E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 18 (1961)
Heading Page
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Index: Sach- und Stellenregister _
Cahier 1 1
Download as PDF Article: Die Anordnung des vierten Horazischen Odenbuches 1
Download as PDF Article: Some speeches in Cassius Dio 11
Download as PDF Article: Spätantik-byzantinische Papyri aus der Sammlung Erzherzog Rainer in Wien 23
Download as PDF Article: Echte Selbstanrede bei Archilochos? : zu Pap. Ox. 2316 35
Download as PDF Article: Zu Aeschylus Septem 4-8 37
Download as PDF Article: Deum te igitur scito esse 38
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Buchbesprechungen 41
Cahier 2 53
Download as PDF Article: Note giuridiche sul Dyskolos di Menandro 53
Download as PDF Article: Zu Diodor von Sizilien 1, 7/8 63
Download as PDF Article: Aeneas in Cumae 83
Download as PDF Rubrique: Archäologische Berichte 100
Download as PDF Rubrique: Mitteilungen 104
Cahier 3 105
Download as PDF Article: Eine vorplatonische Theorie der technē 105
Download as PDF Article: Aeschylea 131
Download as PDF Article: "genus tenue" und "mensa tenuis" bei Horaz 136
Download as PDF Article: Lateinisch ūrīna und ūrīnārī (ūrīnāre) "tauchen" 140
Download as PDF Article: Greek philosophy and the discovery of the nerves 150
Download as PDF Rubrique: Mitteilungen 167
Cahier 4 169
Download as PDF Article: Greek philosophy and the discovery of the nerves 169
Download as PDF Article: Einige Gedanken zum Psi der Ilias 198
Download as PDF Article: Recht und Taktik in der 7. Rede des Lysias : ein Beitrag zur griechischen Rechtsgeschichte 204
Download as PDF Article: Der Kuriskos von Neuchâtel 220
Download as PDF Article: Emendationes Plotinianae 226
Download as PDF Rubric: Miszellen 229
Download as PDF Book review: Buchbesprechungen 233