E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume - (1998)
Heading Page
Cahier 52: Collaborations Ugo Rondinone, Malcolm Morley, Karen Kilimnik _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Préface: Editorial : Netze und Springflut = grids and spring tides _
Download as PDF Article: Jean-Michel Othoniel : the interpretation of desires = Jean-Michel Othoniel : die Interpretation von Wünschen 6
Download as PDF Article: Richard Serras's torqued ellipses = Über Serras "Torqued Ellipses" 20
Download as PDF Rubrique: Collaborations Ugo Rondinone, Malcolm Morley, Karen Kilimnik 27
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 27
Download as PDF Article: Karen Kilimnik : the good, the bad, and the awfully beautiful = die Guten, die Bösen und die schrecklich Schönen 28
Download as PDF Article: Karen Kilimnik : battles or the art of war 54
Download as PDF Article: Karen Kilimnik : edition for Parkett 64
Download as PDF Article: Malcolm Morley oder die Malerei als Abenteuer = Malcolm Morley or painting as adventure 66
Download as PDF Article: Malcolm Morley : on painting = über Malerei 84
Download as PDF Article: Malcolm Morley : seasickness = Seekrankheit 89
Download as PDF Article: Malcolm Morley : edition for Parkett 102
Download as PDF Article: Ugo Rondinone: "Grounding" = Ugo Rondinone: "Erdung" 104
Download as PDF Article: Ugo Rondinone : "pictures came and broke my heart..." 116
Download as PDF Article: Ugo Rondinone : against nature = wider die Natur 133
Download as PDF Article: Ugo Rondinone : edition for Parkett 144
Download as PDF Article: Wah-Wah : the sound of crying or the sound of an electric guitar = Wäää-wäää : Jammerlaute oder die Klänge einer elektrischen Gitarre 146
Download as PDF Article: Insert 155
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos du paradis" : invisible scenario = unsichtbares Szenario 169
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus from America (and Africa) : South Africa = Südafrika 175
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus aus Europa (und Asien) : zwei Reisen nach Südkorea = two journeys to South Korea 184
Download as PDF Article: Balkon : impossible weavings = unmögliches Gewebe 191
Download as PDF Rubrique: Garderobe 199
Download as PDF Publicité 200
Download as PDF Rubrique: Parkett : artists monographs & editions = Künstlermonographien & Editionen 205
Download as PDF Rubrique: Editions for Parkett 207
Download as PDF Rubrique: Parkett in Buchhandlungen = Bookshops 210
Download as PDF Rubrique: Exhibitions _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Cahier 53: Collaborations Tracey Moffatt, Elizabeth Peyton, Wolfgang Tillmans _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Préface: Editorial : Anthro/Sozio = Anthro/Socio _
Download as PDF Article: Supermarket history : Johan Grimonprez interviewed by Catherine Bernard = Geschichte aus dem Supermarkt : Johan Grimonprez im Gespräch mit Catherine Bernard 6
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Collaborations] Tracey Moffatt, Elizabeth Peyton, Wolfgang Tillmans 19
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 19
Download as PDF Article: Tracey Moffatt's Australia (a reconnaissance) = Tracey Moffatts Australien (eine Annäherung) 20
Download as PDF Article: Tracey Moffatt : a stranger within = eine Fremde im Innern 37
Download as PDF Article: Tracey Moffatt : edition for Parkett 56
Download as PDF Article: Elizabeth Peyton : an interview with a painter = Interview mit einer Malerin 58
Download as PDF Article: Elizabeth Peyton : unhappy kings = unglückliche Könige 66
Download as PDF Article: Elizabeth Peyton : an interview with a painter's model = Interview mit einem Modell 72
Download as PDF Article: Elizabeth Peyton : Lob der Hand zu Elizabeth Peytons Malerei = in praise of hands Elizabeth Peyton's painting 80
Download as PDF Article: Elizabeth Peyton : a tender trap = eine samtene Falle 85
Download as PDF Article: Elizabeth Peyton : edition for Parkett 92
Download as PDF Article: Wolfgang Tillmans' Erinnerungsmaschine = Wolfgang Tillmans's memory machine 94
Download as PDF Article: Wolfgang Tillmans : Concorde 104
Download as PDF Article: Wolfgang Tillmans : come on baby 110
Download as PDF Article: Wolfgang Tillmans : only connect = nur den Bogen schlagen! 126
Download as PDF Article: Wolfgang Tillmans' museale Präsentation seiner Photographien = Wolfgang Tillmans's museum presentation of his photographs 133
Download as PDF Article: Wolfgang Tillmans : edition for Parkett 138
Download as PDF Article: La vierge est descendue de l'escalier : Bemerkungen zu einer zeitgenössischen Parabel = The virgin has descended the stairs : remarks on a contemporary parable 142
Download as PDF Article: Insert 153
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos de l'enfer" : Blindgänger! = a dud 169
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus from America : acting out - learning from Los Angeles = freies Ausagieren - was Los Angeles uns lehrt 178
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus aus Europa 186
Download as PDF Article: Balkon : roth on the rhoades 192
Download as PDF Publicité 194
Download as PDF Rubrique: Parkett : artists monographs & editions = Künstlermonographien & Editionen 199
Download as PDF Publicité _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Editions for Parkett 201
Download as PDF Rubrique: Parkett in Buchhandlungen = Bookshops 204
Download as PDF Rubrique: Exhibitions _
Download as PDF Publicité _
Cahier 54: Collaborations Roni Horn, Mariko Mori, Beat Streuli _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Préface: Editorial : Zukunftsmusik = future dreams _
Download as PDF Article: One flight up = Eine Treppe höher 6
Download as PDF Article: Whats's wrong with culture? : die Kunst der Experimente Stephan von Huenes = the art of Stephan von Huene's experiments 15
Download as PDF Rubric: Collaborations Roni Horn, Mariko Mori, Beat Streuli 25
Download as PDF Front matter 25
Download as PDF Article: Roni Horn : still = gebannte Stille 26
Download as PDF Article: Roni Horn : eine einmalige Vision von Island = a unique vision of Iceland 37
Download as PDF Article: Roni Horn : standing on the circumference of Roni Horn's "Asphere" = an der Peripherie von Roni Horns "Asphere" 47
Download as PDF Article: Roni Horn : notes from an architect = Aufzeichnungen einer Architektin 53
Download as PDF Article: Roni Horn : untitled (flannery) : a condensation of acts = ein Kondensat von Akten 65
Download as PDF Article: Roni Horn : edition for Parkett 72
Download as PDF Article: Mariko Mori : cute futures Mariko Mori's techno-enlightenment = unwiderstehliche Zukunft Mariko Moris Techno-Aufklärung 74
Download as PDF Article: Mariko Mori : no angels here, yet she lives = weit und breit kein Engel, doch sie lebt 92
Download as PDF Article: Mariko Mori's cyborg surrealism = Mariko Moris Cyborg-Surrealismus 98
Download as PDF Article: Mariko Mori : edition for Parkett 114
Download as PDF Article: Beat Streuli : Kartographie des Anonymen = mapping the anonymous 116
Download as PDF Article: Beat Steuli's Gesamtkunstwerk 126
Download as PDF Article: Beat Streuli : the doubleness of character or the doubleness of photography = "Character" als Zeichen und Eigenart : Versuch einer Charakterisierung von Beat Streulis Photographie 134
Download as PDF Article: Beat Streuli : everyday arcadias = arkadische Alltagsmomente 146
Download as PDF Article: Beat Streuli : edition for Parkett 154
Download as PDF Article: Motion capture Shirin Neshats's Turbulent = Festgehaltene Bewegung Shirin Neshats Turbulent 156
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos du paradis" : truth and responsibility - a conversation with William Kentridge = Wahrheit und Verantwortung - ein Gespräch mit William Kentridge 165
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus from America : inside the XXIV Bienal's body = im Körper der XXIV. Biennale 177
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus aus Europa : Raumnachbildung und Erfahrungsräume : einige Überlegungen zur Ortsbezogenheit in der Gegenwartskunst = spatial facsimiles and ambient spaces : some reflections on site specificity in contemporary art 186
Download as PDF Rubric: Garderobe 195
Download as PDF Advertising 196
Download as PDF Rubric: Parkett : artists monographs & editions = Künstlermonographien & Editionen 201
Download as PDF Rubric: Editions for Parkett 203
Download as PDF Rubric: Exhibitions _
Download as PDF Advertising _