E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 105 (2015)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 _
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Download as PDF Préface: Editorial 1
Download as PDF Rubrique: XXXI. Internationaler Altkatholikenkongress 18.-21. September 2014 in Utrecht (Niederlande) 3
Download as PDF Article: "Steh auf und geh!" 125 Jahre Utrechter Union : Kongressbericht 5
Download as PDF Article: Predigt im Eröffnungsgottesdienst 19
Download as PDF Article: Grusswort am Ende des Eröffnungsgottesdienst 22
Download as PDF Article: On Earth as in Heaven : transforming perspectives and practices 24
Download as PDF Article: The churches of the Union of Utrecht in an ecumenical context 31
Download as PDF Article: Old catholic charism : conclusion of the symposium for ecumenical guests on Saturday, 20 September 2014 37
Download as PDF Article: Predigt im Festgottesdienst "125-Jahr-Feier der Utrechter Union" 41
Download as PDF Article: An old catholic lieu de mémoire : the French house 53
Download as PDF Article: The Declaration of Utrecht 64
Download as PDF Article: Introducing and dedicating the piece of art at the French House 68
Download as PDF Rubrique: Kirchliche Chronik 72
Download as PDF Bibliographie: Bibliographie 83
Cahier 2 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Préface: Editorial 89
Download as PDF Article: The Union of Utrecht among the Christian world communions : a comparative perspective 91
Download as PDF Article: Celebrating the Union of Utrecht : from its 25th to its 125th anniversary 104
Download as PDF Article: How might the catholicity of the church be a theological answer to the challenges of the globalisation? 124
Download as PDF Article: A liturgical perspective on society? : Actuosa participatio and the Dutch Participation Society 139
Download as PDF Article: Religious minorities and interreligious relations : social and theological challenges 151
Download as PDF Rubrique: Kirchliche Chronik 157
Download as PDF Bibliographie: Bibliographie 167
Cahier 3 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Article: Briefe von Bischof Eduard Herzog an Bischof John Wordsworth zur Utrechter Union 169
Download as PDF Article: Die Einordnung des Altkatholizismus in Konfessions- und Kirchenkunden 190
Download as PDF Rubric: Kirchliche Chronik 249
Download as PDF Bibliography: Bibliographie 254
Issue 4 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Article: Retrodigitalisierung von IKZ und RITh 257
Download as PDF Article: Kirchliche Gemeinschaft auf der Basis einer eucharistischen Ortskirchentheologie : illustriert am Dialog mit der Orthodoxen Kirche, der Römisch-katholischen Kirche und der Kirche von Schweden 259
Download as PDF Article: Die Dreieinheit Gottes als Modell für die Ökumene der christlichen Kirchen aus orthodoxer Sicht 288
Download as PDF Article: Einführung in die Grundgedanken einer eucharistischen Ekklesiologie 303
Download as PDF Article: Eucharistie und Gesellschaft 315
Download as PDF Rubric: Kirchliche Chronik 329
Download as PDF Bibliography: Bibliographie 335