E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume - (1995)
Heading Page
Cahier 43: Collaboration mit Susan Rothenberg & Juan Muñoz _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Préface: Editorial _
Download as PDF Article: Carsten Höller : auf dem Boden der Tatsachen = getting real 8
Download as PDF Rubrique: Collaboration Juan Muñoz & Susan Rothenberg 18
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 18
Download as PDF Article: Juan Muñoz and the specularity of the divided self : Juan Muñoz und die Spiegelungen des geteilten Selbst 20
Download as PDF Article: Juan Muñoz : die Kunst der Konversation = the art of conversation 28
Download as PDF Article: Juan Muñoz : a conversation : New York, 22 january 1995 = ein Gespräch : New York, 22. Januar 1995 42
Download as PDF Article: Juan Muñoz : a man in a room, gambling = ein Mann in einem Zimmer beim Kartenspiel 52
Download as PDF Article: Juan Muñoz : edition for Parkett 62
Download as PDF Article: Susan Rothenberg : the evolution of the horse = die Entwicklung des Pferdes 64
Download as PDF Article: Susan Rothenberg : Malerei als immenses Gefühl = painting as an immense feeling 78
Download as PDF Article: Susan Rothenberg : essential hesitations = das existentielle Zaudern 86
Download as PDF Article: Susan Rothenberg : on walking and working = gehen und sehen 90
Download as PDF Article: Susan Rothenberg : edition for Parkett 104
Download as PDF Article: Unter-Haltung-Inter-View = Inter-View 106
Download as PDF Article: Insert : Hotel Palenque, 1969-72 117
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos du paradis" : Yucatan is elsewhere : on Robert Smithson's Hotel Palenque = Yucatan ist anderswo : über Robert Smithson Hotel Palenque 133
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus form America : SFMOMA 139
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus aus Europa : musée incontinaire = Wunderkammer 147
Download as PDF Article: Balkon : whirling dervishes = tanzende derwische 154
Download as PDF Rubrique: Garderobe _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Editions for Parkett _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Parkett in Buchhandlungen = Bookshops _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Exhibitions _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Cahier 44: Collaborations Vija Celmins, Andreas Gursky, Rirkrit Tiravanija _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Preface: Editorial : Distanz = distance _
Download as PDF Article: Das Zittern der Dinge = Le tremblement de l'être 6
Download as PDF Article: Peter Hujar 15
Download as PDF Rubric: Collaborations Vija Celmins, Andreas Gursky, Rirkrit Tiravanija 23
Download as PDF Front matter 23
Download as PDF Article: Vija Celmins : material fictions = materielle Fiktionen 24
Download as PDF Article: Vija Celmins : night, sleep, death and the stars : twelve exercises in honor of Vija Celmins = Nacht, Schlaf, Tod und die Sterne : zwölf Übungen zu Ehren von Vija Celmins 33
Download as PDF Article: Vija Celmins in conversation with Jeanne Silverthorne = Vija Celmins im Gespräch mit Jeanne Silverthorne 40
Download as PDF Article: Vija Celmins's play of imitation = Vija Celmins und das Spiel mit der Nachahmung 48
Download as PDF Article: Vija Celmins : edition for Parkett 56
Download as PDF Article: Andreas Gursky : von der Melancholie der Standorte : (beim Durchblättern eines Albums von Andreas Gursky) = on the melancholy of vantage points (as I leaf through an "album" by Andreas Gursky) 58
Download as PDF Article: Andreas Gursky : Maler der neuen Schauplätze = painter of new theaters of action 68
Download as PDF Article: Andreas Gursky : "Brasilia" vanishing points = "Brasilia" das Verschwinden der Fluchtpunkte 78
Download as PDF Article: Andreas Gursky : how familiar is it? = wie vertraut ist uns das? 83
Download as PDF Article: Andreas Gursky : edition for Parkett 94
Download as PDF Article: Rirkrit Tiravanija : rate mal, wer zum Essen kommt = guess who's coming to dinner 96
Download as PDF Article: Rirkrit Tiravanija : forget about the ball and get on with the game = vergiss den Ball und spiel weiter 106
Download as PDF Article: Rirkrit Tiravanija : en route 114
Download as PDF Article: Rirkrit Tiravanija : edition for Parkett 130
Download as PDF Article: Micromegas 132
Download as PDF Article: Falle zu, da staunst du : überrascht von Andreas Slominski = The trap slams shut : surprised by Andreas Slominski 146
Download as PDF Article: Jean Painlevé and Mark Dion 154
Download as PDF Article: A wordscape = Wortlandschaften 172
Download as PDF Article: Insert 181
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos du paradis" 197
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus aus Europa : Transozeanexpress 202
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus from America : sense and sentimentality = über Sinn und Sentimentalität 212
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Download as PDF Rubric: Exhibitions _
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Issue 45: Collaborations Matthew Barney, Sarah Lucas, Roman Signer _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Preface: Editorial : Sprengstoff = explosive _
Download as PDF Article: William Forsythe : where balance is lost and the unfinished begins = wo die Balance schwindet und das Unfertige beginnt 6
Download as PDF Article: Geoff Lowe and Tower Hill 19
Download as PDF Rubric: Collaborations Matthew Barney, Sarah Lucas, Roman Signer 27
Download as PDF Front matter 27
Download as PDF Article: Matthew Barney's gonadotrophic cavalcade = Matthew Barneys gondotrope Kavalkade 28
Download as PDF Article: Matthew Barney : manieristische Bemerkungen zu Matthew Barney = mannerist variations on Matthew Barney 42
Download as PDF Article: Matthew Barney and beyond = Matthew Barney und die Transzendenz 58
Download as PDF Article: Matthew Barney 95 : suspension [cremaster] secretion [pearl] secret [biology] = Schwebezustand [Cremaster] Absonderung [Perle] Geheimnis [Biologie] 67
Download as PDF Article: Sarah Lucas : she gives as good as she gets : sie zahlt kräftig heim 76
Download as PDF Article: Sarah Lucas : where does it all end? : Sarah Lucas interviewed by Jan van Adrichem = wohin soll das alles führen? : Sarah Lucas im Gespräch mit Jan van Adrichem 86
Download as PDF Article: Sarah Lucas : the fine line between this and that = der schmale Grat zwischen diesem und jenem 96
Download as PDF Article: Sarah Lucas : bollocks = ach Quatsch! 108
Download as PDF Article: Sarah Lucas : edition for Parkett 114
Download as PDF Article: Roman Signer - Prometheus' Rückstand = Roman Signer - Prometheus's delay 116
Download as PDF Article: Roman Signers skulpturale Ereignisse = Roman Signer's sculptural events 122
Download as PDF Article: Roman Signer : skulpturale Versuchsanordnungen = sculptural laboratory experiments 129
Download as PDF Article: Roman Signer : rupture or continuity = Bruch oder Kontinuität 140
Download as PDF Article: Roman Signer : Aktion mit einer Zündschnur : Exkursion einer Explosion = action with a fuse : modifying the denotation of detonation 144
Download as PDF Article: Roman Signer : re: learning Signer = in Sachen Roman Signer 152
Download as PDF Article: Roman Signer : edition for Parkett 158
Download as PDF Article: It's not just an image : a conversation with Chantal Akerman = Es ist nicht nur ein Bild : ein Gespräch mit Chantal Akerman 160
Download as PDF Article: Insert _
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus aus Europa : look homeward, angel (you can't go home again) : some nomadic artworks of the post-soviet era = schau heimwärts, Engel (du wirst nie wieder zu Hause sein) : nomadische Kunstwerke aus der post-sowjetischen Ära 173
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus from America : nature's mosh pit : fear and proximity in the Discovery Channel = im Wartsaal der Natur : Angst und Nähe im Discovery Channel 181
Download as PDF Rubric: Garderobe _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Editions for Parkett _
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Download as PDF Rubric: Parkett in Buchhandlungen = Bookshops _
Download as PDF Rubric: Exhibitions _
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