E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 2/3 (1875)
Heading Page
Download as PDF Pages liminaires I
Download as PDF Index III
Cahier 1 1
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 1
Download as PDF Table des matières 1
Download as PDF Divers 1
Download as PDF Article: Bahnhof-Anlagen und -Projecte: vergleichende Uebersicht der verschiedenen Vorschläge zur Lösung der Bahnhoffrage von Winterthur 1874 1
Download as PDF Article: Einige Erörterungen über das schweizerische Eisenbahnwesen 3
Download as PDF Article: Conferenz der schweizerischen Eisenbahnverwaltungen 4
Download as PDF Article: Vereinigte Schweizerbahnen 5
Download as PDF Article: Gotthardbahn 5
Download as PDF Article: Tessinische Thalbahnen 7
Download as PDF Article: Botschaft des Bundesrathes an die hohe Bundesversammlung, betr. den Postvereinsvertrag vom 9. October 1874 7
Download as PDF Article: Postvereinsvertrag 10
Download as PDF Article: Bundesrathsverhandlungen 10
Download as PDF Divers 10
Download as PDF Publicité 12
Cahier 2 13
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 13
Download as PDF Table des matières 13
Download as PDF Divers 13
Download as PDF Article: Ueber Personenwagen für Tramway und Verwendung von Dampf zum Betrieb derselben: Vortrag 13
Download as PDF Article: Hängender Personenwagen 16
Download as PDF Article: Continuirliche Schnell-Bremsen 17
Download as PDF Article: Gotthardtunnel 17
Download as PDF Article: Stand der Arbeiten an der Arther-Rigibahn 18
Download as PDF Article: Badische Bahnen 18
Download as PDF Article: Das englische Eisenbahnnetz 19
Download as PDF Article: Pariser Tramway 19
Download as PDF Divers 19
Download as PDF Publicité 20
Download as PDF Appendice: Beilage zu Nr. 2 21
Cahier 3 25
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 25
Download as PDF Table des matières 25
Download as PDF Divers 25
Download as PDF Article: Bahnhof-Anlagen und -Projecte: die Basler Bahnhoffrage 1874/1875 25
Download as PDF Article: Ueber Personenwagen für Tramway und Verwendung von Dampf zum Betrieb derselben: Vortrag 27
Download as PDF Article: Lynde's neues Tramway-Pflaster 29
Download as PDF Article: Mémoire à l'appui de la demande de concession d'un tronçon de chemin de fer de La Sarraz à Echallens 29
Download as PDF Article: Mémoire à l'appui de la demande de concession du tronçon du chemin de fer du Jura situé sur le canton de Genève 30
Download as PDF Divers 31
Download as PDF Publicité 32
Download as PDF Appendice: Beilage zu Nr. 3 33
Cahier 4 37
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 37
Download as PDF Table des matières 37
Download as PDF Divers 37
Download as PDF Article: Berathungen der zur Erhöhung der Sicherheit im Eisenbahnbetriebe zu ergreifenden Maassnahmen 37
Download as PDF Article: Les chemins de fer de la Grande-Bretagne en 1873 39
Download as PDF Article: Das Channel-Tunnel-Project 40
Download as PDF Article: Channel-Tunnel 40
Download as PDF Article: Ventilation in Tunnels 40
Download as PDF Article: Gesammt-Mineral-Ausbeute Grossbritanniens im Jahre 1873 41
Download as PDF Article: Der schottische Eisenhandel 1874 41
Download as PDF Article: Magnetismus von befahrenen Eisenbahnschienen 41
Download as PDF Article: Continuirliche Bremsen 41
Download as PDF Article: Mont Cenis-Tunnel 41
Download as PDF Article: Statistique des accidents sur les chemins de fer d'Allemagne et de l'Autriche-Hongrie 41
Download as PDF Article: Réclamations des riverains du chemin de fer métropolitain à Londres 42
Download as PDF Article: Machine simple pour scier les rails d'acier 42
Download as PDF Article: Reformen im Eisenbahndienste 42
Download as PDF Article: Schlafwaggons 42
Download as PDF Article: Vereinigte Schweizerbahnen 42
Download as PDF Article: Eisenbahn Winterthur-Singen-Kreuzlingen 43
Download as PDF Divers 43
Download as PDF Publicité 44
Download as PDF Appendice: Beilage zu Nr. 4 45
Cahier 5 49
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 49
Download as PDF Table des matières 49
Download as PDF Divers 49
Download as PDF Article: Anwendung comprimirter Luft zur Fundamentierung von Wasserbauten 49
Download as PDF Article: Continuirliche Schnell-Bremsen 52
Download as PDF Article: Linie Chiasso-Camerlata 53
Download as PDF Article: Chiasso-Camerlata 53
Download as PDF Article: Jura Industriel 53
Download as PDF Article: Eisenbahn-Bauthätigkeit in Ungarn 54
Download as PDF Article: Schwindel 54
Download as PDF Divers 55
Download as PDF Publicité 56
Download as PDF Appendice: 1. Beilage zu Nr. 5 57
Download as PDF Appendice: 2. Beilage zu Nr. 5 61
Cahier 6 65
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 65
Download as PDF Table des matières 65
Download as PDF Divers 65
Download as PDF Article: Berathungen der zur Erhöhung der Sicherheit im Eisenbahnbetriebe zu ergreifenden Maassnahmen 65
Download as PDF Article: Gotthardtunnel 66
Download as PDF Article: Continuirliche Schnell-Bremsen 67
Download as PDF Article: Vereinigte Schweizerbahnen 67
Download as PDF Article: Vereinigte Schweizerbahnen 68
Download as PDF Divers 70
Download as PDF Publicité 72
Download as PDF Appendice: Beilage zu Nr. 6 73
Cahier 7 77
Download as PDF Pages liminaires 77
Download as PDF Table des matières 77
Download as PDF Divers 77
Download as PDF Article: Bahnhof-Anlagen und -Projecte: nochmals die Basler Bahnhoffrage 77
Download as PDF Article: Berathungen der zur Erhöhung der Sicherheit im Eisenbahnbetriebe zu ergreifenden Maassnahmen 78
Download as PDF Article: Nothbremsen-Signalpfeife 80
Download as PDF Article: Die türkischen Bahnen 80
Download as PDF Article: Controlapparat von Hipp 82
Download as PDF Article: Amerikanisch 83
Download as PDF Article: Beschlagnahme von Waggons 83
Download as PDF Article: Eine Rechtsfrage 83
Download as PDF Article: Rechtsfall 83
Download as PDF Article: Aus den Bundesrathsverhandlungen 83
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 84
Download as PDF Advertising 84
Issue 8 85
Download as PDF Front matter 85
Download as PDF Table of Contents 85
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 85
Download as PDF Article: Berathungen der zur Erhöhung der Sicherheit im Eisenbahnbetriebe zu ergreifenden Maassnahmen 85
Download as PDF Article: Statistik der Unglücksfälle auf den Russischen Eisenbahnen im Jahre 1874 87
Download as PDF Article: Rapport annuel de la Compagnie des omnibus de Paris 88
Download as PDF Article: Pariser Tramway 88
Download as PDF Article: Bötzbergbahn 88
Download as PDF Article: Bericht des schweizer. Bundesgerichtes über seine Geschäftsführung im Jahre 1874 89
Download as PDF Article: Internationaler Eisenbahn-Frachtverkehr 89
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 91
Download as PDF Advertising 92
Download as PDF Appendix: 1. Beilage zu Nr. 8 93
Download as PDF Appendix: 2. Beilage zu Nr. 8 97
Issue 9 101
Download as PDF Front matter 101
Download as PDF Table of Contents 101
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 101
Download as PDF Article: Berathungen der zur Erhöhung der Sicherheit im Eisenbahnbetriebe zu ergreifenden Maassnahmen 101
Download as PDF Article: Bemerkungen einiger Eisenbahngesellschaften über Ergebnisse aus ihren Versuchen mit Bremsklötzen von verschiedenem Material 102
Download as PDF Article: Der Dampfer Bessemer 105
Download as PDF Article: Bundesgericht 105
Download as PDF Article: Suisse occidentale 106
Download as PDF Article: Bötzbergbahn 106
Download as PDF Article: Expropriationsrecht 107
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 107
Download as PDF Advertising 108
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 9 109
Issue 10 113
Download as PDF Front matter 113
Download as PDF Table of Contents 113
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 113
Download as PDF Article: Bahnhof-Anlagen und -Projecte: die Basler Bahnhoffrage 113
Download as PDF Article: Gotthardtunnel 115
Download as PDF Article: Oelgasbeleuchtung für Eisenbahnwagen 116
Download as PDF Article: Rapport mensuel nr. 26 du Conseil fédéral suisse sur l'état des travaux de la ligne de St.-Gothard au 31 janvier 1875 116
Download as PDF Article: Aus den Verhandlungen des schweizer. Bundesrathes 118
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 118
Download as PDF Advertising 120
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 10 121
Issue 11 125
Download as PDF Front matter 125
Download as PDF Table of Contents 125
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 125
Download as PDF Article: Bahnhof-Anlagen und Projecte: Erweiterung des Bahnhofes in Zürich 125
Download as PDF Article: Bahnhof Winterthur 129
Download as PDF Article: Ausbildung der höhern Eisenbahnbeamten 129
Download as PDF Article: Jurisdiction 129
Download as PDF Article: Demission des Freiherrn v. Weber 130
Download as PDF Article: Oesterreichisches Eisenbahnamt 130
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 130
Download as PDF Advertising 132
Issue 12 133
Download as PDF Front matter 133
Download as PDF Table of Contents 133
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 133
Download as PDF Association News 133
Download as PDF Article: Bahnhof Winterthur 136
Download as PDF Article: Le tunnel sous la Manche 136
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 138
Download as PDF Advertising 140
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 12 141
Issue 13 143
Download as PDF Front matter 143
Download as PDF Table of Contents 143
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 143
Download as PDF Article: Bremsapparate 143
Download as PDF Article: Zimmereggtunnel 145
Download as PDF Article: Chemin de fer Lausanne-Ouchy 146
Download as PDF Article: Expropriationsstreitigkeiten 147
Download as PDF Article: Rechtsfall 148
Download as PDF Article: Eisenhandel 148
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 148
Download as PDF Advertising 150
Issue 14 151
Download as PDF Front matter 151
Download as PDF Table of Contents 151
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 151
Download as PDF Article: Bremsapparate 151
Download as PDF Article: Rechtsfälle 153
Download as PDF Article: Einführung der Einzugsmandate 154
Download as PDF Article: L'unification du tonnage des navires 154
Download as PDF Article: France 155
Download as PDF Article: Petroleumgewinnung in Russland 155
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 155
Download as PDF Advertising 158
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 14 159
Issue 15 161
Download as PDF Front matter 161
Download as PDF Table of Contents 161
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 161
Download as PDF Article: Dampfomnibus-Bahn 161
Download as PDF Article: Rechtsfahren oder Linksfahren? 162
Download as PDF Article: Flüssigkeitsmesser 163
Download as PDF Article: Project einer russisch-indischen Eisenbahn 163
Download as PDF Article: Schiffsverkehr im Suezcanal 163
Download as PDF Article: Conservation des bois 163
Download as PDF Article: Controlapparat 164
Download as PDF Article: Glas für Bedachungen von Maschinenräumen 164
Download as PDF Article: Scie à ruban à diamant pour scier les pierres 164
Download as PDF Article: Emploi de l'électricité pour scier le bois 164
Download as PDF Article: Revivifications des limes 164
Download as PDF Article: Finanzlage der Suezcanalunternehmung 164
Download as PDF Article: Eisenbahnbillete 165
Download as PDF Article: Bureaux für Eilgut und Gepäck 165
Download as PDF Article: Eisenbahnschiedsgericht 165
Download as PDF Article: Zur Eisenbahn-Betriebsordnung 166
Download as PDF Article: Die grossen internationalen Ausstellungen 166
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 166
Download as PDF Advertising 168
Issue 16 169
Download as PDF Front matter 169
Download as PDF Table of Contents 169
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 169
Download as PDF Article: Schweizerischer Dampfkesselrevisionsverein 169
Download as PDF Article: Chemin de fer régional 170
Download as PDF Article: Stabsbureau: topographische Vermessungen und Publicationen 170
Download as PDF Article: Schweizerische Eisenbahnen 171
Download as PDF Article: Die electrischen Glocken 171
Download as PDF Article: Neuer Beleuchtungsapparat 171
Download as PDF Article: Beleuchtung mit gaz carburé 171
Download as PDF Article: Gefahrlose Kuppelung 172
Download as PDF Article: Compagnie des Omnibus de Paris 172
Download as PDF Article: Schule höherer Eisenbahnbeamter 172
Download as PDF Article: Mittel gegen den Wasserstein in Dampfkesseln 173
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 173
Download as PDF Advertising 174
Issue 17 177
Download as PDF Front matter 177
Download as PDF Table of Contents 177
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 177
Download as PDF Article: Seedammbaute der Zürichsee-Gotthard-Bahn 177
Download as PDF Article: Gotthardtunnel 179
Download as PDF Article: Éclairage électrique 179
Download as PDF Article: Uetlibergbahn 179
Download as PDF Article: L'ascension avec le ballon "le Zenith" 180
Download as PDF Article: Rechtsfall 180
Download as PDF Obituary: Seguin, Marc 181
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 182
Download as PDF Advertising 183
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 17 185
Issue 18 189
Download as PDF Front matter 189
Download as PDF Table of Contents 189
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 189
Download as PDF Association News 189
Download as PDF Article: Rapport mensuel Nr. 28 du Conseil fédéral suisse sur l'état des travaux de la ligne du St.-Gothard au 31 mars 1875 191
Download as PDF Article: Expropriation 192
Download as PDF Obituary: Petzholdt, Alphons 193
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 193
Download as PDF Advertising 195
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 18 197
Issue 19 201
Download as PDF Front matter 201
Download as PDF Table of Contents 201
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 201
Download as PDF Article: Die Luzerner Bahnhoffrage 201
Download as PDF Article: Gotthardtunnel 204
Download as PDF Article: Les travaux publics en Angleterre 205
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 206
Download as PDF Advertising 207
Download as PDF Appendix: 1. Beilage zu Nr. 19 209
Download as PDF Appendix: 2. Beilage zu Nr. 19 213
Issue 20 217
Download as PDF Front matter 217
Download as PDF Table of Contents 217
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 217
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Ventilation des Gotthardtunnels vom Standpunkte der Meteorologie 217
Download as PDF Article: Gotthardtunnel 218
Download as PDF Article: Bern-Luzern-Bahn 218
Download as PDF Article: Stadteisenbahn in London und Berlin 219
Download as PDF Article: Russische Bergbauproduction im Jahr 1874 220
Download as PDF Article: Gefahrlose Kuppelung für Eisenbahnwagen 221
Download as PDF Article: La chambre obscure sur les chemins de fer 221
Download as PDF Article: Le nombre total de locomotives 221
Download as PDF Article: Aus den Bundesrathsverhandlungen 221
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 222
Download as PDF Advertising 223
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 20 225
Issue 21 229
Download as PDF Front matter 229
Download as PDF Table of Contents 229
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 229
Download as PDF Article: Locomotive nach System Wetli 229
Download as PDF Article: Rechtsufrige Zürichseebahn 230
Download as PDF Article: Le pont de New-York à Brooklyn 230
Download as PDF Article: Magnetismus befahrener Eisenbahnschienen 231
Download as PDF Article: Rechtsfall 232
Download as PDF Article: Personelles 232
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 233
Download as PDF Advertising 235
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 21 237
Issue 22 241
Download as PDF Front matter 241
Download as PDF Table of Contents 241
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 241
Download as PDF Article: Das Rollmaterial der Linie Winkeln-Appenzell 241
Download as PDF Article: Ein einheitliches Höhennetz 242
Download as PDF Article: Geisteinsbohrer 243
Download as PDF Article: Zum Tarifwesen 244
Download as PDF Article: Reclamationswesen 244
Download as PDF Article: Rechtsfälle 244
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 245
Download as PDF Advertising 247
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 22 249
Issue 23 257
Download as PDF Front matter 257
Download as PDF Table of Contents 257
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 257
Download as PDF Article: Das Rollmaterial der Linie Winkeln-Appenzell 257
Download as PDF Article: Rapport mensuel Nr. 28 du Conseil fédéral suisse sur l'état des travaux de la ligne du St.-Gothard au 30 avril 1875 259
Download as PDF Article: Neuer Tarifverband 261
Download as PDF Article: Rechtsfall 261
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 262
Download as PDF Advertising 263
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 23 265
Issue 24 269
Download as PDF Front matter 269
Download as PDF Table of Contents 269
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 269
Download as PDF Article: Der Bau des Gotthardtunnels 269
Download as PDF Article: Das Normalprofil des lichten Raumes 272
Download as PDF Article: Mémoire à l'appui de la demande de concession des embranchements Gingins-Nyon et Bière-Morges 273
Download as PDF Article: Gotthardtunnel 274
Download as PDF Article: Les accidents de chemins de fer en Angleterre 1874 274
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 274
Download as PDF Advertising 275
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 24 277
Issue 25 281
Download as PDF Front matter 281
Download as PDF Table of Contents 281
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 281
Download as PDF Article: Der Bau des Gotthardtunnels 281
Download as PDF Article: Les colonnes en fonte 283
Download as PDF Article: Die grossartigen Bremsen-Proben in England 283
Download as PDF Article: Sur l'organisation du bataillon prussien de chemins de fer 283
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 286
Download as PDF Advertising 287
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 25 289
Issue 26 293
Download as PDF Front matter 293
Download as PDF Table of Contents 293
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 293
Download as PDF Article: Maschine zur Prüfung der Festigkeit der Materialien 293
Download as PDF Article: Proben mit continuirlichen Bremsen in England 294
Download as PDF Article: Sur l'organisation du bataillon prussien de chemins de fer 295
Download as PDF Article: Massentransport per Wasser 296
Download as PDF Article: Erleichterungen für Anlage von Secundärbahnen 297
Download as PDF Obituary: Morandiere, B. 297
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 298
Download as PDF Advertising 299
Download as PDF Front matter I
Download as PDF Index III
Issue 1 1
Download as PDF Front matter 1
Download as PDF Table of Contents 1
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 1
Download as PDF Article: Schweizerische Eisenbahnwagen 1
Download as PDF Article: Locomotivbetrieb mit Luft im St. Gotthard-Tunnel 2
Download as PDF Article: Proben mit continuirlichen Bremsen in England 3
Download as PDF Article: Bahnhof-Inspections-Dienst 5
Download as PDF Article: Berichtigung 6
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 6
Download as PDF Advertising 7
Issue 2 9
Download as PDF Front matter 9
Download as PDF Table of Contents 9
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 9
Download as PDF Article: Die Salondampfboote "Italia" und "Germania" auf dem Luzerner-See 9
Download as PDF Article: Sur l'organisation du bataillon prussien de chemins de fer 10
Download as PDF Article: Nordost- und Nationalbahn 13
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 13
Download as PDF Advertising 14
Issue 3 17
Download as PDF Front matter 17
Download as PDF Table of Contents 17
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 17
Download as PDF Article: Topographische Aufnahmen im Hochgebirge 17
Download as PDF Article: Rollbahnschienen der schweiz. Nordostbahn 18
Download as PDF Article: Gotthardtunnel 18
Download as PDF Article: Problem mit continuirlichen Bremsen in England 19
Download as PDF Article: Das neue schweiz. Transportreglement 19
Download as PDF Article: Kahlenbergbahn: System Rigi 20
Download as PDF Article: Wortlaut des Metervertrages vom 20. Mai 1875 20
Download as PDF Obituary: Dufour, Guillaume-Henri 21
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 22
Download as PDF Advertising 23
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 3 25
Issue 4 29
Download as PDF Front matter 29
Download as PDF Table of Contents 29
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 29
Download as PDF Article: Die Rollwagen der schweizerischen Nordostbahn 29
Download as PDF Article: Belastungensproben der Thur- und Rheinbrücke 29
Download as PDF Article: Le sondage au diamant 30
Download as PDF Article: Eisenbahn Paris-Constantinopel 31
Download as PDF Article: Das eidgen. Schützenfest in St. Gallen 32
Download as PDF Article: Das neue schweiz. Transportreglement 33
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 34
Download as PDF Advertising 35
Issue 5 37
Download as PDF Front matter 37
Download as PDF Table of Contents 37
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 37
Download as PDF Article: Die Colmatage des Hinterlandes des Rheines im Canton St. Gallen 37
Download as PDF Article: Eisenbahn Paris-Constantinopel 38
Download as PDF Article: Bergbahnen: System Rigi 38
Download as PDF Article: Das neue schweiz. Transportreglement 39
Download as PDF Article: Die Lage der deutschen Eisenbahnen 39
Download as PDF Article: Internationale Ausstellung und Congress für Gesundheitspflege und Rettungswesen 40
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 41
Download as PDF Advertising 43
Issue 6 45
Download as PDF Front matter 45
Download as PDF Table of Contents 45
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 45
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Genauigkeit der Distanzmessung 45
Download as PDF Article: Die unterseeische Eisenbahn zwischen Frankreich und England 46
Download as PDF Article: Les matériaux de construction employés à Genève 46
Download as PDF Article: Das neue schweiz. Transportreglement 47
Download as PDF Article: Die Fusion der Westbahnen mit der Jura-Bern-Bahn 48
Download as PDF Article: Die Louisiana-Brücke über den Mississippi 49
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 49
Download as PDF Advertising 50
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 6 53
Issue 7 57
Download as PDF Front matter 57
Download as PDF Table of Contents 57
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 57
Download as PDF Article: Das Rollbahnmaterial der Schweizerischen Nordostbahn 57
Download as PDF Article: Die Luzerner Bahnhoffrage 57
Download as PDF Article: Rapport mensuel Nr. 28 du Conseil fédéral suisse sur l'état des travaux de la ligne du St.-Gothard au 30 juin 1875 58
Download as PDF Article: Das neue schweiz. Transportreglement 60
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 61
Download as PDF Advertising 62
Issue 8 65
Download as PDF Front matter 65
Download as PDF Table of Contents 65
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 65
Download as PDF Article: Die electrische Signalscheibe für Eisenbahnen 65
Download as PDF Article: Gotthardbahn 66
Download as PDF Article: Die Girard Avenue-Brücke in Philadelphia 67
Download as PDF Article: Die Betheiligung der Schweiz an der internationalen Weltausstellung in Philadelphia 1876 67
Download as PDF Article: Die Haftpflicht der Eisenbahn- und Dampfschifffahrt-Unternehmungen bei Tödtungen und Verletzungen 68
Download as PDF Article: Die Schutzzölle und die Eisenbahnen 69
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 70
Download as PDF Advertising 71
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 8 73
Issue 9 75
Download as PDF Front matter 75
Download as PDF Table of Contents 75
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 75
Download as PDF Article: Gesellschaft ehemaliger Studirender des eidgenössischen Polytechnikums in Zürich 75
Download as PDF Article: Percement du tunnel du Saint-Gothard 75
Download as PDF Article: Der Bergsturz bei Unterstein 76
Download as PDF Article: Die Explosion eines Lokomotivkessels während der Fahrt 76
Download as PDF Article: Zum internationalen Eisenbahnfrachtrecht 77
Download as PDF Article: Die Betheiligung der Schweiz an der internationalen Weltausstellung in Philadelphia 1876 78
Download as PDF Article: Eisenbahnfachschule am eidgen. Polytechnikum 78
Download as PDF Article: Bericht über den Einfluss der Entwaldungen 79
Download as PDF Article: Rechtsfälle 79
Download as PDF Article: Garderoben-Zimmer 80
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 80
Download as PDF Advertising 81
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 9 83
Issue 10 87
Download as PDF Front matter 87
Download as PDF Table of Contents 87
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 87
Download as PDF Article: Die Bergbahn von Rorschach nach Heiden 87
Download as PDF Article: Das Uebernahms-Protocoll der Brücke der Verbindungsbahn über den Rhein bei Basel 87
Download as PDF Article: Rapport mensuel Nr. 28 du Conseil fédéral suisse sur l'état des travaux de la ligne du St.-Gothard au 31 juilliet 1875 88
Download as PDF Article: La Compagnie de la Suisse Occidentale 89
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 90
Download as PDF Advertising 92
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 10 95
Issue 11 97
Download as PDF Front matter 97
Download as PDF Table of Contents 97
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 97
Download as PDF Article: Das eidgenössische Schützenfest in St. Gallen und der St. Galler Bahnhof 97
Download as PDF Article: Die Bötzbergbahn 98
Download as PDF Article: Schweizerische Eisenbahnen: Uebereinkommen über die Haftpflicht aus dem directen Verkehr 99
Download as PDF Article: Betrachtungen über die Brochure von Hartwich betitelt Gestaltung und Verwaltung des Eisenbahnwesens 100
Download as PDF Article: État des travaux du grand tunnel du Gothard au 31 Août 1875 102
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 102
Download as PDF Advertising 103
Issue 12 105
Download as PDF Front matter 105
Download as PDF Table of Contents 105
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 105
Download as PDF Article: Die Bohrungen nach Steinkohlen in Rheinfelden, Ct. Aargau 105
Download as PDF Article: Verordnung zum Bundesgesetz über den Transport auf Eisenbahnen 106
Download as PDF Article: Internationales Transportrecht 106
Download as PDF Article: Aus den Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichts in Expropriationsstreitigkeiten 108
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 109
Download as PDF Advertising 110
Issue 13 113
Download as PDF Front matter 113
Download as PDF Table of Contents 113
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 113
Download as PDF Association News 113
Download as PDF Article: Bern-Luzern-Bahn: Resultat der am 22. Juli 1875 bei der Voll-Collaudirung stattgehabten Brückenproben 114
Download as PDF Article: Gotthardtunnel 115
Download as PDF Article: Linksufrige Zürichseebahn 115
Download as PDF Article: Zu den Collaudationen 116
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 117
Download as PDF Advertising 118
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 13 121
Download as PDF Advertising 124
Issue 14 125
Download as PDF Front matter 125
Download as PDF Table of Contents 125
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 125
Download as PDF Article: Halle couverte en fer de la gare de Fribourg 125
Download as PDF Article: Randbemerkungen zum Entwurf des neuen schweizerischen Transportreglementes 126
Download as PDF Article: Deutsche Reichscommission für die Eisenbahntarifreform 128
Download as PDF Article: Deutsches Reich 128
Download as PDF Article: Zum österreichischen Eisenbahnprogramm 128
Download as PDF Article: Bundesrathsverhandlungen 129
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 129
Download as PDF Advertising 131
Issue 15 133
Download as PDF Front matter 133
Download as PDF Table of Contents 133
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 133
Download as PDF Association News 133
Download as PDF Article: Bericht des Comité's über Localbahnen in Wien 134
Download as PDF Article: Die Bohrungen nach Steinkohlen in Rheinfelden, Ct. Aargau 135
Download as PDF Competitions 136
Download as PDF Article: Nochmals die Collaudationen 137
Download as PDF Article: Randbemerkungen zum Entwurf des neuen schweizerischen Transportreglementes 138
Download as PDF Article: Etat des travaux du grand tunnel du Gothard au 30 septembre 1875 139
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 139
Download as PDF Advertising 140
Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 15 141
Download as PDF Advertising 144
Issue 16 145
Download as PDF Front matter 145
Download as PDF Table of Contents 145
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 145
Download as PDF Article: Schweizerische Eisenbahnwagen 145
Download as PDF Article: Zwei tausend Kilometer Eisenbahnen 146
Download as PDF Article: Die Winterfahrtordnung der schweizerischen Transportanstalten 148
Download as PDF Article: Aus dem bundesgerichtl. Entscheiden in Expropriationssachen 149
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 150
Download as PDF Advertising 151
Issue 17 153
Download as PDF Front matter 153
Download as PDF Table of Contents 153
Download as PDF Miscellaneous 153
Download as PDF Article: Beschreibung der schweizerischen Nationalbahn 153
Download as PDF Article: Rapport mensuel Nr. 33 du Conseil fédéral suisse sur l'état des travaux de la ligne du St.-Gothard au 31 août 1875 155
Download as PDF Article: Betriebseröffnungen Schweizerischer Eisenbahnen in den Jahren 1869-1875 157
Download as PDF Article: Denkmal Eschers v.d. Linth 157
Download as PDF Association News 157
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Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 17 161
Issue 18 163
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Download as PDF Article: Beschreibung der schweizerischen Nationalbahn 163
Download as PDF Competitions 165
Download as PDF Article: Zum Actiengesetz 166
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Issue 19 171
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Download as PDF Article: Beschreibung der schweizerischen Nationalbahn 171
Download as PDF Article: Etat des travaux du grand tunnel du Gothard au 31 octobre 1875 173
Download as PDF Article: Die Sandsteinbrüche in Ostermundigen bei Bern 173
Download as PDF Article: Zum Actiengesetz 174
Download as PDF Article: Die Arlbergbahn und die Stellung der Schweiz zu derselben 175
Download as PDF Article: Rechtsfälle 176
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Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 19 179
Issue 20 183
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Download as PDF Article: Der Stand der Arbeiten an der Jura-Gewässer-Correction 183
Download as PDF Article: Gotthardbahn 183
Download as PDF Article: Jura-Bern-Bahngesellschaft 184
Download as PDF Article: An das internationale Postbureau 185
Download as PDF Competitions 185
Download as PDF Article: Zum Actiengesetz 187
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Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 20 191
Issue 21 193
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Download as PDF Article: Das Eisenbahnunglück auf der Franz-Joseph-Bahn 193
Download as PDF Article: Ueber die Natur und Gefahren des Nitro-Glycerins und Dynamits 193
Download as PDF Article: Zum Actiengesetz 196
Download as PDF Article: Neues Transportreglement - Vertretung der Interessen des Handelstandes 197
Download as PDF Article: Deutsches Reich 198
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Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 21 201
Issue 22 203
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Download as PDF Article: Arlbergbahn 203
Download as PDF Article: Ueber normale Adhäsion und Adhäsions-Vermehrung bei Locomotiven 204
Download as PDF Article: Ueber gefahrlose Kuppelung von Eisenbahnwagen 204
Download as PDF Article: Versammlung des Vereines schweizerischer Geometer am 7. und 8. November in Zürich 205
Download as PDF Article: Bern-Luzernbahn 205
Download as PDF Article: Das Bundesgesetz über das Postregal 206
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Issue 23 211
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Download as PDF Article: Zugbarrière der Schweizerischen Nordostbahn 211
Download as PDF Article: Das Bundesgerichtsgebäude in Lausanne 212
Download as PDF Article: Nouvelles mesures prises pour le service d'exploitation de la Compagnie d'Orléans 212
Download as PDF Article: Ventilatoren für Eisenbahnwagen 212
Download as PDF Article: Arlbergbahn 212
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Issue 24 219
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Download as PDF Article: Halle couverte en fer de la gare de Fribourg 219
Download as PDF Article: Die Ventilation während der Arbeit im Gotthardtunnel 219
Download as PDF Article: Etat des travaux du grand tunnel du Gothard au 30 Novembre 1875 220
Download as PDF Article: Die East-River-Brücke in New-York 220
Download as PDF Article: Die Societé des Arts de Genève 221
Download as PDF Article: Polizei-Verordnung zum Schutze der Nordostbahn (inclusive Bötzbergbahn) und ihres Betriebes 222
Download as PDF Article: Voiture à vapeur de M. Belpaire 223
Download as PDF Article: Nouvel essai de traction sur les tramways 223
Download as PDF Article: Das Salzen der Schienen 223
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Issue 25 227
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Download as PDF Article: Neuer Schienenbiegapparat 227
Download as PDF Article: Die Explosion der Locomotive "Seesen" 227
Download as PDF Article: Ueber Ausschreibung von öffentlichen Concurrenzen zur Erlangung von Bauplänen 229
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Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 25 235
Issue 26 239
Download as PDF Front matter 239
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Download as PDF Article: Ueber Ausschreibung von öffentlichen Concurrenzen zur Erlangung von Bauplänen 239
Download as PDF Article: Rapport mensuel Nr. 35 du Conseil fédéral suisse sur l'état des travaux de la ligne du St.-Gothard au 31 Octobre 1875 240
Download as PDF Article: Exposition allemande à Berlin 242
Download as PDF Article: Artesische Brunnen in America 242
Download as PDF Article: Un nouveau combustible aggloméré 242
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Download as PDF Appendix: Beilage zu Nr. 26 247