight cosmic strings 265
Download as PDF Article: The quantum theory of general relativity at low energies 269
Download as PDF Article: Large black holes have no hair 276
Download as PDF Article: Singularity avoidance during gravitational collapse 281
Download as PDF Article: Einstein-Yang-Mills equations on cosmological space-times 285
Download as PDF Article: Sphaleron on S^3 289
Download as PDF Article: FRW model with vector fields in N=1 supergravity 293
Download as PDF Article: The quantum two-body problem in the presence of curvature 297
Download as PDF Article: Classical and quantum equivalence principle in terms of the path group 301
Download as PDF Article: Classical and quantum aspects of 1+1 gravity 305
Download as PDF Article: Covariant double-null dynamics 309
Download as PDF Article: Numerical approach to the global structure of space-times 316
Download as PDF Article: On symmetric gauge fields for arbitrary gauge and symmetry groups 321
Download as PDF Article: A classification of embedding class 2 vacua 325
Download as PDF Article: Relativistic Maclaurin discs and bifurcations 329
Download as PDF Article: The group of large diffeomorphisms in classical and quantum gravity 333
Download as PDF Article: Symmetries of impulsive gravitational waves 337
Download as PDF Article: Diffeomorphism invariant integrable field theories 341
Download as PDF Article: Quasi-Einstein metrics and their renormalizability properties 344
Download as PDF Article: Photon rockets and radiation reactions 348
Download as PDF Article: The relativistic charged membrane and its total mass 353
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Trees : workshop in Versailles, June 14-16, 1995 [B. Chauvin; S. Cohen; A. Rouault] _
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Klassische Physik. Band I, Mechanik [H.J. Leisi] _
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Instructions to contributors _
Cahier 4 _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Préface: Preface 357
Download as PDF Article: General relativity and experiment 359
Download as PDF Article: Cosmological dark matter as seen with gravitational lensing 373
Download as PDF Article: Probing density fluctuations at low and high redshift 388
Download as PDF Article: Inflation and cosmological perturbations 400
Download as PDF Article: Anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background : theoretical foundations 417
Download as PDF Artikel: Dark matter : problems and solutions 434
Download as PDF Artikel: New developments in numerical relativity 454
Download as PDF Artikel: Relativistically rotating dust 472
Download as PDF Artikel: Constant mean curvature foliations in cosmological spacetimes 490
Download as PDF Artikel: No-hair theorems and black holes with hair 501
Download as PDF Artikel: Uniqueness of stationary, electro-vacuum black holes revisited 529
Download as PDF Artikel: String cosmology : concepts and consequences 553
Download as PDF Artikel: Conformal anomalies : recent progress 570
Download as PDF Artikel: Loop quantum gravity and black hole physics 582
Download as PDF Buchbesprechung: Klassische Physik. Band I, Mechanik [H.J. Leisi] _
Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Instructions to contributors _
Heft 5-6 _
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis _
Download as PDF Vorwort: Klaus Hepp und Walter Hunziker : on the occasion of their sixtieth birthday _
Download as PDF Artikel: Time of events in quantum theory 613
Download as PDF Artikel: The story of van Vleck's and Morette-van Hove's determinants 636
Download as PDF Artikel: Analytic elements of Lie groups 655
Download as PDF Artikel: On the lessons of quantum physics 679
Download as PDF Artikel: Where physics meets biology 682
Download as PDF Artikel: Quantum theory without quantification 694
Download as PDF Artikel: The EPR bingo 702
Download as PDF Artikel: The histories of chaotic quantum systems 706
Download as PDF Artikel: On commuting transfer matrices 717
Download as PDF Artikel: Low-temperature phase diagrams of quantum lattice systems. II, Convergent perturbation expansions and stability in systems with infinite degeneracy 752
Download as PDF Artikel: Low-temperature phase diagrams of quantum lattice systems. III, Examples 821
Download as PDF Artikel: The Falicov-Kimball model : a review of exact results and extensions 850
Download as PDF Artikel: Statistical mechanical methods and continued fractions 908
Download as PDF Artikel: Mathematical theory of the wetting phenomenon in the 2d Ising model 949
Download as PDF Artikel: Stability of relativistic matter via Thomas-Fermi theory 974
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 985
Download as PDF Register: Index of authors = Autorenregister = Table des auteurs 990
Heft Sep. 1 _
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Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Réunion de printemps de la Société Suisse de Physique = Frühjahrstagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft = Spring meeting of the Swiss Physical Society _
Heft Sep. 2 _
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Download as PDF Vereinsnachrichten: Réunion d'automne de la Société Suisse de Physique = Herbsttagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft = Autumn meeting of the Swiss Physical Society _
Download as PDF Buchbesprechung: Global aspects of classical integrable systems [R.H. Cushman; L.M. Bates] _
Download as PDF Buchbesprechung: Yakov Ilich Frenkel : his work, life and letters [V. Frenkel] _