E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume - (2006)
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Cahier 76: Collaborations Julie Mehretu, Yang Fudong, Lucy McKenzie _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table des matières _
Download as PDF Préface: Editorial : Vergewisserungen = wondering if... 4
Download as PDF Article: Language made material : the recent work of Robert MacPherson = Bilder aus Sprache : die neueren Arbeiten von Robert MacPherson 6
Download as PDF Article: Magical worlds : Johanna Billings Videoarbeiten = Johanna Billing's video work 16
Download as PDF Rubrique: [Collaborations] Julie Mehretu, Yang Fudong, Lucy McKenzie 23
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 23
Download as PDF Article: Julie Mehretu : found rumblings of the divine = Julie Mehretu : Anzeichen für ein himmlisches Donnerwetter 24
Download as PDF Article: Julie Mehretu : layer me this = in Schichten, bitte 38
Download as PDF Article: Zur Malerei von Julie Mehretu : die Fliege im Bernstein = On the Paintings of Julie Mehretu : flies in amber 52
Download as PDF Article: Julie Mehretu : edition for Parkett 62
Download as PDF Article: Yang Fudong : unterwegs zu einer neuen Abstraktion = towards a new abstraction 64
Download as PDF Article: Yang Fudong : the white cloud drifting across the sky above the scene of an earthquake = die weisse Wolke am Himmel, die über den Schauplatz des Erdbebens gleitet 78
Download as PDF Article: Yang Fudong : all in a thought life is actually quite beautiful = Gedankenwandel eigentlich ist das Leben sehr schön 94
Download as PDF Article: Yang Fudong : edition for Parkett 102
Download as PDF Article: Lucy McKenzie : dreams of a provincial girl = Träume eines Mädchens aus der Provinz 105
Download as PDF Article: Lucy McKenzie : auf dem Weg zum Rückzug : ein Gespräch mit Lucy McKenzie = on the road to retreat : an interview with Lucy McKenzie 120
Download as PDF Article: Lucy McKenzie, herself = Lucy McKenzie in Person 138
Download as PDF Article: Lucy McKenzie : edition for Parkett 148
Download as PDF Article: Just past : Rachel Harrison's Lagerstätten = Schon vorbei : Rachel Harrisons plastische Lagerstätten 150
Download as PDF Article: Olivier Mosset : was Malerei nicht ist = what painting is not 160
Download as PDF Article: Insert : guys 169
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos du paradis" : ein blackhole politischer codes - zu Gregor Schneiders Kuben = the black hole of political codes - Gregor Schneider's cubes 181
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus aus Europa : das Kunsthaus Zug erweitert sich, ohne Fett anzusetzen : die Stadt als soziales Museum = expanding the Kunsthaus Zug without putting on weight : the city as a social museum 190
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus from America = transformative vision = die Erweiterung des Blicks 199
Download as PDF Article: Balkon : Denkbilder - eine Skizze : das Bild in Bewegung = Denkbilder/thought images - a sketch : pictures in motion 207
Download as PDF Rubric: Garderobe 211
Download as PDF Advertising 212
Download as PDF Rubric: Editions for Parkett 217
Download as PDF Rubric: Parkett : artists' monographs & editions = Künstlermonographien & Editionen 220
Download as PDF Rubric: Parkett in bookshops (selection) _
Download as PDF Rubric: Exhibitions _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Issue 77: Collaborations Trisha Donnelly, Carsten Höller, Rudolf Stingel _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Preface: Editorial 4
Download as PDF Article: Grazia Toderi : infinite entertainment = die endlose Unterhaltung 6
Download as PDF Article: Gerard Byrne : once more, without feeling = Gerard Byrne : noch einmal ohne Gefühl 16
Download as PDF Rubric: [Collaborations] Trisha Donnelly, Carsten Höller, Rudolf Stingel 25
Download as PDF Front matter 25
Download as PDF Article: Carsten Höller : would the real Carsten Höller please stand up? = der wahre Carsten Höller soll bitte aufstehen! 26
Download as PDF Article: Carsten Höller : uncommon senses = aussergewöhnliche Erkenntnisse 39
Download as PDF Article: Carsten Höller and the baudouin experiment = Carsten Höller und das "Baudouin-Experiment" 52
Download as PDF Article: Carsten Höller : Parkett 77 62
Download as PDF Article: Trisha Donnelly : electricity = Elektrizität 64
Download as PDF Article: Trisha Donnelly : over and out = aus und vorbei 76
Download as PDF Article: Trisha Donnelly : Schwa 86
Download as PDF Article: Trisha Donnelly : Parkett 77 100
Download as PDF Article: Rudolf Stingel : portrait of the artist as a self-portrait = Bildnis des Künstlers als Selbstporträt 102
Download as PDF Article: Rudolf Stingel : Grenze und Übergang = medium and membrane 114
Download as PDF Article: Rudolf Stingel : autobiography of a painting = Autobiographie eines Gemäldes 130
Download as PDF Article: Rudolf Stingel : Parkett 77 140
Download as PDF Article: Du Lump, du, dir werd ich's zeigen! = You clod you, I'll show you! 142
Download as PDF Article: Christopher Williams 155
Download as PDF Article: [Insert] : information portraits 165
Download as PDF Article: "Les infos du paradis" : happy hour : Ernst F. Burckhardt, Max Ernst, Max Bill, Sigfried Giedion, Alvar Aalto und das Corso-Dancing in Zürich 177
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus from America : back to life = zurück ins Leben 184
Download as PDF Article: Cumulus aus Europa : short selling = mit der Baisse spekulieren 192
Download as PDF Advertising 198
Download as PDF Rubric: Editions for Parkett 203
Download as PDF Rubric: Parkett : artists' monographs & editions = Künstlermonographien & Editionen 208
Download as PDF Rubric: Parkett in bookshops (selection) _
Download as PDF Rubric: Exhibitions _
Download as PDF Advertising _
Issue 78: Collaborations Olaf Nicolai, Ernesto Neto, Rebecca Warren _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Rubric: [Impressum] _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Download as PDF Preface: Editorial : vom Gestalten und Formen = on shaping and forming 4
Download as PDF Article: Speech bubbles : notes on Andro Wekua = Sprechblasen : Notizen zu Andro Wekua 6
Download as PDF Article: Cindys Urszene Doll Clothes : Shermans früher Film = Cindy's original scene Doll Clothes : Sherman's early film 18
Download as PDF Rubric: [Collaborations] Ernesto Neto, Olaf Nicolai, Rebecca Warren 29
Download as PDF Front matter 29
Download as PDF Article: Rebecca Warren : mad and ugly = verrückt und hässlich 30
Download as PDF Artikel: Rebecca Warren : pressure zone = Druckstellen 44
Download as PDF Artikel: Rebecca Warren : trying it on I suppose = vermutlich ein probeweises Hineinschlüpfen 58
Download as PDF Artikel: Rebecca Warren : edition for Parkett 70
Download as PDF Artikel: Olaf Nicolai : inside the outside = die Innensicht der Aussensicht 72
Download as PDF Artikel: Olaf Nicolai : re-perceptions = Reperzeption 86
Download as PDF Artikel: Olaf Nicolai : in der Schwebe oder: Blicke und Sehstrahlen = in abeyance, or: Views an visual rays 100
Download as PDF Artikel: Olaf Nicolai : edition for Parkett 112
Download as PDF Artikel: Ernesto Neto : ein Tagtraum : in Ernesto Netos Globiobabel Nudelioname Landmoonaia = a daydream : in Ernesto Neto's Globiobabel Nudelioname Landmoonaia 114
Download as PDF Artikel: Ernesto Neto : Leviathan Thot : a politics of the plumb = Leviathan Thot : Politik des Lots 128
Download as PDF Artikel: Ernesto Neto : new places of contemplation = der neue Ort der Kontemplation 144
Download as PDF Artikel: Ernesto Neto : edition for Parkett 154
Download as PDF Artikel: Erwin Wurm : beginning with a single step = Schritt für Schritt 156
Download as PDF Artikel: Vito Acconci : conceptual poetry old and new = alte und neue konzeptuelle Poesie 168
Download as PDF Artikel: [Insert] 177
Download as PDF Artikel: Cumulus from America : growing pains = Probleme des Erwachsenwerdens 189
Download as PDF Artikel: Cumulus aus Europa : notes from the wall = Aufzeichnungen von der Mauer 198
Download as PDF Werbung 204
Download as PDF Rubrik: Editions for Parkett 209
Download as PDF Rubrik: Parkett : artists' monographs & editions = Künstlermonographien & Editionen 214
Download as PDF Rubrik: Parkett in bookshops (selection) _
Download as PDF Rubrik: Exhibitions _
Download as PDF Werbung _